My Consort is Alpha

Chapter 74: God stick


The words of the eldest princess also confirmed his conjecture: "And Lin Ruo is my long-lost sister, the former princess of Ronghua, her real name is Yan Ruo."

Who is Princess Ronghua

He Xiaonian showed a little bewildered expression on his face.

With her hands behind her back, the eldest princess walked slowly to his side: "Even if the imperial court committed a crime, it would take seven days for him to be convicted and sentenced after being interrogated in Dali Temple. With what Ruo'er committed, it is impossible for him to be convicted so quickly." Will be killed, unless someone above insists on her death."

"I almost thought it was the Shaoqing of the Dali Temple," said the eldest princess, "but after a layer-by-layer investigation, I found that it was not him. It was indeed the Shaoqin of the Dali Temple who ordered Ruo'er to be arrested. The root cause is that someone misled him, making him think that the person who killed his grandson was Ruo'er."

"The people who witnessed his grandson's death were Ruo'er and her subordinates, and the one who testified that Ruo'er killed him was actually a servant who survived the massacre."

The eldest princess walked around He Xiaonian and sat down again. She told the story without any scruples: "After the Shaoqing of Dali Temple captured Ruo'er, according to what Ruo'er said, kill him The real culprits of the grandson are a group of men in black. He once told Ben Gong that he already knew who the real culprits were. If he could kill a caravan with such cruel means and not for the sake of looting money but only for killing, then it is only possible It's a vendetta."

"And his grandson once provoked a Jianghu woman. It is said that the Jianghu woman was innocent when she first came out of the Jianghu. That girl was also brought up pampered, and she couldn't accept it for a while, so she killed herself with a sword in front of her grandson. Later, her family sent someone to collect the body, and the person sent by her family said in front of everyone In a word, they will definitely come to ask for justice, and there are countless women who were deceived by his grandson and came to ask for justice, and his grandson didn't take it to heart."

"Later, the Shaoqing of Dali Temple inadvertently learned that the Jianghu woman was the daughter of a high-level assassin organization, and she was the only daughter, but he had no intention of avenging her daughter at all, until he found her two years later. This is the opportunity to take revenge, if the Shaoqing of Dali Temple would take his anger out on him, Ruo'er would have died on the spot, and the crime of Ruo'er's death would all be pushed on him."

"And the person who bears the emperor's thunderous wrath will only be the Shaoqing of Dali Temple. Once this blame is successful, even the Dali Temple minister will be implicated and dismissed."

"However, he wasn't fooled by you," the eldest princess stared straight into his eyes, her eyes were deep and bottomless. Ruo'er's life was simple, and she never offended anyone since she was a child. Wanting to put her to death, "So, I want to know, who ordered you to kill her so impatiently?"

A vague figure flashed in He Xiaonian's mind.

In fact, he didn't take this matter to heart at all at the time. Lin Ruo, the female bandit leader, spends most of her time outside the pass. Although she killed a lot of people, most of them were treacherous and evil people who did robbery. There are many things, but in the north of Xiangzhou, there are not a few people who rely on this to make a living. It's just that she was a little unscrupulous when she killed people, which harmed the interests of some officials, and that's why she was on the wanted list of the court.

That day the boy gave him an envelope, he opened it casually, and out of it was a bank note with a denomination of one thousand taels of silver, with a blank piece of paper attached to it, with a sentence on it: Don't let the prisoner Lin Ruo see it. Tomorrow's sun.

So He Xiaonian went to check the information of the female bandit leader, and after confirming that the person behind her was just another bandit leader, Xing Xie, he felt relieved, knowing that there were actually only three or five people who were related to Xing Xie and Qin Guoshi. Without climbing to the position of Prime Minister Han, it is naturally impossible to know these things, so with a swipe of a pen, Lin Ruo's name was circled and crossed out with a cinnabar pen, deciding the prisoner's fate.

He Xiaonian is indeed a corrupt official, and he is greedy and greedy.

Who is behind the scenes

This question will no longer be known to anyone, including He Xiaonian himself.

However, it was his moment of silence that misunderstood the eldest princess, she raised the corner of her mouth: "It seems that you don't intend to say anything."

As soon as the princess's words fell, he immediately screamed again, and put another fingernail in front of him, Cai Kuli looked at He Xiaonian with gloomy eyes, and laughed happily: "Master He, how do you feel? "

What answered him was He Xiaonian's spit.

Cai Kuli was not angry either, he just used iron tongs to slowly burn a piece of charcoal the size of a fingernail from the brazier to He Xiaonian's lower lip.

The eldest princess watched with cold eyes, and ordered to Cai Dongnan who was beside her: "No matter what price you pay, you just need to eat his mouth away, people, life or death!"

Walking out of the dungeon, the eldest princess stretched out her hand and caught the snowflakes falling from the sky. Her sister was almost killed by these despicable and shameless people. She must find out who is behind the scenes.

Then, let that person not be able to live or die!


A hand waved in front of Li Jun's eyes.

Like a goose, Li Jun didn't respond at all.

"Returning to the soul!" Qin She shouted in her ear, and then she covered her ears and stared at Qin She.

Qin Zhu nagged: "I find it strange, you walked away from the palace once, did you leave your soul in the palace?"

Li Jun touched his lips with a dazed expression: "What should I do, I kissed the little girl."

Qin Yu's expression seemed to be watching a playboy showing his innocent side, which seemed fake.

"Have you kissed too many Betas before?" Qin Zhu complained, "If you kiss, you will kiss, but you have to think about it, she is the emperor's daughter, and if you marry her, you have to be a son-in-law."

Li Jun looked awkward: "I really don't mind being a son-in-law or not. I have never kissed anyone before. Originally, going whoring women is just to satisfy the second half, it has nothing to do with feelings, and some of those Betas also want to be My partner, however, doesn't want to pay, but also wants to get power and wealth, how can there be so many cheap things in this world, not to mention, you know, I never thought about getting married back then."

"what about now?"

Li Jun said with a mean face: "Of course I have to wait for you, the instructor, to get married first."

In fact, Qin Yu didn't want to go back to the capital. There was someone he was very helpless in the capital—Princess Changping.

When the emperor was still the sixth prince, he was invited to teach the eldest princess how to learn martial arts. It was a relatively peaceful stage in his life. He took the eldest princess, Xing Xie and Lu Mu to learn martial arts. In his eyes, the eldest princess Although she wasn't his disciple, she was pretty much the same. At that time, she was still a wild girl, digging out birds' eggs from trees and going down rivers to catch fish. Although she was caring about martial arts, it was just a snack.

He didn't know when this relationship began to deteriorate.

That fermented relationship finally turned into a sentence from the eldest princess: "I want to marry you."

At that moment, his performance was even more embarrassing than that of Li Jun, and he almost fled away, and then he was chased by the eldest princess and ran around the world.

If it wasn't for Li Jun's lifelong event, he would never have returned to the capital.

Qin Yu was speechless.

After Li Jun came back the next day, he called the tailor and embroiderer to measure her height and size. At the request of Li Jun, he made several sets of modern underwear and some dresses that were more suitable for Li Jun's taste.

She was a little disappointed, wearing skirts seemed to be a thing in her previous life, and now, she could finally tidy up.

The maid gave Li Jun a peach blossom makeup, and dressed up according to Li Jun's instructions. When Li Jun came out, Qin Yu was stunned.

But seeing the woman's phoenix eyes slightly raised, the lavender eye makeup covered up her originally sparse and domineering, which made her look a bit seductive, her lips were dark black, her long hair was braided into many braids, and she was decorated with tassels. Exotic clothing with a slim figure, the material is very thin, only suitable for summer shirts, the plump breasts make the woman's mouth dry when looking at it, and there is a glass-colored jade pendant chain on her exposed white wrist, which is hung intermittently. Wearing a few cupronickel bells, this time her matching is finally a little more reliable. The lower end of the ice blue dress is a string of cumbersome and heavy silver bells, which jingle as she walks.

If Li Jun didn't speak, she would definitely be one of the most beautiful women in the capital, even more charming than those Omegas.

Qin Xie said: "I really can't see that you still look pretty in feminine clothes."

Li Jun raised his eyebrows, and his seductive eyebrows became a little sharper. She lightly kicked Qin Yu's calf: "When are we going to the palace?"

Qin Yu pointed at her, his fingers trembling: "You... why are you going to the palace dressed like this?"

"Aren't you already the No. 1 magic stick?" Li Jun raised his hand, and the black particles lingered on her fingertips. Now her control over the particles is getting stronger and stronger, and within a few seconds it condenses into a simple She raised her eyebrows, "Then I will continue to be the No. 2 God Stick, and my identity... is your junior sister, a demigod with half the blood of the Black Phoenix."

Qin Zhi watched her speak casually, and held back a word for a while: "You can figure it out!"

However, although Li Jun's idea is absurd, but in the ancient times of fearing ghosts and gods, this is indeed the most useful identity. Qin Yu immediately sent someone to find the ancient books that recorded the image of the phoenix, and put them all in front of her. Therefore, the two The following scene appeared.

"No, the shape is wrong!" Qin Xie squeezed her transformed wings, pointing to a muscle on the wings, "It should be more protruding here."

Li Jun lay on the bed, frowned and said: "The particles on my body are not enough, you can get some more things, emeralds, diamonds, ironware, carbon items are all fine."

Qin Yu himself never valued money.

Because from the day he castrated his father and killed his aunt, he has never been short of money.

He looked at the world indifferently, not caring about his own life or death, until his mother died under the whip of his aunt, only then did he realize that he was not outside the world, and even though this life was short, he still wanted to live it well.

He survived by taking the life of a poor woman.

In less than half an hour, all kinds of items she needed were piled up in front of Li Jun. Li Jun reached out and took a piece of red emerald. When he held it with his fingers, the fine emerald immediately turned into a pile of end-of-year-old jade. A ray of transparent red floated on the particles, and then that ray of red fell on the top of Li Jun's wings.

Pieces of objects turned into particles, and under Li Jun's control, they were all added to the pair of wings. It was almost when Li Jun became impatient that he saw Qin Yu's dull eyes.

"What's wrong?" Li Jun was surprised.

Qin Xie looked at the pair of wings that were ingeniously crafted, and exclaimed: "In this world, you are a god!"

Hearing what he said, Li Jun showed a somewhat unnatural expression on his face, silently remembering the deformation of the wings, all the wandering particles were compressed along her sleeves into a shell made of unknown material, obediently Gently affixed to her skin.

Qin Yu counted the time and said to Li Jun, "It's not the right time for you to show up now. The darkness in winter means disaster. Wait until the beginning of spring to bring some auspicious omens."

Li Jun nodded, she rubbed her palms, thinking of the soft kiss at night, and the little girl's bright eyes, a happy smile appeared on the corner of her mouth.

The author has something to say:

Seeing this, everyone knows that the author is really useless in the description of character clothing, so I went to study it carefully, and the result ==

What gold silk eight treasures save beads bun!

What Chaoyang Wufeng hanging pearl hairpin!

What bean green official sash, Pisces and roses!

What strands of gold and a hundred butterflies wear a narrow jacket with bright red foreign satin. . . . .

I can't understand it at all! What the hell! Damn. .