My Consort is Alpha

Chapter 33: A righteous consequence


It is undeniable that extorting confessions by torture is necessary in any era. Mr. Li disagreed with certain cruel criminal laws in ancient times, so he simply came here.

"Don't worry, he won't die, and if he can come out of my hypnosis, he won't become an idiot," Li Jun replied irresponsibly, "Then General Lu, take me to watch this play, You should also tell me now what you are going to do."

Once Li Jun asks a question, he needs a clear answer. Lu Mu and her have already figured out her temper in the past few days. If he beats around the bush, Li Jun will definitely beat him up without hesitation. a meal.

"I want you to be my substitute." Lu Mu said bluntly.

"Interesting," Li Jun snorted and touched his nose with his fingers, "Three months, if it's not necessary, don't let me come."

Lu Mu couldn't help laughing as he watched Li Jun's leaving back.

"She really stayed." Lu Mu didn't look at Yun Huizhi who was unconscious. Even though this person betrayed the Dayan Empire and almost caused him to die in a foreign country, except for the shock at the beginning, there was only a trace of sadness left. Teach him that as a general, he should not be influenced by anger and hatred. Decisions made when he loses his mind will often only make things worse.

Zuo Yi was a little surprised, it was much easier than he imagined: "Who is that little girl to her?"

Lu Mu's fingers tapped lightly on the armrest of the chair, and he said slowly, "It doesn't matter who it is, what matters is that because of this little girl, her heart has started to be messed up."

If a person's heart is messed up and has concerns, then this person is no longer invincible.

Li Jun thinks there is an advantage to being by Lu Mu's side.

You can see wonderful stories anytime and anywhere, just like a heavyweight TV series presented in front of you, and she can also participate in it and play a role that is neither important nor important.

She went back alone at night, and Lu Mu still had to interrogate the man who was half-dead by her. Recalling what happened around Lu Mu, even though Li Jun was cold-tempered, he couldn't help but shed bitter tears for him. How bad luck must be to encounter such an unlucky thing, Li Jun is not curious about the so-called mastermind behind the scenes, what she wants to do now is how to deal with the little girl at home.

[If it's you, it's okay if your reputation is broken.]

The innocent and cheerful voice of the little girl sounded in her mind, her dull memories, is she still a woman now

No breasts and beeps, no matter how you look at it, it is more male-oriented. Will the little girl accept her body that tends to be like a monster

Xiangzhou is a border city, unlike the bustling cities in the mainland, where nightly singing and dancing, it is the curfew time at night, the streets are deserted at this time, only one or two passers-by is occasionally seen in a hurry, and there are still traces of dust on the ancient streets. The rain washed to the corner, giving birth to a little green color, she raised her injured right hand, the place where the tiger's mouth was broken was still slowly oozing blood, and what was even more tangled was her heart.

No one has ever trusted her because he likes her, and forgive her for her incomprehensible style. When Li Jun travels to the future, he also thought about finding a pure man to fall in love with when he grows up. Unfortunately, the pure man in the future world is only an Alpha man. An Alpha, if she dares to find an Alpha to fall in love with, then she will become a legendary gay.

This is probably her first love in two lifetimes, but unfortunately, the object is a stunted little girl.

She twitched the corners of her mouth, trying to laugh, but couldn't, so she squatted in a corner alone for two hours, until the watchman's drawn-out voice accompanied by the sound of the gong came. Only then did she realize that it was too late. Thinking of this, she quickly turned over on the roof of the nearest house and took a shortcut to go back. There are many houses in the city in this era, and the frontier architectural style is mainly simple and rough. The handling of corners is simpler than that of later generations, and she is still very smooth when climbing up and down.

After returning to the original residence, Li Jun saw that the outer door of the courtyard was closed, and wanted to knock on the door, but he thought that the girl should have fallen asleep at this time, so he jumped up with a thought, holding the high wall around the courtyard with one hand , Turned over and fell down, then walked towards her room, before entering the room, she noticed someone in her room.

There was no light in the room, so she judged the breathing sound she heard. This person was in a deep sleep. She knew who it was without thinking about it. On the table, there are seven or eight dishes on the table, and there is a lamp on the table. The oil of the lamp is exhausted, and the wick is only left with ashes after burning.

Li Jun hugged the little girl without hesitation.

However, no matter how lightly she moved, the girl who had slept in the daytime and had been homeless for more than half a year still woke up. When she opened her eyes, she only saw a dark figure in front of her, and her fingers precisely touched the table. The oil lamp stand, aimed at the dark figure's head and smashed it down hard.

"Don't move, the girl is me." The girl's strength is not enough to tickle her, Li Jun's skin is rough and fleshy, and the lampstand didn't scratch the skin on his head.

As soon as she heard the familiar voice, Shui Shanruo's sleepy eyes became completely clear. She trembled, the lampstand in her hand fell to the ground, and hurriedly said: "Sister, your head..."

She grabbed the girl's hand and withdrew, then put the girl on the stool, picked up the lampstand that fell on the ground and put it on the table: "Why don't you go back to sleep in the middle of the night?"

The little girl turned around to add some lamp oil to the lampstand, and carefully lit the lamp with a flint.

The light ignited tremblingly, and the area that an oil lamp can illuminate is very limited. With the flickering light, she was relieved to be sure that there was no scar on Li Jun's forehead, and then she went to get some Clean cloth strips and acne medicine, and then said: "My sister hasn't come back, I want to have dinner with her when she comes back."

The little girl's eyes were bright when she said this, Li Jun sat down, went to get the chopsticks, and was caught by Shui Shanruo as soon as he raised his hand.

Her fingers are well-defined and slender and strong. The little girl's hands are much smaller than hers. She has eaten well these days, and the flesh on her body has also been replenished. It finally feels a little sensual to the touch, and she is about to rub her little girl. The girl's little hand, but the little girl said very seriously: "Don't move, the wound needs medicine."

Li Jun has been seriously injured dozens of times, and there are many large and small wounds on her body. This small injury is no different from scratching an itch to her, and only those weak Omega will cry with snot and tears , She wanted to say it was okay, but seeing the girl's serious expression and gentle movements, she stopped talking just now.

"Girl, you are so virtuous, and anyone who wants to marry you will be blessed!" Li Jun praised unceremoniously, thinking that in the future, the girl will marry a man, wash the soup for that man, and be beautiful for that man. For some reason, I feel a little strange in my heart.

This subtle feeling... a little suffocating.

However, Shui Shanruo's answer made her sore from her cheeks to her bones. Shui Shanruo said seriously: "If my sister is willing, I will marry my sister in the future."

I will marry my sister later.

Then marry my sister.

marry my sister.

to sister.

elder sister.


After finishing speaking, Shui Shanruo neatly wrapped a clean cloth around her palm.

Li Jun finally understood what it meant to shoot himself in the foot. At the beginning, he saw that the girl had an instinctive aversion to men, so he told her that he was a man without any seriousness.

It's all right now, Li Jun's other intact hand pressed on his eyes all at once, but tears flowed down his heart.

Women in the feudal society agreed to be reserved and shy, blushing and heartbeating when they mentioned marriage, wishing to bury their faces in their arms, how could this fifteen-year-old girl in front of her be so... unrestrained, if she hadn't just been Her hallucination + delusion, then it is the first time that she has been confessed in the sum of her two lives.

Moreover, the step of falling in love is directly omitted, and the rhythm of stepping directly into the palace of marriage.

Li Jun stared blankly at the little girl, and his whole body was petrified for three seconds: "It's not that my sister doesn't want to, but..."

"But what?!" The little girl tied a beautiful bow at the end of the cloth, and asked hurriedly when she heard her sister's answer.

Li Jun's true inner thoughts: [Fuck, so young, fifteen years old, according to her malnutrition, I guess the aunt has not come yet, and look at myself, forty-three years old, an age, according to the previous life The point of view is that the uncle and the loli, the old cow eats the tender grass, and the pear blossom presses the begonia, no, the thinking is like a galloping grass mud horse, gone forever...]

The real thought turned around in his mouth, Li Jun raised his head pretending to be B, and looked at the girl deeply: "Girl, what I want is someone who can stand with me, not a dodder Flowers can only survive by clinging to trees."

The little girl lowered her head, looking sad, but then she raised her head again and said with a smile: "Sister, you promised me, but don't forget, before this, sister is not allowed to see other women."

Then, the little girl's fingertips ran across the back of her hand.

Just when Li Jun was petrified again, the little girl raised her eyes and smiled slightly: "The dishes are getting cold, I'll go and heat them up, the dishes I made today are delicious."

The little girl took down all the cold dishes.

After a while, the hot dishes were served one by one.

Li Jun finally recovered from his petrified state, and today's experience is a bit explosive.

Seeing the girl serving her vegetables diligently, Li Jun ate all the vegetables with a dull expression.

It wasn't until the girl happily cleaned up the dishes that Li Jun had the urge to scratch the wall.

wipe! What on earth was I thinking, no, how could I be molested by a little girl, I wouldn't be a pedophile.

In Li Jun's miserable life of nearly half a century, she didn't realize that what she really should pay attention to is not being teased by a little girl, but—gender: female, hobbies: female...

I think she read all kinds of novels when she was rotten, about men crossing women, women crossing men and so on. Okay, so here comes the problem.

If a man transmigrates into a woman, is he gay if he falls in love with a man or is he gay if he falls in love with a woman

Oh hehehe, Mr. Li has been in awe for a long time, the spiritual beauty and the physical lily, you can choose one for yourself.

Now the question is coming again, if a woman dresses up as a man(?), how should she choose a mate

Now Li Jun finally feels the entanglement of choosing one between the spiritual lily and the physical danmei, but soon she will find out the tragedy, the spiritual lily + physical lily Ă— danmei (?!) Not bad either.

The author has something to say:

Let's warm up first, and continue to update tomorrow.