My Cold And Beautiful CEO

Chapter 128: Undercurrent is surging (asking for flowers)


Coming out of the private room, Dai Qianni looked at Qin Hao apologetically: "I'm sorry, I really didn't know they would come here. I didn't tell them you were here, I..."

"I know, you don't need to explain." Qin Hao smiled, "Actually, it's the same. After all, he is a great Buddha. As long as I am in Tianhai, he can find me no matter what."

Dai Qianni breathed a sigh of relief: "I was afraid you would misunderstand. It's fine now. Let's talk about everything. I'm going to Wan Lao Gou's birthday party tomorrow."

Although she had a cold face towards Zhang Qishan and others, he was her biological father after all. If he and Qin Hao really came into conflict, it would be too difficult for her to be caught in the middle.

"Actually..." Qin Hao opened his mouth, but didn't say anything.

Seeing Qin Hao's hesitant look, Dai Qianni couldn't help but wonder, "What's the matter? If you have anything to say, just say it."

Qin Hao hesitated for a moment, but finally said it: "Actually, I think Zhang Qiming's death is not that simple. Think about it, your father has been famous on Tianhai Road for a long time, but Wan Xiong only rose to prominence in the past ten years, and he was separated from your father. The confrontation in court, coupled with Lord Buddha's deliberate show of weakness, even had the potential to suppress him. But even so, he still endured it and did not take action. What he was afraid of was because he was not sure of victory.

This is enough to show that Wan Xiong is a tolerant and heroic figure. But it was this kind of person who had endured no war for ten years, but suddenly made a fool of himself at this moment. It was impossible for him not to know what the consequences would be if he killed Zhang Qiming. He was doomed to live forever. Even though he wanted to put the blame on me, his plan had so many flaws that it didn't look like it was done by someone with any brains. He is not completely sure of dealing with Buddha alone, and now he has me added to the mix, so why should he dare? "

"You mean, someone wanted you and me to deal with Wan Xiong together, so they killed Zhang Qiming just to provoke a war between the two sides? In other words, there was someone else who killed Zhang Qiming." Dai Qianni reacted immediately.

Qin Hao's words really made her realize something was wrong. This really didn't look like Wan Xiong's behavior. Otherwise, he wouldn't have been able to endure it for ten years without taking action. Even though the two sides had constant friction over the years, they would never stop fighting. This situation has never occurred before, and now it seems that this is not a wise move.

"This is just my guess, I can't say for sure." Qin Hao didn't want to say this at first. He didn't want to wade into this muddy water, but after all, Dai Qianni was good to him, and she was also one of the candidates who could be his wife in the future. If you can, please remind me.

Dai Qianni thought for a moment: "Have you noticed something is wrong a long time ago? You should tell them. If a third party intervenes, your situation will be very dangerous. How about I send some people to you?"

"No need, you don't know what I'm capable of? On the other hand, it's the Buddha's side. In fact, it doesn't matter whether he says it or not. I don't believe he doesn't understand in his heart. If he doesn't say it, he must have had a plan. Furthermore, Zhang Qiming's death is just A push, and whether he dies or not, what is going to happen is going to happen.”

Qin Hao paused for a moment: "The fox will always reveal his flaws, no matter how well he hides them, but you, please pay attention to safety these days, the sky and the sea are not peaceful, and your identity is also very embarrassing."

Although Dai Qianni was not involved in Lord Buddha's affairs, she was still his daughter. Even if she deliberately concealed it, people who were interested could still find out. Today's mixed society is not like before, where there is a lot of loyalty, one person does things for the other, family members are not involved, and all kinds of rules are combined. What can't people do today in order to get a higher position

"Well, you have to be careful too." Dai Qianni nodded obediently. Seeing that Qin Hao could take the initiative to care about her, the relationship between the two took another step forward, and she was very happy.

Qin Hao returned to the terrace and finished dinner with everyone. After drinking and eating, he was enjoying the sea breeze, chatting with each other, and then dispersed.

As for the bill, Qin Hao shamelessly acted like a pretty boy and threw it directly to the big boss Dai Qianni.

… …

As soon as Qin Hao left the Gold Coast, Wan Xiong received the news. Zhang Qishan didn't hide his whereabouts on purpose. He even asked Zhang Qicheng to invite Qin Hao and made such a big fuss that it was hard for him not to know.

"Xilai, tell me, who killed Zhang Qiming? What's the point of these two people getting together now?" Wan Xiong's face was cold. He had previously thought about subduing Qin Hao and capturing Youlan at the birthday banquet. Then use Qin Hao to kill Zhang Qishan.

But now the two people who were supposed to have a deep hatred got together. The script did not go as he imagined. The only flaw was that Zhang Qiming died, not too early or too late, the day before his birthday party.

Jian Xilai shook his head: "I don't know, but what is certain now is that we have been framed and blamed. When Qin Hao and Zhang Qishan meet, it is very likely that they will join forces to deal with us."

"What did Zhang Qifeng say?" Wan Xiong's eyes were full of anger, and his voice was even more gloomy. After so many years, he never expected that at this critical moment, the wild goose would be pecked out of his eyes by geese. How could he not be angry in his heart

What made him most unhappy was the feeling of not being able to control everything. He couldn't even find the black hands who framed him. He had no way of knowing whether Zhang Qishan himself had played such a cruel trick or if it was someone else.

"Zhang Qifeng said he didn't know anything, but judging from his tone and look, he seemed to think the murderer was us!"

"Stupid!" Wan Xiong shouted angrily with cold eyes, "Zhang Qifeng, do you really think that I don't know his thoughts? Maybe he was the one who did it. This boy is an unfamiliar white-eyed wolf. He I wish we would start a war with Zhang Qishan so that he could profit from it. Of Zhang Qishan's three adopted sons, the eldest, Zhang Qiming, is dead. Although the third, Zhang Qicheng, is extremely brave, he is just a warrior. He can charge into battle, but cannot strategize.

Once we start a full-scale war with Zhang Qishan, he will use this to improve his status in Zhang Qishan's heart and even sideline Zhang Qishan. Zhang Qishan is old and needs a successor after all. What Zhang Qifeng needs now is this opportunity. "

"Could that be Zhang Qifeng's hand? Since he has such a motive, it is inevitable that he will not be moved." Jian Xilai guessed.

"Probably not," Wan Xiong shook his head. "Although this kid is ambitious, Zhang Qishan is not a vegetarian. He probably doesn't have the guts to do something under Zhang Qishan's nose. Besides, he is so deep-minded, and he doesn't want to be a vegetarian." Dare to take such a risk, knowing that once the secret is exposed, he will be beyond redemption!"

"That's all. Anyway, Zhang Qishan and I have to come to an end sooner or later. Please tell me not to act rashly for the time being, and don't conflict with Zhang Qishan's people. The most important thing for us right now is to capture Youlan first."


PS: Chuxin has been writing a book for a year. This is the second book. Chuxin knows that he has many shortcomings. I hope everyone can complain more and give you more suggestions. The more you complain and give suggestions, the happier Chuxin will be, and the more you can write what you want to read. arts. (To be continued)