My Corpse is Bohemian

Chapter 22: It's over, brush off your clothes and go


Before An Bu had time to make a move, the Internet was already uproarious.

Bei Mengla was scolded by netizens. Although she tried her best to "clarify", she failed to restore her reputation. In the end, she gave it up completely and shouted desperately: "The so-called evidence can be faked. That girl confronted me to see who was the real hero!"

As soon as this remark came out, many fans were really shaken, and they all said that the person concerned should come out and explain it. It seems a little inappropriate to convict Bei Mengla without even showing his face. What should I do if I get slapped in the face again

The voices calling for girls to come forward are getting louder and louder online, and they all hope that this matter will have a clear result.

"Very difficult?" Seeing that An Bu was hesitating, Jian Ningxuan asked.

An Bu: "I don't want to be famous, it's too troublesome."

"Actually, I have a way. I can beat Bei Mengla face-to-face, and my identity will not be found out by others."

"Oh?" An Bu asked curiously, "Tell me, what can I do?"

Jian Ningxuan narrowed his eyes slightly, and said slowly: "You do this..."

The next day, a person named "Only save people without leaving their names" posted a message on Bemonla's official blog: [I'm coming, at 9 o'clock on October 21st, Highway Yehu, see you soon .]

In order to increase the credibility of this message, Jian Ningxuan also helped An Bu to make a public announcement on the Internet media.

For a while, everyone was excited. The other party arranged the location at the place where the accident happened, obviously wanting to cause trouble!

Bei Mengla is now in a difficult situation, so she can only continue to persevere, but she did not do nothing. She secretly hired a group of people to pay close attention to the blue Omar who was driving to the accident site that day, and tried to create a car accident to prevent the accident. Cut off the road.

In the end, what made her feel aggrieved was that because this incident was widely circulated, many people bought the blue Omar of the same model as the one in the video, and because of this, Liu Waner would only mock An Bu when she first saw her. She "follows the trend".

In fact, on the day of the appointment, there was no need for Bei Mengla's arrangement, and this country road was already blocked by people who came to watch the fun.

Because Bei Mengla arrived at the appointed place two hours earlier, she was not bet on the way by the traffic.

Looking at the endless traffic, Bei Mengla secretly prayed that the woman would not show up, or be late for an hour or two, so that she could confidently use the excuse of the other party's failure to avoid the embarrassment of face-to-face confrontation.

The 30-meter range by the lake was separated by bodyguards with cordons, and the outside was densely packed with people.

Seeing that the appointed time was getting closer and closer, bursts of impatient noises sounded from the crowd. Many people were looking forward to both sides of the road, expecting the heroic girl in the event to show up.

At this moment, a dilapidated motorcycle passed through the traffic gap and slowly came here. No one paid attention to this motorcycle that should have been sent to the recycling bin long ago, until it drove to the edge of the warning rope, and then came from A slim figure stepped down from above.

The bodyguard came over and was about to tell her to step back a little, but after she took off the helmet, she closed her mouth.

There is no other reason. The girl wore a mask on her face, covering most of her face. The covered part was where the hero girl was injured.

When the girl crossed the cordon and walked slowly towards Bemonra by the lake, there was a burst of excited screams from the neutral crowd, and the reporter immediately raised the camera, snapping, snapping, shooting frantically.

The girl was wearing a blue dress, the close-fitting design outlined her graceful figure, her long hair was tied into a ponytail, and she was walking towards Bei Mengla step by step with a helmet in her hand.

The moment she appeared, Qiao Nuo, who was standing in the crowd, had recognized her identity and couldn't help showing an excited smile on his face.

"Damn it, just looking at her back, I'm about to fall in love with her!"

"I never expected that she would come here on a motorcycle."

"I'll give 99 points for this appearance and this demeanor, and I'm afraid she will be proud if she loses one point."

"I suspect that motorcycle is a high-tech product, no, I'm going to touch it!"

"Add me!"

A group of people swarmed towards the location where the motorcycle was parked. You pawed up and touched each other. The bodyguard next to him couldn't see it, and stopped him aloud: "Don't touch it, it will fall apart if you touch it."

On the other side, An Bu had already walked in front of Bei Mengla, and said with a smile, "I'm here."

Bei Mengla subconsciously avoided her eyes, then raised her chin again, and said loudly: "It is said on the Internet that I am impersonating you, what evidence do you have to prove that you are the one who saved lives?"

Anbu threw the helmet aside, walked to the lake, and said, "Let's prove it with facts. Let's go into the water together and hold our breath for 2 minutes."

Bei Mengla's face turned pale. Although she has recently learned to swim, she is only at an elementary level. It is impossible for her to hold her breath for 2 minutes. Moreover, it is autumn and the lake is freezing. How can she bear it

"Biah!" Everyone immediately urged, "The girl who saved her was suffocated in the water for two and a half minutes."

Bei Mengla gritted her teeth. If she stretched her head out, she would die, and if she retracted her head, she would die. Why not go out and compete with her? What if she managed to hold back for 2 minutes, or the opponent made a mistake

"Okay, I'll compare with you." As soon as this sentence was uttered, many people cheered Bei Mengla.

In order to ensure fairness, the two selected a person from the onlookers to be the referee to calculate the time, and there were two bodyguards beside them ready to deal with emergencies.

Bei Mengla started to move her hands and feet, but Anbu couldn't stand still.

The temporary referee next to him couldn't help asking: "Don't you do some warm-up exercises?"

Anbu replied: "I already did it when I came here on a motorcycle."

Two minutes later, Bei Mengla was ready, and then at the order of the interim referee, the two sank into the water at the same time.

The onlookers waited with bated breath, and the scene was surprisingly quiet.

60 seconds, 70 seconds, 80 seconds, 90 seconds... The time passed extremely slowly, and neither of them came out in the last 30 seconds.

Everyone began to waver, some were worried about an accident, and some were thinking that if both of them passed the test, who would be the real hero

Under the surface of the water, Anbu floated lightly in the water, watching waves of lifeless air continuously emerge from Bemonra's body who was trying to hold her breath, but she still managed to stay out of the water.

An Bu sighed secretly, are face and vanity more important than life

"Only 10 seconds!" At this time, the shout of the temporary referee came from the shore, followed by a tense countdown, "... 5, 4, 3..."

When the word "0" ended, there was only a bang, and An Bu's masked face appeared in everyone's sight, but Bei Mengla's figure was not seen.

"Where's Bei Mengla?" Many people couldn't help asking.

An Bu turned over and plunged into the water again, but after a while, she dragged the unknown Bei Mengla to the shore.

At this moment, she has fallen into a state of suspended animation, without any breath, and Anbu has already begun to give her first aid without the help of bodyguards. The scene of saving people at the beginning seems to be repeated. At this moment, it is clear at a glance whether the real hero or the fake hero.

"Ahem." Bei Mengla spat out a big mouthful of water, clutching her chest and gasping for breath.

An Bu stood up and looked at her coldly: "How does death taste?"

Bei Mengla's face was pale, her lips were black and blue, she was trembling all over, tears welled up in her eyes, she stretched out her hands to cover her face, and sat on the ground crying bitterly.

Her star journey is completely over.

Is it really worth giving up all the bottom line for a false fame

Rather than punishing such a pathetic person, An Bu felt that it would make her happier to go home and feed her cat owner.

Looking up at the excited people around, An Bu raised his hands and said, "Remember my nickname: I only save people without leaving names."

After finishing speaking, she jumped into the lake again under everyone's bewildered gaze, and swam to the other side of the lake like a swordfish. There was a blue Omar parked on the small road over there. A man reached out and pulled the girl ashore, wrapped her in a towel, protected her and sat in the back seat of the car, and then drove away.

Audience: I'm going, just leave like this? It's really "unnamed"! ! !

In the afternoon of the same day, all the major online media reported the incident, and the forums, Weibo, and Facebook were about to explode. There is no doubt about the fact that Bei Mengla has become the laughing stock of the whole people, but it can't help but make people feel a little pitiful.

"Jiangshan Beauty" was also impacted because of her, Ji Siqi was furious, and immediately kicked her out of the crew. The entertainment company where she worked also declared to the outside world: This incident was completely planned by Bemola and her manager in private, and the upper management of the company was completely unaware of it. Netizens complained: handsome pot hero.

At the same time, the beauty agencies, advertisements, and endorsements that Bei Mengla has visited have all been strongly criticized and boycotted by netizens, and she herself will also face a huge amount of compensation. As for Huang Kaiping, who was imprisoned for the crime of intentional injury, he was indeed released as guessed, but his future life will not be too easy.

The phrase "only save people but don't leave their names" has also become a hot search statement, revealing such a chic and independent style that makes everyone adore this girl who only shows half of her face. As for the dilapidated motorcycle that An Bu left at the scene, it was dismantled into parts by the enthusiastic crowd and taken back for collection. Therefore, it was obviously premeditated for her to come to the appointment on a second-hand motorcycle.

Anbu took this opportunity to promote "Peerless City" in the name of an investor, which greatly increased its popularity. In contrast to "Jiangshan Beauty", the low-key "Peerless City" has suddenly emerged.

Compared with a few days ago, the crew of "Peerless City" today can be said to be elated and high-spirited.

Zhang Tingnan believed that this matter was definitely operated by their investors behind the scenes, and they overthrew their opponents quietly. He couldn't help but have a new understanding of their strength, and he has more confidence in the future of the show. . The so-called shade behind the big tree, he can finally film with peace of mind without any worries.

"Very happy today?" Jian Ningxuan saw Anbu sitting on a piece of cake, using cream of different colors to frame seven flowers, with an indescribably relaxed and comfortable expression.

"Which day am I not happy?" Anbu put away the decorating stick, and put his cream-stained fingers into his mouth, well, it was as tasteless as ever.

Jian Ningxuan came over: "Can I have a taste?"

"Of course." Anbu pointed to a row of cakes, large and small, on the table, "Eat whatever you want."

Jian Ningxuan picked up a piece of cherry-flavored cupcake, dug a spoonful into his mouth with a spoon, the taste was smooth and sweet, and there was a hint of coolness lingering on the tip of the tongue.

Seeing that he was eating seriously, Anbu's body shone with a pink light honestly, and his heart seemed to be sweeter with him, as expected, it was better to watch her cat master glowing and feverish~~

After wiping his hands, Anbu caught a glimpse of the electronic scale beside him, and after Jian Ningxuan had finished eating, he greeted, "Mr. Jian, come and weigh yourself."

Jian Ningxuan obediently stood on the electronic scale, and the number suddenly stopped at 78.5.

"Mr. Jian, you have gained 8 kilograms this month." Anbu reminded earnestly, "You have to control your diet in the future."

Jian Ningxuan: Give him delicious food every day, how dare you let him control his diet

"Well, I'll make a vegetarian recipe for you later." An Bu sent the finished cake into the kitchen.

While she wasn't paying attention, Jian Ningxuan quietly lifted up her shirt, looked down at her abdominal muscles, it seemed that she had indeed grown a little flesh...

An Bu thinks that Jian Ningxuan is too housebound. She always stays at home and does not go out. She still has a lot of food to feed. If he only eats and does not exercise, she will make him a big fat man sooner or later. .

Thinking of this, Anbu turned his head and shouted to Jian Ningxuan in the living room: "Mr. Jian, will you go out for a bike ride with me tomorrow morning?"

"Huh?" Why are you suddenly going to ride a bicycle again

"We rode all the way to the vineyard, then picked grapes together, ate farm meals, fished, barbecued, and bought home-made wine with the locals." Anbu looked at him brightly, "What do you think?"

Meeting her expectant eyes, Jian Ningxuan said reservedly: "Since you sincerely invite, then go."