My Cherry Will Explode in the Apocalypse

Chapter 46: Evolving Zombies


Before departure, the soldiers issued some precautions. After hitting the road, the vehicles of the army were responsible for opening the road. Under no circumstances, the vehicles of the survivors were allowed to overtake. Furthermore, don't honk the whistle, if you attract zombies, you will be responsible for the consequences.

The mighty convoy got on the highway after a few kilometers, but this highway can only be called a slow speed now. There are crashed vehicles everywhere on the road. If the cars are not moved, there is no way to let so many vehicles pass. of.

The army at the front is responsible for opening the way, followed by the survivors' cars, and there are seven or eight army cards at the end responsible for the rear defense. Although the forward speed was very slow, no one showed any impatience, and all the vehicles were moving forward slowly.

From time to time, there were one or two gunshots, which were a few scattered zombies that appeared from time to time when the soldiers were clearing the road.

Although the speed is a little slower, it is basically still moving forward. Although the speed of the car is slow, but at this speed, if it goes well, it will indeed be able to reach the next service area before dawn.

Four hours later, they had already seen the sign of the service area, and there were still about 15 kilometers to go.

However, the closer to the service area, the slower the speed of advancement, and the more intensive the gunfire. Since city A is a tourist city, there are a lot of tourist buses that come and go on weekdays, and most of them will rest in this service area close to city A. Because of this, when the end of the world broke out, almost all the people in this service area turned into zombies.

Hundreds of zombies smelled the smell of fresh flesh, and all frantically rushed towards the convoy. This amount of zombies made it difficult for the team responsible for clearing the roadblocks to resist.

"All get out of the car and increase the number of personnel!" An urgent order came from the walkie-talkie.

However, for the survivors, they could only hear gunshots ringing in their ears, and saw soldiers jumping off their military cards and running forward. As for what happened, they didn't know.

The same is true for Zhan Yun and the others. Their car is located in the middle and front of the convoy, and they can't see anything, but they can already smell the faint smell of blood at the tip of their noses.

"Zombie! It's a zombie!" A survivor screamed and ran over from the front, and the gunshots in front became more and more intensive.

Zhan Yun frowned slightly. It was inevitable that there would be zombies in the service area, but the intensity of the battle seemed inappropriate. Thousands of troops could not deal with hundreds of zombies in the service area? unless…

Su Ruizhe obviously thought about it too, the two looked at each other, immediately opened the car door, and got out of the car.

"Lao Song, A Liang, Wu Jing, you stay and protect Dongdong, Jiahe, let's go."

"Okay!" Zheng Jiahe picked up his golf club and got out of the car neatly.

The three of them walked forward, and the faint smell of blood at first became more and more intense, and more and more people screamed and abandoned their cars and ran back from the front.

Suddenly, a zombie appeared out of nowhere, threw a person down, opened its mouth and gnawed on that person's neck, forcefully tore off a large piece of flesh, and the bright red blood spattered. out, and sprayed it on the glass of the car next to it.

After seeing such a bloody scene at close range, the woman hiding in the car almost pierced her eardrums with screams.

The zombie gulped down the blood of the man under it, then looked up at the woman in the car next to it. Then he stretched out his sharp nails and easily pierced the glass of the car, trying to catch the screaming prey inside.


Only then did the three of them see the appearance of this zombie clearly. This zombie had slender and sharp nails, and its skin was not blue-gray like ordinary zombies, but a deeper blue color. The skin on its body was not like that of ordinary zombies. It is generally rotten and loose, but an obviously hardened effect.

There are black pupils in its blood-red eyes, which look like the vertical pupils of a beast, making it look more like a man-eating monster.

To be stared at by such bloody and cruel pupils makes one feel chills from the bottom of his heart.

"It's an evolved zombie! Be careful!" Su Ruizhe reminded everyone.

As soon as the words fell, the evolved zombie seemed to have found some more delicious food. It turned its head and looked at Su Ruizhe and the three of them with blood-red vertical pupils.

Zheng Jiahe raised the golf club in his hand and slammed it hard at the zombie's head.

As if aware of it, the zombie turned sideways for a while and successfully avoided Zheng Jiahe's attack. The head of the golf club hit the top of the car, and it was dented, showing the strength of Zheng Jiahe.

The vertical pupils of the zombie stared firmly at Zheng Jiahe, and with an angry roar from its throat, it jumped up and rushed towards Zheng Jiahe.

The jumping ability and speed of this zombie were astonishing. It raised its hand with sharp nails and stabbed it towards Zheng Jiahe's head!

"Low your head!" Su Ruizhe shouted.

Zheng Jiahe quickly squatted down, Zhan Yun took the opportunity to push his hands flat, and actually pushed the zombie two or three meters away with the power of gravity.

Before the zombie stood up, a round red bomb landed at its feet.

With a bang, the zombie was blown to pieces.

Su Ruizhe walked over and put away a reddish crystal nucleus in the zombie's head.

After solving an evolutionary zombie, the three of them went against the flow of fleeing people and continued to walk forward.

Finally, they saw clearly the situation ahead.

There were countless corpses lying on the ground, not only the corpses of zombies, but also the corpses of soldiers. The bloody and terrifying scene was like Shura's hell.

There are four more zombies like the evolved zombie just now, and they are confronting the soldiers.

The bodies of the four evolved zombies are stronger than ordinary zombies, but they move very fast and their reaction ability is higher than ordinary zombies. Attacking their bodies can't hinder their actions, unless they can be killed by hitting their heads accurately.

But in the face of evolved zombies, how easy is it to achieve a headshot

When it is impossible to aim and shoot at the head, the soldiers can only resort to strafing, but with little effect.

The damage that the four evolved zombies could cause was too great. One of the tall evolved zombies had blood holes all over its body, and was almost shot into a sieve by the bullets of the soldiers. As long as it was not an attack on the head, it would Almost all of them do not dodge or evade, recklessly using their own minions to harvest one fresh life after another.

Seeing this, Zhan Yun immediately made a move, using his gravity ability to forcibly suppress the four zombies.

But zombies are different from people. People may feel tortured by the severe pain caused by broken bones and the pain of chest compression, but zombies don't have this kind of feeling. They just feel that there is something heavy on them, and they will only struggle harder, even if their bones are broken, they will continue to struggle.

With Zhan Yun's primary abilities, it was too much to suppress the four evolved zombies at the same time. Every struggle of them would consume a lot of Zhan Yun's abilities, and his complexion soon turned pale. .

Especially the tall evolved zombie, struggling so hard that it was forced to break free from Zhan Yun's gravity.

When it roared and rushed towards Zhanyun, Su Ruizhe had already taken out two air guns loaded with pea bullets from the space, aimed at the zombie and started shooting.

The continuous emission of green bullets accurately hit the zombie's chest. However, it was strange that the zombie, which could not be harmed by ordinary bullets before, stopped in its tracks.

Its skin quickly turned back to an ordinary blue-gray, and the body that was shot into a hornet's nest by the soldiers couldn't continue to support it after losing its evolutionary effect. He rolled to the front of Su Ruizhe, and was smashed to pieces by Zheng Jiahe with a golf club.

Under the cover of Zheng Jiahe, Su Ruizhe quickly picked up the unremarkable light red crystal nucleus on the ground, and then continued to shoot at the zombies on the ground.

There is no need to hit their heads, the pea bullets seem to have a strange weakening effect on them, making them degenerate into ordinary zombies, and then beheaded easily.

After finishing all the evolutionary zombies, Su Ruizhe supported Zhan Yun who was exhausted due to excessive power consumption, and stuffed two transparent crystal cores into his mouth to help him recover the consumed powers.

The biggest threat was resolved, and the remaining zombies were easier to deal with, and were quickly killed by the soldiers.

The soldiers gathered around to express their thanks to several people, and then continued to clear the road. They had to enter the service area before dawn.

After removing the congested vehicles in front, the convoy regained order and continued to move forward, finally reaching the service area before dawn.

It's just that as soon as Zhanyun and the others parked the car, soldiers came to ask them to go to the headquarters, and the purpose was self-evident.

Only Zhan Yun and Su Ruizhe went, and the others parked the car. After all, there are too many people, and they still have a lot of supplies in the car, so be careful.

"Thank you for your help just now! What kind of trick did you use before? Why is it so powerful?" When the two entered the headquarters, soldiers surrounded them excitedly and asked .