My Consort is Alpha

Chapter 79: crucial moment


The little girl walked in front of Li Jun, holding her palm while looking up at her with bright eyes: "Sister, sister, how did you do it, it's amazing!"

Li Jun took the little girl's hand and walked side by side with the little girl on the road in the imperial garden, thinking about what to say.

In fact, Li Jun does not have the ability of a creator.

To create real flesh and blood in just a few minutes, even with the combination of future advanced technological equipment and nutrient solution, it will take nearly half an hour. The miracles she performed are actually very limited. Limbs are not real flesh and blood, and she has no need to hide these things from the little girl.

Li Jun said slowly: "The hand I made for him is from Xibei."

Seeing the little girl's dazed look, she changed her words again: "In other words, it's not a real hand, but it's no different from a real hand. If you're interested, I'll make it for you to see later."

The stable alloy extracted from various utensils and soil is used as bones, and then the broken nerves are grown, and then the tendons and muscles are made of various fiber materials, and finally covered with high-quality silicone skin. That person's hand, more than Ordinary metals are even harder and tougher.

Seeing that the little girl still had an 'incomprehensible' look on her face, Li Jun took the opportunity to stretch out his claws and pinch the little girl's rosy cheeks.

Well, it sure feels great.

So she stretched out another demon claw and kneaded/kneaded the little girl's face back and forth, almost deforming her face.

The little girl didn't break away from her sister's claws, she tilted her head, and both hands landed on her sister's towering chest at the same time, unceremoniously using her grasping X dragon claw hand, squeezing one after another.

Li Jun was very calm.

Speaking of molesting, you just get used to it ╮(╯▽╰)╭.

Li Jun was completely immune to the little paws that liked to greet her chest this time, she let go, and a princess hugged the little girl in her arms.

Most of the scars on the little girl's body have healed under her treatment. In addition, the things in the space buckle have been used to recuperate her body in recent days, and now the weight has increased a lot. .

Li Jun lowered his head cooperatively and let the little girl hug her neck.

When Qin Yu came to look for Li Jun, what he saw was such a picturesque scene. The tall woman was holding a petite and cute girl in her arms, and the coquettish and sharp eyebrows now revealed the tenderness of drowning, just like a bird. A beast that puts its sharp claws into its flesh pads for fear of hurting those around it, the little girl in her arms is charming and charming with bright eyes and white teeth, a white pompom on her head, and her long hair is carefully groomed. It was all scattered on the back of Li Jun's hand.

Thin snowflakes fluttered and fell, and there was a gentle smile on the corner of the woman's mouth. Her knees were slightly bent, and she landed on the top of a two-story palace with a bounce. It's not something that can be done in a hurry, he sighed, if those Omegas who had a deep prejudice against her at the beginning saw Li Jun's appearance just now, it is estimated that few of them would not fall.

Sure enough, like love, meeting the right person is a kind of happiness.

Li Jun could feel the joy in the little girl's heart.

Just like what she said, now her emotional perception of people has reached a limit, just like when she stepped into the court just now, she can feel the peeping and probing eyes of the people around her. It's just pure curiosity, she knows who is simply dissatisfied with her, and who shows malice towards her.

Normal people love beauty and hate ugliness. Apart from plants, humans also have phototaxis.

Before she evolved, she could also feel the emotions of the people around her, but not so clearly. The little girl's love for her made her always want to escape in embarrassment, but this purest love made her feel like boiled The most delicious honey after refining, I want people to drown in it forever and never wake up.

She didn't think about what it would be like if the little girl didn't love her one day.

In addition to sensibility, human love also has rationality, but Li Jun just wants to leave rationality behind at this moment.

After Li Jun got on the roof, the little girl pointed to a taller palace next to her and said, "Sister, sister, let's go there!"

Li Jun looked around, and without any leverage, he pulled up the fox fur cloak to cover her whole body. Then, she felt the scene in front of her turn into various streamlines. The fuzzy feeling that had not yet reached this limit, and then regained consciousness, she was already on the top floor of the palace.

Li Jun put her down, brushed off the snow on the beams at the top of the palace, sat down first, then pulled the little girl into his arms, let her sit sideways in his arms, and put his hands around her waist to prevent her from falling. fall down.

"Girl, have you ever seen the shape of snow?"

The shape of snow

She thought back to the past, and the snowflakes were nothing more than fluttering like catkins. In the past few years, she didn't like winter very much, let alone pay attention to the so-called snow. Snow means that countless refugees freeze to death, and snow means Food was scarcer than in summer, so she shook her head.

"Girl, close your eyes!" Li Jun's voice came from behind, she closed her eyes obediently, and then felt something falling on the bridge of her nose, Li Jun's hands fixed the belt on her head, adjusted Good parameters on the instrument, and then said to her, "Okay, you can open your eyes."

The girl's eyelashes trembled slightly, and then she entered a novel world.

Her gaze fell on a snowflake, which was immediately magnified countless times and rotated with the breeze. This is no longer called snow, but should be called snowflakes. These snowflakes are composed of countless small ice flowers. A small ice flower has six petals, some petals release beautiful little side tongues like the sage, some are round, some are arrow-shaped, or zigzag, some are complete, some are Grid-like, such a beauty, almost beyond her imagination.

She didn't move her eyes until the snowflake fell to the ground, and the perspective was immediately opened. She looked at a plum blossom, and the plum blossom was immediately enlarged. She even started counting the number of stamens in the center of the flower boredly. She was so happy to see that plum blossom, she was almost immersed in this wonderful world and didn't want to wake up.

Although it was a snowy day, my elder sister's body was still warm. Her lower abdomen hurt a little, but she didn't care about it. The pain was completely in the wind and rain. She was a cute girl on the outside, but she already had the potential of a woman inside. It's not a problem, she looked at the various scenes with relish, reluctant to take her eyes away, and then, she saw an unexpected scene.

If that place wasn't in such a high position, and it happened that she had this thing from her sister, she probably wouldn't be able to see that place in her whole life.

That is the most remote corner in the entire palace.

However, the environment is good, and the cleaning maid inside is also very diligent in cleaning. Then, she saw the door facing her open.

A woman with disheveled hair ran out of it. The woman was wearing a half-new palace dress. The whole person had obviously fallen into a semi-crazy state.

Immediately after, the maids in the back chased after them and reached out to grab the woman's arm. The woman had great strength, and after a few struggles, she broke free from the restraints of the maids and ran towards the door. The maid behind her seemed to be yelling. What, she couldn't hear it, but she could guess when she saw the guard at the door walking in and pushing the woman down in the snow.

One of the chasing maids was dressed differently from the others, with some beautiful hairpins on her head. The moment the maid turned her head, she frowned.

Apricot blossoms!

Her memory of Xinghua is only one day when she came back from the ancestral hall and hugged her brother's body and cried heartbreakingly. Now, the helpless girl looked domineering and domineering, and she was obviously very angry. Unhappy, she frowned and yelled at something, the maid beside her lowered her head to obey, then took out a wooden stick as thick as a child's arm from the room, aimed at the disheveled woman's legs and smashed it down.

She seemed to hear the woman's silent screams, but no one around her sympathized with her. A few maids dragged her into the room, a shoe with a hole left a long mark on the snow, and her legs twisted unnaturally Then, another court lady ran over, holding a bunch of iron chains in her hands, and neatly tied her to the post beside the door, Xinghua kicked and hit her, the woman rolled around under her feet, She showed no sign of softening.

Yan Ruo has seen a lot of tragedies in recent years, so she naturally lost those unnecessary sympathies. Seeing causes bear fruit, poor people must have something to hate, she turned away her perspective uninterestedly, and looked at the sky.

In just an instant, her vision pierced through countless snowflakes and clouds.

Then, the dazzling sunlight fell, and when she was about to bow her head, a pair of hands covered her eyes, saving her from the light on the clouds.

"Be careful," Li Jun took off the utensils from her eyes and asked, "Does it look good?"

The little girl showed crescent-like smiling eyes and nodded: "It looks good!"

Then rubbed her stomach and looked at her pitifully: "It's just that my stomach hurts."

Li Jun asked: "Did you eat something bad? I'll take you down."

When she heard this, she rubbed her stomach reluctantly, Li Jun got up, and was about to hug her, when she saw a bright red on her skirt, she looked at the little girl's buttocks along the line of sight, and couldn't help being surprised !

"Girl, you are hurt!"

Then she hugged the girl nervously, flew to the ground like lightning, turned around, and then saw Qin Guoshi looking at her.

Looking at the bright red on her skirt.

As an old virgin, Qin Guoshi immediately pointed at Li Jun in surprise, and stammered and asked: "Li Jun, why are you injured, who has this ability?"

The little girl was still ignorant and didn't quite understand what happened.

Then Qin Guoshi seemed to have realized something, his old face was flushed, and he covered his eyes: "Take her back to her palace quickly, girls can't stand the cold at this time!"

Li Jun was also anxious at the beginning, and soon understood after seeing Qin Guoshi's reaction, she disappeared from Qin Guoshi's side with a whoosh, forgive her, the aunt has been away from her for nearly thirty years, and in the interstellar era, The aunt is a magic horse, no one knows at all, Li Jun avoided the maids and guards all the way, and rushed into the little girl's palace in a hurry.

The author has something to say:

Happy to hear! The little girl grows up when she picks up girls. ╭(′▽`)╯

Hahahaha, I finally wrote this stalk! ! ! !