My Consort is Alpha

Chapter 22: Killer


Lu Mu's eyes were dark red, and he said solemnly: "Once a word is spoken, it is hard to follow."

Li Jun's toes spun a circle on Yanhong's chin and then hung down. She looked at this dramatic scene with a smile, and felt that it was not a loss to save General Zhenbei. Anyway, she could see many wonderful scenes. On many occasions, she knew that she had to give General Zhenbei a little face, so she suppressed the urge to pick him up and put him on the car.

Yan Wu shouted angrily: "Don't say it, we won't live if we say it!"

Although Yan Hong is not afraid of death, she may survive. Why did she die? At this moment, the desire to survive prevailed. Regardless of Yan Wu's stop, she said: "The person who forced us to betray the general is the commander of the Liao army. General Xu Zhiyan."

Lu Mu didn't listen to the next explanation. He closed his eyes. The moment he was poisoned and fell to the ground, what he saw was the arrogant and unruly figure of a Khitan. Can't wait for Li Jun to rescue him.

The moment he was arrested, the shame brought to him by the Liao army made him unforgettable. The shackles on his body and the shackles on his weak feet were dragged out of his hiding place by the Liao army like a dead dog. The sound of the iron chain was mixed with the excited shouts of the Liao army, and the iron chain fell to the ground, giving off a crisp echo, one after another, and the sound was burned in his soul.

Lu Mu met Yanwu before he became the general of Zhenbei. At that time, he was successful in his studies and wanted to join the army to make a career, but on the way, he accidentally met the three brothers and sisters of Yanwu. The three brothers and sisters are forthright and they like him very much, and they all want to make a career in troubled times, so they become close friends.

At that time, the few people only felt that their tempers and ideas were similar, and they wished to worship again. It was also because of these three brothers and sisters that he stepped into the martial arts. A murderous maniac appeared.

That murderous maniac was rumored to be miraculous. He slaughtered a village overnight, beheaded the son of the prefect of Youzhou with a single knife in full view, and murdered him at the slightest disagreement. At this point, after he and the three brothers and sisters of Wu Wu spent three months tracking down the murderous maniac, Lu Mu, who was the first to see the maniac murderer, discovered it unexpectedly.

This murderous maniac is none other than his junior brother, Xing Xie.

Xing Xie has a bad temper, and he has absolutely nothing to do with goodness, and he does things recklessly, regardless of the consequences. When I asked him if he had done those times, he said frankly, the sky bears witness, those stories about him cannibalizing human flesh and slaughtering overnight All the rumors in a village are really rumors. Many things are caused by some black and white people in the martial arts who have done wicked things and then find a scapegoat and put them on him.

Lu Mu was angry for a while: "Then why don't you try to clarify it, do you know how many people are trying to kill you right now."

Xing Xie rolled his eyes, and the bachelor said: "It's so troublesome, you don't have to worry about debts, and you don't itch if you have too many lice. Anyway, as long as the court is not idle and the master hasn't tried to clean up the house, I won't die so easily. For those chivalrous men who are self-proclaimed and upright, come one to kill one, come two to kill one pair, a certain family is short of people to practice their skills."

It was such a junior, but after observing the three brothers and sisters in the dark, he said bluntly to him: "Senior brother, those three brothers and sisters are by no means trustworthy."

At that time, Lu Mu just smiled and didn't take it to heart.

After Xing Xie's persuasion was ineffective, he found an opportunity on his own, and changed into a night clothes to attack and kill the three brothers and sisters. He simply rushed to stop it in time, and that time, Lu Mu beat him up again. Suddenly, Xing Xie did not apologize, but repeated: "Brother, these three people cannot be trusted. If I get the chance, I will still kill them."

Looking back at the beginning, all kinds of big mistakes have been made today, and his five thousand sons fell under the butcher knife of the Liao army because of his improper employment. In that battle, except for a few people who escaped by chance, the entire army was wiped out. The soldiers killed 7,000 Liao troops in exchange for their lives, but they could not get their lives back.

Xu Zhiyan, a general of the Liao Army, is cunning and uses his troops to go sideways, making it impossible to guard against. Lu Mu said to Shang Xing Xieyin's red eyes, "Don't let them die."

Xing Xie naturally understood the meaning of senior brother, don't let them die, then he can make their life worse than death, thinking that the person who had always wanted to kill fell into his hands and let him slaughter him, his heart couldn't help but boil, His voice was full of suppressed excitement: "Brother, don't worry, I will definitely not let them die."

The distortion in this sentence made Yan Wu couldn't help but tremble. He knew that with Lu Mu's personality, he could tolerate many things, but the only thing that could not be forgiven was betrayal. Seeing the ignorant and expectant eyes of his righteous sister, he sneered Said: "Lu Mu, I don't want your charity. Now that the matter has been revealed, it can be considered that we don't live with you first. For the sake of past kindness, please give me a good time."

Lu Mu was sitting. He probably wouldn't be able to stand up for the rest of his life. On the other hand, Wu Wu was pressed down and kneeling, so their eyes were still at the same level. This is the end of the matter, and that's all he can do. Looking at Xingxie, he nodded in a subtle way.

The moment Lu Mu nodded, Yan Wu felt a pain in his neck, and then his field of vision expanded rapidly. He wanted to lower his head, but found that he couldn't do this action. In his dizzying vision, he vaguely saw his headless body collapsed. On the ground, Xing Xie's knife was in a slashing posture. It was only one step away, but the voice in his ear seemed to come from the distant sky. He heard Xing Xie say: "I will fulfill you."

Pain appeared on her red face, and she yelled hysterically: "Lu Mu, you are despicable and shameless!"

Lu Mu smiled slightly: "It's not as good as you guys."

"Stop letting her talk nonsense, drag her away!" Xing Xie ordered.

After the matter was over, Xing Xie's subordinates took out a few more letters from Chang Wu's body, but unfortunately these letters were sealed with wax paint, and when they were opened, they were full of code words. Xing Xie was dizzy, and handed the envelopes Give it to Lu Mu, while Li Jun watched from the sidelines, and didn't say anything afterwards, just thinking it was a big show.

The ground was full of corpses. The people in the caravan were killed cleanly, but the culprit was not ashamed of killing innocent people indiscriminately. In his opinion, he would rather kill by mistake than miss it. Abandon them casually, the bandits in Heihuzhai habitually kill them without burying them, pack up valuables and take away the rest, this is a sophisticated technique, obviously this is not the first time they have done such a thing.

Li Jun beckoned, Shui Shanruo saw that everything here was over, he only glanced at the corpse, held Li Jun's clothes with both hands, and naturally hid behind Li Jun.

Xing Xie cupped his hands: "I haven't asked who this heroine is yet."

Li Jun imitated these ancients and handed his hands indiscriminately: "I am the guard of General Zhenbei."

Lu Mu had a constipated expression on his face.

The author has something to say:

Rest tomorrow, maybe you can continue? ^-^