My Cold And Beautiful CEO

Chapter 127: I never take revenge overnight


"I'm sorry, I don't know the old man, I don't know you, and I'm even less interested in you. Besides, this is not the attitude you should have when inviting someone."

"What do you mean?" Zhang Qicheng asked in a deep voice with a cold face.

Qin Hao smiled slightly: "To put it simply, I want to eat and don't have time!"

"Qin Hao, don't toast me and you'll have to drink wine as a penalty!" Zhang Qicheng roared angrily, with a murderous intent flashing in his eyes.

"Zhang Qicheng, are you looking for death? How dare you make trouble on my Gold Coast?" At this moment, Dai Qianni arrived just in time and spoke up in time.

Seeing Dai Qianni, Zhang Qicheng's momentum was obviously a little weaker, but he still said unconvinced: "Little sister, this is the old man's order, asking me to ask him to explain. Moreover, the eldest brother is dead, don't you have nothing at all?" Do you care?"

"He brought it upon himself! Qin Hao is my friend, and even more so my guest. Why are you inviting people to my place? Don't forget, this is a regular hotel and has nothing to do with you." Dai Qianni said indifferently. , there was a hint of anger in his voice.

Zhang Qicheng smiled awkwardly and said in a low voice: "Little sister, what the eldest brother did is indeed not very good, but after all, he is also our eldest brother, the adopted son of the old man. Besides, I can't be the boss of the old man. The old man insists on I invite Qin Hao, you are making things difficult for me by doing this."

"I'm just trying to embarrass you. What's wrong with you? Is it okay to come to the Gold Coast to cause trouble? Or, do you want to fight with me?"

The atmosphere suddenly became serious. The girls in the group were all ordinary urban white-collar workers. They had never seen such a scene before, especially Zhang Qicheng's tall, strong and extremely rough face, and the few men in black behind him. He didn't look like a good person. He was so frightened that he looked at Qin Hao one by one, not knowing what to do.

"Little sister, why do you deliberately say such things to third brother? It's not like you don't know. If I dare to attack you, the old man won't skin me? Qin Hao, if you dare to do it, you must dare to act like this. You are hiding like this It’s useless to be behind a little girl, if it’s a man, just come out and face her.”

"Okay, it seems that you won't give up until I make a trip today." Qin Hao stood up. He really didn't want to have anything to do with these nonsense, but Zhang Qicheng's attitude was obviously going to continue to consume him. If he It doesn't matter if you are alone, but why are you surrounded by so many colleagues

"Qin Hao, why don't we call the police?" Xu Wei and Wang Yan whispered, looking at him worriedly.

Qin Hao shook his head and grinned: "It's okay, Sister Wei, Sister Yan, just go ahead and eat. I'll come as soon as I go. If there was really any danger, I would have called the police. Don't forget, today That policeman is my friend."

"Okay then." Everyone thought the same thing. If there was really danger, Qin Hao probably wouldn't go.

As soon as Qin Hao left, Zhang Qicheng also left with others. Dai Qianni was worried and smiled apologetically at everyone: "We are Qin Hao's friends. You can eat and have fun, but don't worry about the rest. Qin Hao and I will take care of it. "

After saying that, he also chased Qin Hao and others.

In the private room of the Oriental Pearl, Qin Hao finally met Lord Buddha who came specifically to see him.

Buddha Buddha is really a monk. He is wearing a Tang suit and has a bald head. He is obviously sixty years old, but his body is still strong and not weak at all. He is holding a string of Buddhist beads in his hand.

This is Buddha, who is as famous as Wan Xiong Wan Tai Sui. At first glance, he looks like a believer chanting sutras and worshiping Buddha, but Qin Hao knows in his heart that this guy is a murderer without blinking an eye, and can eat people without spitting out their bones. Otherwise, he will How could he stand so firmly

If when he first met Wan Xiong, Qin Hao's first impression was that of a ruthless and insidious wolf. Now when he saw Buddha, Qin Hao felt that Buddha was just a pig, a pig with a rough skin and thick flesh. .

Don't underestimate pigs. In the animal world, these pigs have the reputation of being "a wise man who can see major events in the world if he pretends to be stupid." It is precisely because of the pig's rough skin and thick flesh that the Buddha devolved power for six or seven years. He chanted sutras and worshiped the Buddha every day but did not interfere with political affairs, but Wan Xiong still did not dare to do anything to him.

There is a man standing behind Buddha Buddha. Compared to Zhang Qiming's arrogance and Zhang Qicheng's roughness, the first impression this man gave Qin Hao was that of femininity. It was not difficult for Qin Hao to guess that this man should be the second among the three names of Buddha Buddha. , Zhang Qifeng.

"Are you here? Sit down." Buddha stopped chanting and motioned Qin Hao to sit down, as if the two of them were not acquaintances for the first time, but more like old friends with a deep friendship.

Qin Hao was not afraid at all, he pulled up the chair and sat down, waiting quietly to see what kind of medicine Zhang Qishan was selling in this gourd.

"I'm old and can't walk, otherwise I wouldn't bother Ahao to take a trip." Zhang Qishan glanced at Dai Qianni, who was coming up behind Qin Hao, and shook his head: "As the saying goes, the three major misfortunes in life are: It’s just that I lost my father in childhood, my spouse in middle age, and my son in old age. I am just sixty today, and there is not much time left. The days when I can see my children are almost numbered. However, just this afternoon, I If you want a white-haired person to give a black-haired person, don't you think it's miserable?"

Qin Hao nodded: "It's indeed quite miserable."

"I know that Qiming was seriously injured by you because he didn't do good things and he brought it upon himself. But as a father, how can you watch your son being bullied? Originally, I wanted to settle the score with you. I, Zhang Qishan, am seventeen years old After debuting for more than 40 years, I got to where I am today. I’m not too high or too low, and I’m still pretty respectable. It’s just that Xiaoni has grown up, and her elbows have begun to turn outward. It’s a son, and there’s a daughter on the other side. It’s so difficult for me, and in the end I have no choice but to let it go.”

"But, Qiming can't commit a crime that will lead to death, right? Living and dying are two different things. There is room for the former, but there is no negotiation for the latter. Do you know that?"

"I know." Qin Hao took a sip of tea: "I understand what Buddha means. I can only tell you that I did not kill Zhang Qiming. If I wanted to kill him, he would not be able to leave the Gold Coast that day. Furthermore, since I promised Dai Qianni that I wouldn't pursue him, and I wouldn't trouble him again, let alone kill him."

"You said it wasn't you who killed him? Who can testify for you? Besides, even if he wasn't killed by you, you still have something to do with it. If you hadn't beaten my eldest brother seriously, how could he have done anything? He died at the hands of the killer without the ability to resist." Zhang Qicheng looked at Qin Hao angrily, obviously very dissatisfied with Qin Hao. It is estimated that if Zhang Qishan and Dai Qianni hadn't stopped him here, he would have fought with Qin Hao. Hao took action.

Qin Hao laughed and looked at Zhang Qicheng and shook his head: "Lord Buddha, this is your son? He is not too young, he is older than me. How on earth has he been hanging around in the Tao all these years and not even died? I don't even have any brains. If we really talk about the relationship, I think you are the ones who have the biggest relationship. Although Zhang Qiming was seriously injured, I at least saved him a life. It's a pity that you didn't hold on, allowing the killer to take advantage of it. Now you are to blame. I am coming

Or do you think I, Qin Hao, am really easy to bully? Although I am alone and powerless, if you want to touch me, I'm afraid you are not qualified enough. Although I have not been in Tianhai for a long time, there are many people who want to do something to me. Zhang Junxiong and his son are typical examples. I think you all know their fate very well. "

Destroy the whole family!

Zhang Qicheng was stunned for a moment, and felt an unpleasant emotion in his heart for no reason. Although Qin Hao seemed to be harmless, drinking tea and talking, he had no intention of falling out. But just these words and the immovable power made him feel uneasy and put a lot of pressure on him.

"Hahaha... Newborn calves are not afraid of tigers. He is really a hero. No wonder he can win the eyes of Nizi. I never thought that I, Zhang Qishan, have been traversing the sky and sea for decades, and there are times when young men threaten to destroy my family." Zhang Qishan laughed loudly, and seemed not to Not angry.

"If a person like you hangs around in the Tao, I can guarantee that within five years, Tianhai will be yours. We old guys are really old."

"Not interested." Qin Hao didn't care about Zhang Qishan's praise and said disdainfully: "How many people in the gang can have a whole body in the end? How can I be as comfortable as I am now, with a salary and a job?" Come on, you have nothing to do to flirt with your wife or colleagues, I'm going to take a trip into your muddy waters, you must be sick."

"Let's get back to the subject. Since you said it wasn't you who did it, who else could it be?" Zhang Qishan saw that Qin Hao seemed to be disgusted with gangsters, so he stopped and asked.

Qin Hao curled his lips: "I, Qin Hao, never take revenge overnight. Zhang Qishan's life is worthless and not worth killing. On the contrary, in the eyes of some people, his life is worth thousands of gold. Besides, Lord Buddha, you already have a candidate in mind. , why bother? Does it matter who I say?"

"Yeah, I'm old, I don't live long, and I really need to understand some things. After all these years, I've been living in a simple way, and now I'm being ridden on my head and pissed on. If I don't come out and say a few words, I guess this Tianhai will be gone. People remember me, Zhang Qishan." Zhang Qishan gently put down the Buddhist beads in his hand and looked at Qin Hao: "Tomorrow is the birthday banquet for Wan Lao Dog, can you go to the theater?"

"I'm not interested. What's there to see about these seventy-year-olds? Look at you, I might as well go home and hug my wife and get into bed!" Qin Hao sneered, his face full of disdain.

PS: There will be a small climax soon, Wan Tai Sui's birthday banquet, and a secret buried in the beginning of the book will also be revealed, so stay tuned. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . (To be continued)