My Consort is Alpha

Chapter 68: This is a dream


Shui Shanruo was lying on the ground where the black water was flowing, and before she had to wait for a while, someone came to pick her up and dragged her towards the outside.

It was pitch black inside, and it was still pitch black outside the dungeon.

She frowned, barely raised her head and glanced at the clouds in the sky.

It was a rare sunny day, but the sky was not bright yet, only the light blue bright sky with shimmering light could be seen on the horizon. The sky at dawn is always beautiful.

In her mind, what emerged was her sister standing in the twilight of the morning sun, holding bloody swords in both hands, looking up at the scene in the sky. She had never seen such an obsessed person in her life.

Strong, righteous, and will take care of her, falling in love with such a person is a matter of course for her.

"Isn't the execution always scheduled at noon?" Her little head was bit by bit, and after being thrown into the prison car, she asked pitifully, "It's a little too early."

As the prison car started to move, she grabbed the railing of the prison car with her two small hands and asked, "Am I really going to die?"

The young girl in the cage is very beautiful. There are bloodstains on her wrists. She looks like she is only fifteen or sixteen years old, just ready to marry, but this little girl has committed some crimes and was sentenced to be cut in half.

One of the guards who escorted her sympathized with the little girl, and slowly said: "The boss has spoken, I want you not to see the sun today!"

The little girl murmured: "It's too cruel."

The other escort, Lala, said in a low voice, "This woman is not worthy of sympathy. No matter how young she is, she has committed more crimes than ordinary vicious people in the past year." , that's why Butou Cheng followed him."

"This round of head arrest is not for those who are treacherous and evil. It seems that she deserves this."

"It's just that a reckless Jianghu, if she didn't offend the big shots in the capital, how could she fall into such a situation, and she is also unlucky."

When she regained her strength, she was already on the rack.

She stared straight ahead.

It is said that the waist cut is really painful, and the person is cut into two sections, because most of the internal organs are in the upper half of the body, and it will take a long time to die from the pain. Thinking of this, her legs are a little weak, but she is tied to the execution rack, and she is not paralyzed go down.

She didn't cry after all.

The big deal is just to see my sister, there is nothing to be afraid of, she cheers herself up.

"It's time! Execution!" Before she could react, she was already on the guillotine. Her hands were pulled apart and tied to the pillars on both sides. Unmatched, she closed her eyes tightly, waiting for the painful punishment to come.

At this moment, she seemed to see her sister standing in the backlit morning sun, reaching out her hand and smiling gently at her.

Such a beautiful illusion brought a serene smile on her face.

The knife did not fall, and her eyes were suddenly covered by a black wing. Soon, thousands of blades shattered and cracked, and the crisp sound almost resounded through the sky.

She looked up and saw the first ray of sunlight emanating from the sky. The guillotine had been broken into pieces the size of a thumb, but none of them hurt her. One body is not fatal, but it is enough to make people die of pain.

In a trance, she seemed to see a piece of black hair passing by her eyes. The blue hair turned sideways, and it was a face that she missed to the bone marrow. That face turned sideways, looked at her, and finally touched her cheek lightly. After brushing lightly, she heard her sister's voice, not loud but deep in her bones: "Girl, don't be afraid."

Then, something fell into her hands.

She reached out and took it.

"Sister, is it you? You came to save Ruo'er?"

However, she saw nothing except the bloody debris and the chaotic shouts on the execution ground.

She barely straightened up, but was restrained by the ropes tied to both sides of her hands. However, those chaotic voices suddenly fell silent, as if they were cut off from the middle.

Afterwards, the people around her knelt down on their knees. She was stunned for a moment, then turned her head, barely seeing the people behind her.

When father and daughter meet again, their identities are worlds apart.

One is the most honorable Ninth Five-Year Master in the world, while the other has become a death row prisoner waiting to be executed.

Because of her movements, the rope was deeply pulled into the skin of her wrist.

She has experienced many times what death is like, so that when this death really comes, she is not afraid of anything. No amount of pain can compare to the grief brought to her by her sister's death at the moment , No amount of despair can match the words my sister said to her.

"Girl, don't be afraid."

Seeing her father, she thought she would cry and scream hysterically, venting her grief for so many years.

Her father used to be the closest person to her. Even though he gradually became disappointed in her later on, he still treated her well. At least he didn't short her food or abuse her, but gradually ignored her.

But it's not my father's fault. Everyone is responsible for getting to this point.

Those heart-wrenching emotions have been gradually calmed down in the training again and again, leaving only a little bit of numb empathy, and the age for crying unrestrainedly has passed.

No one feels distressed, who to cry for

She was face to face with the emperor on horseback, without any barriers in between.

She used to be his father's favorite daughter, but this love finally dried up.

The emperor in front of him wears a black crown, and under the black robe is a vermilion lower garment, with many insignias that can only be seen on the upper and lower sides. This person is full of dignity. She opened her eyes wide and tried to see this person clearly. look.

The man dismounted.

She could see the pattern on the dragon robe clearly, she could see the posture of that person coming in a hurry, she could even hear the panicked cry of the supervisor and the sound of the knife falling in the hand of the executioner beside her, but she just couldn't see the person's face clearly. looks.

She frowned and looked at the stranger.

"Ruo'er." She heard this man calling her.

The older sister would call her a girl, the concubine mother would only call her a dead girl, and the father and older sister would call her Ruo'er.

It's a pity that apart from evoking a little memory of her past, this title can't make any waves. She doesn't hate it, but the piece of flesh on the gouged out heart can never grow back.

She parted her lips and wanted to call Daddy, but she couldn't make a sound no matter what.

Then, the man walked up to her carefully, and hugged the girl on the rack.

The supervisor stared blankly at this incomprehensible scene. The Supreme Supreme in the palace was as excited as a child at this moment. He was laughing, but his fingers trembling as he hugged the girl, he kept repeating: "Ruoer!" ... Ruo'er... finally found you, my poor daughter."

The girl's chin rested on the man's shoulder, she frowned, as if she was understanding what the man said, but she couldn't understand the meaning of what the man said.

such warmth.

It was very similar to the warmth when my sister fell asleep with her arms around her at night.

She heard her own voice: "Are you... the current Holy One?"

There are three points of temptation and three points of doubt in the words.

The man turned around and yelled at the people on both sides: "Why are you standing still, hurry up and untie!"

So several soldiers stepped forward and hurriedly untied the girl on the Xingjia.

The girl clutched her strangled wrist, and lowered her head to rub the bruise on her wrist. She lowered her head, not looking at the excited man opposite, and slowly walked down the steps.

Thanks to Butou Cheng, she didn't suffer any punishment, but she was locked up in prison for a few days. However, this is not the first time she has been in prison. She is quite calm. She thought she would die, but she has not Live well.

With the guillotine by her side, she even got off the rack.

She kicked her legs, stepped over the emperor, and walked slowly.

Two knives were placed in front of her.

It was the guard guarding the execution ground. Her body hadn't recovered yet, her complexion was a little pale, the effect of the anesthetic was still on her body, and she didn't have the strength to run yet.

She calmed down, turned around, and looked at the emperor expressionlessly.

The emperor looked at her excitedly, but he stopped after taking a step.

The girl fell to her knees with a plop, and said loudly, "Cao Min sees Your Majesty!"

The emperor's steps stopped.

He looked at the girl kneeling on the ground.

The girl lowered her head and pressed her hands to the ground, in a posture so humble that it was in the dust.

Her hair was disheveled, a little oily after a few days, she didn't suffer much in the cell, but the cell conditions were too bad, she got a lot of lice, and after maintaining this position for a long time, she couldn't bear it anymore.

Afterwards, the emperor saw the little girl under his feet scratching her scalp twice, and then took two steps back on her knees when he walked over.

Now, everyone can see the delicate relationship between the two.

The emperor seldom lost his composure. This time he was facing the girl kneeling at his feet, but he suddenly became at a loss. He walked to her side even faster, bent down, and hugged the girl again.

The girl's body was already thin, and she looked even thinner under the prison clothes. The emperor's voice came: "Ruo'er, I am Daddy, don't worry, from now on, no one will hurt you again."

No one can hurt me anymore.

Because the person who could hurt me has long since ceased to exist.

Sister, I saw you, even if you died, you still came back from heaven to save Ruoer.

She blinked her blank eyes, lowered her head, and said softly, "You have mistaken the person, I am not your daughter."

Then, a tender little hand grabbed the back of the king's neck, and the girl slid out of the emperor's arms like a loach. She grabbed the emperor's throat with one hand and pressed the emperor's arm with the other.

No one can understand the strength contained in these hands better than Cheng Butou.

Cheng Butou once saw a girl crush a man's throat with these hands.

"Let me go, or don't blame my subordinates for being ruthless!"

"Ruo'er?" The emperor was not afraid, he raised his hand, and slowly took hold of the girl's fingers pinching his neck, and everyone around looked at the girl's fingers nervously.

At this moment, she can choose to die together.

But after turning her finger stubbornly, the emperor pulled her down.

The girl's lips were trembling slightly. She wanted to cry, but she couldn't shed any tears. She wanted to escape, but she couldn't escape. In the arms of the emperor, her thin body slowly softened.

The emperor hugged the girl and took her away from the execution ground.

"Why are you standing still? Hurry up and announce the imperial doctor!" The emperor yelled, and the carriage behind the emperor arrived late. The emperor put the girl on the imperial carriage and hurried back to the palace with his troops.

Kneeling on the execution ground, the supervisor and executioner looked blank, and he asked the people around him: "Aren't there only two daughters today?"

Dali Siqing had a flash of inspiration in his mind: "This must have been born to the former concubine. When I am still a prince today, please make Ronghua princess!"

"She... isn't she dead?"

No one ever thought that the death row prisoner waiting to be executed on the execution ground would be the daughter that Konami once held in his hand.

"Aren't you going to catch up and take a look?" Qin She asked.

"Isn't she already safe?" Li Jun asked back.

Qin Yu asked: "Is it really okay for you to do this? She doesn't like her family very much."

Li Jun's expression was a little sad.

She has no relatives, and she doesn't understand why people can't let go of the blood relationship. No matter how painful the girl is, she can't deny it. She can't let go of the word "family".

It's not like her, if you say throw it away, you don't want it, if you say no, then you really don't want it. Her father was in trouble. In the end, her mother, father and Omega brother were crying and calling for her to rescue him. Watching the two of them cry like this for a long time, until they couldn't stop crying, they said slowly: [Crying, don't people start crying before they die, this person has to jump off the building after he dies?]

[No matter how many things he has, they are all the ones who gave birth to you. How can you be so cruel?]The mother and father cried desperately, staring at her reproachfully with a pair of bunny-like eyes, as if she had done something to him.

Although her sexual orientation has been distorted a lot by her current body and the three views of the world, her definition of a man is still a tough man, a pure man, no matter how bad he is, he must be a fresh meat, but she has never liked a man. The man with snot and tears looked super disgusting, and this mother and father finally succeeded in disgusting her.

She flipped the table over and said without hesitation: [Oh my god, I thank you so much, thank you for not taking care of the second half back then, thank you for pulling me out of the chrysanthemum!]

These words completely petrified her mother and father. The colonel who held the real power in the army was so dirty that he was even more rogue than a rogue. What's more, she didn't have any desire for family affection in her eyes. She directly ordered: [ Throw these two pretenders to my uncle, and don't let me see them in the future!]

After that, she never saw these people again.

"She doesn't want to let it go, and she can't let it go," Li Jun said calmly, "I have a cancer in my heart, I just dig it out, but the cancer in the girl's heart must be dispelled by those people, and the person who tied the bell needs to be untied, that's the reason .”

"What if you can't dig it?"

Li Jun struggled for a long time: "I'll tell her that I've been in love with her for a long time, and then marry her home and love her well?"

Qin Yu sighed: "Look at you, how dare you?"

Li Jun sighed in confusion: "Don't dare."

The author has something to say:

Girls, trust the author's integrity! Although it is broken in half, there is still half left!