My Consort is Alpha

Chapter 85: Porn


Early in the morning, Ah Yue prepared a beauty couch and put it in front of the door. The little girl was wrapped tightly by Li Jun before she put it on the couch. Seeing the little girl's ears that were red from the cold, she temporarily made two ears. The sleeves snapped over her ears.

Ah Yue found a stool and sat beside the little girl, smiling softly from time to time.

Li Jun held a wooden knife in his hand.

The sky is full of snowflakes, and there is the faint fragrance of red plums in the cold air. Pieces of snowflakes fall from Li Jun's side, but they linger as if they are held by some kind of force. Before it disperses, there are traces left by Li Jun on the snow. With a sweep of force, the falling petals fall down in profusion. In an instant, it seemed to be doubled, and they floated into the sky one after another, fluttering with the snowflakes.

During the years of wandering, the second lady mentioned her sister many times, and she also knew that the person she cared about most was her sister.

After going back to the palace, she met her sister who died inexplicably and came back to life again, and her sister turned out to be the junior sister of Qin Guoshi. He is also the hottest upstart, even the demeanor and brilliance of the fourth son of the capital is overshadowed by this envoy.

Ah Yue knew that this woman named Feng Zun must have something extraordinary. Just from the martial arts displayed by Jun Li just now, it can be seen that apart from miracles, this junior sister of Qin Guoshi's martial arts is unique in the world. .

When the time came, Jun Li and the little princess went down to pay respects to the queen surrounded by all the court ladies, Ah Yue stared at the petals on the snow, but was taken aback.

I saw scattered petals on the ground, each petal was separated from it, and was cut in half by the woman with a wooden knife in an instant.

Even Chi You, the most powerful god of war in mythology, would not be this woman's opponent.

Ah Yue's heart was cold, this woman was dangerous and powerful.

But the second young lady trusted and loved her so much, so as long as the little princess was not hurt, then this might not be a bad thing.

Seeing that the eldest princess was not there when she worshiped the queen, Princess Rouquan was waiting outside the hall early on. Seeing that it was the little princess, after the two exchanged etiquette, Princess Rouquan looked at the woman following the little princess, and there was no contradiction between her behavior. Showing respect, with heavy makeup and exotic accessories on the wrists and ankles, I couldn't help wondering: "Ruoer, this is..."

There was a sweet smile on the little princess's face: "This is the envoy of Feng Zun."

Although Princess Rouquan is in the palace, the news she should have is not bad. The miracle above the court was witnessed by all the ministers. She got the news at night. When she took a closer look at this time, she saw that this woman is rare. Zhang Yang wanted to investigate a few more words, but the maid in the central palace came out and respectfully invited the two princesses to the palace to pay their respects.

This was the first time Li Jun saw Empress Chen.

This queen who came from a humble background and whose father was only a scholar, looked gentle and dignified, with a kind of feminine beauty.

Sitting there quietly, she is a beautiful scenery.

昨日厉君才刚把她女儿也揍了,此时看到这位陈皇后,与猜测之中大相庭径,而且探查到小公主的情绪,对这位皇后娘娘竟只有单纯的敬重和爱戴,没有A hint of negativity.

"Under Feng Zun, I have met the empress." After all, Jun Li is a strong man who has gone through hardships, and he also has a little sense of superiority over the ancients. Su worship is already her limit.

The little princess saluted, the queen knew yesterday that His Majesty had specially ordered that you should not kneel and worship when you see the king, and the honor and favor for her even surpassed that of Qin Guoshi.

She stretched out her hand and said to the little princess: "Ruo'er, come and sit here with the queen mother, let's have breakfast with the queen mother today."

The little princess looked back at Li Jun.

Empress Chen comprehended: "If the envoy doesn't dislike it, let's leave one for dinner."

For polite people, Li Jun will always return respect, not to mention, the little girl has subtle emotions towards her father and even the eldest princess. Among them is the desire for love, and more of it is numbness, but in the face of Li Jun could even feel the pure joy of this unrelated mother queen.

Li Jun cupped his hands and said: "Then I will disturb the Empress Empress."

Empress Chen said: "Breakfast today, the emperor's court is early, this is also a family banquet, so there is no need for everyone to be formal."

After the words were finished, the little girl stretched out her chopsticks, nimbly picked out a chicken leg from the plate of braised chicken in front of her, and put it on the plate in front of Li Jun.

Empress Chen looked at the little girl's careful movements, and recalled that she had checked the past of the little girl's acquaintance with the envoy, but found that there was no trace. During those days, she was indifferent to everyone, even a little resistant, but she loved this junior sister of Qin Guoshi with a 100% love.

At this moment, there was another chicken leg on Li Jun's plate.

Li Jun was about to pick some of the little girl's favorite dishes for her, but he was stunned when he saw the dishes on the table.

She didn't know which dishes the little girl liked.

The chopsticks stopped in mid-air awkwardly.

But the little girl didn't notice Li Jun's stiffness. At the moment Li Jun hesitated, another piece of braised pork fell into Li Jun's plate, and the little girl smiled and said: "Sister, this is a secret recipe of the palace, and it tastes good. .”

Li Jun lowered his head, grabbed a chicken leg and gnawed it fiercely.

This exposed her weaknesses in etiquette, but seeing that the three women around her, including the little girl, behaved calmly and elegantly, eating breakfast abruptly gave her the feeling of walking a red carpet, so she couldn't help being more gentle.

Empress Chen didn't stick to trivial matters, and she felt warm about the little girl and the envoy's little actions between the tables. From time to time, she picked up a few suitable topics, casually asked the little girl about her life outside the pass, and made some side-splitting remarks. Jun's background, although there is a tentative intention, but it is not annoying. After a meal, the guests and the host enjoyed themselves. Princess Rouquan personally sent the little princess and Li Jun away, and then came back to sit with the mother for a while and tease the younger brother. .

The little prince is two years old this year, and he is at the age of being lively and active. At this time, under the care of the wet nurse, he stumbled towards the queen, smiling innocently.

He stretched out his hand: "Queen, hug me."

Empress Chen put her hand under his armpit, smiled slightly, and said to him: "How about taking you to see your third sister sometime?"

The little prince thought for a while, and said in a childish voice: "No, I don't like Third Sister."

Empress Chen didn't understand why the little prince who always begged for hugs from everyone was afraid of the little princess. He hid behind the screen for the first time when he saw her, and refused to come out. This time, she heard that it was her who came to say goodbye. , So he went to find a wet nurse by himself.

"Then tell the queen, why don't you like the third sister?"

The little prince tilted his head, rolled his eyes several times, and finally said in a childish voice, "It's fierce!"

As soon as these words came out, Princess Rouquan couldn't help laughing, and Empress Chen didn't care.

Afterwards, Empress Chen summoned her own maid-in-waiting, and explained to her in detail, and then, the rewards entered the little princess's palace like flowing water. The thing is.

"Sister, are you leaving now?"

"You agreed to stay with me for a few days, but it's only two days or so, sister, can you take me out of the palace?"

So people all over the palace saw the little girl sticking behind Li Jun like a small tail. Ah Yue couldn't bear to look at her cute appearance. The iron-blooded bandit leader who never changes his face

However, the current appearance of the little princess is unexpectedly... cute.

Li Jun turned around and kissed the little princess on the forehead, he looked like a sister who was comforting her younger sister: "Just go back and do something, if you really miss my sister, I will leave this to you, remember, open it when you are alone .”

Putting a floppy disk into the hands of the little princess, and hurriedly teaching the little princess how to use it, Li Jun said: "Sister will come to see you tomorrow."


That night.

The little princess is holding the disk.

After driving everyone in the hall far away, she fiddled with her for a while according to what her sister said, and opened the disk.

Then the palace changed.

Except for the big bed under her, there was a bright light not far away. Before the image appeared, she heard a strange sound.

"Um... um... don't..."

"You annoying little goblin, you say no, but you honestly ask for it again and again?"

"Ah... ah, I hate you, you are so bad!"

The little princess trembled all over, and pressed the button on the disk with her hand.

Those strange voices disappeared immediately.

She grabbed the disk in her hand and studied it, but found that it looked very ordinary. After studying it for a while, she didn't find any Zichou Yinmao. Thinking of what her sister said was better than the little yellow book, she started to study it again. If you throw your sister down and can't eat it, it will be a tragedy_

So the little princess took a deep breath and said to herself: "What are you afraid of, what my sister gave must be very good, don't waste it, Ruoer, come on!"

Then, the little princess grabbed the disk in her hand again and pressed the buttons one by one.

This time it was a different place.

In front of her was a corner of a garden, the color became lighter as it got closer to the edge, but there was a pair of men and women overlapping each other beside the rockery in the middle.

I saw the woman raised her buttocks coquettishly, and the man's upper body was strong, and he grabbed the woman's breasts with both hands.

The little princess was stunned for nearly a minute, and then she flipped the table angrily!

"It's not men and women that I want to see!"

The picture faded with her roar, and when it brightened up again, I saw a charming woman lying on the bed, revealing half of her plump buttocks.

The little princess blinked, looking enviously at the woman's proud figure, unable to move her eyes away.

Then, why is that woman's chest flat...

That woman turned out to be a man!

The author has something to say:

The value of Li Junjie: -98.

Congratulations to the little princess for opening the door to a new world!

That's right, it's a man, what you see is a man!

Don't cheat if you agree, I am a man of integrity!