My Consort is Alpha

Chapter 78: miracle


Ouyang Mingyu was an ordinary person in her previous life, and she was also an otaku.

He is taciturn on weekdays. Compared with the outstanding eldest sister and the likable second sister, he is the one who is least valued by his family.

Until he died of a heart attack in the rental house, he had not contacted his family for more than half a month.

He thought this was his life, mediocre, boring, and even death was forgotten.

When he woke up again, he turned into a five or six-year-old boy.

Born in a prominent family, he also happened to be born in the most splendid historical era. In the world thousands of years later, his favorite book was the world famous book "Heroes in Troubled Times" about the heroes fighting for hegemony in this era.

The Ninth Prince, a humble gentleman who is a virtuous and virtuous corporal, the Sixth Prince, a despicable villain who is cunning and vicious, the false emperor who sought to usurp the throne and eventually died in a useless manner, and King An who spent his life mediocrely.

Afterwards, Empress Yan Ruo, who created the prosperous age, and Yan Jinhua, the first female prince in history, these colorful characters were deeply in his memory when he turned every page of history books.

Among these characters, the one he hates the most is Empress Yan Ruo. If it weren't for this woman, the status of women would not be improved in the future, and the world after that should still belong to men's world. Men can still have three wives and four concubines instead Like later generations, men are ridden on the head by women.

He hated his time!

So he wanted to make some changes.

Change does exist.

According to historical records, the Sixth Prince was a benevolent and righteous king, but now because of his interference, the name of the Sixth Prince has been stained. He once slaughtered the people of a city.

And the Crown Princess Yan Ruo, who was supposed to be all-rounder in civil and military affairs, has now become an ordinary third princess. He is still lurking in the dark, but as time goes by, the position of the sixth prince has become more and more stable. The people inside also faintly disapproved of him going to overthrow the country that Dayan had just stabilized.

But he was really not reconciled.

That Qin Guoshi, who is famous all over the world and has mixed reputations, has always been a serious illness in his heart.

Before he planned to show his invention, he discovered that this ancestor who traveled before him had already invented everything that could be invented, and what was more powerful about that ancestor than him was that he could also predict natural disasters , and familiar with the art of war, using soldiers like a god.

Even though he had the advantage of being a prophet, after Qin Guoshi assisted the Sixth Prince, he couldn't get any benefits from him. After several confrontations, Qin Guoshi's military tactics were cunning and changeable. It's even stronger, he only read about the management of the army on the Internet, and Qin Guoshi was probably a member of the army with a military rank in his previous life.

So in the end he still lost.

For a while, he even felt aggrieved that since he let me come to this world, why did Qin Guoshi also come to this world.

He remembered that Qin Guoshi didn't want to participate in the disputes between heroes at first, but after he sent someone to assassinate Qin Guoshi, Qin Guoshi neatly fell to the side of the sixth prince and became a sharp knife in the sixth prince's hand. , invincible.

For this person who may come from the same place as him, he has 12 points of malice.

However, he found that his bad luck had not disappeared.

Qin Guoshi didn't die, and another Mei Lin who was called invincible by Xiangzhou City came. Mei Lin was killed at the weakest moment, otherwise he would have to rack his brains to deal with that woman!

Now, what he has to do is to uncover the true face of Qin Guoshi's so-called younger sister pretending to be a ghost, and drive Qin Guoshi out of power!

He has seen Qin Guoshi's junior sister before. At the ceremony of offering sacrifices to heaven, she looked like an ordinary woman at first glance. Apart from her gorgeous makeup and some exotic clothes, she had nothing special about her.

However, in his backyard, there are women who are thin and fat, there are women who are as cold as ice, and there are women who are as tender as water, but there is a shortage of women with such a strong and beautiful feeling.

He was thinking about how to win back this beauty's heart and accept her as the thirteenth concubine.

If it wasn't for the emperor's ignorance and ruthlessness, he would have conferred the title of an envoy of the Great Yan Empire on a woman of the ranks, with an official position of the first rank, plus another one, who could command the Jinyiwei in the capital and mobilize 30% of the troops of the Great Yan Empire. He wouldn't be here. At that time, the powerful officials of the DPRK and China strongly opposed this matter.

The emperor was troubled by the noise of a group of people. The most important reason why he gave this woman such great power was because of a sentence from Qin Guoshi: "This is my junior sister. She has the power to reach the heavens and the earth. Her father It is the ancient god Black Phoenix, still above me."

The emperor believed in Qin Guoshi's words, but he couldn't stand the courtiers' objection.

Among them, several veteran ministers were so excited that they wanted to bump into the pillars and were finally stopped by the guards.

The emperor had a headache, so he simply announced Feng Zun who was treating the root cause of the disease for His Royal Highness the Third Princess.

But after hearing a burst of laughter, the woman walked in from the entrance of the main hall. Her ankles were covered with fine jade bells. I have seen His Majesty."

Her smile was bright and flamboyant, and her expression revealed the arrogance that she didn't take most people into their eyes. The beautiful woman's eyes swept over the courtiers who were looking around her.

No one dared to meet her eyes, even Ouyang Mingyu was no exception. This woman's eyes were full of the unique deterrence of ferocious beasts, which made people feel daunted.

The emperor smiled: "Feng Zun is free." Out of the corner of his eye, he noticed that behind the side screen, the corner of the little princess's skirt floated out.

The woman asked: "I don't know why your Majesty asked me to come here?"

The emperor glanced at the excited courtiers, and finally said: "You have the blood of the ancient god Black Phoenix, but unfortunately they don't believe it."

The woman shook her head, her cold gaze pressing over her.

Everyone was silent, even breathing became light, lest they offend this woman.

Ouyang Mingyu wanted to say: "There are no gods in the world, and if you pretend to be a god's bloodline, aren't you afraid of making a fool of yourself?"

It's a pity that under the oppressive gaze of the woman, he couldn't say a word.

To put it more precisely, he was so oppressed by this woman's aura that he couldn't speak.

The corner of the woman's mouth curled up, she looked around, and finally her eyes fell on a general who was estimated to be in his twenties. She walked towards the general and said word by word: "You don't believe in God, then, I will Show you miracles!"

The surrounding ministers were all speechless. Seeing her walking past, everyone automatically moved out of the way, and the woman walked in front of the general.

The general looked at the woman favored by the emperor from a close distance, and couldn't help lowering his head and taking a step back.

In his opinion, those so-called veterans of the Three Dynasties are just a group of old people who rely on their old people to sell their old people. The emperor knows how to use people well. There must be something extraordinary about giving such a big right.

He bowed his head respectfully.

The woman looked at his empty right sleeve, and with a wave of her hand, the sleeve flew up layer by layer, revealing a stump.

He backed away in a hurry, after all, it still felt unnatural for him to show his severed right hand three years ago in full view.

The woman reached out and held his stump.

He was startled, and then heard the exclamation of the courtiers around him. The itchy feeling came from the stump, and he saw golden particles mixed with light yellow spreading from the woman's arm. Those particles seemed to be alive. Gathering on his stump, he saw golden bones growing from his stump, then yellowish nerves, then tendons, and within half a stick of incense, he had a brand new hand.

This is a moment for people to witness a miracle. Everyone held their breath and looked at him.

The woman let go of her hand, her gorgeous lips turned up, revealing a magical smile.

He looked down at his arm, flexing and stretching his fingers tentatively.

The fingers moved with his intention, and he held the existing left hand with this new hand, and the expression on his face changed from being ecstatic at first to ecstasy.

Three years ago, he lost his right hand with a gun, so he switched to training with his left hand, but in the end his strength was still greatly reduced.

Now, this right hand has returned to him.

He stared at his right hand in a daze, and he didn't come back to his senses until someone around him patted his shoulder.

Everyone around is staring at his right hand.

The woman has left.

Ouyang Mingyu was the one who witnessed all this with his own eyes.

But because of this, he couldn't believe it even more.

No one understands better than him that there is no god in this world.

But at this moment, someone performed a miracle in front of him.

Until this moment, he was sure that this junior sister of Qin Guoshi, like Qin Guoshi, did not belong to this world!

Merlin left, Feng Zun came, fate seemed to be playing a joke on him.

His miserable low laughter was finally drowned in the amazed congratulations of the courtiers.

"Yuchibai!" Someone's finger landed on his shoulder, waking him up.

This is not a dream!

Yuan Xuan lowered her head and showed a big smile: "Congratulations!"

It was worth celebrating, and he had a heartfelt smile on his face.

The emperor spoke again, and this time, the courtiers had no reason to object, and Ouyang Mingyu's voice of doubt was drowned out in the voice of approval.

Ouyang Mingyu said: "Perhaps, this is the sorcery of evildoers?"

Someone heard what he said, but no one raised the same doubts as he did.

Those people acted as if they didn't hear what he said, and they agreed one after another. The identity of Fengzun God Envoy was decided, and she became one of the most powerful people in the Dayan Empire.

Li Jun never took those people's opinions seriously.

She just needs a chance to become a god.

Someone sent an opportunity to her.

She won't say no.

What should you do if you want to protect the important people around you

Let yourself stand at the pinnacle of the world, and let those ghosts and monsters who covet you even lose the chance to look up!

Looking at the little girl holding her hand, she suddenly realized.

What she used to fear was nothing but foam on the sea and phantoms in the void. Even if she had a so-called weakness, she would not be restrained by others.

Thinking of this, she seemed to open her heart.

Tender green shoots protrude from the dead branches, and soon, spring will come.

The author has something to say:

Today is just this update, I am going to modify the article BUG, okay