My Corpse is Bohemian

Chapter 38: Take a walk in class


Jian Ningxuan put on his pants, looked up and saw An Bu walking towards the door, and immediately stepped forward to stop him: "What do you want to do?"

"The owner of the big sword should be nearby, I want to go out and have a look."

"I'll come." Jian Ningxuan pushed her into the room, "Stay here and don't move."

An Bu was only wearing a bathrobe, with two bare long legs exposed, without even shoes, her white feet stepped on the carpet, light and delicate, like a sexy Persian cat, how could Jian Ningxuan let her She goes out to meet people like this

Jian Ningxuan opened the door with a stern face, and scanned the corridor left and right with sharp eyes, but did not find the owner of the stupid dog.

In the room, Anbu sat on the bed, looked at the big sword beside him, and asked, "Why are you here? Where's your brother soldier?"

With a whimper, Dajian put his chin on her knee, hung his eyes, and looked at her cutely. It still knows how to be grateful for its life-saving "corpse".

"You guys are always chasing after me, which makes it difficult for me." An Bu said persuasively, "Let's discuss, next time you have a task, don't come after me again, okay? I just want to be quiet Be a 'human', pretend to be low-key, do you understand?"

Dajian tilted his head to show that he didn't understand.

"I heard that military dogs are very smart. To prove this, I want to test it." An Bu broke a banana from the fruit plate, handed it to its mouth, and pointed to the door, "Now, hold this banana in your mouth." A banana to your master."

While talking, Jian Ningxuan just turned around and saw that the big sword really grabbed the banana, and ran out in a hurry.

Jian Ningxuan closed the door with his backhand and followed behind it. However, the owner of the dog seemed to know that someone was following him. After going around in a circle, he not only failed to catch up with the person, but also lost the dog.

After all, the opponent is a well-trained soldier, if he wants to hide, Jian Ningxuan will have nothing to do with him.

Back in the room, I found that An Bu was fully dressed: "It's getting late, shall we go home?"

Jian Ningxuan: "...won't you stay here for one night?"

"The bed at home is more comfortable." She almost died just now. An Bu felt that this man was poisonous, and the feeling of intimate contact was so good that she was almost defenseless. What would she do if he accidentally discovered her abnormality? Breathing can still rely on his breath to communicate with each other, but heartbeat and pulse cannot be faked.

Jian Ningxuan took An Bu's hand, and walked out of the room silently, exuding steaming anger...

Soldier 1 stood at the gate of the villa, looking in the direction the two left. While eating bananas, he said to the big sword next to him, "Are you sure it's her? She doesn't seem to be injured. Well...forget it, in two days We'll know when the blood test results come back."

After the Pet Festival ended, Anbu entered the unemployed stage specializing in learning. The only difference is that Jian Ningxuan is becoming more and more clingy. Ever since he started eating meat that night, he couldn't get enough to eat. In the past, it was just flirting, cuddling, and taking the innocent route, but now it's an adult version of "romantic" romance.

Although the expression is as cold as ever, there is a look of love between the brows.

Anbu likes Jian Ningxuan like this, he is so radiant and full of vitality every day, she can't help but want to pamper him to heaven.

Recently, in order to study veterinary medicine systematically, Anbu specially got a library card at the University of Medical Sciences. According to the schedule, he regularly attends courses related to veterinary medicine. In her spare time, she also taught herself livestock anatomy, pathology, physiology, immunology, veterinary pharmacology and so on. It is not difficult for her to recite theoretical knowledge. It just needs patience and time to memorize repeatedly. The rest is the accumulation of practice and clinical experience.

Jian Ningxuan knew Anbu's passion for learning. In her room, there are books everywhere, of various types and covering a wide range of subjects. They are not displayed beautifully, but have indeed been read.

Jian Ningxuan is always amazed by her exuberant energy, as if she is interested in everything, and she puts it into action without hesitation, without wasting a single minute.

On campus, Anbu was wearing a plain student uniform, a pair of black-rimmed glasses, a canvas bag, and a ponytail. .

After three weeks of classes at the Medical University, the winter vacation is about to begin. Anbu intends to stop listening to today's class and come back when school starts next year.

Walking into the classroom, An Bu chose a remote place to sit down, and other students came in one after another, talking and laughing endlessly.

Not long after, the class bell rang, and the students gradually quieted down. Then, an old professor in his fifties walked into the classroom.

Seeing this person, there was a murmur in the classroom immediately.

"Fuck, it's not Teacher Liang's class, how did it become Professor Sun?"

"God, I'm most afraid of this old man!"

"If I had known it was him, I wouldn't have come."

"Ah, Teacher Liang, how could you abandon us so cruelly..."

Professor Sun didn't seem to hear everyone's discussion, knocked on the table, and said, "Today, Mr. Liang asked for leave, and I will take a class. Now, start the roll call."

roll call! What a surprise attack! Brothers and sisters who are absent today are going to be unlucky.

Anbu was sitting in the corner, watching the lively expressions of the crowd. At this moment, she suddenly felt someone tugging at the corner of her clothes. When she looked back, she saw a boy with a rather sunny appearance approaching and whispering: "I've seen you a few times, you're not a student of our major, are you?"

An Bu nodded.

"Great!" The boy clasped his hands together and begged, "My girlfriend is absent today, can you answer for her later?"

"What's your girlfriend's name?" Anbu asked.

"Zhao Shuyu."


"That's great!" the boy smiled, "Thank you, I'll treat you to dinner later."

A short boy next to him interjected: "Your girlfriend's trouble is solved, and the second child in our dormitory will be a tragedy."

"There's nothing we can do about it. The old man's eyes are very sharp, and we can't help him answer it." The sunny boy looked helpless.

While speaking, Professor Sun has already begun to roll the roll: "Wang Xuewen, Zhao Xin, Fang Keke, Lu Mingxi..."

When "Lu Mingxi" was read, the sunny boy next to Anbu replied: "Yes."

"... Zhao Shuyu."

"Here." An Bu raised his hand.

Professor Sun glanced at her and continued to roll her name.

A few minutes later, Professor Sun closed the roster and said calmly, "There should be 64 people, but there are actually 39 people. Not bad, very good."

All the students present were both grateful and afraid, and at the same time silently lit candles for those who did not show up.

"Okay, let's get ready for class." Professor Sun turned on the big screen. "Here is a set of veterinary pharmacology test questions, which have been sent to your electronic screen. The time limit is 5 minutes. You can do as much as you can. Now, start."

The students wailed, they knew Professor Sun's character very well, and this kind of random examination was commonplace, if the scores were too low, they would be punished with various suffocating punishments.

It was only 5 minutes, and everyone did not dare to delay, and they all immersed themselves in the questions.

[Levamisole has ( ): A. Repelling nematodes and regulating immunity; B. Repelling tapeworms...]

"A", Anbu quickly clicked.

[Severe hepatic insufficiency is not suitable for animals ( ): A. Hydrocortisone; B...]

"C", prednisone.

Anbu glanced at it at a glance, and she did it easily and freely. In terms of theoretical knowledge alone, she is definitely a top student.

Lu Mingxi, who was next to her, glanced inadvertently and found that she had already solved 39 questions, as if she didn't need to think at all, and she could solve them in minutes.

Surprised and delighted in his heart, he immediately gave up the middle dozen or so questions and kept up with her progress in answering the questions, regardless of whether he was right or not, copying first and then talking.

Anbu was working on one question per second, but he had finished all of them in just over two minutes. She didn't hand in the paper right away, but the answer was uploaded immediately, and could be modified before handing in the paper, and the teacher could check it at any time.

There were dozens of students in the classroom, and Anbu felt that Professor Sun would not check other people's answer sheets before handing them in, so he didn't hand them in for the time being. It just happened to be cheap for Lu Mingxi, and it was a joy to copy it.

When the last three big questions were left, Professor Sun suddenly yelled: "I haven't handed in the paper yet!"

The sound was like a bell, and everyone almost had diabetes collapse in fright.

An Bu raised her head and found that the old man on the podium was staring at her.

Uh... was he yelling at her just now

Anbu was speechless, and obediently submitted the test paper.

Lu Mingxi watched helplessly as the test paper disappeared from the screen, his heart ached so badly that he couldn't breathe.

Professor Sun ignored them and stared at the screen. After a while, his expression turned pale, and he gave An Bu a "kindly" look.

Anbu: "..." seems to be marked with some kind of terrible buff...

Five minutes passed in a flash, and everyone submitted the test papers with ashen faces. They are all freshmen, and this subject has just started, most of them haven't had time to review properly, and there is a time limit, so the correct rate is naturally appalling, only one-fifth of them barely pass.

Among a group of low-scoring scumbags flying by, Anbu's full-score test paper was particularly eye-catching. In particular, Professor Sun announced the results. The first place is Zhao Shuyu: 100 points, the second place is Xu Yang: 87 points...

For a moment, "Zhao Shuyu" filled the hatred value of the whole class.

Lu Mingxi smiled wryly: "Thank you so much, I didn't forget to write my girlfriend's name on the paper when I was doing the questions..."

Anbu replied naturally: "Help people to the end, and you have to act the whole way."

Lu Mingxi covered his face, his heart broke down: If I knew you were such a top student, I wouldn't have let you answer for my girlfriend! Professor Sun gives special "preferential treatment" to top students! If I let him know that I was cheated, why not kill my girlfriend? What's more, my girlfriend will kill me first! ! !