My Corpse is Bohemian

Chapter 120: the truth


Anbu walked under the cover of night and sneaked to the front of the house. There were no guards around. These aborigines were not worried about the two women escaping, because running into the virgin forest at night would only lead to a dead end, not to mention that they had no clothes on.

A man's rude shouting and a woman's weak cry for help came from the room. The half-covered door was slowly pushed open, and a black figure quickly entered, and then closed the door again.

The two men seemed to have sensed it, and were about to turn their heads when they suddenly felt a pain in the back of their head, then rolled their eyes, and fell to the ground with two thumps.

"Can you still walk?" An Bu asked in E language while standing in front of the two women with a wooden stick in his hand.

"Yes, yes!" The two women were so excited that they almost cried when they saw her.

Under An Bu's gesture, they took off the clothes of the two men and changed them with trembling hands and feet.

"Hurry up." An Bu urged in a low voice while observing the situation outside through the crack of the door.

"Okay." Although the two women were scared, they behaved calmly.

An Bu led them to slip out of the house quietly, and fled into the forest along the route they came from.

These primitive residents are all good trackers, but at night, they don't dare to enter the forest rashly, which provides enough time for Anbu to escape.

"Sorry, I, I really can't run anymore..." Half an hour later, the two women leaned against the tree panting, their legs were sore and weak. They were imprisoned for a month or two, suffering from long-term malnutrition and weak health. It is very good to be able to grit their teeth and persist for such a long time.

An Bu looked around, and then greeted: "Follow me, no more than one meter."

The two women immediately moved closer to her, almost sticking to her back. The girl led them to run in the dark just now, without any hindrance, without encountering any danger, or avoiding all dangers, which made them feel unbelievable, and at the same time generated great trust. This girl has become their The only hope of escape.

But after a while, Anbu took them to a place, put down their backpacks, took out a sleeping bag and handed them to them: "Let's make up for it, lie down for an hour, and then continue on our way."

Then, she took out water and food and distributed them to them.

The two women were so hungry that they took the food and started to eat it.

Anbu waited for a while and said, "Are you Yutaf and Sheila?" Both of them are experts in ecology, in their forties, and come from different countries.

Yutaf and Sheila were not surprised that she recognized them, after all they had been missing for so long, the list must have been made public.

"Girl, what's your name? Why are you alone, where is your companion?" Yutaf asked. They thought it was a team that rescued them, but she was the only one.

"My name is Ann, and my companion is outside to meet you." Anbu replied briefly, and then asked her most concerned question, "What happened to you?"

Yutaf and Sheila looked at each other with a look of horror on their faces.

After a moment of silence, Sheila smiled wryly: "Actually, we are also at a loss. In the second month after entering the forest, a researcher died suddenly from poison. Moreover, the types of poisoning are different. Fortunately, Dr. Mo took a special medicine and treated him in time without causing more casualties. Because we felt that the situation was not right, we originally planned to abandon this mission and leave the Gagwe Forest. We were attacked by poisonous bees on the way, and everyone was dispersed. Yutaf and I lost our way in the forest and were caught by the aborigines not long after."

Speaking of this, Sheila hugged her arms tightly, closed her eyes and didn't want to think about it.

"So," Anbu said, "you don't know the whereabouts of the others?"

Yutav and Sheila shook their heads at the same time.

"Are they all right?" Yutav asked.

An Bu didn't return to this question, but instead asked, "Is the 'Dr. Mo' you're talking about Mo Dongxiao?"

"Yes, do you know him?"

"I don't know him, but his wife's body was discovered not long ago."

Yutafu and Xila were shocked: "Ms. Yuan is dead? How did she die?"

"Poisoned by Gagway flying ants."

"How is it possible?" Yutaf couldn't believe it. "She and her husband have developed a special drug that can alleviate most of the toxins. Not to mention the Gagwi flying ants, even the funnel spiders, as long as you take it within 10 minutes With the special medicine, you can persist until you go back for treatment."

Sheila also interjected: "It is said that this specific drug has not yet undergone clinical trials, but its effect has shocked us all. Dr. Mo and the others came to Gagwe Forest this time to collect materials for making this specific drug. "

"Is this medicine very powerful?"

"Of course." Yutaf said excitedly, "Once it passes the clinical trial, it will become one of the greatest research achievements of this century."

"Great enough to make people take risks and keep it for themselves?"

Yutaf and Sheila were taken aback at the same time, and then their expressions changed suddenly.

An Bu said calmly: "Your research team has 15 people in total, and 7 of them have been killed so far."

When the two heard this, their faces became even more ugly.

"The other party has prepared a lot of poison in advance, and I'm afraid they have already planned to silence all those who know." An Bu has roughly figured out the cause and effect of the incident. Only huge interests and unshakable hatred can make people so crazy. At present, these researchers come from different countries, so there should be no hatred.

"Although I don't know who the murderer is, the person who finally shows up alive is the most suspect." Anbu pondered for a moment, then asked, "Youtaf, Sheila, do you want to know who the murderer is?"

"Of course!" The two replied together, with monstrous anger on their faces.

"Then continue to 'disappear'."

Anbu asked the two to rest here, and told them not to walk around, even if they were urgent to urinate, they could only solve it in place. Then, alone into the forest, she disappeared into the darkness in a flash.

The two women squeezed into the sleeping bag, neither of them dared to close their eyes. It was pitch black all around, and you could hear rustling sounds from time to time. Without the protection of the tent, they are exposed alone like insect eggs, and any flying mosquito can bite them half to death. But it was strange that they lasted for a long time, but not a single mosquito approached. In the end, I couldn't hold on anymore, and finally fell into a deep sleep.

After an unknown amount of time, the two of them were awakened by the sound of birds chirping. The sky is slightly bright, and the surrounding environment can already be seen clearly.

The two opened their eyes wearily, and then they saw a scene that made their hearts shattered.

Above and around their heads, there are spider webs everywhere, and huge piebald spiders lie on the webs, criss-crossing, like a huge beehive. The two of them were under the "hive", as small and fragile as a silkworm baby.

No wonder there are no mosquitos! In the face of such a huge group of spiders, not to mention mosquitoes, any snake, insect, rat and ant have to stand back three feet.

"Get ready to go on the road when you wake up." A voice suddenly came from behind, startling the two of them.

"Ann, you, why did you let us sleep in this kind of place?" Sheila looked at the group of highly poisonous piebald spiders tremblingly, and her scalp felt numb when she thought of staying with them all the time.

"The conditions are limited, sorry." An Buyun explained calmly, "Their lair is the safest place nearby."

Safety? ! Do you have any misunderstandings about security? ! This is a highly venomous piebald spider, and a single bite can make people die of pain.

Only now did the two understand why An Bu told them not to walk around randomly. There were spider webs everywhere, and if they didn't pay attention, they would be smeared.

"Don't waste time, I have to take you out of the forest today." An Bu quickly put away his sleeping bag, walked around the spider webs, and led the way.

Utaf and Sheila followed closely behind her, wondering why these spiders didn't attack them

The reason is actually very simple, because the old corpse An is the most poisonous poison in this forest, and her dead breath can delimit the territory. Strictly speaking, she is also the favorite food of poisons, but not many poisons can withstand her death.

An Bu checked the time, it was already 4 o'clock, and the group of aborigines might chase them out soon. She made a little arrangement and should be able to delay for a while.

An Bu led the two of them straight out of the forest.

"Stop." Anbu waved his hand, signaling the two to stop, then climbed up a big tree and looked into the distance.

"Ann, what's wrong?" Sheila asked nervously.

An Bu slid down from the tree and said, "Those people seem to have caught up, and they are less than ten miles away from us."

"so what should I do now?"

"Follow it, I'll break it for you." Anbu pointed his finger, and then began to organize his backpack.

The two looked in the direction of her finger, only to see a bush, and couldn't help showing a strange expression on their faces: "Ann, who do you want us to follow?"

"My little friend is cheap." Anbu raised his hand and pulled the leaves, and then saw a chubby "little dragonfly" flying out from among the leaves. It is only the size of a fingernail, with two pairs of transparent wings flapping cheerfully. Its short and fat body can vaguely identify the characteristics of a dragonfly. Otherwise, Utaf and Sheila would have almost mistaken it for a caterpillar with dragonfly wings.

This is definitely the smallest and fattest "dragonfly" they have ever seen, which completely overturned their previous cognition.

More importantly, how does a "dragonfly" guide them? Does it have such an IQ? !

Anbu ignored their mess, took out food, medicine and a few pieces of self-defense equipment from his backpack, and handed them to them respectively.

"It's about ten hours away from the exit. Try not to rest in the middle of the journey. Follow Jianjian, and it will take you out safely. In addition," Anbu handed them another note, "Pay attention when approaching the exit." Conceal, find a way to give this note to my companion, and he will arrange your next itinerary."

The note briefly explained the reasons why the researchers were killed, and asked him to secretly take Utaf and Sheila away.

"Are you leaving the queen alone?" Yutafu said worriedly, "Let's go with us, those people may not be able to catch up with us."

"Don't worry, there are other expeditions in the forest, I will ask them for help." Anbu put his backpack back on his back and urged, "Don't waste time here, let's go."

After saying this, she turned around and ran into the depths of the forest, and disappeared in the blink of an eye.

Coincidentally, she also wanted to find bad luck for this group of aborigines.

There are still two days before the time she agreed with the cat owner, let's see if she can find the killer hidden in the forest in these two days, and save a few lost lambs by the way.