My Consort is Alpha

Chapter 47: brand


The eldest princess slowly removed the iron sticking to Yun Huizhi's flesh, threw it into the brazier, and then talked about the inhuman torture he had suffered in the past few days: "I heard that in the past few days, Lu Mu will You are tortured to death, but he has exhausted all the methods and has not exhausted the person behind you from your mouth."

"There is no one behind me, but you don't believe what I say." Yun Huizhi recalled the torture he had suffered in the past few days, and he didn't know how he survived.

He doesn't want to die.

He didn't see the end of the dog emperor, and didn't see how the dog emperor rolled down from the position of the Ninth Five Lord with his hands stained with the blood of his people. He died with regret.

"Lu Mu told me, yes."


The eldest princess looked at his fingers, and then landed on his torn clothes: "Young Master Yun, look, your hand is usually used to hold a pen and practice sword, let alone a sword now, it is for you You can’t even pick up your writing brush. Tell the person behind you, and I’ll give you a quick death. Otherwise, I want you. I’ll ask you one last time, who is that person? ?”

"Would you believe me if I said it was King Jing?"

The eldest princess parted her lips.

Ascending to the throne today, the late emperor left more than a dozen sons. The former prince was framed and died by the dead emperor. After the dead emperor ascended the throne, he killed a few more. The last eight remaining sons of the first emperor raised the seven who rebelled One died inexplicably at home before raising the anti-flag. Among them, King An and King Jing took refuge in Jinshang. Four of the other five were wiped out by Jinshang, and the remaining one was exiled overseas. He will never return to the Central Plains .

"The last chance I gave you is exhausted." The eldest princess looked at the brazier, and the soldering iron was quickly soaked into a dazzling fiery red. She raised the soldering iron and asked, "Say, if I brand your body and face with Seventeen or eight characters for slave, who else can recognize who you are?"

As soon as the words fell, the soldering iron in the eldest princess's hand was imprinted on his left face.

Only Yun Huizhi's hoarse screams echoed in the entire dungeon, until finally, even the screams gradually weakened, leaving only the princess's laughter.

After the eldest princess came out of the dungeon, she changed her clothes and came to Lu Mu: "I suggest that you execute him, and don't send him to the capital, lest you have long nights and dreams."

"In any case, he is the man of today."

"But he committed the crime of treason, the great crime of exterminating the nine clans. Even if we execute him in a hurry, the people in Xiangzhou City will only applaud. What are you worried about?" The princess asked sideways, "Lu Mu, What are you afraid of?"

"You're thinking too much," Lu Mu said coldly, "I just want Jinshang to see this solid evidence."

"When it proves that the father is wrong, you still want to see how the father will deal with him?" The eldest princess sneered, "Don't worry, the father can't tolerate the treasonous subjects, and you won't care if you kill his father. I think it will be a good day and auspicious day after seven days, let's break his car, maybe he can attract his accomplices."

"What if he has no party?"

"Then he's going to die," the eldest princess chuckled. "Living in this world is just a waste of food. From what he looks like, it's better to die early and be reborn sooner."

Lu Mu was silent for a while, and said, "You have changed. The you in the past would never say such a thing, and would not decide a person's life or death so casually, even if it was a grassroots."

The eldest princess looked back and practiced martial arts together in the past. The two used to fight in the mountains and forests. It was a period of wanton and happy days. She used to know the heights of the heavens and the earth, and was innocent and innocent. Unfortunately, today, she lowered her eyes: "Everyone is moving forward." Yes, I used to be just a girl from the palace, so I didn't have to bear anything, but now, as the eldest princess, my younger brother is not yet one year old, and my younger sister is still living outside. abyss."

"If I don't grow up again, how can I protect the people around me? It's enough to make the same mistake once, and the person who is still standing still is you, but look at what you have become today ?” The eldest princess approached him, “I am at least a little better than you, I understand that I love Qin Zhu, so I can not let go until now, what about you?”

Lu Mu smiled wryly.

"Does it mean that you don't even think highly of yourself?" The eldest princess said softly, "Yunhui's treason, Zuoyi indiscriminately killed your savior, you should admit it, you have the courage of a man, but you didn't do it for him." Cai, you are obviously more suitable to be a military adviser, but you have become the general of Zhenbei, this is your biggest failure!"

"Yes, this is indeed my failure," Lu Mu raised his head and forced a smile, "I will resign as General Zhenbei when the recovered two states are stabilized."

"You should have seen it clearly," said the eldest princess, "People live in this world, if they can't live according to their wishes, they have to choose the best way to live, what do you think?"

Lu Mu looked into the distance.

The country is so beautiful, so many heroes paid an incomparable price for these thousands of miles of country, all for the Dayan Empire, this riddled empire can no longer withstand any wear and tear.

The winner writes the history of the loser, the winner and loser, the eldest princess saw this reality very early on, so she grew up after paying the price.

"I have become stronger, but unfortunately," the eldest princess raised her phoenix eyes, the wound on her shoulder was still aching, but what hurt her heart was even more painful, she said bitterly, "I can't make up for the mistakes I made. Now, even if the culprit is killed, there is no way to make it up, I am eighteen, but sometimes I feel like I am a person who has lived to be thirty-eight."

Two days later, there was still no news from Yan Ruo.

After she led the way out of the city gate, she disappeared without a trace. Finding someone is like looking for a needle in a haystack, not to mention that this person deliberately avoided them.

Three days later, the eldest princess's subordinates discovered Yan Ruo's whereabouts.

The carriage they took when they left was half-sinked in the mud, the horse was missing, and Li Jun's body was also missing. Yan Ruo's half straw sandal and a piece of sleeve were left at the scene, and some remnants of blood.

After investigation, it was found that Yan Ruo had indeed met bandits.

Those bandits were soon captured by Xiangzhou city soldiers and returned to the city.

To the north of the Great Yan Empire, where the two countries are at war, evil is more likely to breed in places where there is war. If you want to control it, you can't control so much, so the bandits found are indeed their own bad luck.

The bandits, family and children, more than 300 people were escorted back to Xiangzhou City, and were interrogated by Lu Mu and the eldest princess in person.

Lu Mu was quite kind, but the eldest princess was different. When she saw these people, she was threatened by Thunder: "The first one to tell the truth will be punished lightly, and the one who refuses to tell the truth will be punished."

The truth soon became clear.

They did rob a carriage that day. The driver was a little girl holding a wooden knife. That little girl was very tough. With the wooden knife, she wounded several people and was finally broken by one of her men. Arms dropped to the ground.

At that time, they saw the gorgeous carriage and thought that there must be a lot of money in it, but when they opened the door, there was nothing inside except a woman's body.

The body of that woman is well remembered by everyone.

Because her exposed skin was covered by a thin film, she still looked the same as before she was alive, but at that time they felt unlucky, so they ignored the little girl's crying and threw the body to the nearby cliff Down.

The cliff is very high, and there is a black mud swamp under the cliff, no one dares to go down.

Originally, they all thought that this time was bad luck, and the only valuables were the horse and the little girl. Unexpectedly, after the little girl cut the rope that led the horse, the horse kicked and injured two people in succession. In anger, he wanted to kill the little girl, but finally something unexpected happened.

A group of people came from not far away and killed more than a dozen of them like chopping melons and vegetables. The rest of them were scared to pee and ran away. They didn't know what happened after that.

The eldest princess breathed a sigh of relief, but her heart was heavy. She got up and gave the final verdict on these people: "Men will be enslaved in the army, women's family members will be enslaved, and children will be enslaved."

For a high-ranking person, he can decide the fate of a group of people with a few words without any burden.

What made her angry was that the girl's clue was broken again.

After a few days, Yun Huizhi was pulled out of the dungeon.

Including the previous days, Yun Huizhi had been in the dungeon for nearly half a month.

The moment he left the dungeon, he couldn't help closing his eyes.

The light was too bright, and if he kept his eyes open he would soon be blind.

Someone behind him was pushing him: "Don't stand still, go!"

With just one push, he fell to the ground.

It turned out that he was already so weak.

His head hurts, his eyes became dark, the sound of chains was accompanied by the shouts of soldiers, the wound he had pressed on the ground began to scream and hurt again, his fingernails were all pulled out, revealing the festering wound inside, he thought Stand up, but he can't complete such a simple action now.

When they met for the first time, he had a crush on the eldest princess.

It's a pity that those good feelings turned into floating clouds in the sky following the revelation of the eldest princess's father's identity.

He has only one goal in his heart, and that is revenge. Even if he falls into the Abi Hell after death, and suffers forever in the mountains of swords and seas of fire, he will not hesitate to suffer forever. Until now, when he closes his eyes, he can still see blood flowing on the bodies of his clansmen. The bleeding and disintegrating body, it was like a never-ending nightmare, tormenting him day after day.

Now, the blood of those five thousand soldiers has been added to his body.

But this is not his debt!

If the dog emperor hadn't ordered the massacre of the city back then, if he hadn't saved the dog emperor's life by mistake, he might not have lived in such pain.

The author has something to say:

The Xiangzhou chapter is coming to an end, and it will end in three chapters at most. Also, this update will be for tonight, and it will continue at 23:23 tomorrow night. Also, if there is an update, it must be a fake update.

A few days ago, I played Jiansan and found a new word called Dongdong Zhuang. If you read this article carefully, it can be called Chongchongwen, so today you have to catch insects well. Of course, whether you catch them clean or not is another matter One thing = =,