My Cold And Beautiful CEO

Chapter 181: I will support you


"You are cheating!" Mu Qianxue's eyes turned cold and she said angrily.

She was already irritable. She had seen Qin Hao and Shu Ya talking and laughing together before, and they even came to touch each other. They were so close that they didn't look like ordinary colleagues, which made her feel very unhappy.

It was precisely because of this that she deliberately tampered with the hot pot dinner and shot herself in the foot. Later, she was caught eating it secretly by Qin Hao.

Thinking about it now, Mu Qianxue just felt that she was crazy. She couldn't understand why she did so many things that were not in line with her style. Her brain was no different than a show. Qin Hao showed up at this time and still relied on it. Not leaving made her even more embarrassed, for fear that the other party would find out the little thoughts behind her ridiculous behavior.

How could Qin Hao know what Mu Qianxue was thinking? For men, the most difficult thing in the world to understand is a woman's heart, especially since Qin Hao has been single for more than 20 years and has no experience at all.

But fortunately, he never knew what shame was. Not only did he not deny it or feel ashamed, but he climbed up the pole and said with a smile: "Yes, I am just cheating. Anyway, I won't leave until you finish eating."

Qin Hao said confidently, as if we were going to fight to the end to see who could outlast the other.

"You!" Mu Qianxue was furious. After being together for such a long time, it was not like she was unaware of Qin Hao's shameless temper, but she didn't know what to do with him.

Looking at the computer in front of Mu Qianxue, it was all about work. Qin Hao shook his head and felt a trace of pity and sympathy in his heart.

A twenty-seven-year-old woman has completely gotten rid of her youthfulness. She is the most mature and attractive golden age for women. In addition to working, a woman in this period is more meaningful to enjoy love and life, and then start her own family. Make plans for a happy life in the future.

But what about Mu Qianxue? I can only stay at the company's house and run back and forth between 2:00 and 1:00. All my time is spent on work except for necessary expenses such as eating and sleeping. There is no shopping, chatting, or eating with friends, and there are no leisure activities. Apart from work, I still How tiring must it be to work and live like this

"Let me tell you, aren't you tired of doing nothing but work all year round? Why are you so cruel to yourself when you are so beautiful?" Qin Hao felt that he needed to educate this work-mad woman, "You still You are young, why do you have to spend all day in the office and in front of the computer? Women should be kind to themselves, go out to the spa, go shopping with Song Yao, Xinyi and the others, chat, and have afternoon tea.

If you're in a good mood, you can go out for a trip. If you're in a bad mood, you can also go out and relax. Even if it's just for a stroll, it's better than staying at home or at work with a 70 or 80-year-old woman who can't walk. Let's talk about these things Isn’t that what a normal woman should be interested in? If you feel bored alone, you can take me with you, but I have to explain in advance that this must be regarded as work needs, and the salary you should pay must be paid, and you are not allowed to deduct money from me... "

"Are you done?!" Mu Qianxue's voice became colder and colder, and the limit of her patience became lower and lower.

Qin Hao felt that Mu Qianxue's attitude was not correct enough and said speechlessly: "I said, I am telling you serious things. Have you listened to them? These suggestions are all plans I have thought about for a long time. Otherwise I'll help you make a table, you can look at it and arrange it according to your mood."

Qin Hao himself was moved by these words. Although he had never gone to school, he was well-read and had a strong literary foundation. If he was moved by emotion and treated with courtesy, even if Mu Qianxue was a strong woman, You will also be impressed by yourself, right

However, Mu Qianxue's next move shocked Qin Hao so much that he almost ran away without doing anything.

As soon as Qin Hao finished speaking, Mu Qianxue suddenly pulled out a paper knife with a cold light on the edge from the drawer, turned around, pointed it at Qin Hao, and shouted sternly: "Get out!"

"No, no, no, we have something to talk about. Don't use the knife. This thing is too dangerous. Think about it, if Xiaojun saw this, he would think something happened between us. If he suspected our What should I do if we have a relationship? During this period of time, she already felt something was wrong when we slept in separate rooms. The overall situation is the most important thing, the overall situation is the most important thing... "

Although he said this, Qin Hao felt in his heart that this woman was really unreasonable. She clearly left the door unlocked and lured the wolf into the house, but as soon as I entered the door, she threatened me with a knife. Are you really afraid of you? If it weren't for Master Dao not to lose his job, he wouldn't have compromised on you. Yes, it's all for work and money.

"I say it again, get out!" Mu Qianxue lowered her voice, trying not to let Mu Qianjun hear it. Her heart was full of anger. She felt that she had relaxed her vigilance because of this guy's good deeds recently and gave him face. , otherwise, why would this guy dare to break into his boudoir blatantly? This kind of behavior will happen again the first time, and she must nip it in the cradle.

"Hey, you're going too far. How about I call you my wife? Think about it. I'm risking my life to bring you food and give you some advice. It's okay if you don't eat or listen. Pointing a knife at me, how sad I should be." Qin Hao raised his hands helplessly to show that he had no ill intentions.

"Let's do this. I promise I won't do anything arrogant. As for you, just eat first and let's chat while eating, okay? You have to put down the knife first, right? The overall situation is more important."

Mu Qianxue was still very defensive. After hesitating for a while, she put down the paper knife in her hand. She knew in her heart that if Qin Hao really wanted to do something, she couldn't stop it. The reason why she did it was just to show her attitude, let Qin Hao correct his position, and at the same time vent his anger for the previous injustice. .

Qin Hao sighed. He really couldn't understand what Mu Qianxue was thinking. One moment she was a cute little girl, and the next she was an iceberg girl with violent tendencies and a strong defensive mentality. This change in personality made him suspicious. Does this woman have multiple personalities

"Okay, let's eat noodles first, otherwise it won't taste good. You also said last time that we should communicate more with each other, just like family members. This communication is mutual, not just for you to understand. "I, accept me, I should also know more about you and understand you, right?" Qin Haodong said with emotion and reason, earnestly and kindly.

Mu Qianxue calmed down and thought about it, and felt that what Qin Hao said made sense. Regardless of whether she really had other thoughts about Qin Hao as Song Yao said, mutual communication and understanding were still necessary.

Seeing that Mu Qianxue acquiesced to his proposal, Qin Hao finally breathed a sigh of relief. While watching the other party eating noodles silently, he said: "By the way, can you consider the suggestions I just mentioned? Even if you don't have time, , Is it okay to do it once a month?”

"No!" Mu Qianxue objected directly and resolutely, and said coldly: "I have to work hard. Mu's is a business empire built by my grandfather and mother. If I don't work hard, who will be responsible for these industries? Covet Mu. There are a lot of people in the family. If I relax even a little bit, I might lose everything I have now. How can I resist the Mu family? What about my little sister? It’s not like you haven’t seen the faces of those people. I don’t want Xiaojun to live with him for the rest of his life. Stay there and become a tool for those people to make profits! If I don’t work hard and these problems occur, what should I do? Will you support me and Xiaojun? Will you solve all this? "

"I raise you!"

PS: Chuxin’s last month’s new flower book list, please give me flowers, I’ll beg for you on my knees. . . . . . ,. . . (To be continued)