My Consort is Alpha

Chapter 87: Brocade


At the end of the snowy night, the weather is slightly cold.

Li Jun took a deep breath of the icy air, and white mist came out of her mouth, but now, she could no longer feel the coldness of the snow, also, back then on a planet whose gravity was very similar to that of the earth, in an environment of absolute zero, Many people can't last a day while breathing oxygen and wearing heavy protective clothing, but she can stay there for a long time with a small amount of oxygen supply and wearing a temperature control suit.

She still thinks about her past life from time to time.

"In short, as long as the threat still exists, the girl will never be able to live in peace, that person is a dirty mouse," Li Jun said softly, "I am not afraid of any targeting and assassination, but the girl is different from me. She has also become a first-class expert, but she is still very fragile and can die easily."

Li Jun is such a person, if she really falls into the category of her own people, she will naturally push that person to her side, her heart is so crooked.

After talking all day, Li Jun also showed a little fatigue, she rubbed her eyes: "I'm going to take a rest."

Qin Yu nodded, and waved impatiently: "Go."

So Li Jun crawled to sleep.

In just an hour, she woke up alive and kicked. After wiping her face carelessly, she picked up a book from the bookshelf and looked at it.

It is still difficult for her to read ancient Chinese. Forgive her for being unfamiliar with traditional Chinese characters. After the second evolution, her physique has been greatly improved compared to the past, but her IQ is still within the range of normal people. Even guessing After reading two pages in a daze, she began to doze off.

To the ancients, simplified Chinese characters were short of arms and legs, but to her, ancient Chinese characters were also very complicated, not to mention that she had lived in the future world for so many years, and her writing was even more rusty.

Her concierge's voice came from outside the door: "Master God Envoy."

This concierge was personally selected by Qin Guoshi, he was considered a trustworthy person, and would not come to bother her if nothing happened.

She blinked, stretched, and yawned: "Come in!"

The concierge was a young man of seventeen or eighteen years old. He saluted respectfully first, and then sent the post in his hand: "Spring will begin in a month's time. Mrs. Han sent a Geng post to invite the envoy to go to the capital. Flower viewing in the western suburbs."

Li Jun's beady eyes: "Who is Mrs. Han?"

The concierge knew that the Lord was appreciated by the gods, and his status was even more extraordinary. In the past few days, he had also figured out the temperament of this lord. Like Qin Guoshi, he was most impatient with these officialdoms, so the invitation cards of officials below the third rank paid homage. Tie him down casually.

"Mrs. Han is Prime Minister Han's concubine, and she is a first-rank wife," said the concierge. "Prime Minister Han is appreciated by His Majesty. He has a high prestige in the court and is greatly favored."

Li Jun nodded and said: "Girl is also very bored in the palace, you can write me a post and tell me to go."

So the gatekeeper withdrew.

Li Jun suddenly remembered the little girl, she thought about it, and decided to go outside the palace to find some novelty things to bring to her. She still remembered how the little girl was happy and cherished the things she bought casually that time situation.

Taking out a set of ordinary long skirts from the cabinet, she ran to the cashier to ask for some money, and then went out.

She is quite tall among men, and these days she is either accompanying a girl or pretending to be a magic stick, but she has nothing to do with her business. Before going out, Qin Shu found her and said to her: "I will watch the movement of the court." That said, the fact that the third princess was almost executed involved the Shaoqing of Dali Temple, and even the minister of Dali Temple was implicated. You don’t have to worry about the safety of the third princess. She is now living in the palace, and the people around her are the emperor and her own dead. Faithful subordinate, even if that person wants to do something, his hands may not be that long."

After listening to Qin Yu's explanation, Li Jun still had doubts in his heart, but this matter cannot be settled overnight, and she also trusted Qin Yu in this regard.

Humming along the way, Li Jun looked around. The capital and Xiangzhou are not the same. There are more officials, more people, and more prosperous. There are clothing stores that do not exist in Xiangzhou City, but they are not hers. The type she liked, after visiting a few shops, she came to a rouge shop, but saw two women in it choosing rouge. She is still a beautiful woman. If it was her previous life, she would definitely rely on her face to win her favor, and then deal with it with a money offensive. Although she is not very interested in heavy tastes such as Shuang/Fly, she can definitely do something like one a day. Done.

But now.

She already has a girlfriend, so naturally she can't follow her temper and let the girl know...

She suddenly remembered the nightmare back then, when the girl held the laser sword in both hands and said to her: [My old lady castrated you!]

So she turned her head to choose the rouge after a while with a calm face.

Opening the rouge box, rubbing a little bit of rouge with her fingers, a small string of particles turned over the remaining rouge on her hand, evaluation: inferior, and then she opened another box of face powder.

The shop selling rouge said: "Madam, this is a new face powder from our store. Just use a little bit on your face and it will make your skin whiter."

Particles flowed over the powder on her fingers, and her hand trembled, almost throwing the powder out of her hand.

The madness of the ancient people is really unimaginable. They dared to use arsenic/cream for whitening. However, thinking about the fact that many beauty products in China did not contain mercury, she calmed down again.

She put down the powder, but saw the pretty woman opposite her looking at her.

Jun Li had doubts for a moment.

Her gaze flicked over the face of one of the women.

She should still have seen that woman, but maybe it was just a chance meeting, and she didn't have much memory of that woman.

What puzzled her was the woman's feelings for her.

Admiration, dislike, faint liking, and finally, hatred.

Li Jun glanced at the woman, but saw that the woman's eyebrows were a little bit strong, and her gestures and gestures were all ladylike. After she bought a box of rouge worth two taels of silver, she left with the woman next to her. Seeing the innkeeper's faint enthusiasm for the woman, you know that this woman must be a regular customer of this rouge shop, and you can't help but wonder: "Shopkeeper, who are those two girls just now?"

If they were girls from everyone, but the two girls didn't wear a weft hat when they went out, and they didn't have any servants and entourages to accompany them.

Moreover, the store owner's emotions towards the two women were faintly tinged with contempt and contempt.

"Those two girls, the taller and more beautiful one is Huajin, the oiran of Piaoxianglou, and the one next to her is the girl who serves her." The storekeeper said briefly and then kept silent. If there was a man standing in front of him, he I will definitely talk a few more words, such as when did that beautiful brocade bloom/bud, who were the princes and nobles of her guests, and which poor scholar spent the last penny on her? Jump into the lake for her.

But in front of him was a woman, a woman who looked like a woman in the green forest of the rivers and lakes. The mention of dirty places like brothels would stain the ears, let alone prostitutes in brothels.

"Huajin?" Li Jun repeated to himself, nodded, and threw out a piece of silver, "Thank you, shopkeeper."

Then he turned around and left the rouge shop.

She finally found the non-existent woman from the corner of her memory.

She didn't know the woman's name or where she came from. She didn't have a deep impression of the bowl of porridge thrown at her when she first came to this world, but she still remembered it.

It was a little milk cat with sharp claws, using its weak strength to maintain its last bit of pathetic dignity. After that war, those poor women would definitely end up badly, but at that time she I only regard myself as an indifferent bystander, just like I used to serve the government to explore some remote planets, and finally conquer some local indigenous people.

Don't talk about human rights, at the forefront of the war, torture and rape/robbery happen all the time, Mr. Li hates torture and killing, and also hates those bad things. He has strict control over his soldiers, but occasionally She will usually turn a blind eye to the outrageous behavior. After all, for some primitive planets, no matter how gentle the invaders are, they still cannot change the fact that they are invaders.

But to her at the time, these people were not much different from the natives back then, and she had no obligation to save their lives.

She had no interest in why that woman became a prostitute in a brothel in the capital, so she turned around and went to a jewelry store, where she carefully selected a pair of pink jade earrings and a hairpin carved with peacock flowers.

In terms of pleasing women, she just doesn't bother to do it. If she wants, she can easily make a woman fall for her. This is why she is unrestrained, but there are still so many women willing to fall under her.

But the little girl is different in her heart.

Now that she decided to accept it, she must be worthy of the little girl's love for her.

At this time, the little girl was lazily lying on the bed, and today her father rewarded her with many things, such as priceless golden silk and red jadeite, expensive perfumes from overseas, everything that one expects to find.

In front of her is Her Royal Highness the Eldest Princess.

"Sister, this is the first time we have sat down and talked properly?" She smiled slightly, reached out and lifted a wine glass from the tray and handed it to the eldest princess, "The moment we parted, in a blink of an eye, we all grew up. gone."

The delicate face of the little princess inherited the beauty of her parents. When she was young, there was a bit of the shadow of that cold palace woman between her brows, but now no one would say that she resembles her biological mother in front of the little princess.

Jinshang's original partner was Empress Chen, who became a wife from a concubine. That deposed princess was hated by the emperor, and now she has died in the deep palace. Even the little princess Jinshang loves will not mention her mother.

Some people also maliciously speculated that in order to keep her current status to please Queen Chen, the little princess recognized Queen Chen as her mother, and even abandoned her mother because of the disgust of the Queen, enjoying her own glory and not caring about herself, who is still suffering The life and death of the suffering mother can be described as extremely cold-blooded.

However, these guesses will always be rotten in the stomach.

The eldest princess received a letter from her sister, hesitated for a while, and finally stepped into the palace with difficulty.

A few days ago, she was beaten up by Li Jun, but she never hated Li Jun in her heart. On the contrary, Li Jun's words woke her up, and Li Jun's speculation pointed out a clear point for her to find the bottleneck. road.

The half-sister has changed.

Her sweet smile was as beautiful as when she was a child, but there was something in those eyes that even she didn't want to understand.

The author has something to say:

The later plot is estimated to be faster, hahahahaha!