My Corpse is Bohemian

Chapter 30: Big loss!


After returning from the beach, the two washed themselves up, and then went to the sea view restaurant to eat a seafood meal. The shrimp, crab, abalone, and scallop were basically rounded up by Jian Ningxuan. An Bu only ate vermicelli tofu, giant panda rice balls, and seaweed vegetable salad. roll. It's not that she can't eat meat at all, but that meat dishes are not easy to decompose and are not as natural as vegetarian dishes. Even if she wants to eat, she will choose porridge and soup.

Jian Ningxuan has lived with her for so long, so he naturally knows her eating habits. Before that, his food was mainly light vegetarian dishes, because of physical problems, food with too many calories would make him very uncomfortable. It wasn't until he got to know Anbu that he could finally eat delicious food without taboos, which is one of the reasons why he gained weight.

After dinner, the two of them wandered around the city, took pictures, watched singing and dancing shows, there was no fixed route, and they went wherever they felt that Feng Shui was good. Along the way, Anbu bought a lot of trinkets and hung them all over his body, ding ding dong dong, like a mobile display stand. If she meets a cute child, she will give him one as a gift. When I got back to the hotel, there were only four or fifty pieces of trinkets left all over my body.

Anbu put the trinkets into boxes, and assigned them one by one owners in his mind, who to give this one to, who to give that one... Even the pets next door were given a festive dog leash, and the rest Just put it on Weibo to draw a lottery and distribute it randomly.

"Anbu, I cut some fruit, do you want to eat it?" Jian Ningxuan's voice came from downstairs.

"Come right away." An Bu would not refuse to eat fruit. She tidied up and ran down with her slippers on.

Jian Ningxuan's fruit peeling technique is absolutely at the level of a programmer, and the pits are all "code". Fortunately, most fruits don't need to be peeled, which prevents them from hurting each other.

An Bu casually inserted a piece of fruit pulp, put it in his mouth, then sat on the sofa, turned on the TV, and watched while eating.

A glass of milk was gently placed on the tea table in front of her, she said "thank you", and glanced at the man beside her, and saw that he was only surrounded by a towel, and his vigorous muscles were still dripping with water, giving people A "honey juice" sexy.

Anbu was about to look away when he suddenly looked at him again.

"What's the matter?" Jian Ningxuan picked up the nightgown, and just halfway through it, Anbu cast a strange look at him.

"Don't rush to put it on yet." Anbu knelt on the back of the sofa and waved his hands to signal him to take off his nightgown.

Jian Ningxuan put the nightgown aside, showing off her figure without changing her face, but wondered in her heart, did she find that she had gained weight again? Subconsciously glanced at his abdomen, it was strong and perfect!

"Turn around a little bit." Anbu said.

Jian Ningxuan turned half a step in confusion, facing Anbu sideways.

Anbu propped himself on the sofa, leaned forward, stared at his body carefully for a long time, and then said: "Hahaha... So it's really not my eyesight, hahaha..."

Jian Ningxuan: "..." What are you laughing at, tell me and let's laugh together...

Anbu jumped up from the sofa, and pushed Jian Ningxuan to the full-length mirror: "Look, do you find that you are different today?"

Jian Ningxuan looked at herself in the mirror, tall and handsome as always, standing next to Anbu, especially with the temperament of a boyfriend... huh? He fixed his eyes, turned slightly sideways, and looked behind himself, only then did he realize that there was something wrong with the skin color of the front and back. The skin color in the front is obviously darker, while the back is whiter. With the waist as the dividing line, the contrast is very obvious.

"Mr. Jian, you didn't put on sunscreen at all, did you?" Jian Ningxuan's back was wiped by Anbu, and the front was handed over to him. As a result, he was passive and sabotaged because of a phone call, and ran to kiss her without doing his job. It's a tragedy now. , After a day in the sun, it becomes a hermaphrodite.

Jian Ningxuan: "..."

An Bu added: "I'm sure, your butt is definitely the whitest part of your body right now."

Jian Ningxuan's face was dull, and there was a little bit of resentment in her eyes when she looked at her.

"Okay, don't be sad, just go back and take care of it for a while. I have all kinds of good remedies for whitening and rejuvenating the skin. I guarantee that after you use them, you can directly shoot skin care product advertisements." An Bu smiled and comforted.

Jian Ningxuan glanced at her fair skin, approving in her heart.

On the second day, the main project of the two was mountain climbing. They each carried a big bag on their backs and took a bus to Hubei Mountain. Hubei Mountain has lush trees, overlapping rocks, and strange valleys. It stretches for 20 kilometers, and it takes two or three days to complete it on foot. Tourists generally only choose a few of the main peaks as the focus of the tour. After climbing to the top of the peak, they take the cable car down the mountain.

When going out this time, Jian Ningxuan consciously put on sunscreen. The ultraviolet rays on the top of the mountain are strong, and if she is not careful, she will peel off a layer of skin.

The two stepped into Hubei Mountain together with tourists in twos and threes, walking and stopping along the way, exercising and admiring the natural scenery.

On the way, Jian Ningxuan went to the toilet, and An Bu sat in the pavilion to rest.

Probably the biggest advantage of being a corpse is the absence of metabolic distress. The food she eats will be decomposed into nutrients by the energy in her body, and the remaining impurities will turn into dead energy. Therefore, she must try to eat green and pollution-free food as much as possible, otherwise, while increasing the vitality value, it will also increase the dead energy. value.

At this moment, several tourists walked past her, and one of them exuded a strong dead air. From the looks of it, it was estimated that he would die within five minutes.

Anbu stood up, quickly sent a text message to Jian Ningxuan, and then chased after him.

As soon as her figure disappeared at the corner of the mountain road, Jian Ningxuan came out of the toilet and saw the text message she left: [Temporarily take a step ahead, the peak meets], frowned, and strode towards the peak.

The person Anbu followed was a young man in his early twenties, with an ordinary appearance, but an extroverted personality. He was very active along the way, talking and laughing with his companions. Unknowingly, they came to the steep Polang corner, and several people shouted excitedly towards the valley. The young man was especially excited, and the death energy in him became more and more intense.

Anbu could already guess the way of his death at this time, that is...

"Be careful!" A warning came out, and Anbu rushed forward quickly, reaching out to grab the young man's arm.

Just now, the young man desperately climbed up the guardrail just to take a photo, but his hand slipped and he fell down the valley. His companion only had time to turn his head, and saw a girl with half of her body leaning out of the guardrail, grabbing the young man's arm, but under the dual effects of gravity and inertia, she was led and fell out of the guardrail.

"Ah—" Several screams sounded one after another.

As soon as Jian Ningxuan climbed up, he saw such a scene that made his heart stop. By the time he rushed over, Anbu had already fallen into the valley with the young man.

"Anbu—" The branches and leaves in the valley are layered, making it difficult to see clearly. Jian Ningxuan quickly took out his mobile phone, dialed the rescue number, and continued to call Anbu's name. The young man's companion was also anxiously shouting beside the guardrail. The individual should be hopeless, Jian Ningxuan felt a burst of angina, and the veins in his hands that were pulling on the railing were exposed.

A cry came down from above. Although An Bu wanted to respond, her throat was pierced by a branch, and she would be unable to make a sound for a while. In addition, her right leg was broken, two ribs were broken, and her skin was scarred by scraping branches.

On the other hand, that young man, apart from some scratches and a cut in his head, had no other fatal injuries.

He opened his eyes in a daze, and saw a girl sitting beside her with scars all over her body, her right leg twisted into a strange shape, and a branch sticking out of her throat.

This is not the scariest thing, the scariest thing is that she is still alive, not only alive, but also with a very calm expression!

The young man felt that he should have lost his head, which is why he saw such a strange scene.

However, a more horrifying picture appeared. The girl reached out and grabbed the branch stuck in her throat, and pulled it out suddenly. In an instant, blood spattered, like an exaggerated artistic effect, creating a bloody and terrifying visual impact .

The scene in front of him was too exciting, far beyond what the young man's little heart could bear. He rolled his eyes and passed out happily.

Anbu did it on purpose. In order to save this guy, she lost a lot this time! Just to repair the injuries on his body, I'm afraid it will consume hundreds of points of vitality. And saving this guy, you can only get about a hundred points at most. And she must speed up the repair of the fatal injuries on her body before the rescue team arrives, otherwise the explanation will not be clear.

He stretched out his hand to support the fractured right leg, snapped it back neatly, and took a firm and skillful step to deal with the injury. If this scene is seen by other people, the cliff will faint like that young man, it is too... wild.

Pausing for a moment, An Bu took out water and a towel from his backpack, soaked the towel, and wiped off the blood on his throat. Because he had consumed a lot of vitality, the wound had healed quickly, and his right leg had also recovered. Got some scratches. After all, it is impossible to fall from a high place without a little scar. The trouble is, I have to think about how to avoid the doctor's examination later.

Thinking of this, An Bu turned his head to look at the fainted young man beside him. The death energy on his body had disappeared, but he hadn't received the anger value he deserved. It's strange... this guy won't give even a little vitality point. her? Then she really wants him to die again!

At this time, Jian Ningxuan's voice came from above again: "Anbu—"

Since just now, he hasn't stopped calling, and his voice is a little hoarse.

"Mr. Jian, I'm fine." An Bu raised his head, put his hand next to his mouth in the shape of a trumpet, and responded loudly.

There was a moment of silence above, followed by Jian Ningxuan's surprised voice: "Anbu, are you okay? Are you seriously injured?"

"It's okay, it's like a derailed bungee jump."

Jian Ningxuan: "..." What you did was not bungee jumping, it was my heartbeat!

However, since you can still joke, it seems that there is really nothing serious.

Jian Ningxuan raised her head and took a deep breath towards the sky: Great, she is still alive...