My Cherry Will Explode in the Apocalypse

Chapter 80: The temperature plummeted


Wang Xurong and others were escorted back to the temporary residence and packed up their things. Wang Xurong felt that he had suffered a great humiliation, held back his anger, and cursed all the way. It's just that a strong dragon can't overwhelm a local snake. Even if he has a powerful lightning power, he can't withstand the guns of thousands of soldiers in the southern base.

"Brother, what should Chang Qing do?" While packing up, someone whispered into Wang Xurong's ear and asked.

Wang Xurong's expression tightened immediately, and he glanced at the door vigilantly, and he relaxed a little when he found that the soldiers escorting them back were guarding the door in an orderly manner and could not hear their conversation.

He glared at the person who spoke and said, "Who is Chang Qing? In the team we came to the southern base this time, there is no one named Chang Qing, please remember it for me."

The man was taken aback for a moment, then came back to his senses, nodded slightly, closed his mouth, and continued to pack his things.

When leaving the southern base by car, Wang Xurong looked back with resentment in his eyes, gritted his teeth and said, "I will come back sooner or later!"

The damn southern base is going against him! If there is a chance in the future, he will definitely come back here, and let those who insulted him today pay the price!

The gang of waste garrisons at the Wancheng base suddenly became stronger after the team at the southern base left, and their strength also increased. Joining the Lu family together made them feel quite pressured. He suspected that this matter might have something to do with the southern base. After knowing that the southern base had a new type of medicine, which attracted many people to buy it, he began to use his brain and wanted to buy some medicine back. He heard that, then The effect of the supernatural potion is very good. It can not only increase the effect of the ability, but also help the ability to advance. It is really a rare good thing.

It's a pity... He didn't have a good relationship with the people in the southern base before. When they came to the base to learn the technology of soilless cultivation, the lion opened his mouth and offended people for no reason. sell him.

It just so happened that one of his subordinates, named Chang Qing, had awakened the invisibility ability, was able to hide his body, and act quietly, so he moved his mind to make the other party invisible, mixed in with the team, and entered the southern base. If the southern base is unwilling to sell him the potion, he will find a way to let Chang Qing steal the potion.

Sure enough, the leaders of the southern base prevaricated him with various reasons, but they were unwilling to sell the potion to him, so he asked Chang Qing to steal the potion quietly. It's not that after they return to Wancheng, they can do the same and earn a vote. Therefore, he also gave Chang Qing a grenade. If he could find the formula, he would blow up the research center of the southern base, so that the Wancheng base could take advantage of the momentum and be sought after by all major bases.

Man is not as good as God, and he never thought that the southern base is deeply hidden, and various high-tech electronic equipment and weapons are emerging one after another, which is amazing and makes his perfect plan fall short!

However, apart from anger and resentment, there was also a trace of greed in Wang Xurong's eyes. Living in the southern base these days, he has to admit that the living environment in the southern base is hundreds of times better than their Wancheng base. There are solar power generation devices here, and the base not only has lights, but also air-conditioning, as well as new medicines and a lot of food. The weapons and equipment look much, much better than theirs.

After he went back, he had to think of a way, and then send people to the southern base to come undercover and wait for the opportunity.

Just when Wang Xurong was whimsical, he suddenly heard a loud noise outside the car, and the car stopped suddenly.

"What's going on?" Wang Xurong's head hit the roof of the car, and he grinned in pain.

"Brother! It's not good! The road ahead has collapsed!"

"The road collapsed? How could a good road collapse?" Wang Xurong said as he opened the door and got out of the car to check.

I saw an extremely deep gully on the flat ground for some reason, blocking their way forward.

"MD bad luck! Is there any other road nearby?"

"Brother, there seems to be a small road that needs to be detoured." Someone took out a map and looked it over carefully.

"Then take the path!" Wang Xurong frowned.

The convoy diverted and turned onto a small road.

However, what they didn't know was that densely packed landmines had already been planted on that small road, waiting for them to pass by.

After the loud bang, a group of people jumped out of the woods and carefully went to the small road to check. After confirming that all the targets were dead, they cremated the bodies on the spot. Left without knowing it.


In the conference room of the headquarters building of the Southern Base, Zhan Yun told Jiang Xuzhou that they were about to leave the base and go to the northwest.

Jiang Xuzhou frowned when he heard the words, "Could it be that you went there for that fourth-level zombie?"

Zhan Yun was taken aback for a moment, unexpectedly Jiang Xuzhou already knew about it, "Is that really a level 4 zombie?"

"That's right." Jiang Xuzhou sighed, "The people who came from the Northwest Base this time were very eager to buy supernatural potions and antidotes because of that fourth-level zombie that suddenly appeared. A lot of people were lost in the hands of the level 4 zombie. But just a few hours ago, we just received a telegram from the Northwest Base, and we heard that the level 4 zombie was calling the surrounding zombies, and there might be a large-scale zombie attack. Tide, the situation is very bad."

"It's really dangerous there, are you sure you want to go?" Jiang Xuzhou looked at them with heavy eyes, with unconcealable sadness in his eyes.

"Of course." Zhan Yun replied affirmatively, this trip to the northwest is imperative for them.

"Okay, I will immediately dispatch an elite team to set off with you. If you have any needs, just tell me, and I will satisfy you all." Jiang Xuzhou decided to fully support their actions.

"Thank you, but there's really no need." Zhan Yun and Su Ruizhe looked at each other and said with a smile, "Commander Jiang, this time I hope you can let us act on our own."

Jiang Xuzhou was taken aback when he heard the words, and then sighed, "Yes, all of you are very powerful, but they are holding you back. How about this, I will prepare a box for you to carry both the antidote and the supernatural potion, There are also materials that may be used on the road, so be prepared.”

Captain Jiang's words have already reached this point, Zhan Yun and Su Ruizhe naturally had no reason to refuse, so they could only thank them with a smile.

"Commander Jiang, there is one more thing I need to tell you."

Zhanyun and the others told Jiang Xuzhou about the recent weather changes and their speculation that winter is coming, and asked him to quickly prepare winter supplies.

"Winter is really as exaggerated as you said?" Jiang Xuzhou was a little skeptical. In fact, they were in the south, and the lowest temperature in winter was around zero degrees. He couldn't imagine what it would be like to be thirty degrees below zero.

"The current scorching heat, doesn't it already explain some problems?" Zhan Yun asked back.

Jiang Xuzhou pondered for a while and said, "Okay, I see, I'll let them prepare the charcoal fire and quilts they need for winter."

He felt that it was impossible for Zhanyun and the others to joke about this kind of thing, and there was always no harm in preparing in advance, some things would rather be believed than not.

"it is good."

After the conversation with Jiang Xuzhou was over, everyone returned to the small high-level, ready to recharge their batteries and set off the next day.

It's just that they didn't expect the temperature to change so quickly.

At noon the next day, it was supposed to be the hottest time of the day, but there was a cool breeze, and the sunlight seemed to soften. Not only did the human body not feel hot, but it felt cool and refreshing.

People who have not been exposed to the sun for several months, slowly walked out of the shelter, bathed in the warm sunshine, and enjoyed the coolness of the breeze blowing on their faces.

The survivors laughed heartily, as if celebrating the passing of the scorching heat, but Zhan Yun and Su Ruizhe looked serious, they knew that such a change in temperature was very unusual.

Su Ruizhe took out the thermometer from the space and found that today's temperature is only 28 degrees Celsius, which is a full 13 degrees lower than yesterday's 41 degrees at noon.

"Let's set off immediately!" In this situation, they could no longer wait until night, the temperature dropped too fast, if they continued to delay, they would really have to brave the heavy snow and go on the road.

"it is good!"

In fact, they didn't have anything to pack. Su Ruizhe basically kept all the useful things in the space. They only dismantled the solar generator given to them by the base to make it easier to use on the road.

What they use is a flat-panel solar photovoltaic power generation device, not to mention winter, even if it is raining, it can still be used. Photovoltaic power generation is a technology that uses the photovoltaic effect of the semiconductor interface to directly convert light energy into electrical energy. Whether it is winter or summer, cloudy or rainy, as long as there is natural light, the operation of photovoltaic generators can be maintained, but the power generated in winter Not as high as in summer.

Zhanyun and the others found Gao Jian, told him the news that they planned to leave immediately, and asked him to help tell the head of Jiang.

As expected of a speed-type supernatural being, Gao Jian ran back and forth in less than five minutes, and when he came back, he carried two small backpacks on his back.

Zhan Yun opened the backpack and took a look. The two backpacks contained 50 antidotes and 50 supernatural potions each.

"Head Jiang has asked people to find several sets of down jackets, warm sleeping bags, and some electric hot water bottles. They have sent them to the door for you. Remember to take them when you leave the base later. Head Jiang He also said that time is in a hurry, and he doesn't have time to prepare too much for you, so be careful on the road."

"Okay, thank Captain Jiang for us."

The author has something to say: The principle of photovoltaic power generation is referenced from Baidu~

[Small Theater with Wood Fuso]

Head Jiang: Anything can happen outside~

Zhanyun: That’s what it means. . .

Su Ruizhe: Get rid of him! (Wipe neck action)

[The Little Theater on Moshang]

Jiang Xiansen: They are people from other bases, and we are soldiers, so we cannot do cruel things!

Zhan Xiaoyun: Yes! So let's give them back! But the easiest thing to happen in this world is accidents!

Su Xiaozhe: I'm going to bury some potatoes. Do you want watermelon and corn

Zheng Jiahe: What is Ni Meng talking about? But leave me a piece of watermelon!

Su Xiaozhe: There must be your share, otherwise who would have the energy to throw watermelons.

Dongdong: Brother, I also want to smash watermelons!

Su Xiaozhe: Good boy, Dongdong, let Hulk do something as dangerous as smashing watermelons! We just need to be a melon-eating crowd.