My Consort is Alpha

Chapter 5: Strip clothes


The day before, she had joked with her comrades-in-arms, cursing that guy who was ten years younger than her but left the singles early would one day be unlucky enough to end up on the barren star as a lifetime native.

Now it has come true, but the person has been replaced by herself.

Li Jun is not a person who hurts autumn and spring. She stuffed the weapon into the leggings and asked Shui Shanruo: "Girl, do you know the way?"

Shui Shanruo nodded, then shook her head again: "Um... my sister, I don't even recognize her after running too far away..."

Looking at her big innocent eyes, Li Jun suddenly had a headache. She disliked such weak creatures the most, but it was not a problem to keep her here, so he also made a decision in his heart, and waited until the safe town Just throw her away, and go to live happily.

As soon as he thought about it, Li Jun got up, put away the military thorns, identified the direction and walked forward, Shui Shanruo saw that Li Jun was gone, hurriedly followed, and shouted: "Sister, wait for me!"

There are few trees on this mountain, but there are many animals. There are many wild animals such as rabbits and pheasants. Li Jun has no intention of getting food. With a sullen face, she lifts the bushes blocking the way Cong, turn a hill.

Shui Shanruo was obviously so hungry that her head started to dizzy. In her daze, there was only that figure walking in front of her eyes, and she had to try her best to keep up, and then she bumped into the woman's back.

Looking up to the front, Shui Shanruo's head, which was dizzy from hunger, suddenly woke up. There was a tragedy going on under the hillside, but after seeing too much, Shui Shanruo also became numb.

At the foot of the hill, several soldiers holding long guns were laughing.

The soldier's costume they surrounded was the soldier's costume that imprisoned them in the barracks yesterday. At this time, the soldier was standing in the middle, the weapon in his hand had been lost, facing more than a dozen enemy soldiers like fish on a chopping board, ready to be slaughtered.

The weapons of the dozen or so enemy soldiers had already penetrated deeply into the bodies of the soldiers in the middle, as if they were playing a game. The soldiers laughed and shouted to get ready, and then pulled out the weapons from the body of the victim at the same time.

Shui Shanruo couldn't bear to look away, but saw the elder sister in front of her staring blankly at the hole in the stomach of the stabbed soldier, and then murmured: "Torturing... Damn what I hate the most is torture!"

After the words fell, Li Jun had already rushed out. This time, she was holding two long knives in both hands. Shui Shanruo was a little dizzy. Except for leggings, the rest of her clothes were clear at a glance, but for some reason, she Always able to juggle weapons.

Shui Shanruo wondered where she hid those weapons.

A sound of tearing silk pierced the eardrums, and at the same time, the sound of weapons piercing into the flesh sounded. Shui Shanruo was worried about Jun Li being so reckless, but before he could stop him, the man rushed out.

The two knives in her hand were made of unknown materials, and the spears/spears of those soldiers were almost broken when they met her weapons. Li Jun's skill was extremely sharp, and none of the dozen or so people was her enemy with one blow.

Killing has always been bloody and disgusting, but at this moment, her killing unexpectedly made people feel indescribably beautiful, the blade was everywhere, invincible, after ten seconds, there was no one standing on the ground, All of them were killed by one blow, and the wounds were all on the throat.

The blade stopped at the throat of the last soldier. Li Jun stepped forward and took a step forward. The blade approached the soldier's throat. Li Jun didn't enjoy killing. When fighting with people, it must be a life-and-death fight. She never likes to look at opponents s eyes.

Not without nightmares.

When I came to the interstellar world as a teenager, the first time I fought against strange beasts for my livelihood, when I was on the verge of death, when I lay on the experimental table for the first time and wondered if I could survive, when I killed someone for the first time, I was angry. When she opened her eyes, those memories once occupied the deepest part of her nightmare, entangled and refused to leave.

The blade steadily slit the throat of the last person, Li Jun kicked the corpse away, took a breath, shook his neck, and looked up at the first ray of sunlight in the sky.

The tip of the long knife in both hands hangs down naturally.

A ray of blood flowed down from the sword, she looked at the mountains in the distance, overlapping, clean and clear, the sky was spotless, and there was no trace left by the modernization of China.

This mother star, which only existed in historical records tens of thousands of years later, and was finally reduced to a barren star under the rapid development of civilization, is still full of vitality. She raised her head and looked at the sky, suddenly transformed into a literary youth :"Its daybreak."

After venting her anger, she raised her feet, ready to continue looking for a source of water to cleanse well.

Her ankle was held by a hand, the strength of that hand was negligible, and she could easily get out without using much force. What surprised her was that the man was still breathing.

She squatted down and turned the prostrate soldier over with one hand. Most of his abdomen was severed, with blood overflowing from it, and his intestines were twisted into many knots by a spear. None of these injuries were instantly fatal, but In primitive times, without sterile needles and sutures, without repair fluid, this person would soon die of wound infection.

The soldier's eyes were still open.

His eyes were frighteningly bright, one hand was tightly clutching Li Jun's ankle, blood was foaming from his mouth, and it took him a while to utter two words: "Please!"

"Tsk..." She raised her hand, gently wiped the blood from his lips, and said to him, "Speak, I'm listening."

"Please... save the general!" The soldier's eyes were full of longing, his body twitched in pain, but he still relied on his will to support his life, and he looked at the woman in front of him.

When he was already in despair, this woman killed more than a dozen ordinary soldiers in an instant with a long knife. Such force was comparable to the most elite dragoons. If she was willing to lend a helping hand, the general's hope of escaping would be great. I can add 10%.

"Save your general..." She stood up, pointing her finger at her chin, thinking, "It sounds troublesome..."

The soldier raised his face, every breath was tearing his internal organs, the pain made him tremble all over, more importantly, his eyes had already started to turn black, his whole body was cold, he knew he couldn't survive: "This girl, Bei Liao burned, killed and looted on my Great Yan. It was my Great Yan Dynasty General Zhenbei who expelled the Liao thieves and regained the lost land. If the general had any accidents, the Liao thieves would enter a land without people, and the Liao people would rape my wife and daughter and kill my people. , as a citizen of the Great Yan Empire, how could this be so!"


A slap fell on her face, and she wiped her index finger at the corner of her mouth. A bright red bloodstain was wiped from the corner of her lips to her cheek. She stared at the instructor in front of her expressionlessly, without retreating in the slightest.

[After being a soldier for two years, you still don't know what a country is and what a family is!]

How did she answer at that time? She replied loudly: [Reporting officer, this subordinate has a mother and does not have a mother to support him. I don't know how big the federation is, and I don't know what a country is!]

The instructor was so angry that her veins throbbed on the spot, he slapped her on the face again, and yelled at her: [Then why did you come to be a soldier? !]

This time, she didn't even turn her face, and answered loudly to the instructor: [There is a lack of cannon fodder on the Zerg battlefield, I have no food, no money for whoring, and no women to sleep with.]

The instructor was a serious Alpha, his eyes turned blue from her anger, and he kicked her to the front line to be cannon fodder.

Li Jun's expression was a bit subtle, she stretched out her hand, held the back of the soldier's hand, touched the soldier's fingertips with her fingertips, and separated the soldier's fingers holding her ankle one by one, staring at him expressionlessly: "It's a pity Now, I am not a citizen of the Great Yan Empire, and whether your General Zhenbei is dead or alive has nothing to do with me."

After Li Jun finished speaking, he stopped looking at the dying soldiers on the ground, and turned his head to the girl with only one head exposed on the hillside, Nunuzui: "Miss Shui Shanruo, let's go."

Shui Shanruo was a little dumbfounded. This time Li Jun's quick killing gave her a new understanding of this sister's skill and ferocity. If we met yesterday, this sister generously gave away the only food she had left. Being with her moved her, and today's sister's toughness strengthened her determination to follow her.

As she followed the older sister, she turned her head to look at the soldier lying on the ground.

The soldier lay in the middle of more than a dozen corpses, slowly turning into a black spot.

She has heard of the reputation of General Zhenbei.

The new emperor ascended the throne half a year ago, just as the empire was in a precarious season, and took over this mess. General Zhenbei was just a poor family back then, but was appreciated by the new emperor and canonized as General Zhenbei, leading the three armies to fight against the Liao army and drive out foreign enemies .

Li Jun walked all the way, regardless of whether the girl behind could keep up or not, until Shui Shanruo stretched out his little hand and gently tugged at her sleeve.

"Sister..." She looked at Li Jun timidly, her puffy lips moved, and said in a low voice, "General Zhenbei is a good man, sister, you are so powerful, can you save him?"

Li Jun had no expression on his face, looking at someone slightly intrusive, she lowered her head and stared at the little hand holding her sleeve: "Is there any benefit?"

The little girl thought for a while and said with a smile: "If you save him, sister, we won't have to crowd the city with other victims, and we're not sure we can get the road guide to live in the city of the Dayan Empire." Good day."

Li Jun remembered his plan to throw away the oil bottle, and nodded: "Okay, I'll listen to you."

If she guessed correctly, it was General Zhenbei's army that was attacked yesterday and night, and the enemy was in the dark and he was in the open, so he naturally became a target. Now that the army is defeated like a mountain, he has also become the defeated general , was chased by the enemy like a stray dog.

Now it is estimated that his life is about to die.

Shui Shanruo stared at her unexpectedly.

Li Jun turned around and went back to look for the soldier.

"Hey! Are you still alive?" Li Jun kicked the soldiers with his toes.

Shui Shanruo put his hand under his nose and shook his head regretfully: "Sister, he's out of breath."

Li Jun reached out and pressed the pulse point of the man's carotid artery for a few seconds. The soldier was indeed dead. She withdrew her hand, thought for a while, and then began to search the soldier's body. He took out a big red mandarin duck playing in the water bellyband.

"..." Li Jun held up this girly ancient underwear and sighed, "Which little widow's house did I get this from? The life in the military camp is really empty and lonely."

Shui Shanruo looked embarrassed when he took out such a thing from the man's arms, but saw Li Jun's expression calm and indifferent, he threw the bellyband aside, and then reached into the soldier's arms to feel for it. I got a finger wrench made of jade.

And this finger is threaded with a red string and worn around the neck of the soldier. This thing is worthless in the interstellar world, but in ancient China, the so-called gold has a price and jade is priceless. Everyone knows that jade is valuable, so she cut off the thread on the finger and threw the finger into Shui Shanruo's arms, saying: "You keep this thing, maybe it will be useful in other places."

Shui Shanruo hurriedly caught the wrench. Although she was a little bit conflicted about giving money from the dead, in fact, in order to survive, she had done everything except cannibalism. Taking clothes from the dead was a big deal for her. Also extremely normal.

Soon the soldier's upper body was stripped off by Li Jun. After seeing that the soldier had only a badge to prove his identity, she shifted her gaze and looked at the corpse of another enemy soldier. She raised her hand and began to remove her pants .

Shui Shanruo saw that she began to pick up other people's pants without any scruples, and her face turned red all of a sudden. This sister really has no morals. thigh…


Then she turned her head again, and peeked at the president's (+dish+).

Soon, the elder sister touched the bodies of the rest of the soldiers. Except for a few letters that could not be understood due to the language barrier, there were some messy bits and pieces that seemed worthless. Hanging a piece of jade pendant, meeting an ignorant type like Li Jun means that you can barely exchange some money, so let's keep it.

After throwing the jade pendant to Shui Shanruo, Li Jun put a few clothes on his arms and said to Shui Shanruo: "I'll go and change first, you wait here."