My Cherry Will Explode in the Apocalypse

Chapter 89: Zombie siege


The steel gate was finally closed, and everyone breathed a sigh of relief after the 50cm-thick steel bolt was inserted.

"Who are you guys?" The soldiers at the Northwest Base asked Zhan Yun and his group about their origins.

"We are from the southern base. I have something important to discuss with your leader. Where is the leader of your base?"

People in the Northwest Base naturally know the reputation of the South Base, which developed the antidote and supernatural medicine, and they also knew that the leader sent a team to the South Base to ask for help, but they did not expect that the South Base would only send such a team. Some people come, and there are women and children in this team...

But since he is a person from the southern base, he should not be neglected, the soldier said seriously, "Please come with me."

Zhan Yun asked the others to wait in place, and he followed the soldier up the city wall.

On the city wall, Zhan Yun saw the middle-aged officer who ordered to open the city gate before. His name is Zheng Yaohua, he is a major, and he is currently the supreme commander of the Northwest Base.

Zhan Yun briefly described their origins, and expressed their willingness to help the Northwest Base to fight against this wave of zombies.

"Although I am very grateful that your base is willing to lend a helping hand to us in this critical moment, please forgive me, do you really only have this few people?" Zheng Yaohua stood on the city wall, looking at Su Ruizhe and the others with delicate eyes people.

Zhan Yun smiled lightly, and didn't care much about Zheng Yaohua's dislike of them, "We are an elite team dispatched by the Southern Base, even though they don't look good, each of them is an alien team above the second level. Ability, my lover and I are both third-level abilities."

Zheng Yaohua: ...

He really didn't know whether to lament the super strength of Zhanyun's team, or complain about Zhanyun's behavior of not forgetting to show affection at this time.

"What are you going to do? How do we need to cooperate?" Zheng Yaohua still has some confidence in their strength, otherwise this team would not be able to successfully pass through the encirclement of zombies and enter their base.

"You use the firepower of your guns to attract the attention of the zombies. All the attacking supernatural beings in the base will fight on the city walls. My team will find a way to find their leaders and kill them." As the saying goes, catch the thief first. Wang, it is not difficult to say that it is difficult to break the death situation of the zombie siege, as long as the leader of the fourth-level zombie is killed, and no new zombies are attracted, then the wave of zombies will naturally be wiped out slowly.

"The leader?! Zombies still have leaders?!" Zheng Yaohua asked in disbelief.

"That's right, high-level zombies can drive low-level zombies. We guess that it should be the fourth-level zombie that instigated this zombie siege."

Zheng Yaohua's face changed when he heard the words of the fourth-level zombie. The only third-level power user in their base died at the hands of the fourth-level zombie.

"That's a level 4 zombie! Are you sure you can do it? Before our base, a level 3 superhuman died in its hands!"

"Whether it works or not, we always have to give it a try. Not only do we have antidotes and supernatural potions, but my lover's supernatural power is quite special. It can weaponize plants and transform them into a special weapon that can cause huge damage to zombies. s damage."

"Then I'll leave it to you." Zheng Yaohua can only be a dead horse as a living horse doctor now, and now the base is surrounded by tens of thousands of zombies, anyway, they are dead anyway, it is better to listen to their fight and maybe there is still a glimmer of life.

"it is good."

Zheng Yaohua immediately issued an order to get all the machine gunners and artillerymen ready to attack, and recruited all registered attacking supernatural beings in the base to fight on the city wall.

"Ho ho ho ho!" Outside the base, the roars of zombies came one after another. The zombies were all crowded under the city wall, scrambling to beat the wall, trying to break the thick city wall and go inside to devour their food to their heart's content.

Some zombies behind were impatient, and tried to jump up by stepping on the zombies in front. Some of the zombies almost caught the wall with their paws.

"Shoot! Shoot now!" This thrilling scene made the guarding soldiers startled and terrified, and immediately shouted loudly.

Gunshots rang out one after another immediately, and the fort continued to bombard the place where the zombies were densely populated, but with little effect.

All the earth-type supernatural beings in the base were gathered to reinforce the city wall to prevent the city wall from collapsing under the constant beating and impact of tens of thousands of zombies.

The fire-type superpowers kept throwing fireballs at the zombies. Because the zombies were highly rotten, their bodies were often covered with a layer of corpse oil. When the fireballs fell on the zombies, their bodies were instantly ignited. The zombies felt no pain. If you don't know how to slap the ignited flame on your body, you will often be burned to death directly.

All the attacking power users are also desperately releasing their powers towards the zombie group. Now that the zombies are besieging the city, it is impossible for them to break through the siege. Now they can only kill the zombies desperately to make a way out. If they retreat temporarily, they will die. There is only one dead end.

The power-type and speed-type power users all held their usual cold weapons, stood on the city wall, and fought zombies at close range.

Zhan Yun asked the rest of the team to go up to the city wall and join the battle.

For a time, the battle scene was extremely fierce.

Zhan Yun brought a large bag of pea bullets from Su Ruizhe, and handed them to Zheng Yaohua, asking him to give them to soldiers with better marksmanship.

Zhan Yun told him that if this kind of bullet is used, it doesn't need to aim at the head, but only needs to hit the body, and it can kill zombies.

In addition, try to target zombies with a lower degree of decay and more flexible movements in the zombie group. Most of those zombies are evolutionary zombies, their attack power is several times stronger than that of ordinary zombies, and they can easily cause greater damage to the city walls of the base.

Zheng Yaohua looked at the emerald green bullet, and felt that this bullet was unusual. After thanking him, he immediately distributed it.

The effect of the pea bullet is almost immediate. It doesn't need to aim at the head, as long as it hits the body, it can kill the zombies, which greatly speeds up the attack speed of the soldiers and increases the hit rate.

"Dongdong, try to see if you can find a zombie that is different from the others in the group of zombies?" After arranging the others, Zhan Yun finally gave Yu Dongdong a very difficult task.

Even though Yu Dongdong is only over four years old, he is already a second-level psychic supernatural power user. His spiritual power coverage has reached 100 meters, which is just enough to cover most of the zombies.

"Okay." Yu Dongdong nodded obediently.

"Now, it's our turn." Zhan Yun looked at Su Ruizhe.

Su Ruizhe nodded slightly towards him.

The two took out a bottle of supernatural medicine at the same time and drank it down. Then they held hands and jumped off the city wall.

"What are they doing?! Are they looking for death?!" Everyone was horrified and inexplicably watching the amazing actions of the two.

However, the moment Zhan Yun jumped off, he had already used his gravity ability. Within a range of ten meters centered on Zhan Yun, the gravity was directly increased by 20 times, and all the zombies in the range were instantly killed by this terrible force. Gravity pressed into a patty.

However, Su Ruizhe was completely unaffected by gravity. He took out a small yellow gourd from the backpack behind him, held it with his left hand, and quickly transformed it into a handful of earth-yellow gourds. large-caliber firearms.

The next moment, Su Ruizhe pulled the trigger, and a raging flame shot out from the muzzle of the gun, burning all the nearby zombies to death. The flame of the flame gun is more harmful than the flame of the fire-type supernatural power, and the zombies burned by the flame will be turned into ashes within five seconds.

Zhan Yun used absolute gravity to prevent all zombies from approaching them, while Su Ruizhe's flame gun had super lethality. The two were undoubtedly the strongest combination of absolute defense and absolute attack.

The number of zombies is too huge, how easy is it to find that fourth-level zombie among tens of thousands of zombies? The bullets in the base are limited, and the abilities and physical strength of the supernatural beings are also limited. It is the most stupid choice to fight such a large number of zombies for a long time.

That fourth-level zombie knew how to use low-level zombies for its own use, so they guessed that the fourth-level zombie might have some intelligence and knew how to seek advantages and avoid disadvantages, so it kept hiding in the crowd of zombies and could not come out.

They used drugs to forcibly raise the ability to level four, in order to kill as many zombies as possible as quickly as possible, and force the level four zombie out.

And their action was very successful, Su Ruizhe sprayed flames towards the zombie group, and kept throwing cherry bombs at the same time. The two of them alone killed nearly 3,000 zombies in just ten minutes. Burnt ash and falling crystal nuclei were all under his feet.

It's just that the boost effect of the supernatural potion is only half an hour, and there are certain side effects after the effect is lifted, so they must make a quick decision and kill as many zombies as possible!

Sure enough, under their strong attack, a zombie showed its weakness.

Ordinary zombies don't have much intelligence, they only bite and attack prey based on instinct, they don't know how to fear and avoid, but level four zombies are completely different.

Level 4 zombies know how to seek advantages and avoid disadvantages. When all the zombies were rushing forward, only that one quietly retreated a little...

Yu Dongdong discovered this strange zombie at that moment, and told the news to Zheng Jiahe, who was by his side and was in charge of protecting him.

Zheng Jiahe was overjoyed, and immediately shouted to the people below, "Brother Zhan, Xiaozhe, we found it!"

The author has something to say: The khaki gourd is the fire gourd in the Kung Fu world of Plants vs. Zombies 2. It can breathe fire. Once the zombie is sprayed, it will turn into ashes and fall to the ground. I feel very awesome~~~hahaha~ ~~ Watermelons and grapes are weapons of mass destruction, you still have to wait until level five to use them~