My Consort is Alpha

Chapter 100: Extra Story


[Dear viewers, good afternoon, welcome to Into Science...]

Someone was lazily lying on the sofa, and said out of boredom: "Why did the fish and shrimps in the river die overnight, why did the people in a village get poisoned collectively, why the water quality of the river was suddenly determined to be seriously polluted, everyone is welcome to watch Into Science——Li Ning The incident of washing feet by the river~"

Li Ning raised his hand, and slapped someone neatly on the sofa.

A certain person is lamenting in the ruins of the sofa. If she does this a few more times, she will probably hire the furniture company again tomorrow. Yes, her partner Li Ning is a strong man with a good ear, and she dare not speak ill of anyone , Even if there is a wall for sound insulation, it can't block people's dog ears that can hear infrasound waves.

[As we all know, the only emperor in history with a well-preserved tomb is Qin Shihuang. The tombs of emperors in other dynasties have more or less been patronized by tomb robbers, but the ones that make everyone most curious are the envoys of the Dayan Empire and other emperors. The tomb of brother Qin Yu, like the tomb of Sima Yuan later, has been a mystery in archeology for a long time.]

[The first step for human beings to complete the exploration of space is the moon, and after the astronauts landed, they found a well-preserved human tomb on it. After taking photos, it is the tomb of the first generation of envoy Li Jun and his wife Princess Yanruo!]

Someone stared at this story in astonishment: "Ning Ning, your ancestral grave is about to be dug up!"

Li Ning calmly looked at the unearthed situation of the tomb, and his heart was bright and sad at 45 degrees: "The ancestor had the foresight to put his tomb on the moon, probably because he was worried that his bones would be dug out and put in the exhibition cabinet It's for people to appreciate, but it still hasn't escaped the murderous hands of future generations, how miserable~"

So Li Ning watched the next few episodes of Into Science. As a direct descendant of the family, the mecha that can go to the moon is now lying in her space button.

The tomb made by the ancestors is very innovative. The outside of the tomb is made of alloy material. I don’t know how many elements are used. In short, the quality of a small piece is astounding. Tomb robbers can’t get into that place (tomb robbers I can’t go to the moon, okay ==), the astronauts finally entered the first floor, and found that there is no mechanism inside, and there are some ancient books in the first floor.

The second layer is buried with gold, silver and jewelry, rare pearls and emeralds, and even some unknown treasures that look glamorous. According to historical records, the god envoy Li Jun is invincible and can fly into the sky. She escaped to the ground, but no one in the Dayan Empire knew that the brave envoy doted on his wife to the bone, and often collected rare and rare treasures to please her.

In addition to the countless treasures on the second floor, there are also some nasty love letters written by the envoy to the three princesses ==

After entering the third floor, I realized that the previous treasures were all rubbish. The third floor is a beautiful, crystal-like world. Ying, the spar-like pink liquid even slowly has a flowing texture, and in the pavilion at the entrance, there is a paper manual placed abruptly.

The explorer opened the manual.

There is a short paragraph on it, which roughly means: Although future tomb robbers, archaeologists or antique collectors will build their tombs on the moon, with the development of science and technology, humans will conquer the moon sooner or later. The things on the outer two floors are taken away if you like them. The books next to the notebooks are some advanced high-tech knowledge, which were useless in ancient times. If humans have conquered the moon, then these things will allow humans to advance on the ladder of technological progress. Avoid many detours.

So, enough stuff, please go away, don't disturb our sleep, or you will die miserably.

Of course, these words were completely ignored by people who love ancient literature. The crystal world has a radius of three square kilometers. This world is like a fairy tale world created by an angel for his beloved woman. There are many lifelike crystal statues in it. , and there are stretches of woods, even the fallen leaves on the ground appear and disappear in the light pink waves, and under the liquid water surface, stretches of crystal balls are suspended in it, and each crystal ball has a pair of contradictors. The lovers who sleep on their feet, their names are engraved on the outside of the crystal ball, looming. Among them, there is the first queen Yan Li in history, the first child of the three princesses and the envoy of the gods, and there are countless famous people in the past and present. A hero or a peerless beauty in the world.

Those unsolvable puzzles are all answered here. The Li family is small in number. Except for the two children of the God Envoy, the rest of the descendants are all single-passed, and they are all in their thirties and forties. Some heirs, if cousins marry, have two heirs.

More importantly, the Li family has only daughters and no sons.

In the crystal world, archaeologists saw a huge palace, which was built in imitation of the Yan Dynasty. Archaeologists found a huge, suspended crystal ball in the sleeping hall. Inside the ball was a pair of cross necks. And entangled woman.

One of the women has a heroic face and exquisite eye makeup, but her temples are stained with frost. She is wearing a costume of an unknown race, and her long skirt is swinging back and forth in the ball of light. Her eyes are open, and any Anyone can see the expression in her eyes, and in her arms, is holding a thin and small person. The face of the person is still young, but the hair is like snow, and the skin on the exposed fingers is dry. She didn't wear a princess dress, but a pink curly dress that girls like. Her long hair was scattered in the light ball, and the hair strands of the two were intertwined, revealing a sense of tranquility.

After that day's column, a bunch of netizens replied.

First floor: The rhythm of torture and death of single dogs, what does it mean to find the right person, this is, what does it mean to be inseparable for the rest of your life, love in dog-blood romance dramas is so weak!

The second floor: I don't pay attention to these things. I'm thinking why their bodies are so well preserved. This is a project worth studying.

Third floor: Upstairs, people built the tomb on the moon because they didn’t want to be dug up for exhibition. One day you hang up and be dug up for research. Put the skull on the left and the little dick on the right. You must be super happy!

Fourth floor: Stop making noise! The divine envoys in history really had mysterious powers, and several archaeologists and astronauts died again!

Fifth Floor: Evidence!

Sixth Floor: Didn’t watch Into Science and suddenly changed to other films? !

After entering the science column, there was no report about the tomb of the envoy. Others didn't know it. As a high-level national official, Li Ning couldn't be more clear. The moment those archaeologists touched the light ball, overwhelming The mist scattered from the envoy's body, and all people or objects touched by the mysterious mist were crystallized, and the gray-black mist filled the entire space, leaving no gaps.

A certain person lay on the bed, read the last column repeatedly, and said with tears in his eyes: "I am so touched, Ningning, we will also build the tomb on the moon in the future."

Li Ning turned off the computer calmly, hugged this annoying little fairy: "Then please satisfy my [wow] first!"

A certain person blushed, then rushed over and took off Li Ning's clothes.

At this moment, everyone focused their attention on the generation of the Li family in power.

Li Ning was interviewed by the media. As the person in charge of the Li family inheritance, her father and mother are cousins. Therefore, in this generation, she also has a younger sister. Her younger sister is now a top scientist in the world, and she herself is also a member of the country. A person in power, even if these things are revealed, she is still calm in the face of the media.

"My ancestors did have some special abilities."

"We do have the ability to reach the moon, but we don't need to show this technology yet, because the difference is not just one dynasty, and this item is passed down from our ancestors and will never be displayed."

Li Ning refused straight away. Since ancient times, her family has made too many contributions to society and mankind. Even though she no longer has the right to be an emperor, she and her younger sister still retain the title of the royal family. , the status is unparalleled, and holds a quarter of the world's army, and even the lifeblood of a part of the world's economy.

What can I do if I know

The honor of the royal family cannot be offended, not to mention that there are still many people who are their fanatics.

One day, how far technology will develop, who knows

The story of later generations is still going on, and the tomb of the envoy Li Jun is still an unsolvable mystery in the end, but it is clear that the achievements of the envoys in history are not exaggerated by the ancients. , Li Jun is a god.

The truth of the past is submerged in history. Li Jun's origin, whether she is a human being, or as recorded in history, is a demigod with half the blood of the black phoenix, or, because of an accident, she came from a distant planet. The aliens who fell on the earth will never return to their homeland.

Or, as it was said in history, because of love, she chose to stay on this planet, and then, accompanied by the woman she loved the most, died peacefully.


Small Theater: A new tomb has been excavated!

Passerby A: Whose

"Dayan Dynasty, a person of the same period as the envoy, the tomb of General Wei Chibai."


"Damn, this man is so strange. There are only bones left in his body, but why is his right arm and palm intact? There is no decay, and it is shockingly well preserved!"

"According to research, the material of this hand is alloy. According to historical records, it is one of the miracles of the gods."

"I didn't pay attention to this point, I was thinking, could this guy die because he used his right hand to masturbate when he couldn't hold back?"

The author has something to say:

New article: Falling in love with the Zerg Queen.

Abandoning treatment in the late stage of mental illness by × Tentacle Zerg queen attack

It’s still the old routine, eat a little bit of bitterness first, and then it will be sweet~sweet.

This article will appear all-round elements, 1V1, SC.

Thinking about it makes me feel 23333333