My Consort is Alpha

Chapter 63: The vest fell off


However, people don't need only a layer of skin to survive.

Qin She said: "I can see that you are not doing well, you are not very happy."

Li Jun raised her hand, and those black particles moved, extending along the back of her fingers, and finally formed five gray-black sharp and slender nails. She stretched out an index finger and poked at a piece of beef. The long nails She pierced through the beef and poked the whole piece of beef on the tip of her nails. She took a bite of the beef and smiled sideways: "But it's not unhappy."

This kind of life, no one says it's good, but it doesn't feel bad. After so many years, she has walked alone, and she can still go on alone in the future.

"Now that I am in this world, I am invincible, and no one can hurt me anymore. I can live a better and more wanton life than when I was in the Federation!"

"Then why were you almost killed by an ancient man?" And it was inserted into the neck, which would be a fatal blow to ordinary people, and it is also a miracle that Li Jun survived.

"Because I happened to have evolved a second time!" Li Jun put his feet on the chair, took a big sip of wine with the jug, "If it wasn't for Zuo Yi, I would have evolved in a year, but he After that, I have been lying under the cliff for two years! Two full years!"

"Then what are you doing now?"

When Li Jun heard Qin Guoshi's words, he was stunned for a while.

When she was in the Commonwealth, she had no home, and the painful genetic implantation made her know that she had no tomorrow. The life in the military camp made many life and death brothers, but it also destroyed her innocence.

She never expected the so-called tomorrow.

But now.

She carefully felt the movement in her body, and the powerful force was churning endlessly in her body. This was a strength she had never felt before. Even if her life was cut in half, she was only forty-five years old this year, and she still had nearly a hundred years to live. ,But.

When she could yearn for something that she was once elusive, she found that she was rarely timid.

"How?" Li Jun murmured, "I don't know."

I don't know if I can bear a heavy love, I don't know if I can love someone casually, I don't know if she can stick to it until the end of time with her unstable heart.

"Instructor, I have a merciless request." Li Jun said.

Qin Guoshi looked at Li Jun, this soldier he has always loved, has many qualities of a soldier, tenacious, decisive, but also has the unrestrained unbridledness that does not belong to a soldier.

If it was in the Federation, knowing that she had done so many violations behind the country's back, he would definitely throw her into a federal prison, but now there is no Federation and no army.

Li Jun still hasn't lost his edge and sharpness. Unlike him, after more than 30 years of training in this world, there are not many memories left in his previous life. He has learned to adapt to the rules of this world, but subconsciously His unwillingness to reconcile urged him to change the world, and even violated the ethics of father and son.

The most similar thing between him and Li Jun is that if they can, if they have the ability, they don't want to completely abide by the rules of the world, but the most different thing between him and Li Jun is that he is slowly researching and changing the rules However, Jun Li uses his own preferences as the point of judgment. While adhering to the rules, he does not reject trampling the rules!

"you say."

"Can you take care of Ruo'er for me?" In Li Jun's memory, the girl stood in front of her desperately, crying in despair. Without her, the girl had grown up too, so long that she didn't need her protection, wanton She is still not at ease, "I don't know what Ruo'er has experienced in the past, but I think it should be a terrible thing, so terrible that she doesn't want to face the past anymore, she lived too hard , so, I hope you can help me take good care of her."

"She is someone you care about, and you should take care of her yourself," Qin Xie coughed, and Li Jun noticed his pale lips, and was thinking of making something from the space for the instructor to improve this sick Xi Shi's physique. I heard the instructor say, "But before that, I have a very curious point, I wonder if you, madman, can explain it to me?"

"Tell me, I will know everything and say everything!"

"Who are you?" The instructor asked the doubts that had been lurking in his heart.

Li Jun Doudou stared at the instructor: "Instructor..."

"It hasn't been half a month since you came into this world." Qin Xie took a sip of wine, "But, why, in only half a month, you are so familiar with the words and expressions of the ancients, and it makes me even more surprised Yes, you don’t have any common faults about ancient Chinese as a federal person in the future, just like you used to be in this era, but compared with the people of this era, you have many incompatibility. Can you Tell me, who are you?"

Li Jun didn't expect that the vest that didn't drop in the interstellar era is now dropped.

However, it doesn't matter, she is frank and lenient: "Hey, when I came to this world, I traveled through it once. At that time, I was still a woman, the most standard Omega woman in that world."

So no one would understand how long it took her to travel to that pitiful world before she got used to the little dick below, and how long it took her to get used to that society.

She started from her modern orphanage, to the inexplicable soul piercing when she confessed to a man and was rejected. Speaking of this, she sighed: "There are not many people in this world who are as lucky as Lao Tzu. Instructor, you still have never." One chance is a good thing.”

Speaking of this, she remembered the nasty words she had said to Her Royal Highness the Princess.

Can't help gossiping: "I said, who is that Your Highness the eldest princess of the Great Yan Empire?"

Qin Yu was a little surprised by Li Jun's answer, but he calmed down thinking that he was a soul wearer. In this way, many facts that did not make sense to Li Jun would make sense. He waved his hand: "Let's change the subject."

"Okay, why does the eldest princess like you so much? From my point of view, you should follow her. Anyway, you are not too young."

"In our time, thirty years old was still very young, and it was a crime to rape a young girl with a nineteen-year-old child."

"But in this era when the average life expectancy of the ancients was only forty or fifty, you are already an old man."

The most unacceptable thing for Qin Zhi is this. In the federal era, the average life expectancy of the capital star was more than two hundred and seventy years old. Well, this is equivalent to someone telling you that you have traveled through time. Your body died before. If he can live to be a hundred years old, he can only live about a quarter of his life now. Anyone will go crazy.

Qin Yu sighed, "That's why I envy you."

"I'm envious," Li Jun sneered, "I still have at least a hundred years to live, but look at the people around me, how many people can live nearly a hundred years? How many?!"

Moreover, the old age of people in that era was very short, at most ten years, and one of the scientific developments prompted by the human nature to love beauty was the maintenance of the skin. Just a change in spirit.

Qin Yu and Li Jun in this room were still reminiscing about the old days, while Yuan Xuan knocked on the door in that room.

Only then did the two realize that they had chatted late into the night unknowingly, the candle was dimly lit, and they were still on the verge of dying. Li Jun said that he would talk about it tomorrow, and he was about to go out until Qin Yu threw a spare piece of clothing to her: "You'd better be good." Put on your clothes, this era is no different than ours, do as the Romans do!"

Li Jun put on the cotton shirt casually, she was not afraid of the cold now, so she left with a smile on her face.

Yuan Xuan came in cautiously. He glanced at Qin Zhi several times, and it was fine if he refused to leave. He still seemed hesitant to speak.

"It's late at night, you should go back to your room and rest."

"Who is she?" Yuan Xuan asked carefully.

"Friends who live and die," Qin Yu replied, "Don't ask other questions. Didn't you say you want to be my disciple? Then I will ask you a question and get her approval. You are my third disciple."

Yuan Xuan thought of the woman returning to the guest room with a blushing face in a Gebu shirt, and never imagined that such a serious old virgin like Qin Guoshi would like that kind of woman, but because of his status as a disciple of Qin Guoshi.


Yuan Xuan had a tragic face of a strong man breaking his wrist, and sadly went back to think about the countermeasures.

Li Jun didn't fall asleep quickly that night, and the alcohol dissipated in less than a stick of incense in her body. In fact, when she heard the girl's news, she was not as indifferent as she showed.

The girl has changed.

This kind of change is not a cocoon into a butterfly, but a result of frustrating and peeling. Shui Shanruo is a little girl who depends on others in her heart, but she has only now discovered that she is the most important thing in the girl's heart. exist.

This is more important than anything else.

She still can't figure out how to face the girl.

The night was long, and the sound of howling wind and snow came. She sat cross-legged on the bed and looked out the window silently.

Pieces of snowflakes fell, she stretched out her hand to catch the whistling snowflakes, and maintained this posture until dawn, when Qin Yu came to knock on the door, her hand that was sticking out of the window was already covered with a thick layer of snowflakes. thick snowflakes.

Seeing her in a daze, Qin Xie couldn't help asking: "Do you have something on your mind?"

"Yes." She turned her head, but saw Yuan Xuan standing behind Qin Guoshi, looking at her with a troubled expression.

She got up and said, "Go down and have breakfast, it has been delayed for a long time."

"What are you going to do?"

"I'm going to kill people after eating." Li Jun said lazily, and walked downstairs staggeringly.

Qin Zhi saw her virtue and knew that she was still hesitating, so he had to go down with her.

The three of them quickly sat down at a table, but all of them had no idea what to eat and each had their own thoughts.

The conversation of the guests next to him caught Li Jun's attention.

The moment she heard Lin Ruo's name, she pricked up her ears. As long as it was about Shui Shanruo, she would now pay attention to it involuntarily. An emotion that is hard to let go.

Those stories about her, during the two years since she disappeared, she listened slowly, showing a little smile from time to time, until Yuan Xuan could see that she was interested in Lin Ruo, so she said, "Miss Li , What they said was already three months ago, and now the female bandit leader has been captured by Cheng Butou, a well-known arrester in the capital, and is on her way to the capital."

Li Jun lowered his eyes and controlled his breathing: "What will happen to her?"

Yuan Xuan didn't notice Li Jun's strangeness, he thought of the girl's bright and clean face, her almond eyes were only dead silent, and he said: "Based on the crimes she committed, it would be better to be beheaded. No body."

Dead without a whole body.

These words resounded like thunder in her ears.

She slowly asked: "How do you know, tell me, and I can give you a promise to do all the difficult things in the world for you."

Yuan Xuan's eyes lit up, and she immediately told what happened.

The author has something to say:

I'm sorry everyone, errrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrd, I didn't get to the point after writing for a long time, the instructor and my family Li Jun bragged for a longer time, hahahahaha!

In the next chapter, the little girl will appear on the stage. I repeat, I will not abuse the little princess!