My Cherry Will Explode in the Apocalypse

Chapter 95: Spatial abilities


Although the two had already made a decision, they didn't go to head Jiang right away, but called the team members together. Song Chengshu is Zhanyun's good friend, and Cheng Qi and Cheng Jiao are his childhood friends. Although Zheng Jiahe and others met only after the end of the world, they have formed a profound revolutionary friendship after getting along with each other during this period of time. Needless to say, when I was in the Northwest Base, I already had a lifelong friendship, and I needed to let them know about the space. It didn't make sense for my brother to know about this kind of thing last.

When the Zheng family and the others were summoned, they were still a little dazed, thinking that there was another task for them to do, so they made some preparations. Those with a strong military atmosphere like Cheng Qi and Cheng Jiao had even put Baggage is packed...

It's just that when they heard that Zhan Yun and Su Ruizhe wanted to say that Su Ruizhe's space had been upgraded, everyone relaxed. They already knew that Su Ruizhe had an extremely large space after joining the team, and this space was still open. It has a fresh-keeping function, and stores a lot of fresh fruits and vegetables and various supplies. According to Zheng Jiahe, they also took away a whole supermarket's supplies!

But when they learned that Su Ruizhe's space can actually be planted and live animals can be raised, the expressions on everyone's faces became dull, and it took a long time to recover.

"Little Zhe, you are amazing!!!" Zheng Jiahe always thought that Su Ruizhe had an extremely thick golden thigh, a mobile warehouse plus a mobile arsenal, but now he found that this golden thigh was many times thicker , It has become a golden elephant leg! ! ! ! The space has changed from what he thought was a mobile warehouse to a mobile farm and a mobile estate!

Regarding Su Ruizhe's intention to confess the existence of space to Jiang Xuzhou and them, after a brief silence, everyone also expressed their agreement. The end of the world has come, there are zombies eating people everywhere, the weather and the environment have become so bad, food has become very scarce, people die of hunger every day, this magical space owned by Su Ruizhe can help many people. Of course, he can also choose to hide it and not tell anyone, but his conscience will be disturbed.

These days, the southern base has been managed in an orderly manner from top to bottom. From regimental commander Jiang and company commander Zhang, down to the bottom soldiers, everyone is wholeheartedly thinking about the people. Head Jiang and the others eat every meal in the cafeteria just like ordinary people. They hold meetings from morning to night every day, constantly thinking about the future development of the base and the future construction of the base. Another good thing to do.

During this period of time, they have gone through several bases, not to mention small private bases like Lincheng base, but also bases with some military background like Wancheng base, which are equally chaotic and chaotic. As the strength of the zombies continues to grow, the power of the army's guns is also limited, and they have to rely on the power of the supernatural beings, but this just encourages the arrogance of some supernatural beings. That part of the supernatural beings, after awakening the supernatural powers, thinks they are superior to others, runs rampant in the base, does not treat ordinary people as human beings, burns, kills, loots and commits all kinds of crimes, and does not obey the jurisdiction of the army. The army has to rely on them to fight against zombies. And backed down again and again, making the whole base a mess.

But the Southern Base is not like this. The management is humanized and rewards and punishments are clearly defined. The Southern Base can be said to be a rare paradise in the last days. As long as people who come here, there will be no one who wants to leave...

The southern base can develop into what it is now, not only because of Jiang Xuzhou's proper management, but also because part of the Zhanyun team has been secretly helping. The two sides complement each other and are indispensable.

As one of the few people who knew that Su Ruizhe was a reborn person, Song Chengshu was surprised and admired that Su Ruizhe wanted to confess his spatial abilities. Surprised because he knew how Su Ruizhe died tragically in his previous life. He thought that Su Ruizhe would choose to hide and not show his specialness to anyone, but he never thought that he would make such a brave decision. How could he not be admired? ? For a young man who has not yet fully grown up, all kinds of betrayals and tribulations in his previous life did not kill the goodness in his heart.

He chose to support Su Ruizhe's decision, but at the same time, he was ready to protect him to the death. If anyone wanted to do research with him like in his previous life, he would send that person to the King of Hades!

Everyone's moods were full of twists and turns, but their thoughts were similar. They all agreed with Su Ruizhe's decision, and they were all prepared to do their best to protect him no matter what happened.

Now that the decision had been made, everyone went straight to Captain Jiang without any delay.

At this time, it was almost early morning, and Jiang Xuzhou had already fallen asleep, but after learning that the Zhanyun team was looking for him, he immediately jumped out of bed, quickly got dressed, and went to the meeting room to meet them.

Company Commander Zhang also came together, both of them seemed in a hurry, with anxious faces on their faces, they thought that the Zhanyun team came to find them in the middle of the night, and they had something urgent to tell them!

However, what Su Ruizhe wanted to talk about, although not urgent, was extremely important. On a bigger scale, it even related to the future of the entire base!

"What you said is true?!" After listening to Su Ruizhe's narration, Jiang Xuzhou stood up suddenly, his eyes widened like copper bells.

Su Ruizhe nodded heavily.

"You, in your space... about how much food is there?" Under the extreme tension and anticipation, the always calm and self-possessed Captain Jiang was almost at a loss for words.

"After the last rat infestation, the food we brought back from outside was actually taken from my space. Now that my space has doubled, the output should be doubled."

Jiang Xuzhou and Zhang Lianchang took a deep breath at the same time, they felt as if they were in a dream, being hit by a big pie falling from the sky. In fact, the food crisis in the base has always existed. Although the base has mastered the soilless cultivation technology and built a greenhouse to start growing food, the output is very limited. The last batch of harvested food is less than two thousand catties. Now the temperature has suddenly dropped again, which has already affected the seedling cultivation. Dr. Yang said that the output is expected to decline. Seeing that the population of the base has increased, but the food has become less and less. After trying to build a few more greenhouses, the Zhanyun team sent such great news.

It's almost like someone will give you a pillow when you fall asleep!

They didn't think that Su Ruizhe and the others had concealed the news for three months. After all, he was not a fool. No one would casually reveal such an important matter. When the food at the base was completely destroyed, they still managed to find an excuse to send a batch of food back to solve the urgent need of the base, and now they choose to be open and honest. This is undoubtedly their trust and acceptance. They are stupid to do it People pushed things out, now they can't wait to confess Su Ruizhe, a big treasure!

Without the news about the application of plants provided by Zhan Yun and Su Ruizhe, the southern base would not be able to develop new bullets and two medicines. Without the support of the Zhanyun team, the southern base would not be able to survive crisis after crisis. They think that the Zhanyun team is simply the lucky star of the southern base!

"Don't worry, I, Jiang Xuzhou, swear that I will never betray your trust! But I think it's better not to make this matter public. After all, Mr. Su's ability is too special, and it may attract some people who want to covet it." In this way, the logistics department is now under the full jurisdiction of Company Commander Zhang. In the future, he will arrange for you to go to the granary to put some food on a regular basis, and the guards at the granary will be replaced by our most trusted people. Does anyone know about this. The base’s greenhouses and greenhouses will still be built as usual, and the more food the better, so that the source of food at the base will not be easily suspected.”

"Okay." Zhan Yun and his group all had smiles on their faces, and Jiang Xuzhou did not disappoint them.

The two sides had a pleasant talk and did not leave the meeting room until the next morning.

The author has something to say: This chapter is too much, so I won’t write too much~

[The Little Theater on Moshang]

Su Xiaozhe: Zhan Xiaoyun, I can't hold it anymore!

Zhan Xiaoyun:? ! Although I feel that the time is not ripe, but since you can't hold back anymore, I have no choice but to go now! Let's go back to the room, don't hold back!

Su Xiaozhe: Why go back to the room

Zhan Xiaoyun: Solve the major issues in our lives! Aren't you about to hold back

Su Xiaozhe: I mean that I have been cleansed in this base, and I can't help but want to contribute my strength to the construction of socialism and our glorious future!

Zhan Xiaoyun: Tsk.

Su Xiaozhe: What's the matter, you don't want to

Zhan Xiaoyun: How is it possible! I will unswervingly follow the steps of my daughter-in-law and contribute to the construction of socialism!

Su Xiaozhe: I always think you are weird.