My Cherry Will Explode in the Apocalypse

Chapter 44: rescue message


Seeing the situation in front of him, Zhan Yun was really angry. Is his house inlaid with gold or diamonds? Why is he being targeted again and again? !

There were potholes and bloodstains left on the fallen wall. The perpetrators seemed to have been severely blown up by Su Ruizhe's potato mines. I don't know how many were injured.

The doors and windows of Zhanyun’s villa are all reinforced anti-theft doors and windows. The fence outside the window on the first floor was bent, and one window was broken. Obviously, those people’s anti-theft doors are not so easy to be damaged, so those people should be from the window. Enter the villa.

The second floor of the villa still has flames shining through, those little thieves might still be in the house!

The second floor is the bedroom of Zhan Yun and Su Ruizhe, no matter whose room the thief occupies, Zhan Yun is very upset.

Doves occupying the magpie's nest so blatantly, is tolerable or unbearable!

Zhan Yun opened the gate with the key, and rushed in together with Su Ruizhe and others. The soldiers even surrounded the villa directly, making it impossible for those inside to escape.

The room was in a mess, the house was smashed as if someone had vented their anger, all the electrical appliances and furniture in the house were smashed to pieces, even the sofa was poked several times, pots and pans were also smashed It was smashed.

How much hate is this

They went upstairs immediately, but there was no one upstairs. The fire in the room on the second floor was because someone lit it! Someone piled all the clothes in their wardrobes in the middle of the room and lit a fire, but there was no fuel, and the flames did not spread immediately.

"Fuck!" After Zhan Yun extinguished the flames, he couldn't help but swear.

Su Ruizhe frowned deeply. He already had a guess in his mind about the person who would do this.

Knowing that they lived here and had a grudge against them, the people who would smash furniture to vent their anger when they were not at home were obviously only the group that Zhan Yun and the others gave a severe lesson to them not long ago.

That group failed to pry open the door that day, but Zhang Shuoliang and Zhan Yun gave him a hard lesson. They held their anger for a few days and looked for an opportunity to vent their anger!

After Su Ruizhe told Zhan Yun his guess, Zhan Yun also took it seriously.

"Looking at the intensity of the fire, those people should not have gone far!" Zhan Yun gritted his teeth and said.

"But now I don't know where to find them. It's almost dawn, you should find another place to live..." Zhao Bing sighed after seeing the situation in the house. If this is the case, it will definitely not be able to live with people.

Although Zhanyun is really popular, he has no other choice now, he can only find another vacant villa in the villa area to live in. Zhao Bing and the others also live near their villas, all of which are vacant houses with simple decoration and simple furniture, so it is no problem to move in directly.

The villa that Zhanyun and the others chose is larger than the original one. Although there are no anti-theft doors and windows, the security is definitely not as good as the original villa, but now the entire villa area is full of soldiers, and the security is actually worse than that of the original villa. It has improved a lot before.

Su Ruizhe brought out a few boxes of mineral water and a few empty buckets, asked Song Chengshu to fill the empty buckets with water, and Zheng Jiahe delivered them to the soldiers. Although the quantity was not large, it could always quench everyone's thirst. At the same time, they also sent a lot of medicine and gauze, so that the injured soldiers could take care of their wounds.

Because the villa is bigger, Zhan Yun and Su Ruizhe still live upstairs, and the others still live downstairs, but with an extra room, Song Chengshu and Zheng Jiahe don't need to sleep together. With Su Ruizhe, the mobile warehouse, they quickly arranged the room. After Song Chengshu filled everyone with water, everyone took turns to wash their bodies briefly, put on clean clothes, and then went back to their rooms to rest.

It was dawn soon, and the high temperature during the day was really unbearable. Everyone closed the curtains, lay down to catch up on sleep, and did not come out again until night.

As soon as the sun set, Zhan Yun and the others heard the voice of the army card, probably a soldier drove out of the villa area. The soldiers now have a place to live, but they have no food or water, and they still have to collect supplies.

Probably seeing Zhan Yun and his house lighted up, there was a knock on the door outside.

As soon as the door was opened, Zhan Yun was a little surprised to find that the knocker was a tall soldier he didn't know.

"Mr. Zhan, hello, platoon leader Zhao asked me to tell you that last night someone found a group of suspicious people living in a house in front of the villa area, which may be related to the smashing of your house." The tall soldiers put their feet together After saluting to Zhan Yun, he said.

Last night, the soldiers moved into different villas. Some soldiers found a house on the north side, which seemed to be inhabited. They didn't think much about it at first. After all, they were all empty houses without owners, and anyone could come and live there. , maybe other survivors from outside.

But they found that after hearing the movement outside, those people seemed to be spying furtively through the windows.

After all the soldiers moved in, the people living in that building came to ask them about the situation, asking if they were the troops who came to rescue them, when they could be rescued from here, etc. Garrison, now very disappointed after news of losing contact with the government. Next, they wanted to ask the soldiers for food and wound medicine. These soldiers didn't have them themselves, and of course they couldn't provide them.

Those people's faces were pulled down on the spot, and they left cursing.

Out of the instinctive vigilance of the survivors and the vigilance of the soldiers, they monitored the people in that building.

Later, someone came to deliver water, gauze and other medicines, and they heard from their comrades that the house of the Zhanyun team had been smashed. Although they didn't have much contact with Zhanyun's team, they all knew that Zhanyun's team was their savior, so they naturally hated those who smashed their houses. I heard that there was blood on the ground, so someone should have been injured by the mechanism set up by Su Ruizhe.

Thinking of the wound medicine mentioned earlier in the building opposite, the soldiers connected the two things together, and when it got dark, they immediately ran to report to Platoon Leader Zhao. Platoon Leader Zhao arranged for someone to notify Zhan Yun and the others. Yesterday he heard Zhan Yun say that he already knew who did it, whether it was the people in that villa or not, just let Zhan Yun identify it. .

"Take me to see!" Zhan Yun immediately followed the soldier, Su Ruizhe and the others did not follow, there are so many soldiers in the villa area, plus Zhan Yun's own strength, he can't suffer.

Zhan Yun went there for about half an hour and then came back. The ones who smashed the house were those people, and half of them were taught a lesson by Zhan Yun and the others last time. Because they were resentful, they came to smash the house to vent their hatred while they were away. Zhan Yun only said that he had already dealt with it, and didn't say much else, so everyone didn't ask any more questions, but everyone could vaguely guess how Zhan Yun handled it.

At this time, Su Ruizhe had already prepared dinner. The cooking utensils used for cooking were a very portable cassette stove bought in the supermarket, and the gas tanks used to burn the gas were bought several boxes, and later they were still in the supermarket. The warehouse is smoother, and it should be able to last for a long time.

He only made two simple dishes, shredded pork with green pepper and scrambled eggs with tomato, and cooked two pots of rice. Seven people and one cat ate a hot and full meal comfortably. The cats are still prepared with canned fish. Before finding a suitable cat food, I can only eat canned fish for the temporarily wronged cats.

After the meal, it was still Wu Jing and Zhang Shuoliang who went to wash the dishes. They didn't plan to go out for the time being tonight, that is, they went back to their respective rooms to rest.

In the middle of the night, the soldiers came back, and the harvest seemed to be quite rich. Zhao Bing sent them instant noodles, biscuits, drinking water, clothes, and two boxes of cat food. They said they were passing pets. When I was in the store, I remembered that they still had a cat, so I brought it back by the way.

Looking at the tired look on Zhao Bing's face, Zhan Yun and the others could understand the dedication behind Zhao Bing's simple words. Zhan Yun didn't refuse either, and patted him on the shoulder lightly to express his thanks.

"By the way, we got news that the Southern Military Region has sent troops to rescue the survivors, and they have already arrived in City N, and they should be able to reach City S in a few days." Zhao Bing said with bright eyes, "When the time comes, you will be with us." Let's go together?"

"How did you get the news?" Zhan Yun asked suspiciously.

"It's a car radio. When we came back just now, someone accidentally touched the switch of the car radio, and heard a radio broadcast, saying that the government has established survivor bases from major military regions, accepting all survivors unconditionally, and at the same time Troops have been dispatched to rescue major cities. Every night at 8:00, 12:00, and 4:00 am, broadcasts will be made to inform everyone of the latest news. The latest broadcast said that the troops sent by the Southern Military Region have arrived in N City , should come to City S soon." Zhao Bing replied.

"That would be great!" The rescue they were waiting for finally came. "We will go with you when the time comes."

This was their original plan, to go on the road with the army, and when passing through City A, they would take Cheng Qi and Cheng Jiao with them, and then go to the survivor base established by the government together.

After Zhao Bing and the others left, Su Ruizhe immediately took out a radio and turned it on. After tuning around, I finally heard a burst of melodious music on the news station. Today's broadcast has ended, but the radio is still playing music, telling everyone that the government is still there, and so is hope.

The author has something to say: Hey, today's update is so late... I'm sorry! ! ! I will adjust my schedule back as soon as possible. After updating QAQ last night, I saw "Protect Us Tachibana Ukyo" and said there was a derivative variety show called Dinner Werewolf~~ I ran to watch it excitedly, and then waited for me to return My God, it was already dawn... Then I fell asleep until three or four in the afternoon, and my whole body was sleepy. I felt like if I continued to stay up late, I would take my dog with me... OTZ

I swear, I will quit killing werewolves! ! ! Every day... uh... just play for two hours a day/(ㄒoㄒ)/~~

[The Little Theater on Moshang]

Fire-type power user: Dare to trespass on my home base? court death!

Zhan Xiaoyun: Seeing that supernatural being sneaking around, I'm upset, I'll crush you to death!

Wu Jing: Look at that supernatural being without a shirt, dirty eyes! let me down!

Fire-type power user: Am I going to die like this? I don't even have a name!

Speed Ability: I don't even have a straight face, I didn't even say a word, only the sound of a heavy object falling to the ground.

Zhan Xiaoyun: Yes!

Zheng Jiahe: Boss, it’s not good! When we were doing trouble in other people's bases, someone came to our house to make trouble!

Zhao Bing: Should it

Zhan Xiaoyun: Humph! Rest assured, they will soon be gone!

Song Chengshu: On the difference between cannon fodder and protagonist.

[Small Theater with Wood Fuso]

Cannon fodder for a speed user: Hahahahahahahahaha I am invincible in the world!

Zhan Yun: Dare to move soldiers? Lie down for me.

Then, the cannon fodder player with speed abilities was crushed to death.

Cannon fodder for fire-type supernatural beings: Hahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahaha I am unparalleled in the world!

Wu Jing: Dare to kill soldiers? Let my wife go down!

Then, the cannon fodder player of the fire department was jumped off the building.

Su Ruizhe: If you dare to offend the protagonist group, everyone will die.

Zhan Yun: Cough cough.

Su Ruizhe: Ahem, let's all go to hell.