My Consort is Alpha

Chapter 104: Stallion men can't breed horses anymore


The answer to Xiang He was a slap.

This slap was directly on the back of Xianghe's head.

Li Jun turned back blankly: "In this world, the killing between the same species is for competition, and the same species rarely eats each other. If you want to vent your anger, you can also castrate him and throw him into the care of the servants." To receive male guests, you, as my student, should first rule that you can’t eat the same kind.”

As a child who grew up under the red flag, Li Jun has experienced a lot, but her three views are still very upright. Even if she meets the most disgusting and hated person, she never wants to really go eat a person.

She would be so sick that she would throw up.

Hearing Jun Li's words, Ouyang Mingyu's pupils couldn't help shrinking, but now he was picked up by Jun Li like a doll, and he couldn't move at all. When he thought of the terrible ending, his face suddenly turned pale. A sentence was squeezed out between the teeth: "The winner is the king and the loser, there is no need to insult me like this!"

Li Jun turned his head and sighed softly: "Did you escape very hard in the past six months? Every time you went to a place, you were caught up by the pursuers before you settled down."

Ouyang Mingyu's complexion was slightly dark, and soon he understood everything.

"You've been playing me like a monkey!"

The black particles between Li Jun's fingers spiraled down Ouyang Mingyu's body, binding him tightly so that he couldn't even move his fingers. She controlled the particles and lifted Ouyang Mingyu in midair, With a smile on his face: "Are you too dull? Your clansman, your parents, and your wives and concubines have all been beheaded. Lingchi, Lingchi, your children, now the males are sold into slavery, and the females are paid by the Jiaofang Secretary. , I heard from Xianghe that as a father, you never thought of saving your child, you just wanted to go to Nanzhao and become a local emperor."

Ouyang gritted his teeth, and his eyes of hatred fell on Xianghe: "If it weren't for this bastard, how could I have fallen into such a situation, Li Jun, if the game is fair, how could you be my opponent!"

The only thing that Ouyang Mingyu could turn was his head, and his voice was full of reluctance: "I know, you and Qin Xie both came from another world, you relied on your ability to defeat Leave me, or else!"

Li Jun stared at him: "I have seen what it means to be shameless and invincible in the world. You have been hostile to us all this time. You sent someone to assassinate Qin Zhi, and then colluded with foreign enemies to set a trap and almost failed me. Xitian, how you lost later is because you have lost the ability to predict without hexagrams."

At this moment, Ouyang Mingyu stared at her: "You know!"

Li Jun replied lazily: "You can guess everything, okay? Qin Zhi knew your identity eight hundred years ago, but you are just an ordinary person who has lived thousands of years into the future. Flapping your wings indiscriminately, should I admire your boldness, or should I laugh at your stupidity?"

Lu Mu didn't speak until now, but at this moment, he slowly spoke: "Envoy, can I take revenge?"

Li Jun turned his head and threw Ouyang Mingyu in front of Lu Mu: "Give him a sigh of relief, I have to take him back to the capital, but there are still many unanswered questions about the little girl."

Lu Mu pulled out the saber in his hand.

He wanted to kill him with a sword.

This man, in collusion with the Liao Kingdom, killed five thousand soldiers of the Great Yan Empire, made him a cripple in a wheelchair, encouraged the emperor's ex-wife's natal family to be a ghost, and finally killed his only fellow disciple.

Ouyang Mingyu's previously pale face became even paler.

Lu Mu went down with his sword, and Ouyang Mingyu's hand flew away from his body.

Ouyang Mingyu let out a scream like killing a pig.

"This sword is for five thousand soldiers!"

Ouyang Mingyu never thought that he would have today.

Seeing the end of the person she once loved who was lying in a pool of blood, Xianghe felt a little sad, and more happy. Her teacher disagreed with her actions, and she would keep every word of the teacher in her heart. The words of the envoy are always correct, even if she doesn't understand, she just needs to obey.

Every time Lu Mu said a word, he gave him a sword. When he finished speaking, Ouyang Mingyu's limbs had left his body forever. Because of the extreme pain, his limbs still twitched from time to time.

The black particles wrapped around him by Li Jun gathered on the fractures of his hands and feet, and soon his limbs stopped bleeding. Lu Mu wanted to do it a few more times, but finally held back.

Throwing Ouyang Mingyu, who was exhausted but not breathed in, casually, she said to Xianghe, "Look at him."

After that, she and Lu Mu swept the entire treasure room. When Lu Mu counted the gold, jade and silver in front of Lu Mu, she put all the treasures into the space buckle, and waited for the two of them to come from another room with great interest. When he came out of the basement, he saw Ouyang Mingyu rolling on the ground with his mutilated limbs covering his penis.

He screamed really badly.

Li Jun and Lu Mu looked at each other.

Xianghe sat aside.

Her dagger was stained with blood.

Li Jun's eyes moved, and then he saw Erliang meat thrown aside.

Xianghe smiled: "I've wanted to do this for a long time, even in my dreams!"

Lu Mu's teeth began to sore.

At this moment, he lost interest in torturing this person instead.

Seeing the loser who was once powerful and stirred up the situation lying on the ground humble like a dog, Lu Mu also sighed: "You have to blame yourself."

Li Jun mentioned Ouyang Mingyu with particles, and a huge mech appeared in front of everyone's sight.

I remembered how I saw the little girl the day before.

Seems to be a little thinner.

Also haggard a lot.

When asked what happened to her, she complained that she had traveled too far this time, so far that she couldn't think of food or tea.

So Li Jun also comforted the little girl, he was getting some dowry outside, and he must build the future love nest of the two of them into the most magnificent castle in history.

The little girl smiled happily and only said: "I'll wait for you."

Lu Mu has long been tired of watching Li Jun and the little girl's you and me, and only when she is in contact with the little girl, she will show a little tenderness, which is a rare tenderness in this iron-blooded woman.

She gave all the pitiful tenderness in herself to the little girl.

When leaving Nanzhao, Li Jun suddenly thought of something.

It's been a while since this happened.

This incident should have become part of her memory thoroughly.

But Mr. Li's principle is to hold grievances against grievances and to avenge grievances. Many things happened these days, so many that she even forgot about it.

Lu Mu asked her, "What do you remember?"

Li Jun narrowed his eyes slightly: "Lu Mu, do you still remember him? This person is also in Nanhuang now."

Lu Mu's expression was blank for a moment.

If there must be one person in this world that Lu Mu should be ashamed of, there is only one, Li Jun, who was once owed by him.

"I still remember," Li Jun narrowed his eyes slightly, "His name is Zuo Yi."


The little girl cut off contact with her sister.

She staggered to her feet.

On the fourth day after Li Jun left, she had morning sickness.

After Qin Zhi knew about this, as Li Jun's closest relative, he opposed the birth of this child.

It's not because he doesn't like this child, but because he knows that the genetic modification experiments Li Jun accepted are actually immature, and Li Jun can only be regarded as a relatively successful experimental subject at best.

Li Jun's appearance is still human, but she is no longer human. No one knows what kind of child she will have with the little girl, and what will this genetically powerful child be like

Wearing butterfly wings? Or a freak with a human upper body and a bug lower body covered in a hard carapace

And what kind of impact will this child have on the little girl's body

Together with the eldest princess, Qin Zhi quickly took the little girl into his mansion.

In less than a month, the little girl's abdomen bulged significantly.

The vitality and absorption ability of this fetus are extremely strong.

Qin Yu observed the child's growth rate, and said to the little girl: "If this child is born, you will be in danger. I think such a danger is something that Mr. Li doesn't want to see."

The little girl lay on the bed, touched her abdomen, and shook her head resolutely: "This is my sister's child. If it is not a last resort, I want to keep him."

Qin Yu stared at the little girl, and finally reprimanded: "Nonsense!"

"I want this child!" The little girl's stubbornness was beyond expectations.

Qin Yu sighed softly: "Believe me, this child, I oppose his birth, and Jun Li will not be willing to keep her."

The author has something to say:

It's been a long time to write, so don't worry about it, just post as much as you write, good night.