My Corpse is Bohemian

Chapter 66: forgotten memory


It was past six o'clock when An Bu returned to the hotel. The bodyguard obediently did not come to disturb her, but just sent her a text message asking if she needed to order food.

An Bu took off her make-up and changed her attire again, and then asked the bodyguard to deliver a set meal for her.

After dinner, while surfing the Internet, Anbu sent a text message to Jian Ningxuan: [Have you eaten yet?]

[(Cat owner) Hmm.]

[I don't believe it, take a picture and show me.]

Two minutes later, An Bu received a photo of a neatly placed fast food box.

[I'm not here, so you just eat takeaway? What about your cleanliness?]

[(Cat owner) The assistant bought it.]

Anbu knew that when Jian Ningxuan didn't go out before, his assistant would order meals for him, and there was a fixed place, so he didn't have to worry about hygiene.

[Just remember to eat on time. If I go home and find that you have lost weight and feel bad, I won’t smooth your hair.]

[(Cat owner) I am already overweight now.]

[That's not fat, it's muscle!]

[(Cat owner) Do you like it very much?]

[Of course, it's fit and sexy, and you won't get tired of it!]

After sending this sentence, there was no response for a long time. Anbu was sure that he must be secretly shining.

After making the cat owner happy, Anbu began to reveal his real intention: [Mr. Jian, my friend will be buried tomorrow, I want to stay here for two more days.]

[(Cat Master)...]

[I want to give him a good ride without leaving any regrets.]

[(Cat owner) Let the bodyguard follow you, don't take risks, protect yourself.]

Seeing that he agreed, An Bu immediately replied briskly: [Of order, sir!]

The next day, Anbu took his bodyguards to attend Fu Haiwei's funeral, but as "Anbu", he signed in and left when there were many people. On the day of the funeral, An Bu followed the convoy to the outside of the cemetery, but didn't go in, but just watched from afar.

This cemetery is also the joint property of the seven founders. They had agreed to reunite after death. Now that the six have died, she is the only one who may miss the appointment. Although her memory is blurred, she still retains Xinqi's shares and has not erased the identity of "Gu'an", which shows that they are very important friends to her.

For their departure, Anbu didn't feel too sad, and could only do one more thing for them to protect their descendants.

"Brother Wang, take me back to the hotel." Anbu said to the bodyguard, "I just want to be alone today, so don't worry about me. If I'm hungry, I'll order by myself."

The bodyguard nodded, opened the car door for her, and drove her back to the hotel.

The whole afternoon, Anbu didn't leave the hotel, but she didn't stay in the original room either. Instead, she opened a room at 617 next door as "Gu'an".

At night, there was a knock on the door of 617, and Fu Junyao appeared at the door.

"Aunt Gu'an, good evening."

"Come in." Anbu let him into the room and greeted him, "Sit whatever you want, don't be restrained."

Fu Junyao took a quick look around the room, then sat down on the sofa and watched An Bu pour tea for him.

"Has your father's funeral been taken care of?" Anbu asked as he gently put the hot tea on the coffee table.

"Well, it's all taken care of." Fu Junyao looked at her nonchalantly, with curiosity and scrutiny in his heart. Her father and several uncles trusted her, and he wanted to know what was so special about this person.

Different from Leng Yan when we first met, An Bu at this moment is wearing a rather loose casual outfit, with her hair tied behind her back, a few strands hanging down casually, with a bit of charm in her maturity, she looks like a cat Persian cat. It was really hard for Fu Junyao to believe that Aunt Gu'an in front of her was already in her forties, and she was better maintained than a celebrity.

"Tell me what happened that day in detail." An Bu took a sip of tea, without beating around the bush, and got straight to the point.

Fu Junyao took out a document from his bag and handed it to her: "Aunt Gu'an, take a look at this first."

Anbu put down his teacup, picked up the document, and read it carefully. It turned out that Fu Hague suspected that there was something wrong with the car accident that led to Tian Bin's death. After repeated investigations, Tian Bin's wife was finally identified. But before he could prove it, Tian Bin's wife also died in a serial car accident shortly afterwards. . The car accident was purely accidental, there was nothing suspicious, and the matter was left alone.

Two years later, Luo Tiancai committed suicide by jumping off a building due to depression. Fu Hague asked a doctor to understand his condition, and it was confirmed that his mental state was indeed abnormal, and it was getting worse day by day without relief, but Fu Hague always had a bad feeling in his heart. I sent people to investigate for a long time, but found nothing. Until half a year ago, he seemed to have found some clues and made some arrangements secretly, but he didn't disclose too much to his family, probably because he thought he could solve it, but half a year later, he suddenly died at home.

The document in Anbu's hand records the investigation results of Fu Hague in the past few years. Although there are suspects, there is no definite evidence. Fu Hague is very smart, and he never let these people enter the top management of Xinqi. It's just that with his death, there will inevitably be shocks in Xinqi, and no one can suppress the ambitions of the Fu, Luo, and Tian families.

"What do you want me to do?" Anbu closed the document and looked up at Fu Junyao.

"Find out the real cause of father's death, and prevent those people from getting involved with Xinqi." Fu Junyao said coldly.

An Bu was silent for a moment, and said, "I can try to help you investigate the cause of their death, but you must solve the problem of Xinqi by yourself."

"Why? You are the founder of Xinqi. If you come forward, absolutely no one will object."

"I haven't meddled in Xinqi's affairs for many years." An Bu smiled, "But you are different. You studied business management from your father when you were a teenager, and you are more familiar with company operations than me. You are Xinqi. future successor."

"But I'm too young now, and I can't convince the public at all." Fu Junyao has confidence in his ability, and the only thing he lacks is prestige. Gu'an, on the other hand, has both, and is currently the most suitable managerial candidate.

"How will you know if you don't try?" An Bu has known about Fu Junyao's situation for a long time. He is smart and talented.

Fu Junyao froze for a moment, try? Such a big company, can you just try it

An Bu seemed to see through his mind, and encouraged him: "Go ahead and do it. I have nothing else but a lot of money. I will pay you as much as you lose."

Fu Junyao: "..." Is this the last trump card that his father and several uncles admired so much

The two talked for more than two hours. Fu Junyao did not get Gu'an's clear support, and left the hotel with a heavy heart.

All the way back to the villa, the family members had already fallen asleep, and Fu Junyao was about to go back to his room to rest, when he suddenly caught a glimpse of the housekeeper passing by in the corridor, with a thought, he called, "Uncle Long."

Uncle Long turned around, saw Fu Junyao, and asked, "Master, it's so late and you haven't rested yet?"

"Uncle Long, how long have you been with Dad?"

Uncle Long recalled it for a while, and said with a nostalgic face: "It's been about ten years. At that time, Xinqi had just started, and I was just a security guard hired by the company."

Fu Junyao's eyes lit up, and he greeted: "Uncle Long, I have some questions to ask you, let's talk in the room."

When the two entered the room, Fu Junyao couldn't wait to ask: "Uncle Long, do you know Aunt Gu'an?"

"Miss Gu'an..." Uncle Long said with a smile while making tea, "She is a very good person."

"Dad and several uncles said so, but is she really worthy of their trust?"

Uncle Long smiled and said, "If she saved the lives of your father and several uncles, do you think she is worthy of trust?"

"What?" Fu Junyao was taken aback.

Uncle Long poured a cup of tea for the two of them respectively, and said slowly: "You should know that all the funds for the establishment of Xinqi back then were provided by Ms. Gu'an."

Fu Junyao nodded.

"At that time, they were not well-known and their technology was immature. No one person or company was willing to invest in them. Only Ms. Gu'an supported them without hesitation."

"That shows that Aunt Gu'an has great vision and courage."

Uncle Long smiled: "You say that because you have seen the current success with your own eyes. But in the first five years of Xinqi's establishment, the company has been in a state of making ends meet. Miss Gu'an spent all her savings and did not get any return , but even so, she still did not give up. Because of her persistence, your father and several uncles were able to persevere under pressure."

A hint of surprise flashed in Fu Junyao's eyes.

"However, this is not the most admirable part of Ms. Gu'an." Uncle Long continued, "The other three founders of Xinqi, Mr. Yang Cheng, Yang Yong, and Ms. Yangliu, all come from polluted villages. Cancer, the lifespan is not long. In the last few years, they suffered from illnesses. It was Ms. Gu'an who sought medical treatment for them at all costs, recuperated their bodies, relieved their pains, prolonged their lifespan, and let them spend the rest of their lives peacefully. time."

Fu Junyao frowned and said, "When Uncle Yang and Aunt Yang died of illness, didn't Aunt Gu'an leave the company long ago?"

Uncle Long shook his head: "Miss Gu'an left when the company was on the right track and no longer had to worry about funds."

How can such a person not be trusted when he never leaves when he is poor, and quietly retires when he is prosperous

Fu Junyao finally understood why his father and his uncles valued Gu An so much.

At this time, Uncle Long went on to say: "Yang Cheng, Mr. Yang Yong and Miss Yangliu have no descendants. After they died of illness, they donated all the shares in their hands to Miss Gu'an."

"What?" Fu Junyao didn't dare to say anything, "So, Aunt Gu'an is now Xinqi's largest shareholder? No, plus the 2% transferred by her father, she obviously only has 12% of the shares."

Uncle Long laughed a few times: "Of course it's only 12%, because she used all the shares donated to her by the three founders of the Yang family as the company's original shares to help the company attract talents. The shares held by Xinqi's existing shareholders , Most of them were transferred by Miss Gu'an."

Fu Junyao was shocked, and couldn't believe that someone could give up such a huge wealth.

Uncle Long affirmed: "Anyone in this world may covet Xinqi, except Miss Gu'an."

That's right, as long as she was willing, Xinqi was hers back then.

Fu Junyao's face unconsciously appeared in Fu Junyao's mind, and there was a strange touch in his heart.

After a while, Fu Junyao said again: "Uncle Long, I went to see Aunt Gu'an today."

"Oh? Why are you looking for her?"

"I suspect that there is something wrong with Uncle Tian, Uncle Luo and my father's death." Fu Junyao took out the document that An Bu had seen before.

Uncle Long didn't look through it, because he already knew what was recorded in it.

"You are right. There is indeed a problem with the cause of death of Mr. Tian and Mr. Luo." Uncle Long confirmed his guess.

"So I want to ask Aunt Gu'an to help me investigate the cause of their death and avenge them!"

Uncle Long sighed and looked at him helplessly: "Why didn't you discuss it with me beforehand?"

Fu Junyao hurriedly said: "Sorry, it's not that I don't trust Uncle Long, it's just that Aunt Gu'an rarely shows up, so I want to get in touch with her as soon as possible."

Uncle Long waved his hand: "What I want to talk about is not this, but the cause of their death. Your father has already found out, and your aunt Gu'an has already avenged them."

"What?" Already avenged

Uncle Long pointed to the documents on the table: "The investigation on the cause of death actually ended a year after Mr. Luo committed suicide. The investigation afterward is basically about the company's internal commercial espionage and competitors. Your father just passed the key content They were all destroyed, because I didn't want Miss Gu'an to be suspected."

"What's the meaning?"

"Your father found out the murderers who killed Mr. Tian and Mr. Luo. Unfortunately, there is no evidence and they cannot be sanctioned through legal means, so he is going to set up a scheme to make them bankrupt. Unexpectedly, soon after, the two murderers suddenly showed symptoms of insanity. He was sent to a mental hospital one after another, and his fate was bleak. Although he didn't say it clearly, your father once revealed that it was Miss Gu'an who did it."

Fu Junyao was really stunned.

On the other side, after Anbu sent Fu Junyao away, he returned to his original room, took out his handheld computer, and plugged in a memory chip. This small chip carried her memories of more than ten years.

Opening the file, Anbu looked through the details of her establishment of Xinqi and starting a business together with Fu Haiya and others.

Half an hour later, she breathed a sigh of relief. It turned out that they were indeed killed by someone, and she had already avenged them, but it was too long ago, and she couldn't remember it at all...