My Cold And Beautiful CEO

Chapter 176: Bandits are infested


Qin Hao and his two men came to the parking lot, and just then a nanny car drove up not far away. After the car stopped, several burly men in black clothes dressed as bodyguards escorted a middle-aged woman and a man about five or six years old. The little girl got out of the car.

Qin Hao could clearly feel the smell of gunpowder smoke from these big men in black. They had obviously experienced the baptism of the battlefield, which made him frown unconsciously, but he quickly returned to normal, because he did not notice from the opponent's attack. I feel malice in my body.

However, at this moment, the balloon held by the little girl suddenly broke away from her control and floated towards Qin Hao.

"My balloon, my balloon..." The little girl screamed and suddenly broke away from the middle-aged woman's arms and ran after the balloon.

The girl's actions were completely beyond the expectations of the bodyguards and shocked them.

"Miss, wait..." the middle-aged woman shouted and hurriedly chased after her.

Seeing the balloon slowly floating towards him and rising slowly, Qin Hao took a step forward, raised his hand slightly, and held the rope of the balloon in his hand.

"Little sister, here's the balloon for you. Take it and don't lose it again." Qin Hao smiled and touched the little girl's head and handed the balloon over.

The little girl took the balloon and nodded her head heavily: "Thank you, uncle."

Shu Ya looked at Qin Hao's gentle look from the side, and suddenly there was an urge in her heart to be treated so tenderly by Qin Hao, which immediately made her panic and shy.

At this time, a middle-aged woman and a group of bodyguards also arrived.

The middle-aged woman stepped forward and pulled the little girl behind her, bowed slightly towards Qin Hao, and said lightly: "Thank you."

Obviously he was wary of Qin Hao.

Qin Hao didn't mind either and responded with a kind smile.

The middle-aged woman didn't say much, and walked toward the elevator with a group of bodyguards to protect the little girl.

What surprised Qin Hao was that three or two vans of the same style were driving in from three different directions, not very fast, and seemed to be deliberately approaching the middle-aged woman and her group.

Qin Hao couldn't help but frown. Somehow, as soon as he saw these three vans, he would feel an indescribable alarm. Although it was a baseless sixth sense intuition, it was this intuition that had saved many lives. He never missed a beat in his life.

Sure enough, three vans stopped four or five meters away from the middle-aged woman and her group. The doors opened, and about a dozen people got out of the van, holding various firearms, blocking them at the elevator door.

"Bang bang bang..."

A series of gunshots rang out, such close range shooting that even the group of bodyguards who had withstood the baptism of war could not be spared. One by one they were shot and fell to the ground, their lives and deaths unknown.

The sudden gun battle made Shu Ya, an unexperienced little girl, immediately frightened to the spot and screamed involuntarily. After all, this is what a normal person would do when encountering such a situation.

Shu Ya has been exposed, and it is almost impossible for Qin Hao to survive alone. If such a shooting occurs, it is impossible for the other party to leave any witnesses.

"Get these two women into the car, and the others follow me!" A gangster with a long scar on his face who looked like a leader pointed at the surviving middle-aged women and little girls and ordered with a wave of his hand. He looked murderously towards the direction where Shu Ya screamed.

Qin Hao was also speechless, secretly thinking that he was unlucky, wasn't he? He came to the hospital to sign an order and met such a gangster in the parking lot. The equipment on the other side seemed to be no worse than the terrorists in the Pearl Department Store before. They were all typical desperate people. Disciples are well-trained and their quality is far superior to those of bodyguards.


Almost in the next second, Qin Hao had already determined in his mind the identity of this group of people. They were closely coordinated, well-trained in their actions, and had guns strictly controlled by the Chinese government. They dared to kill people in public. Only these people would give up their lives for money. Guys.

"Go and hide in the car. If I don't call you, no matter what happens, you are not allowed to come out!" Qin Hao pushed and coerced Shu Ya, who was so scared that she could not move, into the car, and then locked the door. He knew in his heart that he would have to kill again today.

"Come out! Whoever was yelling just now, get out quickly, or I will shoot!" The scarred gangster raised his gun in the direction of Qin Hao, and threatened loudly as he approached with his men.

The next second, Qin Hao raised his hands and slowly revealed his head. He looked horrified and trembled: "Don't shoot, don't shoot, I, I'll come out now, don't shoot!"

Seeing Qin Hao take the initiative to show his face, the group of gangsters rushed over with guns and took Qin Hao to the scarred gangster.

"Uncle, don't kill me, please, don't kill me, I didn't see anything." Qin Hao's face was ashen, and he looked at the scarred gangster in horror, raising his hands in the air, his expression was so lifelike that he almost cried.

Scar looked Qin Hao up and down with a fierce look in his eyes: "Boy, are you the only one?"

Qin Hao nodded repeatedly: "Sir, sir, it's just me, please let me go, don't kill me..."

"I won't kill you? Can you promise not to tell anyone what you saw today?" Scarred Bandit seemed to enjoy Qin Hao's fearful look and growled.

Qin Hao's head was nodding like a rattle, and he said hurriedly: "I promise, I promise not to tell anyone. I didn't see anything. I have never been here at all. Don't kill me..."

As he spoke, he squeezed out two tears from his eyes, looking like he was scared to tears.

"You are quite sensible." Scarface showed a satisfied smile, but in the next second, the smile suddenly disappeared, replaced by a ferocious face, and said viciously: "Unfortunately, I only believe that the dead will not mess up. Speak! Boy, don’t blame me. If you want to blame, blame yourself. If you don’t show up early, you won’t show up later. You have to show up when I’m doing things.”

"Kill him!" Scarface ordered directly to his men.


As soon as Scarface finished speaking, a voice sounded in the crowd, and it came from Qin Hao's mouth.

Scarface and the others were obviously stunned, and the action of shooting him was also obviously delayed. At this moment, Qin Hao suddenly stood up, stretched out his big hand like lightning, touched Scarface's neck, and twisted it lightly.


There was a crisp sound in the silent parking lot. Scarface, who had just kept saying he wanted to kill Qin Hao, drooped his head feebly, and fell to the ground. His neck was violently twisted, and he died!

Scarface's eyes were so wide that he didn't even understand until his death why he died so mysteriously. He was a typical example of someone who refused to rest in peace.

The remaining dozens of people did not expect that something like this would happen. This boy who was crying and begging for mercy just now turned out to be so terrifying. He could twist off the boss's head with one hand. Such skills were absolutely extraordinary.

The reversal is too fast!

Before the others could react, or in other words, the moment Scarface's body fell to the ground, Qin Hao turned around again and took action. This time, he aimed at the neck.

There was another click, and the second person fell down immediately.

"Shoot, shoot..."

I don't know who was the first to react, yelled, and at the same time pulled the trigger towards Qin Hao.

Suddenly, gunfire erupted in the parking lot and bullets flew everywhere.

However, Qin Hao had already disappeared. Qin Hao's gun was faster, and Qin Hao's speed was even faster. It was as if he had shrunk to an inch, easily dodging the gunmen's shots.

"Bang bang bang..."

Qin Hao twisted his body to avoid bullets while shooting at the gangsters. Of course, this gun was taken from Scarface.

Qin Hao, holding a gun in his hand, is like a god of murder walking out of hell. Every gunshot will kill the opponent's life. They are all hit right between the eyebrows. There is almost no need to aim. They all click to kill!

PS: Thanks to "Handsome Ye is here for a visit" for the like, thanks to "Xuanyuan Junfeng" for the reward, and congratulations to "Xuanyuan Junfeng" for becoming the first head of the president. Junfeng is an old man who came from the Immortal King. Readers, thank you for your companionship, and I have added an extra chapter to celebrate. . . . . . . . . . . . . . (To be continued)