My Corpse is Bohemian

Chapter 57: Open the coffin and raise the corpse


Anbu said that she would come back for dinner, but Jian Ningxuan waited until after 5 o'clock, but she still hadn't arrived, so he called her, but couldn't get through. At first he thought it was just that the phone was out of battery, so he waited patiently for dozens of minutes, and finally couldn't hold back, and tracked her location with the computer, and located the coordinates of the last signal sent by her phone, near the Chuanlong Bridge . From the university to their community, there is no need to pass through the Chuanlong Bridge. How could Anbu go there

Jian Ningxuan was a little worried, and used his own technology to secretly call the surveillance cameras near the university. At around 3 o'clock, he found Anbu walking out of the university and walking all the way in the direction of the community. Jian Ningxuan then called the surveillance cameras near the community. At around 4:30, when An Bu was approaching the gate of the community, he suddenly paused, and then walked to the parking lot not far away.

When Jian Ningxuan was about to get the monitoring of the parking lot, he found that the monitoring was broken! After that, Anbu disappeared, and there was no trace of her in the nearby surveillance. The biggest possibility is that she got into a car in the parking lot and drove towards the Chuanlong Bridge.

If there is something wrong with An Bu, he will definitely be notified, and he will never leave quietly. Even if the phone is dead, it can be temporarily charged in the car, so it doesn't take much effort to send a text message or make a call. But Anbu didn't do anything, so Jian Ningxuan suspected that something might have happened to her.

Jian Ningxuan could only be patient and screen out suspicious vehicles frame by frame through surveillance. This approach is undoubtedly looking for a needle in a haystack, but he can't think of a better way for a while. It has been less than 3 hours since An Bu went missing, and there is no definite evidence that something happened to her. The police probably won't accept it.

After watching for two hours in a row, Jian Ningxuan's eyes were red, and he picked up his mobile phone and called Police Officer Sun, telling him that Anbu might be missing, and asked him to help investigate the information of more than 30 vehicles he had screened out, and then picked up the With his own notebook, he walked out of the house quickly, and drove towards the direction of Chuanlong Bridge.

Halfway through the car, Jian Ningxuan's cell phone rang suddenly, and an unfamiliar number was displayed on the screen. He seemed to have a sense in his heart, and answered without thinking.


"Mr. Jian..." A familiar voice came from the other end of the phone, and Jian Ningxuan's suppressed emotions burst out in an instant.

"Anbu, where are you?!"

"Mr. Jane, listen to me..."

When Jian Ningxuan learned that she had been kidnapped, his whole body was going to explode, and what frightened him even more was still behind. She said that she was put into a coffin and buried in the ground!

Buried in the ground! ! !

After Jian Ningxuan went blank for a short time, his brain started to work quickly. With the oxygen content in the coffin, Anbu could only last for about 100 minutes at most. He must find her location and dig her out of the ground within 100 minutes!

Jian Ningxuan parked the car on the side of the road, opened his notebook, entered Anbu's current mobile phone number, and quickly located it. However, the communication over there was forced to be interrupted before the location was completed. He only searched for a general range.

Jian Ningxuan closed his eyes and forced himself to calm down. When Dai opened his eyes again, there was only a deep blue in his eyes. He quickly called Police Officer Sun, told him about the incident, and asked him to dispatch a search and rescue team as soon as possible.

Officer Sun was shocked when he heard the situation, and immediately contacted the search and rescue team without asking any further questions. But even so, it would take an hour or two at the earliest when they arrived at the accident site.

And Anbu's survival time is only 100 minutes.

"Mr. Jane, I will definitely... 'alive'... Wait for you to find me..."

With Anbu's last message echoing in his ears, Jian Ningxuan held the steering wheel tightly, with only one thought in his mind: You must wait for me!

On the way, Jian Ningxuan bought two shovels by the way. He knew that the search and rescue team could not arrive within 100 minutes. Before that, he had to rely on himself.

However, it's not that he can't find any foreign aid. Everyone around the accident site will receive his help message on their mobile phones. With a salary of 2000 per hour, I believe many people are willing to help. This is Jian Ningxuan's quotation after careful consideration. If a higher price is quoted, I am afraid that most people will doubt the authenticity of the matter.

After speeding for more than 30 minutes, Jian Ningxuan finally arrived at the area where the signal was sent.

Standing on the side of the road, looking at this piece of wasteland with stacked hills, with no end in sight in the night, Jian Ningxuan's heart fell into the ice cave in an instant.

In just forty minutes, how would he find his way in thousands of hectares of wasteland...

Underground less than two kilometers away from Jian Ningxuan, Anbu lay in the coffin, moving his hands and feet from time to time, pushing, smashing, kicking, kicking, bumping, bumping... tossing the coffin in various ways, also to prevent muscle stiffness.

It can be tolerated for an hour or two, but if she stays for a day or two, or even longer, not only will her body become stiff, but her brain will also become more and more dull. This is also the reason why she insists on collecting vitality points all the time, she doesn't want to become an unconscious walking dead.

"These Measures are formulated in accordance with the "Law of the People's Republic of China on the Protection of Cultural Relics"... The ancient human fossils and ancient vertebrate fossils buried in the ground are not allowed to be excavated by any unit or individual..." An Bu just finished reciting the mathematical formula and began to recite the Cultural Relics Protection Law. When I recited the regulations on human fossils, I suddenly thought of a question. If I was buried for hundreds of thousands of years, would I be treated as a human fossil and the state would send a professional archaeological team to dig it

The legendary incorruptible female corpse is about her. She can apply for the nth wonder of the world. She lies in an exquisite glass coffin every day, surrounded by all kinds of onlookers, all kinds of research, and there will be cultural relic robbers from all over the world. Steal her unique beautiful corpse.

Think about it, this setting is quite Mary Sue.

An Bu was masturbating contentedly, but the movements of his hands and feet did not stop, and he was still tossing vigorously.

The quality of this coffin is very average. After dozens of minutes of torture by Anbu, the lid of the coffin was cracked, shaking off a piece of dust.

Anbu wondered why the two men had to prepare a coffin, and just bury them in the pit, wouldn't that be the end of the matter? But this question was quickly answered. She smelled the unique smell of the underworld in the coffin. Although it was very faint, it was absolutely unmistakable. Presumably this coffin was used by them to hide treasure before. No need now, just use it to bury the corpse.

While wandering around the world and thinking about it, a familiar breath suddenly penetrated from the ground.

That was the warm anger emanating from her cat master!

"Mr. Jian!" An Bu kicked and smashed the lid of the coffin and shouted loudly.

Only four or five meters away, Jian Ningxuan couldn't hear anything.

With dozens of hired helpers, he searched and excavated within a radius of one thousand meters, completely unaware that Anbu was right under his feet.

As time passed, Jian Ningxuan's heart became colder and colder.

There are only the last ten minutes left. If it is someone with a weaker physique, it may be hopeless.


Facing the bleak darkness, Jian Ningxuan called silently. At this time, he was in anxiety and fear, but he didn't notice the familiar coolness.

"Jian Ningxuan!" An Bu kept shouting, her voice was hoarse, but the man above never heard it, and even walked past her head, gradually drifting away.

"Ahhh... so angry!!!" Anbu beat his chest and stamped his feet, "Mr. Jian, I only give you 15 minutes. If you haven't found me in 15 minutes, you can hug the corpse and cry. I promise not to cheat the corpse, absolutely Play dead to the end!"

However, Mr. Jian ruthlessly walked away.

An Bu: I feel like I can't love anymore...

In the last five minutes, the look in Jian Ningxuan's eyes gradually dimmed, and his heart was full of despair, but he still refused to give up and searched and dug around. His clean and beautiful fingers were worn out with bloodstains.

At this moment, a dog barked faintly in his ear.

Jian Ningxuan looked up, and saw two black shadows running towards this side quickly. When he was 20 or 30 meters away, he finally saw their appearance clearly. Military dog sword.

"It turned out to be you." Soldier 1 said, "Just now I was carrying a big sword around, and suddenly received a message asking for help. What happened?"

Jian Ningxuan rushed over, grabbed his shoulder, and said excitedly: "Please, help me find Anbu! She was buried alive in the ground, and it has been 90 minutes. Your big sword will definitely be able to find her!"

He still clearly remembered that these military dogs always liked to track Anbu, and they could track him every time.

When Soldier 1 heard this, his expression became serious, and without delay, he immediately issued an order to the big sword.

Dajian had already smelled the smell of the corpse, and when Soldier 1 let go of the rope, he immediately rushed towards Anbu's location like an arrow from the string, sniffed around, and then began to scrape the dirt with his two front paws desperately.

Jian Ningxuan took a closer look, and it turned out to be the place where he just stopped!

Regardless of self-blame, Jian Ningxuan picked up the shovel and began to shovel the soil frantically. Others also gathered around to help.

But after a while, a black lacquered coffin lid appeared in front of everyone, causing a lot of exclamations. Buried for nearly 100 minutes, are the people inside still alive

Jian Ningxuan jumped down from the pit and pushed the coffin lid open a crack.

"Anbu!" The coffin was pitch black, and nothing could be seen. Just as Jian Ningxuan was about to get his phone, he suddenly saw a bloody hand with scars slowly sticking out from the coffin.

Seeing this scene, everyone around them took a step back in fright, but Jian Ningxuan was ecstatic, grabbed the hand, and gently pressed it to his forehead. The familiar touch almost made him cry.

Alive, his walk, still alive...

He knelt down in the pit, holding An Bu's hand tightly.

Everyone hurriedly cleaned up the surrounding soil, lifted the coffin lid and threw it aside, only then did they have time to look at the people inside the coffin.

At this moment, Anbu had messy hair, pale face, bloodstained body, bruises on his fingers, and traces of scratching and bumping on the coffin board.

Being buried alive in the ground for 100 minutes, this kind of despair and fear is not something ordinary people can bear.

It was a miracle that this delicate girl survived with such strength.

Anbu smiled at Jian Ningxuan: "As I said, Mr. Jian, I will live until you find me."

The hoarse voice, like a murmur before going to bed, gently brushed away the fear in Jian Ningxuan's heart, making him feel like he was born again.

All the people around cheered and picked up their mobile phones to take pictures of this scene as witnesses of the miracle.