My Cold And Beautiful CEO

Chapter 192: Having sex, Part 2


The air conditioner in the room kept blowing cold air, but Qin Hao, who had just taken a shower, did not feel cold at all. Instead, his whole body was hot and his eyes were straight.

This is no wonder for him. Any man who sees Mu Qianxue lying on her side on the bed, showing off her perfect curves like an iceberg goddess, will have confused thoughts, dry throat, accelerated heartbeat, and can't sleep at night.

At this moment, Qin Hao wished he could go to bed and hug the innocent Mu Qianxue, have a good sleep, or have a little intimacy. Although he thought about it, he didn't dare at all. Even when Mu Qianxue said he could only sleep on the floor, he didn't dare to go to bed. climb.

After all, who knows if there is a paper knife or scissors hidden under Mu Qianxue's head? As long as he dares to have the slightest thought or action of climbing into bed, this woman will raise a knife in the dark night, and his life will be ruined

Don't think this is impossible. On the contrary, this is definitely something Mu Qianxue can do. He has often been threatened by this woman with a knife. Just thinking about it, Qin Hao feels his scalp numb and frightened. , the lower body felt cold for a while.

Looking at Mu Qianxue who seemed to be sleeping soundly with her back turned to him, Qin Hao resisted the urge to climb into bed and lay on the ground obediently. Although it is summer now, the air conditioner is on in the bedroom and the marble tiles are still relatively cool at night. However, this will not have any impact on Qin Hao. With this guy's physical strength, he would have to wear single clothes and be buried in the snow for three days in the middle of winter. I probably won't be freezing for three nights.

The night gradually deepened, and Qin Hao's originally tense nerves slowly adapted as time went by and relaxed obviously. With this relaxation, Qin Hao felt a surge of tiredness, his eyelids became a little heavy, and he slowly fell asleep.

Although Mu Qianxue was lying motionless on her side on the bed, she never dared to sleep. She kept holding the scissors under the pillow with her little hands, for fear that Qin Hao would show his bestiality and climb onto the bed. After waiting for a long time, I finally heard Qin Hao's slight snoring, and the heart in my throat finally relaxed.

But even so, she still couldn't sleep. Suddenly there was an extra person in her boudoir, and he was sleeping next to her bed. She was used to sleeping alone, but she felt awkward. The most important thing was that Qin Hao was still there. Although the snoring was not loud, a woman like Mu Qianxue, who had severe obsessive-compulsive disorder and could not tolerate even a little bit of sand in her eyes, could not tolerate it at all.

After closing her eyes and waiting for a long time, Mu Qianxue still didn't feel sleepy at all. Her mind was very clear, and she couldn't help feeling irritated. She sat up from the bed and thought about getting out of bed to work. '

As soon as her feet landed, Mu Qianxue saw Qin Hao who was sleeping soundly at her feet, and her thoughts about work stopped. Although she couldn't sleep, typing on the keyboard while working would inevitably make noise, and she didn't want to wake Qin Hao up.

After a moment's hesitation, she completely gave up on getting up to work, and just sat blankly on the edge of the bed, staring at Qin Hao, her big bright eyes shining like two black gems in the dark night.

Since you can't sleep, let's find something to do.

Mu Qianxue suddenly realized that she had never really laid her eyes on Qin Hao. Living together for such a long time, she had never taken a good look at Qin Hao or observed him.

To be honest, this husband in name does have a good skin. Different from Qiu Lin's handsome, resolute and upright image, Qin Hao looks fair and handsome, and has such tender skin that even a woman like her can't help but be jealous. What a bad Hallyu star, no wonder he is regarded as a pretty boy.

However, compared to those naughty boys, Qin Hao has a mysterious and indescribable temperament. This temperament not only does not make him look like a sissy, but is very masculine, adding an indescribable aura. The beauty is the same as the previous Hong Kong star "Brother".

As she looked at it, Mu Qianxue's mood became more and more complicated, and the corners of her lips involuntarily raised a subtle arc. The more she looked at it, the more beautiful she felt.

Just when she was lost in thought, Qin Hao suddenly turned over and unconsciously grabbed his hands in the direction of Mu Qianxue. Mu Qianxue couldn't avoid it, and Qin Hao held her little foot in his arms.

Mu Qianxue was a little panicked. Her feet were one of her sensitive parts. How could a pure and innocent woman like her be able to bear being held in the arms of a man like this? But she didn't dare to pull her feet back hard. If Qin Hao was awakened by his current appearance, he wouldn't be able to escape even if he jumped into the Yellow River.

I don't know what Qin Hao's bad habit is. The more Mu Qianxue's little feet moved, the tighter the guy hugged her. He even tilted his head and rubbed his face against it, which made Mu Qianxue blush and didn't know what to do. good.

Mu Qianxue fell into a complete panic, her mind was in a state of confusion, and she was wondering how to escape. However, before she could think of it, she suddenly felt a sticky feeling on the instep of her feet, causing her to tense up and tighten her body. A strange emotion arose, like an electric shock.

Looking down, Mu Qianxue felt extremely sick. Qin Hao was drooling while sleeping!

That's right, Qin Hao was drooling while holding her feet. The saliva flowed from the corner of the guy's mouth to the instep of Mu Qianxue, and it was spreading.

Just when Mu Qianxue's body was stiff and her mind was at a loss, Qin Hao did something that made Mu Qianxue, who had a slight mysophobia, almost faint.

He didn't know what he was dreaming about, but he suddenly opened his mouth wide and bit Mu Qianxue's little foot in his mouth. A full half of the foot and more than three toes were taken into his mouth by Qin Hao, with a look of intoxication on his face. His expression seemed to be enjoying some delicious food.

"Ah..." Mu Qianxue let out a scream. Fortunately, she reacted quickly enough. She only yelled half a cry before she stopped abruptly. However, the other foot was not polite at all and kicked Qin Hao's handsome face unbearably. past.

Mu Qianxue is not a woman who likes violence. She only carries a knife to protect herself. On the contrary, she hates Qin Hao's style of using violence to solve problems.

However, when Qin Hao regarded her feet as pig's trotters and gnawed them in his mouth, she had lost her mind and could not make a calm judgment and make a response.

For her, who has a slight mysophobia, this is as disgusting as a normal person stepping on feces with bare feet. Anyone who encounters this situation will completely go berserk.

However, she obviously underestimated Qin Hao's vigilance and reaction speed while he was sleeping.

If Qin Hao was so easily attacked by someone, especially if he was an ordinary person like Mu Qianxue who had no fighting ability, then he would not be alive until now.

Therefore, before Mu Qianxue's little feet touched Qin Hao's big face, Qin Hao's hand suddenly raised without any warning, grabbed the ankle that Mu Qianxue kicked, and with a force of his wrist, he stunned Mu Qianxue, who was sitting on the edge of the bed, was thrown into the air and then hit the ground face down.

All of this was done without Qin Hao's consciousness. Before completing these actions, Qin Hao's eyes were still closed. It was not until Mu Qianxue fell in mid-air that Qin Hao's eyes slowly opened. , looking sleepily at Mu Qianxue in mid-air.

"Ah..." At this moment, he was completely weightless. Mu Qianxue, who was about to have a close contact with the ground and possibly lose her appearance, could no longer control the fear in her heart and let out a miserable scream. She was extremely helpless.

At the same time, Qiu Lin, who was far away in Qin Hao's room, also heard the scream. He couldn't help covering his head with a quilt, and said with a lewd smile: "Brother is really promiscuous. He always thinks that I am promiscuous. When it comes to matters between men and women, Wearing a pure top, looking at the action, my sister-in-law couldn't help but scream twice. No, I have to go to the bar tomorrow, otherwise I will choke to death... "

PS: Chuxin’s last month’s new flower book list, please give me flowers, I’ll beg for you on my knees. . . . . . ,. . . (To be continued)