My Cold And Beautiful CEO

Chapter 182: Tit for tat (asking for flowers)


"?" This time it was Mu Qianxue's turn to be confused. Qin Hao answered firmly. Even a person with a cold personality like her couldn't help but be a little touched. The word "support you" means a lot to a man. Generally, it means that you will shoulder the lives of others.

However, Mu Qianxue soon realized that she was a little emotional. Thinking about what she just said, it was simply ridiculous.

Who is Qin Hao? Homicide expert? Then what? Apart from violence, Qin Hao that Mu Qianxue knew was almost useless. At work, he only played games and chatted all day long, was glib and flirted with female colleagues, and went about his life.

Such a man, but I suddenly want to share the burden with him, it's really funny!

Could it be that just because he protected himself and Xiaojun and resisted some despicable means, should I have hope in him? How does he make money to support his family? Are you asking him to kill someone again? Mu Qianxue thinks that she is not selfish to that extent, and it is unfair to Qin Hao.

After all, what is fake is still fake after all and can never come true. Beautiful fantasies only exist in fairy tales, and she has long passed the age of dreaming.

Mu Qianxue said nothing. She didn't want to continue this heavy topic. She ate the bowl of noodles silently, wiped her pink lips, and said, "I've finished eating the noodles. You can leave. I'm going to get ready to rest."

"Yes." Qin Hao nodded, but his eyes never left Mu Qianxue, staring at the woman greedily.

No man can resist the charm of Mu Qianxue wearing a Winnie the Pooh cartoon nightgown. Even if she is cold to the bone, she makes people feel ashamed when they meet her, and they can't even lift their heads. However, the man's yearning for her is like a moth flying to a flame, and he refuses to turn around even though he knows there is a dead end. This is the best interpretation of her powerful attraction.

Qin Hao moved to the door with difficulty and couldn't help but look back at Mu Qianxue again: "I said, what I said before is true. I am sincerely willing to support you. As long as you agree, I can give you far more than Mu's stuff. Also, I hope you can consider those suggestions carefully, and I can also do it with you. Enjoying life is much happier than being raped by life."

"I will consider it as appropriate." Mu Qianxue said softly, her attitude still cold, but much better than the tense appearance before. As for the so-called raising you, she didn't take it to heart at all. Even if she didn't believe Qin Hao had that ability, she didn't want to hurt his self-esteem.

Looking at the door being closed, Mu Qianxue felt annoyance for no reason. In the end, she wanted to ask about the relationship between him and Shu Ya, but she still didn't say it. Perhaps, Song Yao's judgment was not absolute, and she was not talking about love in the first place. Love woman.

In this way, she tossed and turned in bed for half the night, until early in the morning she felt a little sleepy.

Early the next morning, Mu Qianxue was awakened by a phone ringing.

"Who is it?" Mu Qianxue asked in a low voice, rubbing her head that was a little dizzy from lack of sleep.

"It's me, Dai Qianni." A charming and sweet voice came from the other end of the phone.

Mu Qianxue raised her eyebrows and frowned slightly. She never expected that Dai Qianni would call her. Even though they had been classmates from elementary school to high school, their identities and attitudes were always destined to be opposites. The relationship is extremely bad.

Now, the two of them have developed to the point of fighting each other when they meet. With such a relationship, the other party actually called me. Mu Qianxue was really confused. What made her even more surprised was that Dai Qianni on the other end of the phone seemed to be crying. .

Something must have happened, Mu Qianxue thought to herself. Although Dai Qianni is usually bold and hot-tempered, the arrogance in her bones that cannot be erased by anyone who can stand up to her.

However, she took the initiative to call with a crying sound, which can only mean that she encountered something that was enough to make her let go of her self-esteem.

"Is something wrong?" Mu Qianxue was silent for a moment and asked nonchalantly.

Dai Qianni tried her best to control her emotions and asked eagerly: "Qin Hao, is he living in your house now?"

When Qin Hao was mentioned, Mu Qianxue suddenly woke up, her eyebrows furrowed slightly, and her attitude became even colder: "What are you asking him for?"

She knew that Dai Qianni had other thoughts about Qin Hao, but very little information was revealed. But now the other party actually knew that Qin Hao lived in her home, which made her have to doubt the relationship between Qin Hao and the other party. Did Hao tell anyone about their fake marriage

If Qin Hao said so, Mu Qianxue's rating of Qin Hao would drop a lot. You know, from the moment she signed the agreement with Qin Hao, she had repeatedly warned that the transaction between the two should not be made public. For this reason, she did not even inform her closest sister.

But Qin Hao told others, Dai Qianni, who had an extremely bad relationship with her. Once word got out and it affected her plan, it would be a real problem.

"Of course I have something to do with him. I know you are husband and wife, but I am still his lover. You, the eldest lady, will not embarrass my mistress over a trivial matter, right? Please help me find him. , this is a major matter concerning human life and cannot be taken carelessly." Dai Qianni forced herself to lower her posture and said in a gentle voice.

Listening to the meaning of Dai Qianni's words, she probably didn't know the secret between herself and Qin Hao. Mu Qianxue finally felt relieved and said in a cold voice: "What does it have to do with me? If you want to find him, just go find him by yourself, call him or come to see him. Okay, what do you mean by passing me unnecessarily? It’s boring and childish behavior!”

"Do you think I'm demonstrating against you? Haha, if it was really a demonstration, I wouldn't have this attitude." Dai Qianni sneered again and again, "To tell you the truth, Qin Hao's mobile phone is turned off and the call cannot be connected. I am temporarily unable to get through. Can’t leave…”

"So what? Since you know you are a mistress, why should I help you? The relationship between us does not seem to be so good!" Mu Qianxue asked coldly.

"What? Are you afraid? I can't believe that there are times when Tangtang Mu Qianxue is not confident. Don't worry, although I will not give up pursuing Qin Hao, I will not do those boring things. Besides, even if you are a big man So what, madam? Just because he is by your side now does not mean that he will always be there. Maybe one day he will come to my side and leave you. When it comes to men, I think I am much better than you!"

Dai Qianni seemed to have lost her patience and spoke tit-for-tat, taunting Mu Qianxue.

"We haven't seen each other for so many years, but your shameless and shameless character is getting worse!" Mu Qianxue sneered. She was too lazy to tangle with Dai Qianni anymore. She got up without washing up and walked out of the room to find Qin Hao.

Just as Dai Qianni thought, Mu Qianxue's arrogant character meant that she would not tolerate any sand in her eyes, let alone admit that she was afraid and worried. Therefore, the more she ridiculed Mu Qianxue, the less likely Mu Qianxue would use small means to cut it off. Her connection with Qin Hao.

PS: Chuxin’s last month’s new flower book list, please give me flowers, I’ll beg for you on my knees. . . . . . ,. . . (To be continued)