My Cold And Beautiful CEO

Chapter 152: Yin Yang Eyes (asking for flowers)


"Qin Hao, your medical skills are so good, can you really not cure Xiao Rui's eyes?" Yun Shan glanced at Duan Murui, who had a gloomy face, and sighed.

Duanmu Rui smiled quickly and said: "I'm fine, Brother Hao, Sister Yunshan, I've been like this since I was a child. It's been for so many years. It doesn't matter whether it's cured or not."

Qin Hao was a little hesitant, and felt distressed when he looked at Duanmurui who was forcing a smile on his face, and said in a low voice: "Actually, Xiaorui's condition can be cured, but I don't have that ability for the time being, and I'm afraid it will cause bad things." as a result of."

Upon hearing that there was a method, the three women couldn't help but have a flash of light in their eyes, and they asked almost in unison: "How to say it specifically?"

Qin Hao collected his thoughts for a while and then said: "Xiaorui's eyes actually don't have any disease, nor is she congenitally blind. To be honest, it should be regarded as man-made."

Duanmurui was stunned for a moment, then shook his head in disbelief: "How could it be possible? My family clearly said that I was born blind, and I had seen many doctors, and the results they gave were all... "

"It's all fake!" Qin Hao interrupted directly, his expression became very serious, which was very inconsistent with his usual cheerful appearance, and he said solemnly: "What I want to tell you now are all things that cannot be solved by science. It is explained and understood, but it is absolutely true without any water added. Moreover, just listen to it and don’t spread it out.”

The three women nodded.

Qin Hao then spoke: "First of all, the results they gave are just to cover up their incompetence. Secondly, the theory of innateness is absolutely false. You should have seen the yin and yang eyes described in the TV series and movies, right?"

"Huh? Does this have anything to do with it? Is it?" Song Yao was stunned for a moment, and then exclaimed.

"Yes, it's Yin and Yang eyes." Qin Hao touched his nose and continued: "Yin and Yang eyes are a gift from God, but they are also a disaster. Most of the owners of Yin and Yang eyes have pure hearts and are always clean. Therefore, it is mostly the yin and yang eyes that choose humans, rather than humans having yin and yang eyes. Most people with yin and yang eyes are born with them, and it is difficult to acquire them through training or taking drugs.

As said in the movie, with yin and yang eyes, you can see some incredible things, such as the yin and yang between heaven and earth, as well as souls and spiritual bodies. Xiaorui has Yin and Yang eyes, and the reason why she is blind is because an expert sealed Xiaorui's Yin and Yang eyes when she was very young and barely remembers. The price of the seal is light.

Because the yin and yang eyes are so dangerous. People with yin and yang eyes are destined to receive something different every day. In the long run, they will either go crazy or die. It is almost impossible to have a good death, unless you use yourself You can learn to practice and control the strengths of your psychic abilities.

As early as the first time I met Xiaorui, I discovered that her eyes were abnormal, and the person who did the manipulation was someone I knew well, that was my master. However, due to some unavoidable reasons, nine-tenths of my cultivation was sealed. Therefore, even if I knew how to remove Xiaorui's seal, I was unable to help because of my insufficient cultivation. Moreover, the yin and yang eyes are also very harmful, and getting the light is not necessarily a good thing, so the final decision still has to be in Xiaorui's hands. "

The three women were completely dumbfounded. Yunshan was a little better and had a little understanding of martial arts and cultivation. However, Song Yao and Duanmurui were really blank slates and found it difficult to accept such an almost absurd theory.

"You mean, there are really ghosts in this world? And Xiaorui's yin and yang eyes can see, so your master will seal her yin and yang eyes for her? Oh my god, are you kidding me?" Song Yao swallowed her saliva and said very It's panic.

Qin Hao looked serious and shook his head: "Does my expression look like a joke? The so-called ghost is the soul, which can also be said to be a sublimation of personality. But you don't have to worry about it. You can't see or touch it. Or I am using science. The explanation is that ghosts are a kind of energy magnetic field. Only the energy formed by a specific magnetic field can make the soul appear, that is, a ghost. Because the magnetic field of normal humans is different from that of the soul, the conclusion drawn is different. Humans cannot see ghosts.

Just like what people often say about Feng Shui, where does this come from? It is also the magnetic field. The energy generated by the magnetic field causes problems. In order to solve the problem, some layout things and taboos are changed to make the magnetic field normal and even beneficial to humans. This is the source of Feng Shui. Therefore, from a scientific perspective, a ghost is a soul determined by brain waves in the brain and magnetic field energy in the surrounding body or environment. "

The three women opened their mouths, but they didn't know what to say. The information Qin Hao suddenly revealed shocked them so much. Yin and yang eyes, ghosts, is this a novel? But they also understood that Qin Hao would not deceive them with unnecessary words.

Qin Hao said to himself: "In the end, it all depends on Xiaorui's own choice. If she wants to unblock, I can help, but it will take some time. But at the same time, some terrible things will also happen. After all, the Yin and Yang Eyes are psychic objects, and for some practitioners, they are an excellent treasure."

In fact, there is one most crucial thing that he has not told the three girls, and that is the seal on his cultivation. This seal was also given by the old bald donkey with kidney deficiency. At that time, he made a big fuss in the military headquarters. His master took him back to the mountains and sealed his cultivation. Only then did he pull him out of his crazy state. Come back.

It's not that Qin Hao can't break this seal, but he doesn't dare to break it. It has been enough to show these days that when he uses the evil power in his body a little bit, his whole person will become bad, especially when he is murderous and angry.

He was afraid that once he was unblocked and regained his previous strength, he would be eroded by that evil force and return to his original state of madness and obsession. In that case, whether it was Yunshan, the three girls Song Yao, or the two sisters Mu Qianxue, they would all be affected. He may face life threats from Qin Hao.

Unblocking is too risky.

However, Qin Hao is willing to give Duanmurui a try.

"Anyway, there's no need to rush. It's been so long. Just wait a little longer, think it over carefully, and be more cautious. After all, once you make some choices, you can never change them." Qin Hao reminded him again. He didn't want to bring pain and trouble to Duanmurui because of his good intentions. If Yunshan hadn't asked tonight, he might have thought about it for a while before telling Duanmurui about it.

The three women did not speak. They were all in a state of shock, slowly digesting the shocking news that Qin Hao said. Things that they originally thought existed only in novels, movies, TV shows, comics, etc. actually exist in the world, and are contradictory to the science in the general environment. This is really difficult for them to accept, and they even start to be afraid.

Qin Hao seemed to have discovered the thoughts of the three of them. He smiled and took out three talismans from his pocket: "I drew these a long time ago. They can pray for you to prevent disasters, suppress evil and ward off evil spirits, and at the same time, they can also cover up Xiaorui." Yin and Yang eyes. So, don’t be burdened by what I said today. After all, different magnetic fields will not touch each other and will not have any impact."

PS: In fact, everyone should know that after seeing the introduction to Chu Xin's works, such as cultivation, etc., this book is actually still a fairy tale, fairy tale, ghost story. However, I originally planned to introduce these in the middle period. In the early stage, I will focus on urban areas. Life is dominated by martial arts. However, my original intention changed my mind, because the clues about some pit digging are very long and must be laid out from the front, so I decided to go a little earlier so that everyone can just watch it as an urban cultivator or immortal. (To be continued)