My Corpse is Bohemian

Chapter 135: Smooth the hair of the cat owner


She left all the clothes on Anbu's body in the disinfection area, so she walked out of the secret room naked, went to the master bedroom to find a set of clothes to change into, then dug out a few sealed bags, went back to the secret room, and put them in the disinfection area. Pack your clothes separately to prevent outsiders from coming into contact with the virus that may remain on them.

She didn't leave the Mo's villa in a hurry, but called Fang Cun, explained the situation briefly, and asked him to bring protective clothing and testing tools.

"Sister An, long time no see." Fangcun who hurried over greeted Anbu like a dogleg, "You are still so bright and charming."

"Stop talking nonsense, the virus in the laboratory is very powerful, so be careful yourself." An Bu seriously warned.

"Don't worry." Fang Cun quickly changed into the protective clothing, and first tested the items in the sealed bag with testing tools. The test results showed that they were safe, indicating that the viruses either did not survive for a long time, or were all killed by the disinfectant spray. So, he rushed to the laboratory excitedly.

Anbu followed him to the secret room, and after making sure that he didn't find any death in him, he waited at the door in peace.

Forty or fifty minutes later, Fang Cun came out of the laboratory and excitedly said to An Bu, "Sister An, can I move all the things in this laboratory?"

"I can't." Anbu refused without even thinking about it. Seeing Fang Cun's disappointed face, he added, "But there are a few experimental samples that you can use for research."

"Yeah!" Fang Cun smiled and shouted, "Long live the old corpse."

Anbu: "..." Why did I build a laboratory for this bastard in the first place

"You went down to look just now, did you see something wrong with that laboratory?" Anbu asked.

"Judging from the reaction of the virus and the death of those three people, I guess it is because the poisonous mist released by the heart-eating flower had a violent reaction with other viruses." Constantly splitting, merging, duplicating, swallowing, and multiplying in the space of the human body, thousands of transformations can be performed in a few minutes, which has a strong corrosive force on muscle tissue. However, as long as you use a disinfectant spray to stop their activities for 4 or 5 seconds , they will die. The laboratory is equipped with a disinfection device, I have already processed it, and there should be no more danger."

It turns out that there is a disinfection device in the laboratory? If she had known earlier, she wouldn't have to make herself look like a ghost. In order to repair her body, she spent a lot of vitality points.

"The heart-eating flower you are talking about is that plant that looks like an octopus?"

"Yes." Fang Cun nodded, "This is an extremely rare plant, and I have only seen it once in the plant specimens collected by the teacher before."

An Bu remembered the research materials Mo Dongxiao and his wife had stored in the chip, which also introduced this plant, but it was not called "Heart-eating Flower", but instead called "SOS", and it was one of the ingredients for making special medicines.

"Fang Cun, here is a medicine." Anbu pushed a sealed bag containing two tubes of special medicine to Fang Cun, "Go back and study its efficacy."

She did not hand over the research materials of Mo Dongxiao and his wife to Fang Cun, including the plant specimens, experimental materials, and experimental results in the laboratory, all of which belonged to Molly. But the finished medicine can be analyzed by him, and he may be able to get a lot of inspiration.

Fang Cun put away the medicine properly, and then asked, "What about the three corpses in the laboratory?"

"Just hand it over to the police." Anbu replied lightly.

"Isn't it?" Are you afraid of being suspected

"You don't need to worry about these, you go back first." Anbu waved to him, signaling that he could leave.

Fang Cun shrugged and didn't talk nonsense, took the special medicine and a few samples, and happily went back to his laboratory.

An Bu fetched a mop and rag, roughly cleaned up the traces on the ground, then took out his mobile phone, called the cleaning company, and asked them to send someone over to clean the villa.

Since Molly was adopted, the Mo family villa has been cleaned regularly by Anbu and Jian Ningxuan. It is normal for Anbu to call the cleaning company. It should not arouse suspicion if the cleaning staff finds the body and calls the police. Those three people were unidentified, sneaked into the underground laboratory of the villa with equipment, and were killed by the virus without any trace of homicide.

The police are investigating the murder of Mo Dongxiao and his wife. Although there is no evidence yet, the suspects have already been targeted at several high-level members of the Apollo Group. The appearance of these three people may make the police more convinced of their speculation.

An Bu put away some relatively important experimental samples, and then quickly left the villa. Thanks to the three of them, the villa and the surrounding surveillance were hacked, which saved her a lot of trouble.

After returning home, Anbu took the initiative to confess his "crime" to Jian Ningxuan. After all, after the cleaners called the police, the police would definitely find them to understand the situation, and it was necessary to inform him in advance.

"You went to the secret room alone?" Jian Ningxuan looked at her calmly.

An Bu nodded.

"And then it was found that someone had sneaked into the secret room and died in it?"

An Bu nodded.

"So you came back immediately and told me about it, and asked a few cleaners to go to the scene?"

An Bu continued to nod.

"So," Jian Ningxuan said calmly, "you didn't enter the laboratory?"

Anbu nodded affirmatively.

"So, you just went to the villa and changed a set of clothes and came back?"

Anbu nodded habitually, then paused: Uh, I forgot to change my clothes back...

"Did you play dead again?" Jian Ningxuan's tone was extremely firm.

An Bu looked at him cutely: "Mr. Jian, I..."

"Mr. Jian refused to accept your cuteness, and threw a small black house at you."

Anbu: "..." A cat owner who has learned popular expressions is really scary.

"Reflect on yourself at home tonight." Jian Ningxuan was ruthless, "Don't jump on me."

Anbu, who was about to reach out to him: "... T^T"

Jian Ningxuan turned her face away, holding the notebook and ignoring her.

Half an hour later, An Bu did not rush obediently, and Jian Ningxuan also looked cold and cold, with a clear expression on his face: The baby is very angry, and the consequences will be serious. If I don't let you kiss and hug, can't you hold yourself high? !

At this moment, Jian Ningxuan suddenly felt that someone poked his shoulder a few times. Looking back, Anbu poked his head out from the back of the sofa, staring at him with eyes wide open.

Jian Ningxuan: Speak up if you have something to say!

Anbu: "I'll just poke and say nothing."

Jian Ningxuan: "..."

Anbu then picked up a plate, which contained a super-sized lobster, and the body of Hong Guoguo exuded silent temptation.

Jian Ningxuan: Do you think a lobster can buy him off

Anbu gently shook the plate that was held high above his head, and the lobster's long whiskers swayed accordingly: Do you really want it? I'm fine~~

Jian Ningxuan: "... Will you still act secretly without telling me from now on?"

"I promise not!" Anbu raised his hand.

Although her guarantee was not credible, Jian Ningxuan still decided to forgive her, definitely not because of this lobster, but just couldn't bear to see her pitiful appearance.

"Come here." He took the notebook away and patted the place beside him.

An Bu quickly walked around the sofa, sat on his lap obediently, leaned his head in his arms, and took a breath: "Mr. Jian is so kind."

"Yes." Jian Ningxuan said lightly, "Peel the lobster for me."

Anbu raised his head: "Mr. Jian, can I peel it off for you later?"


"Because this lobster hasn't been cooked yet..."

Jian Ningxuan: "..." What about the trust between people

In any case, the cat owner's hair was smoothed out by the shit shovel officer, and the husband and wife lived in harmony. It wasn't until the police came to understand the situation and accidentally learned about the death of the three people that Jian Ningxuan realized that he had believed in An Bu's evil again!

That lab is full of skin-festering viruses, and hazmat suits are required to enter.

An Bu even changed her clothes when she came back, so she must have stayed in that laboratory for a long time. After seeing the photo of the deceased from the police, Jian Ningxuan was in a bad mood, and even offering 100 lobsters couldn't appease him!

In the next few days, Mr. An was decisively locked up in the small black room by the cat owner. Fu Junyao also helped him find a nurse to take over.

An Laoshi knew that he had offended her cat owner, so he didn't resist, and obediently petted the cat at home.

Not long after, she received a call from Fangcun, only to hear him shout excitedly: "An old corpse!!! Great discovery!!! The potion you gave me is simply a panacea!!! Please provide more research Funding, ask for more research materials, ask for more experimental samples!!!”

Calm down, beware of biting your tongue.

As soon as An Bu thought about it, there was a cry of pain from the other side, and he really bit his tongue.

Fang Cun: "Well, sister, step over here, and hold on to your inner self."

An Bu: "Put your tongue straight before you speak."

"I need your support!!!"