My Corpse is Bohemian

Chapter 117: Let's go see the house


A few days later, An Bu brought lawyers, notaries and doctors to Dong's house in a mighty way. First, the doctor judged Mrs. Dong's behavioral capacity, and then with the help of the lawyer, the estate was counted, the relevant materials were sorted out, and the will was made. Finally, the notary was notarized, and the whole process was video-recorded, and no one could tamper with it.

An Bu also stayed at the scene as a witness. Mrs. Dong left all the real estate, collections and two-thirds of the deposit under her name to her daughter, and left the old house and one-third of the deposit to Dong Chengshao.

What Mrs. Dong really wants to keep is her daughter's company. The legal representative of the company is Mrs. Dong. If she does not make a will, the shares belonging to Mrs. Dong will be jointly inherited by Dong Chengshao and her daughter. Big, the ownership of the company will belong to him at that time, which is also the result that the rest of the Dong family hope to see.

But this company was founded by Mrs. Dong and her husband, and has little to do with the family. After her husband passed away, the company was handed over to her daughter, Dong Jiayi, for management. Over the past ten years, it has continued to grow and develop, and its total assets have almost surpassed the declining Dong family property. The Dong family believes that Mrs. Dong is the daughter-in-law of the Dong family, and all the properties of her and her daughter belong to the Dong family, and of course it should be inherited by the Dong family male Ding. Mrs. Dong is single and weak, and is closely monitored by Dong's family. She tried to find a lawyer many times but was thwarted, and even threatened her with her daughter's safety.

In order to prevent her daughter from being harmed after her death, she added a special clause that if her daughter cannot inherit due to an accident, all her inheritance will be donated to charity organizations.

The will is finalized and takes effect immediately.

Mrs. Dong finally let go of her heavy burden. She seemed to be much older, but she was in good spirits.

When Dong's family got the news and hurried over, the lawyer and notary had already left, and everything was settled.

"How dare you lie to us!" The bald old man pointed at Mrs. Dong and said angrily, "Who told you to make your own will? Uncles like us are not present. What right do you, a woman, have to divide the property of the Dong family?"

Madam Dong said calmly: "I have never received any kindness from you, and I have never owed you anything."

"You are the daughter-in-law of our Dong family. You should abide by your duty and put the family's interests first."

"I have devoted more than 40 years of my youth to the Dong family, and you still want my daughter to be an ox and a horse for you?" Mrs. Dong said disdainfully, "What family interests? It's just that you are greedy."

The bald old man stared at her viciously: "Song Youqing, you'd better think carefully, don't hurt your daughter because of impulsiveness."

Mrs. Dong's tone was serious: "What do you want to do?"

"What do you want to do?" The bald old man sneered "hehe", "Don't worry, we won't hurt your daughter's life, but there are ways to destroy a woman."

"You are really despicable and shameless." Mrs. Dong was trembling with anger.

"Stop talking nonsense, call the lawyer back and revise the will, otherwise don't blame us for being rude."

"That's right, we won't stop until the will is clarified."

"You can die, but your daughter will live in the future. She is almost forty and hasn't married yet. Isn't it all because of you?"

Everyone kept putting pressure on Madam Dong.

"Have you said enough?" A cold shout suddenly sounded, and Anbu stood by the bed, looking at them indifferently, "A group of old men bully orphans and widows, how shameless are they?"

"What are you?" The bald old man was very wary of this girl who couldn't be chased away. "This is our Dong family's business, so don't worry about it."

Anbu didn't bother him, just showed the recording pen in his hand, and clicked to play: ["You are the daughter-in-law of our Dong family, you should abide by your duty and put the family's interests first... Song Youqing, you'd better think carefully, Don't hurt your daughter because of impulsiveness... We won't hurt your daughter's life, but there are ways to destroy a woman... "]

After the broadcast was over, An Bu ignored everyone's ashen faces, and said quietly: "I think this is enough to constitute a crime of intimidation and threat? If something happens to Ms. Dong, you are the number one suspect. I am a friend of Mrs. Dong, and I will Staring at you for her. Don't think that women are easy to bully, I have a lot of ways to deal with you shameless men. "

Reasoning with these people is a waste of saliva, just use their excuses.

Everyone glared at An Bu fiercely, all of them dared not speak out. If this sentence was said a month ago, they really wouldn't take it seriously, but after this period of tossing, they are a little scared of this girl. He obviously had no background, but he couldn't kill her, instead he made her look ashamed.

"Okay, the old lady needs to rest, you go if you have nothing to do." Anbu didn't care about their resentment. Unlike the helpless Mrs. Dong's mother and daughter, she has a cat master on top to suppress evil, and a coffin board on the bottom to support the corpse. Whoever kicks it will be unlucky.

A group of uncles were coaxed out by Anbu, and the bedroom returned to peace.

The old lady was sitting in a wheelchair, looking at the sunset outside the window with an extremely peaceful expression. She lived under the ethics imposed on her by the Dong family all her life. She had many worries and dared not resist. Before she died, someone finally gave her the courage to help her take this step.

"Small steps."


"Didn't you say you want me to watch a movie with you?"

"Yeah." An Bu sat beside her, turned on his phone, checked the new movie released recently, and asked, "What does the old lady want to watch?"

Mrs. Dong wore reading glasses, carefully screened, and finally pointed to one of them: "That's it."

Anbu took a closer look: "Grandma is eighteen years old"

After returning home, Anbu told Ms. Dong about the incident, but she strongly opposed it. Mrs. Dong's body is weak and she is not suitable to go out. In addition, the movie theater is crowded with people, so it is inevitable that there will be bumps and bumps, and accidents will happen if you are not careful.

Anbu said: "Miss Dong, I know you are worried, but for the rest of the time, just let her be willful once."

There was no sound on the phone for a long time, and then a suppressed whimper came faintly.

Two days later, An Bu and Ms. Dong brought Mrs. Dong to the cinema together, sitting in the crowd like ordinary audiences, watching the film with relish.

From time to time, laughter came from around, and the old lady was also overjoyed, and would comment a few words from time to time. Although he can't speak clearly, his tone is cheerful, and like other young people, he is full of energy.

Miss Dong sat beside her, listening to her voice, tears welled up in her eyes.

After watching the movie, Mrs. Dong said to her: "Jiayi, everyone has only one life. Mom has already walked the rest of the way. You have to go on well, don't complain or regret, and live happily ever after."

A week later, Mrs. Dong passed away, and An Bu attended her funeral.

She couldn't remember how many funerals she had attended, time passed quickly, and it was too late to leave more memories, and her friends left her one by one. One day, she will send Mr. Jian out of this world like everyone else.

An Bu stood in the crowd, an uncontrollable chill suddenly rose in his heart.

"Miss An." A voice came from behind, interrupting An Bu's thoughts.

Anbu turned around and looked, and greeted with a smile: "Miss Dong."

Miss Dong walked up to her with a box in both hands: "Miss An, this is what my mother asked me to give you before she died."

Anbu remembered that he had made a bet with Mrs. Dong that if she persisted in working for three months, she would give herself a gift. Now it is a few days away from three months, which is dozens of days longer than the doctor expected.

Anbu took the box and opened it. Inside the box was a set of exquisite jewelry and toiletry items, necklaces, earrings, hairpins, rings, wooden combs, mirrors, etc.

"Thank you for taking care of my mother during this time." Ms. Dong thanked her carefully.

"You're welcome, your mother and I hit it off very well." An Bu reminded, "You have to be more careful in the future. If anyone makes things difficult for you, just come to me."

Miss Dong nodded, thanked her again, and left.

Anbu cleared up his mood and returned home with the box. When she opened the door, the smell of food came to her face. She looked up and saw that the dining table was full of hot food. Jian Ningxuan came out of the kitchen, wearing a cartoon apron, and her hair on her forehead was a little wet. A pair of blue eyes are bright and energetic, without any trace of fireworks.

"I'm back, come and eat." The moment Jian Ningxuan looked at An Bu, a dazzling light suddenly shone from his body, illuminating the entire room, and everything around him was painted with brilliant colors.

Anbu put the box aside, without changing his shoes, ran towards him barefoot, threw himself into his arms, hugged his waist, smelled his breath, and suddenly came back to life.

"Mr. Jian, your sweat smells good too." An Bu praised contentedly.

Jian Ningxuan: "..."

An Bu raised his head, his smiling eyes curved: "Mr. Jian, shall we go and see the house tomorrow?"

Jian Ningxuan: "!"

"It doesn't have to be too big to buy a small villa with a garden, as long as there is enough space for us to let go of the fun, don't have children, don't keep dogs, and have a full-time cat for 10,000 years."

Jian Ningxuan's brows were stained with a touch of soft color, and his eyes were bright and sparkling.

"it is good."

In the evening, Anbu, who was in vain, was lying on the bed to check the listings. Jian Ningxuan walked over and handed her a card.

"What?" Anbu took the card over.

"Your bank card." Jian Ningxuan said concisely, "It should be enough to buy a villa."

Anbu remembered that she wrote in her diary that she wanted to buy a small villa in resorts all over the world.

When I handed over the bank card to Jian Ningxuan, it was only 2W, and in just a few months, I saved enough money to buy a villa

"Mr. Jian, you are really good." An Bu boasted without hesitation.

"Well, give me the card after buying the villa." Jian Ningxuan looked indifferent, as if she didn't care about her praise at all, but the light on her body kept flashing.

Anbu looked at him with a smile. Mr. Jian was worried that the shit shoveler had no money, so he planned to make money to buy a cat house for himself

Why are you so caring, cat master.

An Bu held his face in his hands and gave it a smack.

Jian Ningxuan was lying beside her, enjoying the poop shoveler's stroking service comfortably, her whole body was so relaxed that she almost showed her belly.

With this lazy look, An Bu couldn't help but want to spoil him to heaven.

"Hey, Mr. Jane, what if you get bald by me in the future?"

Jian Ningxuan: "..."

Don't be so useless, he must work hard to take care of the hair, so that you will have hair to masturbate for the rest of your life, okay

In the early morning of the next day, Jian Ningxuan and An Bu went out early to see the villa together.

Anbu's requirements for the villa are to be near the sea, with good scenery and convenient transportation.

Jian Ningxuan has no opinion, as long as Anbu likes it.

The two walked around for a day, and quickly selected an ideal small villa.

An Bu stood on the roof of the villa, facing the sea breeze, and asked with great interest: "Mr. Jian, as a cat married to a shit shoveler, what do you think?"

Jian Ningxuan: "... cat food is enough."

"anything else?"

"Someone masturbates every day."

"anything else?"

"I can spend my whole life with the person who loves me the most in this world."

Anbu wrapped his arms around his waist and said softly, "Mr. Jian, I love you."

Mr. Jane, you are the one who loves me the most in this world.