My Corpse is Bohemian

Chapter 47: I have a date with a dead body (5)


The simultaneous live broadcast of "Escape from Panic" is a pre-release online version specially launched for the New Year. Only preliminary editing and processing have been carried out, but the playback effect is unexpectedly good. Some pictures are slightly rough, but they look more real. The first day's story progress ended with Huang Wei's elimination. In just one night, the popularity soared from the initial tens of thousands to several million. Netizens shouted scary while looking down uncontrollably.

By the next day, tens of millions of people had watched it online. The story gradually progressed until the guests found evidence that the proprietress of the hotel was a ghost, and then decided to escape from the hotel. While they were packing, Anbu was doing makeup in the room. The shots alternated with each other, which made the netizens very irritable.

[Still tidy up some wool at this time? Hurry up and run away!]

[The proprietress is putting on makeup, and she is ready to make a big move at any time, what are you still doing? ? ?]

[I'm so anxious, can't I just pack lightly? What's the deal with a few rags!]

[Speak in a low voice, am I the only one who wants to see the proprietress turn into a ghost chasing and killing the guests?]

[I also…]

[Fuck, what the hell is the mirror behind the proprietress? !]

In the video, the fitting mirror behind Anbu does not reflect her back sitting in front of the dressing table, but her frontal makeup. After drawing her eyebrows, the person in the mirror showed a sly smile.

After a while, the fitting mirror returned to normal, but there was a ghost beside the proprietress, sitting side by side with her, making the final touches in front of the mirror.

The dead night, the old room, the dim light, the face in the mirror, the blurred ghost... a haunting picture is outlined on the video.

[Emma, my little heart!]

[This scene can be used as a poster for a supernatural movie.]

[Who is the actor playing the proprietress? Acted so emotionally! Isn't she afraid of being alone in the room? This show is free to shoot with multiple cameras, and staff not related to the plot will generally not be present.]

[Now is not the time to discuss this, the proprietress has already finished her makeup!]

[I'll go, why haven't they left yet? !]

When An Bu turned the doorknob, the guests had just walked out of the room, and then they heard a thunder outside. As An Bu stepped out of the door, the camera turned to the lobby, and the guests came to the entrance of the lobby, looking at the sudden In the heavy rain, the picture finally freezes on the backs of several people who stop at the door and look up at the rain.

[Fuck! ! ! Here it is! ! !]

[Is this the rhythm of group destruction? !]

[Ahhh, roll around and ask for a follow-up!]

[This heavy rain may be caused by the production crew, who deliberately wanted to keep them here.]

[I wonder if anyone will leave in the rain.]

However, no one expected that the proprietress, who didn't look like a ghost at first glance, not only didn't run out to take her life, but instead did a good person and good deeds without following the routine.

However, the subsequent story process, the director has not yet broadcast it publicly. Because the proprietress' character design collapsed, the story also stopped at a very gimmicky place. He is considering whether to go directly to the next dungeon tomorrow according to the established script, or temporarily revise the process, taking the hotel as the main line and using other dungeons as branch lines. As long as the general direction remains unchanged, the integrity of the plot will not be greatly affected. The important thing is that there are abnormal situations during the shooting. If you don't want to be forced to stop, you can only adapt to the situation.

"Tingting, where did you find the girl who plays the proprietress?" The director looked at Ge Tingting who was on the side.

Ge Tingting smiled and said, "She's my cousin, how about it, isn't it good?"

Director: "...I just want to know, is your cousin okay?" With such a girlfriend by his side, can he sleep at night

Ge Tingting glared at the director in dissatisfaction: What do you mean!

At this moment in the lobby, no one dared to go back to their room to sleep. They tried their best to sit together, playing with mobile phones, eating snacks, chatting... try to distract yourself, don't think about scary things, and wait until After 2 o'clock, everyone couldn't hold on anymore.

Only An Bu was still in high spirits, standing by the window, stretching his legs while reading a book. Beside her, there were several Yin spirits wandering around. They sometimes turned into physical formulas, sometimes into geometric figures, sometimes into elemental structures, and sometimes into cosmic stars... Obviously, what she is reading now is a physics book.

After finishing a set of fitness exercises, Anbu saw the listless look of everyone, and asked, "Aren't you going to sleep?"

Who can sleep! What if you suddenly want to commit suicide after falling asleep? Or what to do if you encounter something scary in your dream? Do they still have a chance to wake up

Anbu also knew that it was difficult for them to fall asleep in this environment, so he stopped persuading them, and could find a private house to sleep well after dawn.

At this moment, Gao Liqian tugged at her boyfriend's sleeve, and said in a crying voice, "Ah Feng, I want to go to the bathroom..."

Wan Feng said awkwardly: "Can you find a girl to accompany you?"

There is only one toilet in the hotel, which is on the west side of the backyard. In order to create a terrifying atmosphere, the planning team had turned off the lights in the toilet, but now the lights are dark and only the mobile phone lights up. Few people dared to go there, even Xiao Qing, who was very courageous, didn't say anything.

Gao Liqian's eyes for help swept across several girls, and finally fell on An Bu's face.

An Bu is willing to accompany her, but the problem is that as long as she leaves, the ghosts in the lobby will find someone else.

"Let's go, let's go together." An Bu said, "If anyone else wants to go to the bathroom, let's solve it together."

Everyone looked at each other strangely, and finally stood up, followed An Bu, and went to the bathroom in a group.

Everyone held a mobile phone in their hands, trying to illuminate all the dark corners, even behind them.

When they came outside the toilet, the four girls Xiao Qing, Gao Liqian, Zhu Shanhu and Xiao Q advanced first, while the others stood guard outside, patrolling around vigilantly.

Anbu leaned on a wooden pillar, glanced at Yi Zheyan, and shifted the focus from his face to behind him.

Yi Zheyan's heart tightened, and he subconsciously turned his head to look. There was nothing behind him except a mottled wall.

"Did you see something?" He looked at Anbu and asked in a deep voice.

An Bu replied: "Whatever you think, what I see is what I see."

Yi Zheyan suddenly felt that his left shoulder was cloudy and chilly, as if a bloody baby had slowly crawled onto his shoulder, his eyes were black and sticky blood was flowing.

An Bu: You can't stop thinking about it, do you want another female ghost who has aborted

Just thinking of this, a disemboweled female ghost appeared behind Yi Zheyan... emmm, this is Anbu's fault.

At this time, the sound of teeth chattering suddenly came from the ear, and Anbu followed the prestige, and found that Lao Zhao was still holding the camera dutifully, facing everyone present.

An Bu probably guessed what he saw in the camera. All the male guests were accompanied by one or two Yin spirits, and the Yin spirits presented their imaginary images simultaneously.

The ghost baby on Yi Zheyan's shoulder, the long-haired female ghost behind Wan Feng, the human hand protruding from the ground under Cheng Ziming's feet, the hanged ghost above A Fei's head... Now is the time when the yin energy is at its peak, and through the lens, you can see it relatively clearly. ghosting.

Immediately, Lao Zhao moved the camera to Anbu tremblingly, and saw ink shadows surrounding her, like creating an ink painting, splashing, smudged, fading, disappearing, freehand and casual, which made him flustered all of a sudden calm down.

After a while, the girls came out of the toilet one by one with pale faces, and among them, Ah Q from the photography team was the most terrified. There is no camera in the toilet, so it can only be supplemented by the accompanying photography team members. So while she was solving personal problems, she was also responsible for photographing the environment of the toilet. It is conceivable that she also saw the phantom of the ghost, but fortunately, there was only one ghost beside them, and they used chatting to divert their attention, so they didn't have too many scary pictures in their minds.

However, the environment of the toilet alone is scary enough, not to mention that there is a mirror in the toilet. After this footage is broadcast, it will definitely make the audience shudder.

An Bu admired the professionalism of the members of the photography team. He was obviously terrified, but insisted on carrying the camera.

After the girls finished solving the problem, the male guests also went to solve it. Although they were frightened, the process went smoothly, but no one dared to go to the tuba, and they all held back their quick fixes.

After everyone was done, An Bu took them back to the lobby.

Physiology was relieved, and many people's faces eased a lot. Just when a few people were about to sit down and eat something, there was a dull knock on the door outside the yard. Hammer hit everyone's heart.

The nerves that had been relaxed just now tensed again, and everyone stood stiffly on the ground, looking nervously at the yard outside the lobby.

Who would come out of this old house to knock on the door at three o'clock in the morning, in the heavy rain

The knocking on the door continued, and everyone breathed heavily, and they all looked at Anbu at the same time.

Anbu didn't know who it was, but when he was about to open the door, the door suddenly creaked and was pushed open.

Damn it, the door is open!

Everyone stared wide-eyed and pricked up their ears, carefully distinguishing the sound of footsteps mixed with the sound of rain.

Chi la, chi la, chi la... The sound got closer and closer, and a vague figure gradually emerged in the heavy rain.

Everyone took a step back unconsciously, and just as the person stepped up the steps and entered the range of light, Anbu, who had been watching the changes, suddenly moved, rushed towards the person, opened his arms, and hugged the person's wet body. Body.

"Mr. Jian!" An Bu sighed comfortably, and his anger rose.

At this moment, Jian Ningxuan was wearing a cloak and raincoat, dripping water all over his body, looking tired, with a dusty look.

"I'm covered in water, don't get wet." He gently pushed An Bu away and walked into the lobby.

The moment he stepped in, all the ghosts within a radius of ten meters disappeared without a trace, and a gust of warm air rushed over, dispelling the chill from everyone's bodies.

Jian Ningxuan took off his raincoat and put down his backpack, then turned to An Bu: "I brought you the information you want."

The mountaineering suit on his body was mostly wet, his hair drooped on his forehead in embarrassment, water droplets slid down his cheeks, and his feet were covered with mud. They were not as clean and tidy as usual, but his eyes were still clear, shining with something that Anbu liked. color.

Looking at the cat owner who came all the way to bring him warmth, An Bu didn't know what to say for a moment.

According to the original route, Jian Ningxuan should have arrived in Kangquan Town, but he encountered heavy rain on the way, the tires got stuck in mud puddles, he couldn't start, and his mobile phone had no signal. Putting on a backpack, braving the heavy rain, and walking for dozens of miles, it took three hours to finally arrive in Kangquan Town.

He had seen the map of the town before, so it was easy to find the location of the Xiuli Hotel. Seeing An Bu rushing towards him, his tense heart suddenly calmed down.