My Cherry Will Explode in the Apocalypse

Chapter 38: Encounter wounded soldiers


This red rain lasted for one day and one night, until the next day when the sun was high, the red rain finally stopped.

Although it is said that as long as Su Ruizhe is around, they can eat and drink without worry, and with Song Chengshu's homemade ice cubes, the room does not seem so stuffy, but it is not as comfortable as lying on the bed in the villa. The lounge area is too small, seven people and a cat squeezed together, it is a bit crowded.

Most importantly, the zombies outside kept roaring like they had been on stimulants, which was really noisy.

Finally, they hoped that the rain would stop, and when the sun went down, they could leave this ghost place.

They fell asleep in a daze, and when they woke up, it was already past four o'clock in the afternoon. In another hour or two, the sun was going to set, but when they looked out the window, they shuddered. Zombies who are afraid of the scorching sun no longer hide in the dark, not only in the hospital, but also on the road outside, there are densely packed zombies wandering around...

Although they had already prepared for it when they saw the effect of the strange red rain on the zombies, they were still shocked when they saw it with their own eyes.

"How can we leave later?" Zheng Jiahe looked at the densely packed zombies downstairs, feeling goosebumps all over his body. Originally, the zombies were also a little afraid of the vicious sun. As soon as the sun came out, they would scatter and hide in dark corners everywhere. They could go out when the sun went down and the zombies hadn't gathered yet.

However, that now appears to be impossible.

"You can go as you come, there is always a way to open the way, what are you worried about." Su Ruizhe took out a banana from the space and gnawed it.

Zheng Jiahe's eyes suddenly brightened, how could he have forgotten that there is Su Ruizhe, a big killer!

"Xiao Zhe, change me into a bomb?" Zheng Jiahe leaned over and whispered.

Su Ruizhe smiled, then put his left hand in his pocket, and when he took it out again, it was a round red bomb, which he transformed according to the weapon atlas.

Su Ruizhe, a commoner, has never seen any weapons since he was a child. He has no room for imagination, so he can't do any tricks. He can only change according to the book and the weapon atlas. And to weaponize plants, he is just in the groping stage, so he can only follow the game that he has played a few times. Fortunately, the Zheng family and this gaming nerd are here, so they can help a lot.

Turning cherries into bombs is different from turning peas into bullets. Bullets are small and don't consume much ability to transform them, but turning cherries into bombs does consume some abilities. However, Su Ruizhe's wood ability is level three, and his ability reserve can be said to be the largest in the world, so he is not worried about excessive consumption of abilities.

Zheng Jiahe hurriedly hid the bomb in his pocket like a treasure, it might come in handy in a while.

"When you leave later, you should throw it out as hard as possible. Remember to throw it farther away to attract the attention of the walking zombies." Zhan Yun saw Zheng Jiahe's movements with sharp eyes, and said accordingly.

Hearing this, Zheng Jiahe pursed his lips, the bomb was just in his hand, and it was about to fly away before it was warmed up.

There is no man who doesn't love weapons. He has actually been coveting Zhanyun's gun for a long time, but he dared not open his mouth. It is enough to get a bomb now, but he never thought that he would not be able to keep it. But when he thought about it again, the majesty of bombing zombies made him feel happy again.

It's just a bomb, at worst, let Xiao Zhe change it into another one later.

Finally, the sun went down, but there were still a lot of zombies entrenched downstairs. They probably sensed that there was food nearby, but they couldn't find a way to enter the building, so they could only walk around in circles downstairs. . Those who were farther away all walked out of the hospital and wandered along the road to nowhere.

"Zheng Jiahe, get ready!" As Zhan Yun's voice fell, Zheng Jiahe just opened the window and was about to throw the bomb into the distance with all his strength, when he heard a burst of gunfire from far to near. Most of the zombies entrenched downstairs were successfully attracted away.

"Where did the gunshot come from? What's going on here?"

"I don't know, could it be that government reinforcements have arrived?"

"So fast? Impossible...?"

"The sound should not be far away, let's take a look."

This kind of heavy firearm is very rare in Huaguo, where gun control is very strict. The person who fired the gun should be a soldier. No matter what, you have to take a look.

"Okay." Everyone had no opinion.

Opening the door of the lounge room, everyone walked out one by one. Yu Dongdong hugged the cat obediently and was led downstairs by Su Ruizhe, neither noisy nor disturbing, really cute.

The off-road vehicle was taken out from the space. Although it was scratched a lot due to the impact, the car was not seriously damaged. It really deserves to be a high-end brand, and the quality is excellent.

Zhang Shuoliang removed the hole that had been blocked before, and after everyone got into the car, Zhan Yun drove out quickly. Most of the zombies were attracted by the gunshots, and there were not many zombies blocking the way at the moment, so Zhan Yun just violently crushed them all the way.

Just when they got off the main road and were about to turn a corner, an army-green truck drove past them in a hurry, followed by a large number of gnawing zombies.

Zhan Yun frowned slightly, and looked in the rearview mirror. As they had guessed, it was a military card, and it should be a soldier. But after seeing where the truck was going, Zhan Yun immediately turned the steering wheel sharply, turned around abruptly, and chased after him again.

"Is that an army card? Where are they going?" Song Chengshu also saw the army green truck.

"If I read correctly, they should be going to the hospital we came out of just now..."

Sure enough, when the army green truck drove to the entrance of the hospital, it rushed in, and then there were continuous gunshots.

Zhan Yun felt that they must have been injured, so they needed to go to the hospital to find medicine or other medical equipment, but the number of these zombies was too much.

The off-road vehicle re-entered the hospital, and Zhan Yun manipulated the supernatural power to move the fallen iron door of the hospital to the door, and stuck it on the wall, barely able to block the zombies' footsteps.

Although such a rough iron gate is of little use to the many zombies chasing after it, it can at least buy them some time.

The army green truck had already parked at the entrance of the emergency department building. More than a dozen soldiers were shooting and killing the approaching zombies, while others carried three or four people covered in blood into the building.

"Platoon leader! Could it be that this place has already been raided?" A young soldier with thick eyebrows and big eyes looked at the big hole in the wall of the emergency department building and asked worriedly.

"Anyway, you have to take a look!" The squad leader was a dark-skinned man who looked about thirty years old. hurt.

"Platoon leader! A car is coming!"

"Who is it?"

"I don't know... it's an off-road vehicle, it shouldn't be the people over there."

"Get ready for the battle!"


When Zhanyun and the others got out of the car, they saw a group of ... wounded soldiers holding guns and looking wary.

That's right, they are wounded soldiers, and almost everyone has wounds on their bodies. Counting the seriously injured people who were lifted off the military card, there were seventeen people in total.

"Who?!" Zhao Bing looked at Zhan Yun and the others warily.

"We are survivors, and we happened to see you, so we wanted to come over and ask for some news."

Zhao Bing glanced at them for a while, and although he felt that they were not too threatening, he did not allow them to approach, but said coldly, "If you want to ask the government's rescue force, we don't know. All means of communication are down and we have lost contact with our superiors."

Zhan Yun was not surprised by this, on the contrary, he wanted to know what happened to these soldiers.

"Can we go in? Zombies are about to come around." The door is not a good place to talk, the iron door that Zhan Yun stuck on the wall with his ability has been a little loose under the impact of the zombies the trend of.

Zhao Bing hesitated for a moment, glanced at the direction of the door, and finally agreed with them to enter the building.

As soon as Zhan Yun and the others entered the building, the group of zombies broke through the barrier at the door and rushed in.

"Ah Liang! The earthen wall!"

Zhang Shuoliang once again sealed the hole in the wall of the building with an earthen wall, and reinforced several floors. The rushing zombies were one step too late, and were locked outside, so they could only growl unwillingly and slammed into the wall desperately.

"Ability user!" After seeing Zhang Shuoliang using his ability, the soldiers showed no gratitude at all. Instead, they raised their guns and pointed them in their direction.

"What are you doing?" Zhan Yun frowned slightly, the attitude of these soldiers was really weird.

The two sides stalemate for a long time before Zhao Bing took a step forward and signaled the others to put down their weapons.

"Sorry, we overreacted."

"What on earth happened?"

Zhao Bing pursed his lips, as if he didn't want to say more, but a soldier beside him couldn't help but said, "We saved so many people with all our efforts, all of them are white-eyed wolves!"

The author has something to say: There are mice at home... I was so scared that I didn't sleep well all night, there were all kinds of noises in the living room, it scared me to death, and I was about to have a heart attack! ! ! ! ! I didn't sleep last night, and I was constantly woken up by the phone during the day. I was dazed, and my head felt a little dull. I feel that what I wrote today is not very good, and I will rework it later.

[The Little Theater on Moshang]

Auntie: I didn't expect Su Xiaozhe to hug her big thick legs after not seeing her for a while, so it shouldn't be difficult for me to hug her too.

Su Xiaozhe: What do you want to do to me? !

Zhan Xiaoyun: I didn't tell you that the biggest thick leg in this team is Su Xiaozhe, hum! Roll rough!

Song Chengshu: Ah, it’s going to rain, it’s cool!

Zhan Xiaoyun: Handyman, close the window! It's time for you to experience the speed of life and death!

Song Chengshu:

Zombie: Whoa, whoa, whoa... I'll let you hit my companion on the head, wait, wait until I'm baptized by the rain, and see where you can go! wow wow...

Su Xiaozhe: The rescue team is coming soon, do you want to follow

Zhan Xiaoyun: Let's go if we say go, you have everything I have!

Su Xiaozhe: Help! I always attack like a fine score!

I didn't know what to write, so I had to take out the protagonist and play with it. (^^^)