My Corpse is Bohemian

Chapter 122: Experimental product


Jian Ningxuan turned around and glanced up and down at Anbu with extremely penetrating eyes.

Anbu spread his hands consciously: "Look, it's intact."

"It wasn't the dress you were wearing before you left," he snapped.

"Uh… "

"Come in and we'll talk." Jian Ningxuan dragged Anbu into the tent, and was about to pour water for her, but saw a cockroach in the cup.

Jianjian was stuck to the transparent plastic cup like an octopus, facing the direction of walking, a tentacles raised high, shaking vigorously in the water.

"Cheap." An Bu saw it's terrified appearance, and knew it had successfully completed the task, and praised, "Good job."

Jianjian turned over and happily swam in the water.

Jian Ningxuan has never been able to figure out how they communicate, as if there is no racial difference, IQ distance or language barrier at all.

He put down the cup in his hand, took another clean cup, and poured An Bu a cup of warm water.

An Bu took the cup and handed him the chip.

"What is this?" Jian Ningxuan wiped off the stains on the chip with a paper towel, with a puzzled look on his face.

"It may be the truth about the murder of Molly's parents." An Bu roughly told Jian Ningxuan about her experience in the forest and the guesses in her heart, and automatically omitted the fact that she shot an arrow in a primitive tribe and led a group of aboriginals The fact of running around like crazy in the forest.

"So, it can be confirmed that 6 people have been killed. You Tafu and Sheila are safe for the time being. The whereabouts of Mo Dongxiao and Dr. McGee are unknown?" Jian Ningxuan said thoughtfully.

An Bu nodded, pulled out the photos in the camera, and pointed at Smith and Doyle: "Check out the details of these two people, they must know where Mo Dongxiao and McGee are. Especially this man named Doyle , is likely to be an accomplice."

Jian Ningxuan took a closer look, then took out the camera memory card and put it away together with the chip.

"Okay." He said seriously, "Now let's talk about your business."

"My business?" Is this the rhythm of asking her to be lenient when she confesses and strict when she resists

"You are injured." Jian Ningxuan said firmly.

"No." Anbu said frankly, "I can take it off for you to see!"

Jian Ningxuan was unmoved: "Although you have changed your clothes, your shoes are seriously damaged, and there are some blood stains on the upper, which means that you have not only exercised vigorously, but also suffered injuries and bled."

Anbu: "..." Mr. Jian, when did you become Sherlock Holmes

Jian Ningxuan stared at her silently, waiting for her to confess.

Anbu rubbed against him, took his hand, and placed it gently on her abdomen: "Here, I got a little injury."

Jian Ningxuan slowly squatted down, knelt on one knee, hugged her waist, and pressed her face against her abdomen, as if healed her.

Anbu only felt a burst of warmth in his abdomen, and the injured place seemed to be aching, and then he was comforted by a warm current.

The person in his arms has no heartbeat, no pulse, no breath, no breath that a living person should have. Although Jian Ningxuan tried her best not to care about it, she still felt fear in her heart, as if she would never wake up again if she closed her eyes. There was nothing he could do but share with her everything he could feel.

"Mr. Jian." Anbu stretched out a finger and poked him on the top of his head, "If you keep hugging me, I'm going to get pregnant."

Jian Ningxuan: "..."

"When the time comes to give birth to a litter of kittens, I won't be your shit-shoveling officer alone."

Jian Ningxuan let go of her, a smile flashed in his eyes, and looked at her softly. His steps are still so energetic.

"Bubu, promise me one thing."


"Don't have another cat."


The next day, Jian Ningxuan asked someone to pack up, left Gagway Forest with An Bu, returned to Pros City, and checked into a hotel.

In a luxurious suite, Jian Ningxuan opened his notebook and began to read the chip found by An Bu.

The files in the chip are locked with a password, but for him who is good at hacking technology, it is not difficult to unlock. After tens of minutes, the password lock was unlocked, and folders appeared on the screen one by one. The folders are all named with code names, and they must be opened to know what is inside.

According to the creation time, Jian Ningxuan opened the earliest folder.

"Huh?" An Bu saw the content on the page, and a trace of surprise flashed in his eyes.

This folder records the development process of an embryo. Although I can't understand the complicated data, the pictures and text descriptions are clear at a glance.

After reading it, Jian Ningxuan and An Bu frowned at the same time.

This turned out to be a whimsical human experiment carried out by Mo Dongxiao and Yuan Jingyun on himself. They use their respective knowledge to conceive life in a planned way, trying to raise a child with high IQ. However, contrary to expectations, the child was born with serious genetic defects and had to be kept alive with drugs. After two years of age, her IQ did not show particularly outstanding performance. The husband and wife were extremely disappointed. They originally planned to conduct a second embryo experiment, but unexpectedly found that the child's blood had very special effects. So they changed the direction of their research.

The research materials on blood were recorded in other folders, and the two of them hadn't had time to read them yet. But what is certain is that the object of their research is their daughter - Molly.

"What do they think of Molly? An experimental product?" An Bu's impression of the couple suddenly fell to the bottom.

Molly is so cute. Although she doesn't have the so-called high IQ, she is well-behaved and sensible, and she is well-raised. She may not be unable to achieve a career and have a bright future in the future. Mo Dongxiao and his wife only thought about their own research and did not treat Mo Li as a daughter at all.

How is the result? They succeeded in researching the special medicine, but it caused a fatal disaster and implicated other innocent people.

What would Molly do if they published the research? Send it to a research institution to be the source of blood supply for a lifetime

"These materials must never be made public." Anbu said firmly.

Jian Ningxuan nodded in agreement.

Molly's blood has powerful effects, and if it is used properly, it can indeed benefit all mankind. But people have ulterior motives, and no one can guarantee that they will not harm others for their own selfish desires. The members of the research team who were killed are the best proof.

Anbu didn't even want to rescue Mo Dongxiao anymore. Who knew if he would bring danger to Molly after he was rescued