My Cherry Will Explode in the Apocalypse

Chapter 4: Magical Uses of Toys (Second Update)


Wu Qi's cooking skills are still so good. The crispy and delicious barbecue makes Su Ruizhe's mouth full of oil. After being reborn from the end of the world, his goal besides surviving is to have meat every day in the future.

After finishing lunch quickly, Su Ruizhe found a public phone booth and called that old Zhang. It's not that he is so poor that he can't even afford a mobile phone, he still has the money to buy a second-hand mobile phone. It's just that he feels that the end of the world will come soon, when there will be no signal, the mobile phone will be like scrap iron, and those hundreds of dollars might as well be used to buy some food.

When Lao Zhang heard that it was the client introduced by Wu Qi, he was very enthusiastic. He happened to have time this afternoon, so he told Su Ruizhe the address and asked him to meet directly at his chicken farm.

Lao Zhang's chicken farm is in the countryside in the suburbs. In order to save money, Su Ruizhe took three buses and spent more than two hours on the bus before arriving at his destination.

Lao Zhang is in his fifties, and he looks like a loyal and honest person. Knowing that he was introduced by Wu Qi, don't mention how enthusiastic he is. He helped pick out 20 little chickens and 20 ducklings. It is alive and kicking.

It happened to be dinner time, and Lao Zhang's wife was also an enthusiastic person, so she insisted on staying with Su Ruizhe for dinner, but he couldn't resist his kindness, so he had to agree. The dinner in the farmhouse is very simple. It is a big pot of stewed chicken with mushrooms and a big bowl of braised pork. The big pot of stewed chicken with mushrooms is cooked with home-grown chicken. The meat is fragrant and tender, especially delicious, not to mention Speaking of the braised pork, each piece is fat and thin pork belly. It has been cooked on high heat for an afternoon, and it is so crispy that it melts in the mouth! Even the white rice that was stuffed in a large pot in his own home had an excellent taste, soft and sweet, and Su Ruizhe finished a large bowl of rice in two bites. He was a little embarrassed at first, but Lao Zhang and his wife cheerfully gave him more food and kept asking him to eat more.

He gradually let go, and ate three big bowls of white rice with the delicious meat.

"Hahaha, you young man! You just need to eat more! You're so healthy!" Old Zhang and his wife were also happy when they saw how delicious he was eating.

After eating and drinking enough, Lao Zhang also prepared two big baskets for him, filled them with fluffy chickens and ducklings, chirping and chattering, and it was very lively, so he charged him five hundred yuan in total.

"Young man, go back quickly, it's hard to walk when it's dark." The enthusiastic old Zhang sent him all the way to the station.

"Okay, thank you, Uncle Zhang." After a pause, Su Ruizhe lowered his voice and said to Lao Zhang, "My family has some connections in the government. I heard that the weather will become hotter and hotter for a while. Don’t sell food or anything outside, it’s better to stock up on more food at home.”

"Okay! Then what is the high temperature coming again? I know! Thank you, young man!"

Su Ruizhe looked at the back of Lao Zhang leaving, and sighed, there was only so much he could help him.

The sky was getting dark, and at this time the station was empty except for Su Ruizhe, so he simply put all the things he was carrying into the space. When the bus arrived, he got on the bus with ease.

It took three more buses to get home. As soon as I opened the door, I saw a piece of paper stuffed under the ground. Su Ruizhe picked it up and looked at it, and found that it was written by his aunt. Apparently she came to look for him again today, but he was not at home, so she was rejected again, so she specially left a note for him. Judging from the force with which the handwriting was written, Su Ruizhe could imagine the anger in her heart. The note only said that the uncle missed him, and asked him to go to their house for dinner tomorrow.

Su Ruizhe sneered, tore the piece of paper into pieces, and threw it into the trash can.

After locking the door, Su Ruizhe stepped into the space.

The little chickens and ducklings were having fun on the wide grassland on the other side of the spring, and they were all very energetic, but they seemed to be confined to this area, and did not run to spoil the vegetable garden and orchard. Su Ruizhe took some millet and sprinkled it on the ground. Seeing these little guys eating without looking up, he smiled and rolled his eyes.

Thinking of the stewed chicken with mushrooms and braised pork at Lao Zhang's house today, Su Ruizhe couldn't help but swallow his saliva. He really had been hungry for too long in the last days, and he absolutely didn't want to repeat that painful day.

These little things have males and females. As long as they are raised well, they will grow up soon. At that time, not only eggs and duck eggs will be eaten, but also new chickens and ducks will be born, and they will be able to eat meat from time to time in the future. Sure enough, no matter what you do, you must pay attention to a sustainable development.

Su Ruizhe also plans to buy some rabbits, pigs, cattle and sheep. Rabbits are in estrus all year round, and they reproduce very quickly. The pigs, cattle and sheep are all for enriching the future diet. Although the valley is not big, it should be enough to raise these animals .

Looking at the clear spring water, Su Ruizhe thought about going back tomorrow to buy some tools, dig a small fish pond in the open space, and raise some fry. He remembered that Zhan Yun said that he likes to eat fish.

Thinking of Zhan Yun, Su Ruizhe couldn't help but want to sigh, how can he get closer to Zhan Yun? A guarded person like Zhan Yun would definitely not have any good feelings for someone who came up out of nowhere.


Shaking his head, Su Ruizhe decided not to think about it for the time being. Like yesterday, he picked a lot of vegetables and fruits and put them in the bag, preparing to sell them for money tomorrow.

Stock up on daily necessities, as well as clothes and medicines, which are non-renewable things in the last days.

There are too many things to do, too many things to buy, and he only hates that time is too short and money is too little. When the relocation notice comes out, he will definitely sign the contract as soon as possible! Three hundred thousand! I don't know how many things I can buy!

Unfortunately, he remembered that it would take at least a month before the eviction notice would come down. In the previous life, he had received the relocation payment less than five days before the end of the world came.

Hey, let's continue to sell vegetables tomorrow, at least I can earn nearly a thousand yuan a day.


The next day, Su Ruizhe went to sell vegetables outside the East Street Vegetable Market with the fresh fruits and vegetables picked from the space. Probably those aunts and mothers who came out to buy vegetables early in the morning bought vegetables of excellent quality from him. Although the price may be slightly more expensive, they are still willing to buy from him. Who keeps his stuff fresh and delicious? I heard it was home grown!

A morning passed quickly. Su Ruizhe packed his bags and cart, patted the dust off his body, and left directly. He still had a lot of things to buy today.

He found a random beef noodle restaurant, and after eating two large bowls of braised beef noodles, Su Ruizhe set off for the second-hand market.

He really doesn't have much money now, so he can only try his luck here, looking for bargains.

However, he wandered around and didn't see anything he wanted. There are mostly second-hand electronic products here, but the end of the world is coming, so he is not willing to spend money to buy these junks! Now is the time for him to spend money, and every penny must be spent wisely.

Just as he was about to leave the second-hand market, he suddenly saw a bunch of toy guns on a very inconspicuous booth in the corner.

More precisely, it should be a toy air gun, a toy gun that shoots plastic bullets through compressed air or a little gunpowder. These toy guns vary in size and are imitations of some of the more popular firearms in TV dramas, such as pistols, revolvers, semi-automatic pistols, submachine guns, etc., but they are toy guns, which are very different from real guns. It can be seen that it is a toy, and there is no need to worry about causing panic when you go out with these things.

Su Ruizhe's eyes lit up immediately. For others, these toy air guns may be something for children to play with. After they are loaded with plastic bullets, they can at most shoot balloons and birds. They are not lethal at all, but for Su Ruizhe For him, it was the best weapon for him!

"How do you sell this gun?" Su Ruizhe suppressed the excitement in his heart, walked over slowly, and asked as if looking casually.

"Three hundred for one piece! There are thirteen in total. If you want it sincerely, you can give me three thousand."

The toy gun was sold by a middle-aged man who was dressed in a down-and-out dress. He wore a pair of metal glasses and his eyes were sunken. In time, Su Ruizhe guessed that something happened to his family, so he sold these things, so Su Ruizhe didn't bargain with him, and simply took out the money from his pocket, and directly sold these things on the ground. Bought all the toy guns.

There were thirteen toy guns, big and small, all types, and the man gave him some plastic bullets as a gift. He sighed heavily and left.

The people at the booth next to him also sighed, and chattered with Su Ruizhe when he knelt down to pack his things. It turned out that this person had also set up a stall in this second-hand market for several days. I heard that the family’s teenage son was gone. These toy guns were all his son’s favorite things, and he only took them when the family was short of money. These are for some money.

Every family has scriptures that are difficult to recite, and it is not easy for anyone.

Su Ruizhe left the second-hand market with these toy guns, found an empty public toilet, and put the things into the space.

Three thousand yuan, almost all of Su Ruizhe's savings from selling fruits and vegetables in the past three days after his rebirth, is now all used to buy these toy guns.

Anyone else would definitely think that Su Ruizhe was being stupid, but Su Ruizhe himself felt that he had made a very good deal.

Regardless of whether it is before or after the end of the world, guns and ammunition are not something that ordinary people like him can get. To others, these toy guns may be just toys, but to Su Ruizhe they are different.

Su Ruizhe's ability is very special, he can turn the vegetables and fruits grown in his own space into weapons, just like a very popular mini game, the peas in his vegetable garden can be turned into a kind of green bullet, Loading it into a toy or a gun can almost be used as a real gun, and it is a very effective means to deal with some low-level zombies.