My Cold And Beautiful CEO

Chapter 138: Betrayal (asking for flowers)


Ask him who the murderer is? It seems that Zhang Qishan obviously wants to blame Zhang Qiming's death on his head, but Wan Xiong is very strange, who is the person behind this? How does he want to profit from this deliberate attempt to get them to start a war

"Brother Qishan, don't worry, your matter is my matter, brother, and I will definitely help track it down. As for the murderer, no matter who he is, he doesn't abide by the rules of the world, and sneaks behind his back to frame him. If he wants to stir up chaos, I, Wan Xiong, will not let him go easily!" Wan Xiong's voice was like a dragon's bell, his burly figure was full of violence, and his eyes were shining with brilliance.

Zhang Qishan said in a slightly deep voice: "This is natural. Although I, Zhang Qishan, have not been involved in Jianghu affairs for so long, it does not mean that anyone can shit on my head. As long as I find out the murderer, no matter who he is, I will kill him." eye for eye!"

"Is this the gift you prepared for me?" Lin Chaoyang glanced at Xu Yongnian, who looked gloomy next to him, and asked with a chuckle.

Xu Yongnian gritted his teeth, his face full of reluctance: "How is this possible? Zhang Qiming died in the hospital. Whether it was in terms of face or emotions, Zhang Qishan should not be so calm. Is he mentally retarded? He can't even see such obvious things? "

"Yongnian, you are wrong." Lin Chaoyang shook his head slightly, "It is precisely because Zhang Qishan is not stupid that he is so calm. Wan Taisui, who has endured for nearly ten years, says that he does not want to take down Zhang Qishan, that is impossible. But you To say that he wanted to deliberately provoke a dispute and kill Zhang Qiming in order to frame the blame, I think Zhang Qishan is more willing to believe that there is a mastermind behind the scenes. As you know, they are equally powerful. If they start a full-scale war, both sides will lose. We can see clearly. Zhang Qishan and Wan Xiong can naturally see it too."

Xu Yongnian was startled and said: "But it is his adopted son who died after all. I don't believe that Zhang Qishan doesn't want revenge?"

"Of course he wants revenge. It is impossible for Wan Xiong and Zhang Qishan to really pretend that nothing has happened between them. Zhang Qishan will definitely take revenge, and even if it doesn't work, Wan Xiong will give him an explanation. However, an all-out war is absolutely impossible. It's impossible. Neither of them want to see a situation where everything is a dead end, and they won't let it happen easily. Zhang Qiming is Zhang Qishan's adopted son, and he does play an important role in the Zhang family camp, but he is definitely not old enough to do so. Let Zhang Qishan risk his revenge at all costs."

Lin Chaoyang paused and looked at Xu Yongnian: "Those who achieve great things do not stick to trivial matters, be it Wan Xiong or Zhang Qishan. Throughout the ages, emperors and heroes are the most ruthless. When necessary, these people can even abandon their own flesh and blood, and even more so. Don't say it's just a mere adopted son. Do you think that Wan Xiong really wants to avenge Li Junxiong and his son by embarrassing Youyunhui like this? I'm sure that he already knows who the real murderer is, and it's definitely not from Youyunhui. people.

To embarrass Youyunhui is just an excuse for him to annex Youyunhui, and he wants to use the rules and morality of the world to exert pressure. Wan Xiong is like this, and so is Zhang Qishan. They are all well-known figures in the world for a long time. Those in power must take the overall situation into consideration and will never act on their own initiative. "

"You mean, if I had Zhang Qiming killed, not only did I fail to achieve the goal of starting a fight between the two, but I even showed a hint of weakness?" Xu Yongnian clenched his fists, his eyes full of anger.

Lin Chaoyang chuckled: "It's almost the same, but you don't have to worry too much. This move will not cause the mission assigned to us by the world to fail, and it is not useless in sowing the relationship between the two. The two already have good intentions. Ghost Fetus, after this incident, the strings have probably been tightened. What is missing now is a chess piece to push. Don't worry, I will help you finish this matter.

However, you must never act alone in the future. It is not unreasonable for your brother to ask you to follow me. Although you and I were born to enjoy the world's top resources, even if they are not as rich as the world, we are better than more than a billion people. Even if you and I do nothing now, we can still crush most people for the rest of our lives. But, are you and I willing to do this? Compared to your brother, you are indeed still too young. You still need to learn more about your vision and methods. "

"I understand." When he mentioned his brother and Brother Tianxia, Xu Yongnian's eyes sparkled with yearning, respect, admiration, and ambition.

In the venue, Wan Xiong and Zhang Qishan had finished their greetings. The former turned his target to Youlan again and said indifferently: "Youlan, the opportunity has been given to you. Today is my happy day, and I have given in many times, but if you don't If you know how to promote me, then don’t blame me, Wan Xiong, for being ruthless!"

Youlan shook her head lightly: "If you want to incriminate yourself, why bother? Wan Taisui, I have already said that this matter has nothing to do with Youyunhui and I, Youlan, you insist over and over again that it is me who did not seize the opportunity. , is there something wrong? When did you ever give me a chance? Although I, Youlan, am a member of the female class, I am by no means a person who is afraid of trouble. Even if there is a dead end ahead, I, Youlan, will fight for my life. Bite off a piece of each other's meat! Youyunhui's food is not that delicious!"

"Sharp teeth and sharp tongue! Youlan, I see you won't shed tears until you see the coffin. Do you still rely on those brothers outside the Paradise Palace who support your evil intentions? I can tell you clearly that they are gone! And , Not only that, I know everything about who killed Junxiong, whether you acted in disguise or not! Don’t you want evidence? Today, I will make you give up in front of everyone! "

Wan Xiong sneered and shouted softly: "Feng Yang, come out."

Feng San was stunned, with an expression of disbelief on his face. Looking at Feng Yang, who was both his apprentice and adopted son, he couldn't believe that the person he trusted the most would betray them.

Youlan was also stunned. She finally understood why Wan Xiong was so sure of all this. It was neither Qin Hao who leaked the truth, nor Wan Xiong who found out something, but she who leaked the news. Feng Yang, whom she trusted very much and who usually followed her around like a bodyguard, could not resist the temptation of profit in the end. .

People at the venue were also shocked. Who is Feng Yang? That was Youlan's bodyguard, and he was deeply trusted by her, but such a person was eventually captured by Wan Xiong and betrayed Youlan.

Everyone couldn't help but think deeply and look at each other with fear at the bodyguards and capable officers around them, fearing that they would become Wan Xiong's people without even knowing it.

Feng Yang strode out from behind Youlan, came to Wan Xiong, and knelt down on the ground: "Father, Yang'er kowtows to you. I wish you blessings like the East Sea and longevity as long as the Southern Mountains."

"Okay, okay..." Wan Xiong looked at Feng Yang with a smile, and stepped forward to help him up: "Yang'er, I understand your good intentions. Now, in front of everyone, tell me If you tell me everything, I would like to see whether it is me, Wan Xiong, who bullies others with my power, or some people are acting in a secret way and have evil intentions!" (To be continued)