My Consort is Alpha

Chapter 51: Bandit leader Lin Ruo


"Second Miss, don't leave me behind!" She chased after her, but these days, she has been working hard all the way, and she has been enduring the pain she suffered while riding a horse. On the first second day, every time before falling asleep, she The pain was so painful that it was difficult to sleep. The most delicate skin on the inner thighs was all blistered and then worn away. At that time, a woman who was traveling with her gave her some ointment.

On that day, while she was crying, she endured the pain and fetched some water to wash up. A woman next to her opened the tent where she slept and delivered the ointment to her. Well-meaning woman.

"It hurts." The woman opened the ointment bottle and carefully applied the ointment on her wound. "It won't hurt after a few days when the scar is formed. We all came here like this."

"Thank you for the kindness of this sister who gave me the medicine. The little girl Baiyun, I haven't asked the name of this sister yet." The ointment was applied to the wound, and it was cool and refreshing. The burning pain was relieved a lot at once. Cover your lower body.

The girl on the opposite side was about twenty-three or twenty-four years old. There were fine lines around her eyes when she was not smiling, her thin lips were cold, and her appearance was not very beautiful. If she didn't have the obvious scar on her forehead, she would be considered pretty.

"You can just call me Ah Yue." The woman put the ointment by her hand and smiled slightly.

"Sister Ah Yue." Bai Yun glanced at her cautiously, but hesitated to speak.

Seeing her uneasy look, Ah Yue recalled how she was when she first joined the Second Miss's staff, and she was also in such a state of anxiety, so she couldn't help saying: "You can ask whatever you want."

"Sister Ayue, what do you... do?" She asked hesitantly, forgiving her to have to doubt the origin of this group of people, seeing that they were not badly dressed, the second lady could afford sable fur, and the horses underneath her They are fat and healthy, and they are businessmen, but they only carry some simple luggage, and each of them carries a sword. At first glance, they really don't look like good people.

Ah Yue was silent for a moment, then smiled: "We are bounty hunters."

"Bounty hunter?" This was the first time she heard the word, and she didn't understand the meaning for a while, so she asked stupidly, "Are you hunters who live by hunting?"

"Orion?" Ah Yue cracked the corner of his mouth, "Well, if we catch a good prey, the dozen of us can live without worrying about food and clothing for a few months, and we can play for a long time if we want to go to restaurants and gamble."

"Sister Ah Yue, then... where do you live?" She asked again.

"Home?" Ah Yue chewed on the word silently, "We don't have a home, okay, it's getting late today, and we have to hurry tomorrow, the second miss likes delicate girls the most, you should rest well, and you will be able to cheer up tomorrow Come."

It wasn't until a few days later that she understood the meaning of a bounty hunter.

What they hunted was not wolves, insects, tigers and leopards, but people!

This group of people will fly pigeons to pass the book every other day, and there will be carrier pigeons flying to the hands of the second lady on the road. She was also curious about what was written on it, but she is illiterate, and the second lady has never read it. After satisfying her inner curiosity, Second Miss will burn the letter.

She still remembered that day, when these dozen or so people were rounding up a strong man on horseback, it was as if they had cooperated thousands of times. Shoot arrows from non-lethal parts of the body.

It was the first time for her to see such a bloody scene, and her heart trembled with fright, while the second young lady beside her looked indifferent, watching the men under her command capture the strong man in front of her.

Second Miss took out a book from her sleeve, turned to a certain page and checked it: "If the world sees the so-called flower picker Yu Ruchun looking like this, will they be disappointed?"

The strong man saw that the person in front of him was a young woman, but he was not afraid, he just wanted to find out the identities of these people first, and then slowly figure it out.

"Who are you guys, why did you arrest me?!" the brawny man asked.

The second lady carefully put the book back into her sleeve, and slowly replied: "We have seen your wanted portraits in many cities. If you are caught, it doesn't matter whether you live or die. Your head is worth three hundred taels of silver."

"If you let me go, I can give you five hundred taels of silver," the strong man said when he heard that he was only asking for money, "Which one of you is the person in charge, ask him to come out, and I will tell him personally!"

"I am," Second Miss raised the horsewhip, and the end of the whip lightly scraped the scar on the strong man's face, "Do you know that most of the girls from good families you raped at the beginning committed suicide after the incident was revealed?"

The strong man was stunned, and then he said decisively: "It's just playing with a few girls from good families, what does it matter to me if those girls live or die?"

The second lady had a look of disgust, even Bai Yun who was beside the second lady could see that when the big man looked at the second lady, there was a scum in his eyes, and there were some disgusting things in this man's mind.

Afterwards, Second Miss' whip landed on his face: "If you look again, I'll dig out your eyes!"

The second young lady is a neat person. She raised her moist eyes, and her gaze fell on him lightly: "You have spoiled a lot of women, but there is a woman, she is the only daughter in the family, and his father is A well-known local wealthy businessman, the woman hanged herself afterwards, and the wealthy businessman said, since you have spoiled his daughter, you will marry his daughter."

Of course, everyone in the woman's family is dead, and to be a husband and wife is to be a ghost couple.

After that, the second lady asked Bai Yun to kill people.

After killing someone, Baiyun's legs almost went limp. She watched Ayue, who gave her ointment a few days ago, cut off Yu Ruchun's head neatly, and then sprinkled some lime powder to seal the head up.

Everyone laughed and said, "It seems that in the past few months, we don't have to worry about running out of money."

"Sure enough, Second Miss is smart enough to expect that the flower picker will pass by this way."

Dazhu walked over and turned the body of the flower picker upside down, and the others hurriedly said: "Be careful not to get the body dirty, that rich businessman spent eight hundred taels of silver for his body, after we go to the government to make a small fortune, This corpse can make another fortune."

So Baiyun saw a group of people happily stuffing the corpse into a sack and walking back. The second lady laughed and said along the way: "It's just that it's cold these days. We can go back to Crucian City in two days and give the head to the old man." It won't take long to check with the government."

That day, she and one of the women rode together, with some luggage on the back. At night, she got into her sleeping bag, and when she saw the light of day, she hurried on the road. The night before she returned to the city of crucian carp, she saw the woman in the team. They all took the prepared curtains, put all the weapons in the bags behind them, and then bought a carriage from a passing merchant, and all the female relatives sat in the carriage.

She was about to ask, when Ah Yue patted the back of her hand: "Shut up."

After paying off the guards at the gate with ten taels of silver, a group of men disguised themselves as passing merchants, and women disguised themselves as sold female relatives, and successfully passed the checkpoint.

After entering the city, the group of people dispersed, and the second lady took Da Zhu to the government office, took off the arrest warrant affixed to Yu Ruchun, exchanged her head for three hundred taels of silver bills, and then went to the rich businessman Witnessed by the witnesses, the body and the head were thrown into the coffin, and the rich businessman gave them the bank notes that had been ordered on the spot without saying a word.

The transaction was done by Dazhu, and the second lady took Ayue and her to stand at the gate of the government office and wait patiently.

Just when Dazhu happily came out with the money, a gust of cold wind blew, and the curtain of the second lady floated lightly. At that moment, she saw a young man turned his head among the passing crowd not far away, Staring at this side intently.

The second lady left, but she was still staring at the young master, whose expression was like seeing a ghost, full of uncontrollable fear, he suddenly turned around and ran towards the opposite direction from the second young lady.

After that day, Baiyun had a general understanding of the identities of these people. However, this group of people had money in their hands, and they lived equally well wherever they went. If she could get some money from it, it would not be difficult to find another man , but this group of people is very vigilant, even if she has the heart, she doesn't have the guts to actually steal.

Staying in the inn at night, Ah Yue was by her side.

She cried out: "Sister Ah Yue, I don't want to live a life like this, it's so scary, I don't want to kill people."

Ah Yue comforted her, and said, "Bai Yun, after a long time, you will know that Second Miss is actually a very kind person, but if you don't want to be left behind halfway, you'd better keep all these words in your stomach from now on."

Now, she is really left behind.

Thinking about the fact that she has nothing now, and that she is unfamiliar with this city of Yue, she was born pretty since she was a child, and later became a concubine of a rich family, and was even favored by her master. Tong was forced to throw herself into the river, and she is still rich and well-clothed until now, if she was not desperate, she would not want to fall into the brothel to be a kiln sister at all.

Thinking of this, boundless expectations surged in her heart, and she stumbled towards the direction the team left.

But before he could run a few steps, he was stopped by someone.

There are two people standing in front of her.

She took a closer look, but there were two men in ordinary clothes.

"You... what do you want to do?!"

Before she could cry out, she felt her eyes go dark.

When she woke up again, she came to an inn room surrounded by thick curtains. She turned around and went to open the door. There were two people guarding the inside of the door.

Turning around and looking up again, there was a man sitting on the opposite bed.

The man said: "Zhao Baiyun!"

As soon as the name was called "exit", she was in a bad mood.

She knelt on the ground with a plop and begged for mercy: "I beg you, don't take me back, they will put me in a pig cage."

No matter in what era, adultery is a great sin!

"Then it depends on you, whether you can redeem your crimes or not," the man sneered, "I ask, you answer, if you dare to lie, I will throw you to Nanzhao to be a slave girl!"

In the Dayan Empire, buying and selling slaves was legal. Women who had adulterous affairs, prisoners of war, and deserters who committed crimes on the battlefield were all sources of slaves. A little girl, without the protection of her family, wanted to sell her as a slave. Drop it, it couldn't be easier.

She nodded hastily.

"Why were you left behind by those people?"

"I... I don't know..." Seeing the man's complexion showing signs of dullness, she immediately changed her words, "I just said something, if a woman finds a good man to marry, it is proper to be a husband and a child. leave me alone."

Taking advantage of the moment when she raised her head, she took a closer look. The man's face was slightly softer, he was wearing an ordinary people's shirt, his eyebrows were raised like a knife's edge, his nose was high, and his eyes were as sharp as a knife. There is nowhere to hide.

"You mean, everyone calls her Second Miss?"

Bai Yun nodded hastily, and told me everything about the Second Miss like a bamboo tube: "Everyone, I only know one woman named Ah Yue, and they all listen to that Second Miss, and she told me what they are Bounty Hunter."

"Bounty hunter?" The man sneered, "That's a good title, do you know where they are going?"

Bai Yun thought about it for a while, then suddenly remembered their seldom exchanges at the beginning, and hurriedly said: "They are going to Nanzhao, yes, it is Nanzhao!"

"What to do?"

Bai Yun met the man's staring gaze, then glanced at the person guarding the door, and finally shook his head: "I don't know, they didn't say, I... I wanted to ask, but I was afraid they would get angry, so I just asked." Didn't dare to ask more."

"Okay, one last question, how long have you been with them?"

"Soon, just a few days," Bai Yun's original truth turned into a lie after turning a corner, "so all I know is..."

The man stood up suddenly: "You are lying!"

"Your palms have wounds from holding the reins for many days. I have asked women to look at your body. Your inner thighs have calluses from many days of horse riding. You have been with them for at least a month. And, if I'm not mistaken, you should have already killed someone."

At this moment, Baiyun's psychological defense line was broken: "Who are you?"

"Who am I, you don't need to know yet," the man stood up, and he slowly approached the woman, "But do you know who you are following?"

Bai Yun asked blankly: "Yes... who is it?"

The man took out a wanted warrant from his pocket.

Baiyun couldn't read, but he also knew that what was written on it was not a good thing.

The man said coldly: "The second young lady you are calling is the murderous Lin Ruo who has been on the second most wanted list for more than a year and has committed countless major crimes everywhere, and the people around her, No one who has been with her for more than seven days has bloody hands!"

"Lin... Lin Ruo?!" At this moment, Baiyun realized what kind of people she wanted to follow. Thinking of the fair-skinned girl with beautiful almond eyes, her face was shining in the snowy sky. There is the purity and transparency that is isolated from the world, the cheeks are glowing, and the big clear eyes reveal the simplicity of not knowing the world.

And who is Lin Ruo

Like the murderous Xing Xie, she is a female bandit leader who has committed many crimes. When she was serving her master, she heard from her master that although Lin Ruo seemed young, she was reckless and cruel by nature. Some merchants fell into her hands. When she is happy, she will be released. When she is unhappy, it is still a question of whether there will be a whole body after death!

The man said: "Yes, this so-called second lady is called Lin Ruo, if you can help us get close to her and find a chance to put this thing in their meals, not only will I not reveal your identity, but I can also I'll give you three hundred taels of silver, which is enough for you to live a good life without doing anything."

Bai Yun wanted to shake her head, but she couldn't refuse the temptation of money.

Knowing the identities of those people, let her become a female gangster who murders and sets fires everywhere. She is absolutely unwilling. Now she is alone, and her parents are ashamed of her adultery. She can't go anywhere Well, if a single woman doesn't have some money, she can't survive in this world.

She gritted her teeth, nodded and accepted the man's condition.

The man said softly: "To get Lin Ruo's forgiveness, you have to know where you are wrong."

The author has something to say:

Long and straight! Speaking of which, I wanted to divide it into two chapters, but it seemed inhumane when I thought about it, so I closed it. . = =