My Cherry Will Explode in the Apocalypse

Chapter 69: Soilless cultivation


That night, Zhan Yun and the others were driving to leave the base, but they were stopped by a young soldier named Cui Jianchao.

"Captain Zhan! Captain Zhan!"

This Cui Jianchao awakened his speed ability, and then the base leaders liked to let him run errands when they had something to do. At this moment, he ran in front of them in a flash, and it was Zhang Lianchang who asked him to come.

"Xiao Cui? What's the matter?" Zhan Yun stopped the car, lowered the window, and poked his head out to ask.

"Company Commander Zhang, please go over there for something." Cui Jianchao wiped off his sweat. Fortunately, he ran fast, otherwise Captain Zhan and the others probably would have left the city.

"Okay." Zhan Yun immediately turned the car around and drove towards the base headquarters.

Company Commander Zhang was already waiting in the reception room of the headquarters. When he saw Zhan Yun and the others coming, he immediately greeted them with a smile on his face.

"Exhibition Captain, you are here."

"Company Commander Zhang, do you have any new tasks that you need our help with?" The two parties simply greeted each other, and Zhan Yun asked directly.

The two parties have cooperated so many times, so Company Commander Zhang didn't go around in circles, and said straight to the point, "Yes, we heard that someone at the Wancheng Base has developed a soilless cultivation technology, which can be used with the abilities of wood-type supernatural beings. Greatly increase crop production. We are going to send a few technicians there to study, but the road from our base to Wancheng base has not been opened, and we are worried about any danger, and Xiaosu's wood-type ability is the most powerful in our base. Strong, don't bother the two masters, so I want to invite you to go together, and protect one or two on the way."

After hearing this, Zhan Yun looked at Su Ruizhe amusedly and said, "Xiao Zhe, what do you think?"

Su Ruizhe: ...

What's up! Not at all! His abilities are now all used in weapon transformation, and he can't spawn crops at all! The fruits and vegetables he took out were all grown by himself in the space, and going to the Wancheng base would not be of any help!

Seeing his little lover scratching himself with an eye knife, Zhan Yun quickly changed his words, "But Xiao Zhe has special abilities, so it's better not to waste them on these low-level crops. Company Commander Zhang, you can choose one or two more wood-type crops." The supernatural beings will follow."

"Okay, okay." Company Commander Zhang also felt that Su Ruizhe's ability was so special that it was a waste to use it for farming, so he immediately agreed.

"When are we leaving?"

"Of course, the sooner the better, since you have no problem, let's set off at six o'clock tomorrow night. But I have to tell you something, Dr. Yang has a high degree of education, good skills, and a very inquisitive spirit, but his temper is a bit... uh , Strange, please bear with me.”

"It's okay." Zhan Yun can understand, don't people who are engaged in research and learning these days have to be a little bit tempered

Since there is a mission going out the next day, Zhanyun and the others are not planning to go out of the city today, and go back to rest for a while. The road to the Wancheng base should not be very peaceful.

The next day, when Zhanyun and the others gathered at the gate of the base, they saw Dr. Yang. Dr. Yang's name is Yang Mingyu. He wears a pair of glasses and has a baby face. He looks young, but he is actually thirty years old. He has double doctorates in biology and chemistry, and he is a person with a very high IQ. He is the main person who went to Wancheng base to learn soilless cultivation technology this time, and he was accompanied by two young people, a man and a woman, as his assistants.

Dr. Yang was traveling in an RV. I heard that Dr. Yang’s home is in very good condition. The car is his own property, but it has been converted into a simple laboratory by him now. He does not forget to do some experiments on the road of…

In addition to Zhan Yun and his team, the base also sent two military vehicles to escort them. This time, Guan Hong was in charge of leading the team. Li Ming did not participate in this operation because he had other tasks.

Guan Hong had also cooperated with Zhan Yun and the others once, and he knew their abilities very well, so he was very polite and caring to them.

There were also two wood-type supernatural beings following the car, one of the older ones was a supernatural being recruited by the base, known as Lao Yuan, who was originally a farmer who cultivated the land. One. Xiao Jiang, who is younger, is a soldier himself. He has just awakened wood-type abilities and is not very proficient in controlling them. Originally, such a task should not be his turn, but the wood-type abilities at the base are really good. Not many, if all the more powerful ones go, there may be problems with the supply of vegetables at the base, so they finally chose Lao Yuan and Xiao Jiang.

As the convoy set off, two army trucks protected Dr. Yang's RV in the middle, and Zhan Yun's off-road vehicle followed behind.

The convoy drove due west all the way, and soon got on the HX expressway. In fact, as long as you turn from the HX Expressway to the JT Expressway, and then cross the Yingtianmen Bridge, you can almost enter the boundary of Wancheng.

It's just that there are a lot of abandoned vehicles on the highway, and the road is not going very smoothly. It is necessary to clean up the scattered zombies on the highway from time to time, which is too time-consuming.

If it was before the end of the world, it would take three or four hours to get there from the southern base to the Wancheng base. But now, I am afraid it will take two or three days.

However, they have a new type of bullet, which makes it much easier to clean up zombies. The fire ability in the army is responsible for burning the corpses of zombies and collecting crystal nuclei. Basically, Zhan Yun and the others have never done anything.

They rested at gas stations along the way during the day and continued on the road at night. It took two days on the road, and they even encountered a few vehicles heading to the Wancheng base on the road. Those vehicles looked like they were troops, so they all followed them.

It was about three o'clock in the morning on the third day when they finally arrived at the Yingtianmen Bridge, but the way to the bridge was blocked. Guan Hong originally thought that there were abandoned vehicles in front of him, and wanted to ask someone to get out of the car and move those vehicles away, but when he got closer, he found that there were actually people in those cars.

Guan Hong knocked on the window of a car. When the other party saw that he was wearing a military uniform, he lowered the window and looked at him warily.

"What are you doing? Why are you stuck here?" Guan Hong asked in surprise.

"We are queuing up. The Wancheng base needs to hand in supplies to enter, and it takes a long time to check the supplies." The man glanced at Guan Hong and said, "Aren't you from the Wancheng base?"

"We came from the southern base. What are the rules for entering the city from the Wancheng base? Please tell me." Guan Hong said, taking out a small bag of soda biscuits to the other party.

The other party accepted it with a smile on his face, tore open the packaging bag and ate it on the spot, talking to Guan Hong while eating.

It turns out that this Wancheng base is different from the southern base. It was not rebuilt by the military region, but was established by several forces. Although there are local garrison forces, they cannot completely dominate the Wancheng base.

Although the Wancheng base also accepts survivors, it is not like the southern base that does not reject anyone who comes. Instead, everyone needs to pay three catties of food to enter, and is not responsible for solving the problem of food and lodging. After entering the city, you need to solve the food and accommodation by yourself . However, the Wancheng base treats supernatural beings a little higher. If they are supernatural beings, they don't need to hand in the materials for entering the city. After the superhumans enter the base, they can join the supernatural team, so that the board and lodging problems can be easily solved, so the Wancheng base is very popular with superhumans. Ordinary survivors also chose to join the Wancheng base because of the large number of supernatural beings in the Wancheng base and felt that it was safer.

The vehicles blocked in front are not all the survivors who have just come to the Wancheng base, there are also some supernatural teams who have come out to do missions, but they need to pay half of the collected materials, so they are counting their materials. On the other hand, it takes more time.

Guan Hong was taken aback when he heard that, he never thought that the regulations of the Wancheng base were so strict.

It's just that they have a mission and want to learn the new technology of soilless cultivation from the Wancheng base, so they can only wait in line patiently.

Finally, more than half an hour later, the vehicles in front of them passed the bridge one after another, and it was finally their turn.

But at this moment, there was a sudden roar of zombies.

"There are zombies! Zombies are coming!" Immediately, everyone present was in a mess, getting into the car and trying to escape, but there were vehicles blocking the front, rear, left, and right sides, leaving them nowhere to escape.

"Don't panic! Don't move!" Suddenly someone with a loudspeaker yelled at the crowd and fired guns into the sky at the same time.

The crowd gradually quieted down, and all looked in the direction of the sound.

It was a man in a short-sleeved T-shirt, stepping on the front of a large truck and shouting at them. There were seven or eight people holding guns around him, and a lightning bolt was drawn on their arms. The symbols and expressions are relatively relaxed, without any panic.

"It's the Thunder Ability Team, people from the Thunder Ability Team!" People from the Wancheng base had already recognized them.

Zhan Yun raised his eyebrows slightly, and looked at those people with great interest.

The roaring zombies slowly gathered around, there were about a dozen of them, probably attracted by the crowd gathered here.

Those people raised their guns and shot, but they were not very accurate. After shooting for five minutes, they only killed less than half of them. There were still a lot of gnawing claws that had already approached the surrounding vehicles.

"Ahhh!" Someone screamed and fled towards the bridgehead, and the crowd started to become chaotic again.

The author has something to say: The theater gentlemen suddenly disappeared strangely, so today’s small theater opened the skylight...

The necklace that was slammed yesterday is a gold necklace, I don’t know where the point of slapping is... The gold necklace is very beautiful... I like it very much!