My Cherry Will Explode in the Apocalypse

Chapter 43: successfully escaped


However, it is impossible to take so many people away at the same time without means of transportation. Although there are dozens of off-road vehicles in Su Ruizhe's space, they can't hold 800 people, so he still has to use military trucks. They asked where the car was parked from the previous population, but if they wanted to snatch the car, they would definitely make a lot of noise.

In terms of numbers, they are actually not too disadvantaged. After all, they are all soldiers who have received strict training. Those survivors were injured in the plot, which is actually very disadvantageous for them.

The top priority is to grab the weapons first, just like the survivors who took the opportunity to raid the weapon arsenal before, Zhan Yun also made the same plan. Although those people have the arsenal, it is impossible to distribute weapons to every survivor. These weapons are at most only in the hands of a few people, so there are still many weapons in the arsenal.

Zhan Yun originally wanted to take Su Ruizhe directly to the arsenal to put all the weapons into the space and bring them back, but this would undoubtedly expose Su Ruizhe's space. More than 800 people, in the end there are too many people talking, if the news is accidentally leaked, it will bring great danger to Su Ruizhe.

It is absolutely impossible for Zhan Yun to take risks with Su Ruizhe!

So Zhan Yun finally decided to simply rush to the arsenal and grab it!

I don't know if it was their luck or something, but under the cover of the night and the extremely loose defense of these survivors, they successfully bypassed several guards and went to the arsenal. The arsenal is located in the center of the barracks, surrounded by dormitory buildings, and there are eight people with weapons in their hands guarding the door, which is really difficult to deal with.

Zhan Yun's strategy of using beauty tricks to deal with those four people seems a bit inapplicable.

"Then let me do it." Zhan Yun smiled slightly, and his abilities gushed out.

Those who were in charge of guarding the arsenal saw that the torch was suddenly extinguished, and they were plunged into darkness. Before they could react, they were already crushed to the ground by a heavy force. They opened their mouths to scream, but they were already caught by a powerful force The pressure is so oppressive that I can't make any sound.

Then there was an inexplicable puff of smoke around them, and they couldn't see clearly. They only felt that their bones were shaking, and even breathing was very laborious. They even suspected that they would be so inexplicably pressured out of thin air. crushed to death.

They quickly lost consciousness completely, and everyone ran over in a hurry, rummaging through them for the key to the arsenal.

It's just that they didn't find it. It seems that the key should be in the hands of those two supernatural beings. But this is not important, they have Zheng Jiahe, and with his strength, they can remove the broken lock with bare hands.

It was only then that the soldiers discovered that most of this extremely small team were all supernatural beings!

After successfully opening the door to the arsenal, everyone immediately entered the arsenal, equipping themselves with all the weapons that could be equipped.

At this time, the dormitory also noticed that the fire on the side of the weapon depot was extinguished, and they vaguely heard that someone was already making noise and coming towards this side.

Everyone also rushed out immediately, and the two sides immediately fell into a fierce battle.

After everyone rushed out, Zhan Yun asked Su Ruizhe to quietly take away the remaining weapons in the arsenal, not intending to keep them for the survivors at all.

Soldiers are soldiers after all, they are not comparable to the rabble of survivors, and soon wailing was heard everywhere, screams, gunshots and crying resounded through the night.

The wounded were protected at the rear, and others were responsible for opening and protecting the front. They advanced while fighting, and soon came to the garage, where more than a dozen military trucks were parked.

Unfortunately, there is no car key.

They arrested a person for interrogation, and the person said that all the keys were in the hands of their boss.

It seems that it is impossible not to find those two bosses.

Just as he was thinking about it, a ball of fire hit the ground straight, and the flames that exploded made the soldiers have to retreat for a long distance. It was obvious that the fire-type power user had come.

The fire-type superpower was standing on the upper floor of a small building very flamboyantly, throwing fireballs on the ground while shouting at the soldiers, "Shooting at civilians, what kind of soldiers are you?!"

"What kind of civilians are you!" Zhao Bing was unambiguous, and immediately threw a fireball. The act of these people occupying the barracks and shooting at the soldiers is an extremely serious illegal act before the end of the world. There is nothing wrong with shooting at the lawbreakers!

"They also have people with fire abilities!" The survivors' team immediately became chaotic.

"Humph! Do it!" Following the words of the fire-type supernatural being, a phantom flashed by, and a soldier fell down clutching his throat, and his throat was actually cut!

Other soldiers immediately stepped forward and firmly held the wound on the neck of their comrades, but the next moment, he also fell down.

"Ah..." The soldiers' ranks immediately became chaotic, the invisible enemy was really terrifying.

"Be careful, everyone, there is another speed-type supernatural power!" Zhao Bing shouted loudly.

Just as his words fell, he felt a pain in his back, and someone stabbed him in the back. Zhao Bing was in pain, subconsciously wanted to turn his head, and then only saw a cold light hit his neck.

Zhao Bing had already realized what that cold light was, but the opponent's speed was too fast, he couldn't avoid it. He widened his eyes a little unwillingly, obviously he was going to succeed...

However, the expected severe pain did not occur, but instead, the sound of a heavy object falling to the ground was heard.

Zhao Bing opened his eyes in surprise, and found a young man lying in front of him. This person seemed to be firmly pressed to the ground by an invisible big hand, his hands and feet were twitching non-stop, and the bloody dagger had already fallen to the ground.

The man's face was completely congested and red, blood gradually seeped from the corners of his eyes, the sound of bones breaking could be heard in his ears, and at the end he could smell a strong smell of blood. This man's body was completely crushed. It was pressed into the ground, and the death was quite miserable.

The three soldiers who had their throats cut before were silent, and Zhao Bing was also seriously injured. In his rage, Zhan Yun made a bold move and crushed this man to death with ten times the force of gravity. This blow consumed most of his powers, but fortunately he had crystal nuclei to replenish his powers, and he quickly regained his strength.

Because of the distance and the darkness, the fire-type supernatural being couldn't see clearly what was going on here. He only knew that the soldiers were in chaos. He thought his plan had succeeded, and began to speak out even more recklessly.

It's just that without the speed user, the fire ability user alone has limited lethality, and without the crystal nucleus as a supplement, the fire ability user will soon be unable to hold on. The bullets in the hands of those survivors were quickly emptied, and they gradually fell into a passive state.

At this time, Wu Jing quietly turned into smoke and floated up to the small building, and then suddenly appeared behind the fire element user, and pushed hard.

The fire-type power user turned pale with fright, screamed and fell from the top floor, falling to his death on the spot.

Probably for the convenience of using the ability, this fire-type ability user was naked from the upper body, and his clothes were taken off next to him. Wu Jing found a small bag from his pocket, which was filled with keys. Wu Jing didn't care about this anymore, she just jumped upstairs with the bag in her hand. When she was about to hit the ground, her body suddenly drifted away and then gathered again, and landed firmly on the ground.

Picking up the bag that fell on the ground, Wu Jing returned to her friends with a smile on her face. Now she has a better grasp of abilities, and she is more flexible in using them.

There are marks on the car keys, which provides great convenience for them to quickly find the corresponding vehicle.

The soldiers quickly found the keys of the vehicle, and got into the car together, even dragging the body of the dead companion into the car.

More than a dozen military cards smashed through the gate of the barracks and rushed out. Since these people want the barracks, let them leave it!

Zhan Yun led them towards the direction of the villa area, and encountered many zombies along the way, but they were crushed by them directly.

When passing by a private gas station, the team found that there were many zombies in the gas station, so it is very likely that the gas station has not been visited by anyone. So they stopped the car, went in to clean up the zombies, checked the gas tank, and there was indeed a lot of gas in it, so they filled up all the cars before leaving the gas station.

When they came to the villa area, it was already past five o'clock in the morning, and it would be dawn soon, so everyone had to settle down as soon as possible.

"This villa area has not been released to the public before the end of the world, and no one has moved in. There are many empty houses, all of which have simple decoration and furniture. You can live in directly, settle down first, and take a good rest. Our house is The one in the east corner. Your wounded can live closer to us, we have doctors here, and we have collected some medicines at home." Zhan Yun sat on his military card, and looked at Zhao Bing, who was resting beside him. So said.

"Thank you, thank you!" Zhao Bing sincerely thanked Zhan Yun. If it wasn't for Zhan Yun's help, they would never have successfully rescued all their comrades.

"You're welcome, it's nothing more than a little effort!" Zhan Yun waved his hand, directing Junka to drive towards his villa. The other military cards also scattered, heading towards other empty houses.

It's just that when Junka came to the door of Zhanyun's villa, he found that there was a large amount of dust and blood at the door. Not to mention a piece of the wall fell down, even a window was broken! ! !

Looking at the potholes on the ground, it seemed that there were traces left by some riots. The soldier who was driving stopped the car immediately and reported the situation to Zhao Bing.

Obviously, someone broke into Zhanyun's house and detonated the potato mine left by Su Ruizhe.

The author has something to say: Today I watched a variety show called The Temptation of Dinner, and Werewolf Killing was so fun... I wanted to give it a try, and went to play for a while, and then I was addicted to the world of Werewolf Killing... Looking back It's already 8:30 p.m., and I haven't even eaten, it's scary! ! ! ! ! I won’t play anymore, I will review QAQ

[Small Theater with Wood Fuso]

Seeing that the injured brother did not receive treatment, Zhao Bing was furious.

Zhao Bing: I want to kill them!

Zhan Yun: First heal your brother before talking about these things.

Su Ruizhe: Yes! Heal them first before slaughtering those white-eyed wolves!

Wu Jing:. . .

Zhan Yun: Xiao Zhe, please put down that handful of cherries, I'm so scared.

[The Little Theater on Moshang]

Zhao Bing: Tell me! Where are the supernatural beings

Little cannon fodder shaking and shaking: I say! I say! Rest in the dormitory.

Zhan Xiaoyun: Rest

Little Cannon Fodder: It's that kind of rest! Not just rest at all!

Zhan Xiaoyun: Cough cough!

Dongdong and Xiaohei: Meow

Su Xiaozhe: What kind of rest is rest that is not simple at all

Zhao Bing: Are there many types of rest? Is it complicated for the rest? make it clear!

Little Cannon Fodder: Stupid! It's just two people in a sauce, it's a goblin fight, it's something indescribable from the neck down, and the popular point is roll, bed, sheet!

Su Xiaozhe: Huh! So dirty!

Dongdong: Shushu, here's your washing powder, Liby's!