My Corpse is Bohemian

Chapter 50: Born to be different


The online video was only played until the police arrived, and the follow-up content was a bit sensitive, so it was cut off by the crew. These policemen are all local policemen. They came here not to investigate the sale of women by the townspeople, but to ensure that the townspeople will not clash with outsiders and avoid bloodshed.

After one of the policemen talked with the mayor, he persuaded the man who was pregnant to agree to send the pregnant woman to the hospital. In the end, at most, he was charged with domestic violence. As for the follow-up investigation, there was basically no follow-up investigation. Instead, the crew and Anbu were questioned for a long time. A copy of the video was also copied by the police, stating that they will be held accountable if inappropriate content is played.

Anbu is sure that the local townspeople and the police haven't watched the latest uploaded video, so they don't know that some things can no longer be covered up. She originally planned to expose Kangquan Town's crimes, and then find the victims' bones to let the ghosts rest in peace, but now, she felt that it was unnecessary. Leave the problems that the law cannot perfectly solve to those ghosts. They have learned how to scare people. As long as the townspeople live here, the fear in their hearts will attract these ghosts and torture their spirits again and again. When Yin Qi is strong, Yin spirits can even give them death hints when they are afraid of death.

These townspeople diverted Yin Ling's attention, and those guests who had received hints of death before were safe.

Things were tossed until the morning, and the tired crew members packed their bags, boarded the bus, and left Kangquan Town with a heavy heart.

Jian Ningxuan's driver has arrived here, and Anbu will leave with him later. Before leaving, the director also took a close-up shot of her and added special effects to bring the show to an end. The female ghost proprietress is not a real ghost, but her twin sister pretends to be her. In order to secretly investigate the murderer who killed her sister, after the shady scene is revealed, the ending is reversed again, and her sister was actually killed.

This issue of the supernatural program has aroused great sensation and attention in the society, not only because of the almost real supernatural phenomena appearing in it, but also because it involved many abducted and missing persons. The outside world generally suspects that Kangquan Town has participated in the trafficking of human beings and the killing of women, and requires the police to investigate thoroughly. However, it is impossible for the police to file a case because of a supernatural video, but the family members of the victims are different. Many of them are wealthy and powerful, even if it is just an illusory guess, they are not willing to give up.

The Internet is also indignant about this, accusing the police of inaction. Especially after learning that the man who abused the pregnant woman had nothing to do, everyone was furious.

[Such an obvious criminal fact, the police actually let him go like this?]

[Poor pregnant woman, mentally disturbed, completely clueless how to defend herself.]

[Baby is so mad! Why don't these scumbags die!]

[In other words, the names of the missing persons appearing in the video, don't the police send people to investigate?]

[That's right, you will die if you go to investigate?]

[To tell you the truth, I really will die. Some people are not afraid of killing people if they fool the people and become ruthless.]

[Is that the case?]

[Otherwise what else? Force the police to arrest the whole town?]

[Ahhh, so angry! ! !]

When the online discussion was raging, Tiechu from Kangquan Town was also watching the video. When he was talking to Yi Zheyan, a scary ghost and a name appeared behind him. He was so frightened that his face turned pale and his hair stood on end. At the same time, above his head, a lock of long hair was slowly hanging down, and a woman covered in blood was hanging upside down from the ceiling, rolling her eyes and staring at him.

Tiechu seemed to be aware of it, he raised his neck stiffly and slowly, and suddenly saw a ferocious face facing him up and down.

"Ah—" Tiechu let out a scream, stood up staggeringly, his feet slipped, and he fell backwards, just falling on the iron nails of an old wooden chair...

On the other side, a man named "Hong Cai" was squatting on the toilet while swiping his mobile phone. He just came across a report about Kangquan Town. When he saw the weird screenshot of the video, he couldn't help feeling a little chilly, and his butt and butt felt cold. . He subconsciously looked down, and was horrified to see a pair of blood-red eyes on the ground... With a bang, the mobile phone in his hand fell to the ground, his eyes gradually became cloudy, and then he pulled out the toilet paper one by one, and then They stuffed them into their mouths one by one until they choked to death.

Death spread silently in Kangquan Town.

At the same time, under the multi-party operation of the victim's family, the heat of this matter has been persistent. The police finally decided to set up a special case team to conduct a comprehensive investigation of Kangquan Town. The main reason was not the pressure from family members and public opinion, but that in the next two months, six townspeople in Kangquan Town died in a row, and all of them died in strange ways. It is naturally impossible for the police to sit idly by when a major murder case is involved.

Although they tried their best to block the news, many netizens still knew about the deaths of those townspeople.

[Fuck, it's so satisfying, they deserve it!]

[The law can't punish, the ghosts take revenge themselves, well done.]

[You say, is the proprietress really a ghost? All of this is led by her. All the guest identities of this show have been announced, but her personal information is blank. It's kind of interesting to think about it. The crew accidentally found a real ghost to shoot a supernatural film, and took the opportunity to expose The town is shady, avenging the victims.]

[Hearing you say that, it really looks like that! I suddenly got a little creepy...]

[I decided to be a good person in the future and accumulate some virtue for myself.]


The case was investigated for three or four months, and the cause of death of the townspeople was almost all accidents. However, the police dug up more than 100 female skeletons in the back mountain, and the longest time can be traced back to 70 years ago. In addition to the fact that the deceased in recent years can be verified through the DNA of living blood relatives, there is no way to verify the others.

Kangquan Town has always had a tradition of buying women. They are ignorant, treat women like animals, and use them as reproductive tools. Few of the girls survived the long-term abuse. Those who survived by chance were either insane or brainwashed by them, forced to accept reality and lose themselves. What's even more frightening is that these people don't think how heinous their actions are at all.

The townspeople in Kangquan Town were checked by the police, and except for the minors, none of them was innocent. Their continuation is entirely based on those hundreds of bones. However, most were unable to prosecute due to insufficient evidence. However, even if they can escape the sanction of the law, they cannot escape the fear in their hearts, and the ghosts will make them pay a heavy price. In the next few years, the number of residents in Kangquan Town dropped from more than 200 to more than 100. The remaining people all fled in panic, and some even voluntarily surrendered themselves.

Later, Kangquan Town was called "Death Town" by everyone, and the buildings were empty, and no one set foot again.

This is a later story. Before the filming, no one expected the final outcome of Kang Quanzhen. However, this episode of the show was really popular, and the guests who participated in this episode, without exception, were all popular. Anbu also gained a lot, saving five guests, a pregnant woman and an unborn baby, and gained 575 points of destiny vitality, as well as the daily vitality brought by the show. The proprietress she played in the show has gained a large number of fans, but she has no plans to disclose her identity.

After this program recording, Ge Tingting admired Anbu so much that she became her NC fan without a stand.

"Cousin, cousin, our crew would like to invite my cousin to be a special guest and consultant for our show." Ge Tingting looked at Jian Ningxuan obsequiously.

"Don't even think about it." Jian Ningxuan glanced at her sternly, "Don't go to such a dangerous place in the future. Before filming the show, investigate clearly."

Ge Tingting stuck out her tongue quietly, then looked at Anbu with eyes full of prayer.

An Bu smiled and said, "If you need any help, feel free to come to me, but just record the show."

The broadcast of this program not only gave An Bu some vitality, but also brought her a little trouble, which was to attract the attention of the police and some superstitious figures. Although she did not disclose her identity, it is not difficult to find out as long as she is willing to check. If there are any supernatural events in the future, they are likely to come to her.

After dismissing Ge Tingting, Jian Ningxuan asked An Bu seriously: "Is there really a ghost in this world?"

An Bu shook his head and explained: "The ones filmed in the show are not ghosts, but a special kind of life form, um... You can understand it as a kind of mental virus, which creates all kinds of phantoms through people's brain waves. They can only Living in a specific environment, it basically does not appear in the city."

Jian Ningxuan looked at her curiously: "How do you know this?"

Anbu took his hand, interlocked his fingers, and said with a smile, "Because I'm just like you, I'm born different."

Jian Ningxuan stared at her deeply, the brilliance in his eyes was shining.

Seeing him glowing, Anbu couldn't help but want to flirt.

"Mr. Jane~~"


"Did I ever tell you that you're handsome?"

"" All that was said was that he was radiant.

"Then do you want to hear it?"


"As long as you promise me a request, I will say it."


Anbu opened his arms, looking like a princess: "Take me to the bathroom and wash me for nothing."

Jian Ningxuan: His woman always likes to tease him, alas, there is really nothing to do with her...

Thinking so in my heart, the brilliance on my body should not be too gorgeous.

The harmonious life with the cat owner did not last long, and as Anbu expected, the sequelae of filming the show soon appeared. A policeman approached her, hoping to ask her to be a temporary consultant to help investigate a strange case.

Anbu also knew this policeman. He was the middle-aged policeman who found the scene of the murder when he delivered food last time. After reporting the case, he was called "Sun Kaiwen".

Although An Bu didn't know if she could help, she agreed, because the police were among the professions she focused on. Rescuing a policeman may bring her a sustainable destiny vitality. Although they are not necessarily life-threatening, it is always good to have more exposure.