My Consort is Alpha

Chapter 11: fist


Shui Shanruo lay on the ground.

Flames burn all around.

After leaving the water, many people were not burned to death, but were suffocated to death by the smoke from the fire. She turned her head and looked at the family hiding behind the quilt soaked in water. She suddenly felt like laughing. impulse.

Sure enough, you shouldn't be soft-hearted.

At the moment when the fire started, she also wanted to live, and when she saw the jar of water, she suddenly had an idea.

Now she doesn't care so much, she just does what she thinks, she tries to move, it seems that the family didn't notice her at all, they were just yelling, desperately avoiding the burning thatch falling from above, it was annoying The bleeding from the man's severed wrist has never stopped, and he has to take care of his own son at this time, so naturally he can't take care of it.

A burning beam fell from it. The man protected his son and narrowly escaped. The woman next to him screamed in fright and stepped back to protect her daughter. The sparks splashed by the beam flew to the strands of hair on the daughter's shoulder. The woman put her hand on her daughter's hair to extinguish the flames, but once the house collapsed, no one in the house could escape.

The thicker and thicker smell of fire smoke permeated with the bigger and bigger flames on the beams, and several people in the room couldn't help coughing, even if they covered their mouths and noses with their sleeves, it didn't help.

The woman burst into tears, and she shouted in despair: "Master, you should think of a way!"

The man has a bad temper, is greedy for petty gains, and beats her when he is angry. When she gave birth to a daughter for the first time, the man was very angry and warned her that if the second child was not a son, she would She had to pack her bags and go back to her mother's house with her money-losing daughter, and she was determined to live up to her expectations. The second child finally gave birth to a son, and let him gain a firm foothold in her husband's house. After ten years of hard work, she finally lived a little longer. Unexpectedly, it was a sudden disaster, and it was such a misfortune.

At the moment when the whole family was in despair, she suddenly heard a girl's voice next to her: "Hide here, soak the quilt with water, you can hold on for a while."

The woman followed the prestige, and instantly felt as if she had seen a ghost.

Li Jun really took out the fastest speed this time. There are ropes on her hands and wrists that are easy to stretch. She usually doesn’t use them except for climbing peaks, but now there are bushes all around her. Stones, trees and vines will also affect the speed. If the tip of the rope is inserted into the trunk, it will at least double her speed. In less than a minute, he walked out of this obstructive forest with a hundred-year-old vine.

"Girl, you have to hold on, my sister decided to send you back to Xiangzhou, so don't just die like this." Li Jun quickly ran to the burning hut, but saw a group of people gathered together, silent.

She squeezed through the crowd, and rushed in regardless of so many people, but before she could put this idea into action, an old man next to her grabbed her and stopped her repeatedly: "You can't go in, the adults above have said that whoever saves you Who will die!"

"Let go." Li Jun frowned, and looked back at the old man. The old man froze and let go involuntarily.

At first glance, Li Jun was indeed a woman, and an unpleasant woman at that, but he couldn't be afraid of this weak girl from outside the village, but the moment Li Jun looked at him, his legs softened involuntarily. , as if being stared at by a ferocious beast, he couldn't muster up the courage to refute, so he immediately gave up.

In the blink of an eye, Li Jun kicked a big hole in the mud wall, and thick smoke floated out from the broken hole. Li Jun took a deep breath, held his breath, and rushed into the flames without hesitation.

Now the inside is already full of smoke. She took out the goggles from the space button and put them on. The house is not big, and now she can see Shui Shanruo lying on the ground and unconscious. She is lying on the ground with arms slanted Leaning a burning wooden stick, and looking at the family wrapped in quilts and covering their mouths and noses with wet handkerchiefs, Jun Li immediately understood everything.

She leaned over, picked up the wooden stick that was pressing her arm and threw it aside, picked up Shui Shanruo in one hand, and turned to the family and said, "If you want to survive, come out quickly!"

After leaving the thatched hut, the soles of her shoes were burnt with several big holes. It is estimated that it might not work. These shoes were taken off from the feet of the soldiers she killed. I will not mention the taste, but the size is still suitable, girl Her small face was dusty from the smoke, her brows were tightly frowned, as if she was having a nightmare, her arms were covered with blisters, and the undulating water patterns inside her thin skin could be seen at a glance.

Li Jun touched Shui Shanruo's wrist with his fingers, his pulse rate was high, and his breathing returned to normal the moment he touched the fresh air. Put it on the ground, and asked in a deep voice, "Who is the head of the village?"

Perhaps it was because her eyes were too penetrating, the surrounding villagers who wanted to stop shouting and scolding her carefully backed away from the crowd, an old man walked out and said to her: "Nv Xia, I am the head of the Yang family village." , I don't know what to do?"

In the future world, Li Jun is tall enough to look down on most men, not to mention that the men in this feudal dynasty are not much better than the primitive society in her opinion. The men here are generally shorter than her. She looked down at this old man, no Caring about his appearance, she was sure that the old man was indeed the bastard who conspired to sell General Zhenbei to the Liao Kingdom at night from his voice. She said slowly, "God said, let us work hard with both hands, so that we can have a beautiful future." future."

At this time, several people in the thatched hut walked out of the hole that Jun Li broke through with wet quilts on, breathing in the fresh air. Behind them was a hot wave, like a hell of flames. The tall woman faced the burning flames with her back. Her eyes were clear, and there was a smile on the corner of her mouth. The flickering fire reflected on half of her face, but made the other half of her face, which was not favored by the light, extremely hideous.

She said slowly: "Left hand or right hand, you choose."

The old man was taken aback for a moment, obviously not recovering from her jumpy answer.

"Tsk, seeing how hesitant you are, I'll help you choose." Li Jun stretched out his hand and squeezed the old man's left wrist. Remember this lesson carefully, how can we repay your kindness for selling us to the Liao Army?"

Then, the old man saw in horror that his little finger made a crisp sound. He wanted to call someone, but he couldn't make a sound, and then his fingers were broken one by one, and the bones made a crisp sound. , starting from the little finger, the joints of every finger were broken, every phalange was crushed, and even the palm was not let go, there was a crackling sound from the palm, and when she let go For a moment, the old man's hand was swollen into a steamed bun, and several fingers were folded into a ball at a frightening angle.

After all, there are a few people in the village who are knowledgeable. In the past, there have been some gangsters in the village. Those people are agile, and everyone wears a weapon. At first glance, they have a different viciousness from ordinary people. They have really killed people. People have seen blood before, so they can't be provoked, but now for the sake of thousands of taels of silver, he is also blinded by lard, and he doesn't even notice the danger that is close at hand!

The sudden pain was almost deep into the bone marrow. Even if the hand was healed, it would definitely be useless. His vision was blurred, his legs gave way and he fell to the ground, losing all consciousness.

Li Jun didn't have the patience to wait for the old man to breathe a sigh of relief, she turned to look at the family that had escaped from the flames.

The whole family was also in a state of distress, their faces were blackened, and there were some burn marks on their bodies, and the man's severed wrist was still dripping blood.

Seeing her approaching, the whole family couldn't help but flinch. Seeing her approaching aggressively, the young man in front put his hand in front of her and stammered: "You are not allowed to hurt my father!"

She didn't have the heart to pity the fragrance and cherish the jade, and naturally she didn't have any thoughts of respecting the old and loving the young. At this time, she saw the man hiding behind her son, clutching a broken hand, knelt down with a plop, and said loudly: "Heroine, please forgive me. The little one has already broken one arm, please spare the little one's life for the sake of the little one still having two children!"

After speaking, the man held his severed hand and wept bitterly. The woman and two children beside him also began to cry. They had just narrowly escaped death and were terribly embarrassed by the fire. Now it seems that they are also pitiful.

Li Jun lifted the boy away, and lifted the man from the ground with one hand. She tilted her head and looked at it. The man's face was covered with tears and snot mixed with undried blood, and the other hand was still clenched. Fist, the knuckles of the second finger in the middle of the food protruded, and pressed against his abdomen fiercely.

This blow could push the man to death, his face twitched, Li Jun seemed to have a premonition of something, and immediately let go of his hand, and then the man knelt on the ground and vomited faintly.

The ground was full of overnight food mixed with fresh blood.

"This punch is your punishment for almost killing the girl." Li Jun turned around and was greeted with a blow to the head.

She didn't even bother to hide, the stick broke in two on her forehead.

It seemed that this stick mobilized the villagers' resistance, and the courage that had been suppressed by Mr. Li was rekindled. The villagers surrounded Mr. Li with fear in their eyes: "The people in the house cannot be allowed to live, Otherwise the whole village will suffer! Kill them!"

"Kill them!" The villagers next to them picked up firewood from the opposite side of the burnt thatched hut, and beat their heads and faces at Li Jun.

Li Jun has never been a person who can bear wronged.

The male god she chased after in the first life finally stripped her face and trampled on her heart at will. Instead of tears streaming down her face with a face full of resentment, she immediately turned her face and refused to recognize anyone, and punched him down. If it wasn't for that handsome face, she wouldn't even take a look at that rich man. For her, even if the thing she likes changes, she can throw it away in a matter of minutes.

Apart from feelings, there are other things that can be lost. She will use force to retaliate against those who offend her, so that those people can understand the consequences of offending her!

Facing these natives now, she doesn't kill people directly, she doesn't even touch the knife at her waist. In the same sentence, she is not bloodthirsty. If it didn't touch her taboo and reverse scale, she would Is a generous (not) woman.

With just fists, she solved everything.

A few minutes later, the ground was full of people clutching their stomachs and groaning. She didn't hit hard, but it was enough for these people to drink a pot. In the past, fighting in the army, even the military god who is known as the number one in the army once ate After her dark loss, of course that Alpha man and she kept silent in a tacit understanding, so naturally she would not do stupid things like publicizing that matter.

Turning around, she quickly picked up Shui Shanruo who was on the ground with half-opened eyes.

The girl's body was very thin, it looked as if she was going to fall apart after shaking her a few times, the rough and thoughtful female man rarely relaxed his hands and feet, put the little girl's head on her chest, She passed through her armpit, put one hand under her knee, and hugged her whole body.

Shui Shanruo's head was drowsy from the smoke, and she woke up the moment she came into contact with the air, but she couldn't open her eyelids. She fell into a familiar embrace at this time, and she naturally felt peaceful. , but for some reason, the moment her head touched Li Jun's chest, an indescribable feeling flooded her heart.

Before she could taste this strange feeling, she fell into a coma again.