My Cold And Beautiful CEO

Chapter 195: I am destined to love you


When the morning sunlight shone into the bedroom through the bright window, Mu Qianxue let out a soft hum, opened her eyes in confusion, and was about to get up, but suddenly she felt that she was next to a hot body with a belt wrapped around her waist. A slender arm.

Mu Qianxue shuddered and woke up instantly. She was about to scream and kick the unruly guy next to her out of bed, but she suddenly remembered what happened last night. She turned around and saw, as expected, the hug It was Qin Hao who was looking at him.

Qin Hao was sleeping soundly, with one hand on the back of Mu Qianxue's head, the other hand around her waist, and one thigh resting on Mu Qianxue's leg in an extremely indecent way.

Judging from the current situation, unless Mu Qianxue pushed Qin Hao away or woke up this guy, she would not be able to get up at all.

If it had been in the past, Mu Qianxue would have kicked Qin Hao out of bed, then yelled at him, and even chased him across the room with a knife to drive him out.

But now, Mu Qianxue can't do it. Although she is still not used to lying on the same bed with a man, surprisingly, she doesn't hate this state. Especially when she saw Qin Hao sleeping soundly, she felt like she was going crazy and didn't want to wake Qin Hao up.

Mu Qianxue turned over slightly, turned sideways, and looked at the sleeping Qin Hao with a calm but not indifferent look, and the corners of her lips involuntarily raised a beautiful arc.

It was because of the man in front of me that I slept so peacefully and comfortably last night. For the first time, I didn't feel nervous.

Is this the person you will be sleeping with for the rest of your life

Mu Qianxue's thoughts were extremely complicated, recalling every detail of how she met Qin Hao and slept in the same bed together.

It is very different from movies, TV dramas, and various romance novels. There is no romance between them, and they have never heard the words "I love you, like you," a decent gift, a separate date, or dinner, none of this.

It could even be said that in Mu Qianxue's original idea, they lived together just because they were not mutually exclusive. She had no idea about love, likes, etc. and did not think about it.

However, they were lying on the same bed. With Mu Qianxue's thoughts and ideas, allowing Qin Hao to climb into her bed meant that she would completely accept Qin Hao and only have him in her life.

Of course, it's not like Mu Qianxue never thought about what her future bed partner would be like when she was a student, nor did she discuss her own standards with Song Yao.

You don't need to be tall and handsome, you don't need to be so rich, and you don't need to have a top family background. However, as a young and promising white, rich, beautiful and powerful person with outstanding appearance, good family background, how could Mu Qianxue not hope that her partner would be good enough to shield her from the wind and rain and protect her

However, what is Qin Hao like

In addition to his so-so appearance and relatively tender appearance, he has almost no temperament. He is idle all day long and is not good at work. He only knows how to play games. His talents and abilities are average to the extreme, and he is not motivated at all.

But just such a person climbed into his bed and took away all his firsts. The first intimate contact, the first hug, the first kiss, the first time sleeping together...

Thinking of this, Mu Qianxue felt that there was something abnormal about herself and that she was probably crazy. Otherwise, how could she fall in love with him, tolerate him, and accept him? He even said, don't let him go.

Originally, she should have been angry, unwilling, and resistant to being forced into marriage. However, now she does not hate Qin Hao, nor will she be unwilling to do so. On the contrary, she enjoys Qin Hao's presence in her life. Although she sometimes feels angry and annoyed because of him, she still enjoys it.

Mu Qianxue looked at Qin Hao's delicate face quietly, feeling particularly comfortable. Qin Hao, who had calmed down, was actually really good-looking, and the more he looked at him, the better he looked.

However, just as Mu Qianxue was looking at him in trance, Qin Hao suddenly opened his eyes and blinked at Mu Qianxue with a half-smile: "I'm handsome, I'm fascinated by it."

Mu Qianxue, who thought Qin Hao was still sleeping, was startled. It was like walking in the dark night dew and being suddenly tapped on the shoulder from behind. What's more, Qin Hao also caught him peeking. It was so embarrassing that I couldn’t help but get angry: “Get out of here! Bastard!”

Snapped… …

… …

"Ah wu..." Qiu Lin stretched out. As soon as he came downstairs, he saw Qin Hao coming out of the kitchen with a bowl of preserved egg and lean meat porridge, fried dough sticks, meat buns and toast sandwiches. He walked up to say hello with a smile. : "Morning, brother. Why are you making breakfast, where is your sister-in-law?"

Qin Hao chuckled: "Your sister-in-law was too tired last night, so I was thinking of letting her sleep a little longer, wash up quickly, and then come over for dinner."

"I have the order!" Qiu Lin turned around and walked towards the bathroom. After thinking about it, he felt something was wrong. He walked back to Qin Hao, put his face close to him, looked up and down, and asked in surprise: "Brother, what is your face like?" What's wrong? I'm all red!"

This should be what Qin Hao hates the most. When Mao had to be so strict with brothers like Qiu Lin in training, his good reconnaissance skills were not used on official matters, but on him. Just kidding, you would be slapped hard in the face. It would be strange if your face is not red!

However, Qin Hao would definitely not tell Qiu Lin about this embarrassing thing, so he could only play it off and said: "It's not all your sister-in-law..."

"I know!" Before Qin Hao could explain the reason, Qiu Lin interrupted with excitement and said with a lewd smile: "Brother, I'm not telling you. Although you are in good health, you must also learn to exercise control. After all, I am a human being. Those who have experienced it will understand the desire you feel when you touch a woman's heart. However, the body is the capital of revolution. As the saying goes, there are no damaged fields, only exhausted cows. My sister-in-law was so happy last night, It's so noisy that I can hear it from so far away. Now look at your face, how affectionate it is, I think... "

Qiu Lin kept talking nonsense, spitting freely, but he was so excited that he didn't notice that Qin Hao's face was getting darker and darker.


Qin Hao really couldn't stand this guy's rich imagination and the powerful destructive power of his chatter, so he directly grabbed him by the collar, dragged him to the bathroom door, kicked him in, and closed the door, and then he was completely clean.

Sitting at the dinner table, Qin Hao touched his face and smiled like a fool from time to time as he was slapped by Mu Qianxue.

Although he was beaten, he was very happy in his heart and felt that it was worth it. As a joke, if he could get a slap in the face and sleep with Mu Qianxue in the same bed, he would have made a lot of money.

Unexpectedly, in just one night, the relationship between himself and Mu Qianxue would develop so rapidly. If this trend continues, sooner or later, he will be able to get rid of the curse that plagues the happiness of life.

However, when it comes to him and Mu Qianxue, it is really fate. When he went down the mountain, he thought he was just a passer-by in life, the relationship between doctor and patient, but who knew that they turned out to be their own medicine, especially Qin Hao. Without Mu Qianxue, how could he survive the rest of his life? Is it possible to really become a monk with the old bald donkey

Ask yourself, since he was taken to the mountain by the old bald donkey when he was eight years old, he has never had a peaceful sleep. He always wakes up from light sleep at the slightest touch, and the perverted old guy harasses him repeatedly in the middle of the night. He forced him to develop his body's conditioned reflex, and it was this conditioned reflex that almost caused a big incident last night.

Also last night, he had a really good sleep. Holding Mu Qianxue, who was as gentle as jade, Qin Hao felt particularly at ease for some reason, as if the world was beautiful and safe, which should be what people It is often said to be the harbor of home.

"What are you giggling at? You are smiling so obscenely and disgustingly?" Mu Qianxue happened to go downstairs after washing up and putting on makeup. She saw Qin Hao sitting at the dining table, touching his face and smiling obscenely. He was wondering if he should be slapped to death. Are you stupid, so he asked confused.

PS: Thanks to "zjcq114", "Little Dolphin_06755" and "lihaijun88" several book friends for their likes,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,

PPS: The list of new books about flowers in the last month of Chuxin. Please pray for flowers. I will beg for you on my knees. . . . . . ,. . . (To be continued)