My Consort is Alpha

Chapter 49: I want to be like you


few days ago.

There are corpses all over the ground, and the groans/groans of the people behind them are gradually weakening.

If it was a year ago, when she saw such a purgatory, she would be terrified, terrified, and would keep calling for her mother. However, today, she has long understood that no one can save her sister, let alone herself.

She knelt on the edge of a cliff.

There is a deep darkness under the cliff, coupled with layers of branches and leaves, even if the sun is shining brightly, it is impossible to see the situation at the bottom of the cliff.

"Don't look, there is a black swamp under this cliff, and even the gods of Daluo can't escape." A man's voice came from behind. The stench of blood.

Shui Shanruo knelt on the ground, her eyes were still staring at the bottom of the cliff, she knew that the person beside her was a murderous demon, but for some reason, she was not afraid anymore.

"You said, what would happen to you if someone killed the most important person in your life?" Shui Shanruo's eyes moved to her palm, her palm, and when she was stroking her sister's face a quarter of an hour ago The residual temperature left.

She knew that her sister must not be dead.

Less than a day after escaping, she found that a layer of velvet-like silk had formed on her sister's body, and that layer of silk was tightly attached to her skin and gradually thickened.

She thought of her sister's mysterious origin, and of that magical bead, and boundless hope surged in her heart again.

My sister is so powerful, she definitely won't just die like this.

It all ended when my sister was thrown off a cliff.

The man behind him didn't move. From Shui Shanruo's direction, he could see that half of the man's knife tip was shaking, and the blood was still flowing on it. The man asked, "Do you have any important people?"

Shui Shanruo shook his head.

Really gone, fifteen years old, no rites of passage, no blessings from relatives, and in the end, the person she loved died. Now, she is truly alone.

"Then take revenge and kill those people, those you hate, those you hate, and those you want to kill, so as to pay homage to the spirit of your most important person in heaven."

"What if you can't take revenge?"

The man thought for a moment, then turned around to see that the bandits under him had already destroyed the corpses and wiped out all traces. The corpses were all kicked off the cliff, and the remaining bloodstains did not need to be dealt with. The rainy weather has not passed in the past few days, and the blood will be washed away soon.

He said slowly: "Make yourself stronger, then go to revenge, kill those people, run away if you can't kill them, and continue to make yourself stronger after running away, and then go back and continue to kill."

"What if you can't escape?"

"If you can't escape, you will die, if you can't fight, you will die."

Shui Shanruo lowered his eyes slowly, and murmured repeatedly: "If you can't escape, you will die. Doesn't this make your efforts worthless?"

The man stretched out his knife, pointing the tip at the cliff under his feet: "If you want revenge, you don't even have the determination to die. What kind of revenge do you have? Before you start, you are afraid of this, and you are afraid of that. A certain family teaches you to be good, you might as well Jump directly from here to accompany your dead sister."

Shui Shanruo turned her head, raised her face, and looked at the man.

The man's face was still ugly, with those copper bell-like eyes staring at her. Although the material of the cross-collar was short and brown, he was dressed very unruly, revealing a large area of bronze-colored chest muscles.

"You... Your name is Xingxie, and you are Lu Mu's junior." Shui Shanruo raised his head and looked at him dully.

The man nodded, and then asked: "Your sister, Mei Nvxia, is even better at martial arts than the master. A certain family would like to ask, who killed her?"

Shui Shanruo clasped her hands tightly and lowered her head without shedding a single tear. She replied: "General Zhenbei's subordinate, Zuo Yi, if General Zhenbei hadn't arrived in time, my sister would have died without a whole body."

The man also knew in his heart that there must be something hidden in it, but such a woman died like this, and this gap also made him feel a little bit melancholy, who originally only knew about beating and killing, such a person , in his mind, although he will not live a long life, but he will not die so easily, looking down at the little girl at his feet, this may be the only trace of her left in this world.

"You want Zuo Yi's life?" Xing Xie asked.

Shui Shanruo nodded: "My sister died, but he was only sentenced to exile. I am really not reconciled, but I am very happy. In this way, I will have the opportunity to avenge my sister personally."

After hearing this, the man praised her: "You have backbone, your sister saved my senior brother, for your sister's sake, a certain family will give you a chance to avenge your sister personally!"

Shui Shanruo raised her face.

The man lifted Shui Shanruo from the ground. This little girl was too light and weak. She seemed to be able to pinch her to death with only two fingers. It's up to you to seize this opportunity."

Be a gangster and learn to kill.

These are just the basics.

Shui Shanruo still remembers Xing Xie leading the rampant figure of that group of people. She didn't like this kind of people very much in the past, because this kind of people are outside the control of the imperial court. The one who brings disaster.

But before the age of fifteen, she lived for others. After she turned fifteen, she decided to live for her sister and herself. Living like Xing Xie is not necessarily a bad way.

Although there may be a price to be paid for wantonness, she no longer cares about it. She has lived hard to this day, has given up on herself, and despised herself, but she has never been wanton.

Be reckless, because she doesn't care much about the relatives she used to care about. The lover she once loved the most and the most important person has died. Now her life is free, and it doesn't matter if she dies. Just to accompany my sister.

As she left, she picked up the broken things from the wagon.

It's not some rare treasures, just some women's rouge powder, and several batches of brightly colored cloth, but unfortunately most of them have been torn into two pieces, and there is a small glass bottle in the scattered cloth. However, the bottle was also split in two.

Xing Xie frowned: "What are you doing with these things, there are a lot of jewelry robbed from a certain house, if you like, you can pick whatever you want!"

The girl packed the things into a package, turned her head, and smiled at him: "My sister gave it to me."

It was a gift from my sister, so I have to keep it.

"Can you ride a horse?" Xing Xie asked.

The girl nodded: "Yes."

Then he rode on Chitu's back, perhaps because he knew that his master was dead. Chitu was not in a high mood all the way, but he didn't resist Shui Shanruo, his little master.

Along the way, Shui Shanruo took one last look at the cliff. She knew in her heart that once she and Xing Xie walked on this road, she was destined to end badly. She said to Xing Xie: "Mr. Xing..."

Xing Xie interrupted Shui Shanruo's words with a gesture. His enemies called him a murderous maniac, his subordinates called him the village master, and his friends called him Lao Xing directly. He was very uncomfortable hearing this, and he said bluntly: "If you don't dislike it, girl, you can call Brother Xing."

"Brother Xing." Shui Shanruo changed his words quickly.

"What is it?"

Shui Shanruo: "..."

After walking for a while, the bandits behind Xing Xie all looked at the little girl with strange eyes, not showing any interest in her, such a bean sprout would be interested unless their brains were abnormal.

What they were curious about was that none of Xing Xie's subordinates had ever taken in a woman, whether this little girl would break this rule.

Shui Shanruo finally said: "Brother Xing, if one day I die, you don't have to bury me, please, throw my bones down that cliff."

It's so dark and cold down there, my sister must be very lonely down here.

Xing Xie was silent for a while, and finally replied cautiously: "Okay, if that day, a certain family is still alive."

Shui Shanruo said again: "Also, I don't want General Zhenbei to know that I am with you. No matter what, my sister died because of him, and I don't want to see him again."

Xing Xie nodded: "Girl, I can see that you don't have much hatred for senior brother, so I promise you, but if one day you are against senior brother, a certain family will definitely not let you go."

Shui Shanruo smiled: "I only want Zuo Yi to die, and I don't care about anything else!"

Xing Xie always thought that this little girl would definitely not be able to bear the wind and rain in the bandit's den, and she would cry and clamor to leave in a few days.

Unexpectedly, she persisted.

Practicing martial arts hard every day, even an adult man might not be able to persist in exercising, and a little girl actually persisted. Sometimes she would not say a word no matter how hard or tired she was.

The wooden stake in front of the door has been split by her with a wooden knife more than a dozen times, and her tiger's mouth is full of calluses left by excessive knife practice. She practiced sword seven or eight hours out of twelve hours a day. She can cook some delicious meals for everyone to eat, and she has to devote an hour to practicing makeup and dressing in the remaining time.

Shui Shanruo loves beauty very much.

She will carefully describe the makeup on her face, but it is not towards the mature charm, but towards the cuteness unique to her age. Her temperament is also very cute on weekdays. With a blink of those big black and white eyes, Xing Xie Few of his subordinates are hard-hearted, and they basically raise her as a daughter.

But even the harshest Xing Xie has to admit her talent for martial arts. This little girl is indeed a good seed. After half a year, she will be able to draw with his bandits, and it was on that day that she asked to fight with them. travel together.

Xingxie agreed.

He was very curious, that little girl who was following Heroine Mei, could she deal with people

It turns out he was thinking too much.

On that trip, after he and a few of his men caught the murderer who killed an innocent family, one of Xing Xie's men handed her a sharpened knife.

At the same time, the big man said: "Girl, if you are afraid, then cover your eyes first and send the knife out."

Shui Shanruo shook his head, blinked his big eyes, showed a shy smile to the big man, and then said in a low voice: "Brother, it's okay, I'm not afraid."

This is the first time she has held such a sharp knife. She has grown up since she was a child, and it was only at this moment that she got a real knife. Thinking of the flying knife left by her sister, a smile appeared on the corner of her mouth.

Although several of them were lost in the fight, seven throwing knives were left behind.

Holding the knife in her hand, the point of the knife was slanted downward, and she walked straight towards the murderer.

When she was young, she also wanted to learn martial arts, but unfortunately she only revealed this meaning, and the concubine's slap fell on her face. At the same time, the concubine's sharp voice came: [You are the princess, are you not Concubine has a son, do you want anything? What you want to learn is piano, chess, calligraphy, and painting, not the lowly things of wielding knives and guns that those vulgar people learn!]

She also secretly learned from her elder sister, and when her concubine found out, she was locked in the firewood room and starved for two days. If the elder sister hadn't climbed over the wall to see her and brought her a meal, she would have been hungry half dead.

Now, no one cares about her anymore, and no one can control her anymore.

A murderer is not conscious of death.

Seeing that it was a little girl, this person couldn't help laughing.

Such a little girl, who seemed harmless, wanted to kill someone.

However, before he could utter a word of contempt, the knife in the little girl's hand stabbed into his abdomen.

Shui Shanruo recalled the lethal position taught by her sister during the chat.

The heart and lungs in the chest, the liver in the upper right abdomen near the ribs, the kidneys in the space between the ribs, and the neck.

She poked these parts on the wooden man no less than ten thousand times.

She pulled out the sword from the murderer's abdomen, and then stabbed it again, this time it landed on the murderer's liver. With this knife, blood finally gushed out from the mouth of the murderer.

She closed her eyes and remained calm when she opened them again.

With the last knife, she stabbed into the man's chest.

Thinking of Xing Xie's applause, he walked up to the girl.

The girl kicked the twitching man to the ground.

The man has lost his breath.

"Girl, you did a good job, you are braver than I imagined!" Xing Xie praised.

It was the first time to kill someone, but Shui Shanruo did not have the unspeakable anxiety and fear that he thought in the past. Although his hands were a little stiff, it was not as unacceptable as he imagined.

Perhaps, when she saw Sister Merlin kill someone for the first time half a year ago, she was bewildered.

She still remembers that at that time, her sister held a knife in both hands, and there were more than a dozen corpses of Liao army soldiers under her feet. She raised her head, and the bright sky was behind her.

She couldn't bear to blink.

That flamboyant beauty seemed to be unable to defeat her no matter what she encountered.

For more than half a year, she has been thinking, what would happen if her sister was her, if her sister was in this position

My sister will never live like her.

Xing Xie once said: "You can choose to ignore what you don't like or hate. If you can't avoid it, use the knife in your hand to chop everything into pieces. Anything that is difficult to solve can be solved by killing."

Although she doesn't quite agree with Xing Xie's views, but now, she wants to try to see if the wanton flying life will make her happier, so that no matter what she faces, she will no longer despair and collapse.

Facing a group of rough men cheering towards her, she lowered her head and looked at the knife in her hand.

Finally can not go back.

She didn't want to go back either.

Sister, I want to be like you.

———————End of the second volume———————

The author has something to say:

Regarding the little girl's transformation, it can't be said to be good or bad. You ask where the protagonist has gone

She is still evolving under the cliff, we will try to disturb her.

Nanzhao Fengyun