My Consort is Alpha

Chapter 50: Walk in the snow


Snow is flying, it is the middle of winter, everything is dormant, and the severe cold weather wipes out the green in summer and the red maple in autumn, leaving only dry branches. Looking from a distance, black and brown emerge from the snow. Alternating soil layers, the whole world is silent except for the whistling sound of wind and snow.

At this time, on the official road to Yuecheng, more than a dozen horses galloped past, but seeing that these people were all lightly dressed and simply riding, wearing thick fur clothes, even the joints of the war horses under them were covered with fur. People carried bows and arrows and quiveres on their backs, and there were dozens of arrows in the quiver, while others carried long swords and lancets on their backs, dressed in strong clothes inside, and covered with big cloaks, and marched against the wind and snow.

"How long will it take to get to Yuecheng?" At this moment, the leader asked, she was wearing mink fur, her hair was tightly covered by a hood, and the moment she raised her head, she saw that she was a young girl in her twenties and eight years. , the girl's fair and tender face was flushed red from the cold, and her voice was sweet and pleasant. She touched the ears of the horse under her body, showing a little fatigue.

"Second Miss, it's not far away," a strong man beside him pointed to a mountain not far away, and replied, "We will arrive at Yuecheng after we go around this mountain."

"Then move on." The girl ordered, her legs pinched the horse's belly, and she jumped out.

The strong man followed closely behind him, but after all, he had been running around all day, let alone a man, even a horse couldn't stand it, he said loudly: "Second Miss, let's take a rest before we go on our way."

But the girl turned her head and said: "Dazhu, seeing that the snowstorm is getting bigger and bigger, we have to hurry, otherwise there will be too much snow on the road, and we will be unable to move an inch."

The big man scratched his head, thinking that what Second Miss said was right, he walked forward.

Pieces of snowflakes fell on her body, she blinked and shook off the solidified snowflakes on her eyelashes. What she cares most now is whether the makeup on her face will be worn off.

Two years, two full years.

She looked up at the white sky, time flies so fast.

Last summer, she went to the edge of the cliff to pay homage to her sister. She wanted to find and deal with the remnants of the bandits who threw her sister off the cliff, but the last news she got was that the bandits were killed by General Zhenbei in Xiangzhou City. The order was taken away, and the end was not very good.

Without waiting for her revenge, the enemy died by himself.

This is really sad.

Now she won't feel that the villain is punished by God, but only thinks of Lu Mu, that meddling Qiu Ba, who is only an afterthought!

Thinking of this, she walked around the mountain and looked at Yuecheng looming in the wind and snow in front of her. Her exhausted spirit cheered up. After resting in Yuecheng for a night, she could reach the border of Nanzhao in two days.

Nanzhao is a part of the Southern Wilderness. It is said that it is an uncivilized wild land, full of fierce beasts and poisonous insects. If non-natives or people who have been to the Southern Wilderness lead them into Nanzhao, if they are not careful, their lives will be in danger.

Yuecheng is a small city, and it fought against the north and the Liao Kingdom. The west is different from fighting against the army of knights from the Western Regions. The guards were not fully recruited, and the soldiers guarding the city gate had almost nothing to earn except for the occasional merchants passing by.

Nanzhao was still a barren land hundreds of years ago, and then there were many tribes, until the first emperor conquered this wasteland, used Nanzhao as a place to exile criminals, and set this state as Nanzhao.

In winter, the days are short and the nights are long, and before the unitary hour is halfway through, the sky begins to darken. The girl whips her horse and rushes into Yuecheng first, followed by the people behind. Straightening the helmet on his head, he was about to curse when he saw a generation of copper coins thrown into his arms.

He weighed the copper coins in his hand, there were more than one hundred coins, and swallowed the words he was about to curse.

Looking at the group of people rushing into Yuecheng, the guards guarding the city also noticed the weapons on their backs, and couldn't help complaining: "It's strange, why are there so many people in the martial arts world today."

The girl looked around and saw a woman passing by in the wind and snow. She drove up to her, took out a dozen copper coins from her purse, and asked directly, "Where is the best inn in this city?"

The woman looked up and saw that she was a young girl in her twenties and eight years, but she saw that the girl had snow skin and peach cheeks, her eyes were bright, and she looked down. Not a girl from a good family, she quickly lowered her head and said, "Go straight along this road, and turn left at the corner to the inn."

"The money is yours." The girl threw the copper coins into the basket carried by the woman on her arm.

Then a group of people rode away.

"Second Miss, where are we going after we finish your business?" Da Zhu asked.

Da Zhu was the person she took in half a year ago, and his skills were not bad. When he was taken in back then, he knelt in front of Xing Xie just to have something to eat. Xing Xie didn't like Da Zhu's skills. She looked at this man Loyalty, he accepted it.

She made up numbers for the men who hung out with Xing Xie back then, from the second brother to the nineteenth brother.

She took in the homeless a year after her sister died.

A year later, her martial arts had reached another level, and she would not be at a disadvantage against Xing Xie. If she hadn't been too petite as a cute girl and suffered a disadvantage in terms of strength, Xing Xie would probably be the one who was beaten by him. There will be one more.

The girl naturally understands that a person who has never learned martial arts since she was a child will be able to draw with a first-class master like Xing Xie after a year, and it definitely does not depend on her own talent. After two years, she will always Recalling the warm current that appeared in her body from time to time, and then thinking of the unknown fruit that her sister gave her to eat the day after she asked her sister to learn martial arts.

That night, she slept very deeply, and there was a thin warm current spreading from her abdomen, slowly flowing through her limbs, like soaking in warm river water, which made her feel an unprecedented feeling from the outside to the inside. I have had peace of mind.

She always thought it was just a beautiful dream, until she showed the talent of Xing Xie when she was learning martial arts. After fighting Xing Xie once that day, Xing Xie directly shouted: "It's not fair, it's not fair, a certain school After so many years of martial arts, you, a girl who has only been learning martial arts for a year, caught up with you, so stop fighting!"

Thinking of this, she showed a smile, and said to the strong man beside her: "After this matter is settled, we will go to the junction of Dayan and Liao Army near Yuzhou to set up camp."

The girl's implication is that she will continue to commit murder and arson.

A woman at the back asked: "Second miss, why... don't you have to confront the court?"

"Baiyun," the girl slowed down her horse, and said calmly, "What else can we do? Do you think we can be good citizens? Our group of people only want to be reckless when we live, and we will die one day." God opened his eyes and accepted us."

"At least... At least don't live a life of licking blood with knife and blood again," Bai Yun raised her head, looked at her leader carefully, and murmured, "If it is not desperate, who would want to live such a life, Second Miss, women are still If you want to have a home, it is serious to be a husband and a child... "

As soon as the words came out, the girl reined in the reins and stopped the horse. She habitually touched Chitu's ears. There was a tuft of white hair on the tip of Chitu's ears, which felt soft and comfortable.

Bai Yun was the one who joined their team after she rescued them on the way, and he was also the last one to join this team.

She only killed one person.

And that man was a villain with bloody hands.

After killing that person, Bai Yun was so scared that he peed on the spot.

She had nightmares for several nights, and she woke up every day in a bad mood. For more than a month, this woman was forced to learn how to ride a horse, and she couldn't even grasp the correct way to hold a sword.

At this time, Bai Yun noticed that all the people beside her stopped, and everyone, male or female, all looked at her. This time, the expressions of these people were exactly the same. Colder than ever.

Bai Yun felt uneasy, she still hadn't figured out where this group of people came from, she just remembered waking up that day and seeing this group of men and women standing in front of her.

If she hadn't been desperate that day, she would not have asked this group of people to take her in.

She still still remembers the time when she met the second young lady whom everyone respectfully called. It is usually easy for a woman to suffer when she travels outside, but she is good at dressing herself up radiantly, just like a delicate young lady.

She once tried to ask the identities of this group of people, but the tone of this group of people was very tight, and she couldn't ask anything. After she joined this team, apart from doing some small things like collecting firewood, she even cooked food. She was not allowed to do such things, and the second lady said it was very strange. She said that she was a lady, but she didn't pay much attention to living in the wild.

Until they caught a villain.

The imperial court expressly wanted him to be wanted, regardless of life or death!

The first thing Second Miss said to her was: "Do you really want to join us?"

She nodded hurriedly, she couldn't go back home, she was already homeless, as long as someone took her in, she would be very satisfied.

In her opinion, Yuxue's lovely girl drew out her knife and pointed at the villain: "You have two choices now. The first choice is to go to the town ahead and give you three taels of silver. You can make a living by yourself. Two options, kill him, you can join us."

Before she was abandoned, she was very much loved at home, but now that she has a home and cannot return, no matter how poor she is, three taels of silver are not enough for her for half a year.

She finally mustered up the courage and sent the knife out.

The culprit didn't hit the fatal spot, and the villain rolled on the ground in pain. The girl looked at her blankly, and said to her: "Didn't you see that the person is not dead, won't you go up and make another stab?"

From that day on, even if the second young lady showed a bit of shyness like a little girl on weekdays and liked Yao Huangtao fans, she was still a daunting existence in her eyes.

But this group of people is never short of money. As long as they have the conditions, the inns they usually live in are good, and it doesn’t hurt to spend a few taels of money casually. Group of people.

However, at this moment, there was no warmth in the eyes of this group of people looking at her.

The girl rode up to her, and said slowly: "You want to be a good girl and marry again, take off your weapons, and swear to God that we will never reveal our whereabouts. I will give you a tael of gold, and you can make a living by yourself." go."

This sentence made Bai Yun dumbfounded. She stared blankly at the young girl, wondering which sentence made this group of people unhappy. What she said was not wrong. She said in panic: "Second Miss, please Please, don't drive me away, I know I'm wrong."

The girl stared at her expressionlessly, drew a dagger from her waist against her chin, and ordered expressionlessly: "Get off the horse."

Bai Yun opened her mouth to beg for mercy, but the dagger in the girl's hand had pierced her skin, and the girl repeated: "Get off the horse!"

Bai Yun didn't dare to say more, and got off the horse tremblingly.

The girl stared at her: "Swear."

Bai Yun was about to cry: "Second Miss, please forgive me this time, I... I won't dare again!"

This time, none of the group of people spoke for her, and even a woman who got along well with her looked at her in silence. The second lady smiled and said, "Don't swear? I'm sorry you don't dare to talk nonsense. However, the money is gone."

After the words fell, the girl ordered someone to lead the horse, and the opponent gave the order: "Go to the inn!"

More than a dozen people walked past Baiyun, but no one gave her a second look.

It wasn't until people walked a long way that she realized that she had been abandoned.

The author has something to say:

Did you see, the girl appeared after she evolved, and Li Jun is still evolving under the cliff, using the gene of Qingyan, not Qingniao = =