My Corpse is Bohemian

Chapter 24: Confession (1)


Since the one-day trip to Baiguoyuan, Jian Ningxuan's attitude towards Anbu has become more casual, and she no longer deliberately avoids physical contact. They are not a couple, but they are more compatible than any couple. Jian Ningxuan felt that An Bu liked her, and he, who had never fantasized about love, began to silently wait for her confession in his heart.

An Bu doesn't know Jian Ningxuan's thoughts at all. Although she teases and feeds cats every day, it is all out of desire for color and anger, just like she can't enjoy food, but she still studies food tirelessly; she can't distinguish colors, But still decorate the surroundings colorfully; she has no emotion, but tries to make herself look full of emotion.

This is the obsession in her heart, the obsession to live like a normal person. Relying on this obsession, she persisted until now, once she gave up, she would be completely reduced to a dead thing.

The confession that Jian Ningxuan is looking forward to may never appear in this life.

"Mr. Jian, I'm going out." An Bu shouted at the man in the living room while changing his shoes.

"Are you going out so late?" Jian Ningxuan walked over and looked at her with a frown.

"Well, I have taken a part-time job as a temporary delivery man these days." An Bu explained.

"Are you short of money?" Jian Ningxuan never interfered with her work, but it is really unsafe for a girl to run outside alone at eleven or twelve o'clock in the evening. "If you are short of money, just tell me, my credit card is free. You use."

"It's not about money, I just like to experience life." An Bu smiled, "Don't worry, I have learned self-defense, and I can deal with three or five ordinary people at all."

Jian Ningxuan: "..." Inexplicably, I feel that I need a powerful martial arts coach.

Saying goodbye to the worried Jian Ningxuan, Anbu drove his newly bought motorcycle to the place where the food was ordered.

Jian Ningxuan, who stayed at home, turned on the positioning system of her mobile phone, while studying financial data, while paying attention to her movements.

Nowadays, there are more and more otaku men and women, and they go to bed later and later. They don't want to go out or do it themselves, so most of them choose to order takeaway. Sometimes the food delivery staff is too busy, and the food delivery company will hire some temporary food delivery staff.

Anbu has done this kind of part-time job many times, and he is already familiar with it.

Loading up a dozen takeaways, Anbu followed the route and delivered them to buyers one by one. Along the way, a few more orders were added here and there. Running back and forth, two hours passed before I knew it.

Anbu took the elevator to the 6th floor of an apartment building with the last takeaway in hand. With a ding-dong sound, the elevator door opened. There were three men and a woman waiting for the elevator outside. Anbu stepped out of the elevator and passed them.

In front of me was a slightly narrow corridor, dimly lit and silent, only the sound of slow footsteps.

The buyer of this takeaway lived in 605, but Anbu stopped at the door of 604. On the closed door, there was a thick ink-like dead air lingering, not a sign of death, but a sign of death. It is the real breath of death.

In this room, there are at least two dead people.

Anbu took a step forward, pressed the doorbell of 604, and shouted, "Hi, I'm delivering food, and the food you ordered has arrived."

Then he knocked on the door again, and just as his fingers landed on the door, the door creaked and opened a crack.

Anbu took a tentative look inside, then took a few steps back, quickly took out his phone, and called the police.

"Hey, you guys are about to send someone. I saw a dead person... Address? The address is Room 604, xx apartment building..." The panic in the voice was simulated vividly.

Ten minutes later, the police arrived, and An Bu pointed to 604: "This is it."

Three or four policemen cautiously pushed the door open, leaving behind a young policeman to take a statement for An Bu.

"You delivered food to them, found the door was open, and then saw the dead on the ground?" the police asked while registering her identity.

"Yes." An Bu replied honestly.

"Have you ever been in the room?"

Anbu shook his head: "No, I'll call the police when I see a dead person."

"How did you know they were dead if you didn't go in?"

Anbu: "... the body has been divided into several pieces, can you still live?"

The young policeman blushed, coughed lightly, and continued to ask: "When you came, did you see any suspicious people?"

An Bu was about to answer when a heart-piercing song suddenly came from the phone: "The loneliest story is that I am alive and you are dead; the saddest ending is that I am dead and you are still alive …”

Policemen:"… "

"I'm sorry." An Bu quickly pressed the answer button, "Hi, hello..."

"What a yarn? Where's my takeaway?! Seriously, it's so noisy at night, can you let someone masturbate?" After a roar, the door of 605 was suddenly opened, and a man with a mobile phone walked out. A man with a stubble.

"Huh?" Seeing the people in the corridor, the man froze for a few seconds, and then said in horror, "Uncle policeman, is it illegal to masturbate in your own home?"

Policemen:"… "

An Bu: "..." This is also a funny comparison...

Several people communicated for a long time before Anbu "discovered" that he had entered the wrong door. The takeaway in his hand was not from 604, but from 605.

"Sorry, sorry, I'm really sorry." She handed him the takeaway.

"Forget it, murders have happened, who cares about these things?" The bearded man took the takeaway and looked into the next room, "You are unlucky enough, you can send a bunch of dead people with just any takeaway."

Where did the "bunch" come from? Don't just escalate the case, okay

The young policeman was a little tired, and said to the bearded man: "You wait here for a while, my colleagues and I will ask you about the situation later."

The bearded man raised his takeaway: "Do you mind if I wait while eating?"

"... please."

Then, the young policeman turned to An Bu again, and continued the question just now: "Did you see anyone when you went upstairs?"

"Yes, I met four people at the entrance of the elevator on the 6th floor, three men and one woman." An Bu answered truthfully.

"Oh?" The young policeman lifted his spirits, "Are they together? What are their characteristics?"

An Bu thought for a while, and replied: "One of the men and women should be lovers. They are about twenty-five or six years old. The man has curly hair like instant noodles, thick eye shadow, and a bejeweled necklace hanging around his neck. Gemstone skull necklace."

"I know!" The bearded man who was squatting at the door to pick up food interjected vaguely, "He is Huangshi Shinobi who lives in 606."

Anbu: "Shiren" Huang...

The young policeman took notes silently.

Anbu went on to say: "The woman has a lot of braids on her hair, looks like a watermelon, wears a nose ring on her nose, and has a decorative knife on her waist..."

"I know." The bearded man raised his right hand holding the chopsticks, and interjected again, "She is Huang Shiren's No. 3 girlfriend, named Su San."

While recording, the young policeman complained: You even know how many girlfriends someone has, are you peeping next door every day

An Bu continued: "Following this couple is a middle-aged man in his fifties, about 170 cm tall, with thinning hair, wearing a down jacket on his upper body, and beach pants on his lower body..."

Young Policeman: Have you met all the freaks in the world? !

" a pair of Fendiland shoes..."

Young policeman: I'll go, even he can't afford to wear such brand-name leather shoes!

"...the hair on the legs is about five centimeters long, and it's as thick as the primeval forest of Kasicili."

Young policeman: " don't have to use metaphors."

As he said that, he looked at the bearded man, and when he took the initiative to announce the identity of this man, with such distinctive features, it was impossible for him not to know, right

In the end, he was disappointed. The bearded man slapped his lips and said, "This man is obviously a mental patient. There are no mental patients in our apartment."

The young policeman wrote down in a hurry: It seems that this person is very suspicious. Killing and dismembering a body is not something normal people can do.

"The last one," An Bu continued to dictate, "I didn't see the face clearly. He was wearing a baseball cap and tracksuit, with his head bowed, his hands in his pockets, a round earring on his left ear, and a round earring on his right neck. There's half a tattoo on it, kind of like a trident."

Young policeman: You just jotted down so many details just by meeting each other? ! Are the people of today so sharp? As a people's policeman, he felt Alexander.