My Cold And Beautiful CEO

Chapter 132: You are my relatives


Qin Hao's movements were very easy and freehand, as soft as Tai Chi, but every move and every move would ruthlessly reap a life.

Every time he kills a person, Qin Hao's golden pupils will glow with blood, and the manic desire in his heart will become even more intense.

Mu Qianxue was stunned, and Mu Qianjun was also stunned. Although the two sisters had been very curious about Qin Hao's past and experience, he was able to leave unscathed in front of Meng Qiulan's many bodyguards, and Wan Xiong was able to do it for To win him over and offer such generous terms, he wouldn't even hold him accountable if his son was beaten.

However, they never thought that Qin Hao would be like this, killing people like killing chickens, without blinking or panic, as if he had been used to it for a long time.

Looking at the corpses and blood on the ground, the red and white things made Mu Qianjun feel his stomach churn. In addition, he was frightened by Wan Fei's kidnapping before, and fell asleep unconsciously.

After all, Mu Qianxue needs to be bolder. She was still able to act calmly and calmly when she was kidnapped by terrorists before. If it weren't for the fact that her only relative was kidnapped this time, and caring caused chaos, she wouldn't be so anxious. Proportionate.

She barely suppressed her inner discomfort, looked at the corpses on the ground, and the only remaining person who was so frightened that he was incontinent, huddled in the corner in fear like a lamb waiting to be slaughtered, and shouted loudly: "Qin Hao, stop! Don't Kill again!"

She knew in her heart that Qin Hao had already killed someone, and he killed someone for her and her sister. However, what does killing mean? It is a real path of no return.

"Qin Hao, please turn back. If you continue like this, you will really be irreparable!" Mu Qianxue shouted loudly, as if she wanted to stop Qin Hao from continuing to kill people.

She was worried, she was afraid, killing and being killed were completely different things. If someone wants to kill you, that is someone else committing a crime, but if you kill someone, the nature of the crime is different.

This seems unreasonable, but the fact is that the other party has no power to fight back. If Qin Hao persists in killing people in this situation, in a legal sense, it is no longer self-defense, but murder. !

"Look back? I can't look back a long time ago! Killing one is killing, killing them all is killing, the result is the same." Qin Hao's lips raised a devilish smile, and with a slight wave of his arm, the man's It was as if his head was grabbed by an invisible force, and his neck was twisted directly.

Mu Qianxue looked at Qin Hao in horror, her whole body trembling slightly. There were eighteen human lives covered with corpses and blood on the ground, but this man was so calm and calm.

The sea breeze at night blew her long hair slightly. At this moment, it was obviously summer, but the sea breeze scraped her face like sharp knives, making her scalp numb.

Her eyes were blurred and confused, her face was even more complicated, and she was in a trance. After a long time, she swallowed a sip of saliva and said nervously: "Actually, you can hand them all over to the police. Killing people does not solve all problems. I I believe there must be other ways to solve the problem besides death."

Qin Hao smiled, walked to the sleeping Mu Qianjun, picked him up, and walked toward the door: "Mu Qianxue, your identity and experience are destined to prevent you from being exposed to the ugliest side of this world. You should understand, What does Wan Fei's identity represent, and how big a role can the police play? If he wants to kill me, he must be prepared to be killed by me. This is fair. In my opinion, the only fair thing in this world is death. .”

"But if he kills you, he is committing a crime. If you kill him, you are committing a crime. You can obviously ask me to call Xinyi. With Xinyi here, everything will not end like it is now. I I don’t understand why you would rather commit a crime than call the police. Then why does the world need the police?” Mu Qianxue could not understand Qin Hao’s thinking. A normal person encountered such danger and refused to call the police, but also prevented her from doing so. , but used this most extreme way to solve it.

Qin Hao carried Mu Qianjun into the back seat of the Bentley and gently let him lie down. Then he lit a cigarette and leaned against the car door, blowing in the sea breeze to calm his irritable emotions and desires.

"Mu Qianxue, you are not a policeman, let alone a messenger of justice. If you think I am wrong, you can call Lin Xinyi now and ask your best friend to take me to receive the merit!"

Mu Qianxue's face suddenly turned pale and she said anxiously: "That's not what I meant. You are doing this all to save Xiaojun. I know..."

Qin Hao looked at the woman with cold eyes and sneered: "Do you still know that I am doing this for you? Do you know that if the police are called, Wan Xiong only needs to use a little effort to fish the person out. When the time comes, You will suffer endless revenge, have you ever thought about it?”

"I understand, but I believe Xinyi will help us..."

"You don't understand!" Qin Hao interrupted Mu Qianxue directly, "Just like today, where were the police when Xiaojun was kidnapped? When I was threatened by phone and would hurt Xiaojun if he didn't come, where were the police? ? Where were the police when Wan Fei and others drew their guns and swords? Can you guarantee that policemen like Lin Xinyi can do a better job than me? Can they guarantee that Xiaojun will not be harmed at all

I thought you would be sober after experiencing the last terrorist attack, but now I realize that you are too naive! Where were the police when you were threatened by gangsters and terrorists pointed guns at you? Life is more sure to be in your own hands! I have kept my promise to you, and I have a clear conscience! "

Mu Qianxue was stunned as if she had been struck by five thunders. No wonder she did not object to Qin Hao and the ghost-faced man. No wonder she felt that the two men's backs were very similar. No wonder Wang Meng and others said that Qin Hao escaped from the interrogation. Room, it turns out that he is really him.

Qin Hao said this out of anger and did not realize that he had inadvertently exposed this information. He was really angry. He was angry that he worked so hard to protect this woman's safety, but this woman didn't appreciate it and foolishly told him some nonsense.

Doesn't she understand it yet? In this world, some things have no reason at all. Life and death are the reasons for the existence of this world!

"I'm sorry. Actually, I don't want to blame you. I just think your method is too extreme and extreme. If you continue like this, you will destroy yourself. Our sisters owe you a lot, and it's not worth it for you to help us in this way. We..." Mu Qianxue's red lips parted slightly, full of helplessness. She never thought about handing Qin Hao over to the police. She was just scared and worried. She didn't want to see Qin Hao pay some irreparable consequences because of their sisters. cost.

"Needless to say, this is my own choice. I am an orphan with no relatives, only a master who has disappeared and traveled around. Since I came to Tianhai, I have an extra wife and sister-in-law. Even if it is fake, this For a period of time, from the bottom of my heart, I regard you as my relatives. Even if I risk my life, I will not let my relatives be harmed!" (To be continued)