My Corpse is Bohemian

Chapter 85: Mrs. J


Jian Ningxuan chose a seat farthest from Molly and sat down, with Anbu in the middle. An Bu handed two bowls of rice to the elder and the younger respectively.

Molly found that everyone used different bowls. Hers was Xiaoyu, Sister Bear’s was Huahua, and Uncle Jane’s was Cat.

After cooking for a while, Molly peeped several times at Jian Ningxuan who was eating fish, and finally summoned up the courage to whisper, "Uncle Jian."

Jian Ningxuan raised her eyes, indicating that she had something to do.

"I want to eat lobster, can you peel one for me?" Molly asked cautiously.

Jian Ningxuan didn't say anything, put on sanitary gloves, and peeled seven lobsters, three for Molly, one for Anbu, and the remaining three for himself.

"Why is there only one sister bear?" Molly asked curiously.

"She doesn't like to eat lobster, but only likes to eat vegetables and fruits." Jian Ningxuan gave her a stern look. Why did she call Anbu "sister" but "uncle"? Do you know that you are inferior

Molly didn't understand what he meant at all, and there was a "so that's it" expression on her face.

Anbu: Back then, she also liked to eat lobsters...

"I haven't eaten lobster for a long time." Molly looked nostalgicly at the lobster meat in the bowl. "My parents used to take me out to eat."

An Bu asked: "When they come back, you can let them take you there."

"They haven't contacted me for almost a month, and I don't know when they will come back." Molly ate a lobster with a lonely expression.

"One month?" Anbu asked in surprise, "How long have they been abroad? Where have they been?"

"It's been more than half a year. I was in Daguizhou a month ago, and I was in Houtouzhou three months ago."

Anbu guessed that the "Daguizhou" and "Houtouzhou" in her mouth refer to "Daxi Silicon Continent" and "Huotu Continent" respectively. These two places are mostly virgin forests or hilly swamps, which are not suitable for travel.

"Molly, what do your parents do?"

Molly thought for a while, then replied hesitantly: "Father is a genetic chicken essence, and mother is a plant superhero."

An Bu: Genetics and botanists, right

I didn't expect Molly's parents to be scientists, but they can't be so indifferent to their children. No matter how busy they are, it's too much not to contact each other for a month. Is there any accident

An Bu then asked, "Has that aunt Sun always taken care of your daily life?"

"No." Molly shook her head, "She came to my house last year and was very kind to me at first, but then her parents went abroad, and she didn't like me anymore. Maybe I'm too stupid and always make her angry. "

An Bu clenched his fist: "Who said you were stupid? I'll teach her a lesson for you."

Molly smiled shyly.

Jian Ningxuan has been quietly listening to their conversation, and found that An Bu seems not familiar with this little girl, why did she inquire about her family

After eating, Anbu washed the full face of Molly, placed her on the sofa in the living room, and asked her to watch animation with juice.

Afterwards, Anbu took out his mobile phone and called Molly's house. The phone rang seven or eight times, and finally someone answered.

"Hello, is it Aunt Sun..."

Before Anbu could say a word, he was interrupted by an impatient voice: "What are you calling at night? It's so noisy, why don't you let me sleep?!"

An Bu: "..." Why the hell are you still sleeping? Didn't realize that Molly was missing!

"Hello, my name is 'An Bu', and I'm Molly's friend. She will stay at my house for two days this weekend. I hope you..."

"Molly... By the way, why hasn't that girl come back yet? Visiting your house? Who are you? Who allowed you to do this?" Aunt Sun spoke with a bit of a tongue, and her tone was very grumpy.

An Bu lowered his face: "Have you been drinking?"

"What does it matter to you if I drink? I warn you, send Molly back quickly, or don't blame me for calling the police."

"Then report it." An Bu hung up the phone neatly.

As a full-time nanny who took care of children, he was so drunk, how did this kind of person pass the resume review

Molly looked at An Bu timidly: "Does she want you to send me back?"

"It's okay, just stay here with peace of mind." Anbu paused, and asked, "Does that Aunt Sun drink a lot?"

Molly nodded.

"Did she hit you when she was drunk?"

Molly shook her head again, and said in a low voice, "She didn't hit me, she just locked me in the room and didn't allow me to eat, and she wouldn't let me out until I went to school the next day."

Anbu and Jian Ningxuan looked at each other, and decided not to let the nanny get close to Molly.

Jian Ningxuan suddenly asked, "What's her full name?"

Molly took out the homework book from her schoolbag, which had the nanny's signature on it: Sun Caizhen.

"Okay, let's not talk about her." Anbu took Molly's hand, "Go, go take a shower. You still have homework to do, right? After taking a shower, I will accompany you to do your homework."

"Okay." Molly nodded cheerfully. As long as someone is with her, she is not afraid to do homework.

Jian Ningxuan called the bodyguard and asked him to buy a set of children's toiletries and two sets of children's clothes. Then turn on the computer and search for Sun Caizhen's information. Nanny is usually hired from a housekeeping company. As Molly's parents, she probably wouldn't just look for someone online.

But after a while, Jian Ningxuan found Sun Caizhen's basic information. Her external resume is very clean, she has rich experience, and has a good reputation. On the surface, it seems that Wei Guang is upright, but after Jian Ningxuan's in-depth investigation, she found that she had been complained many times for drinking, stealing, irresponsible and other bad behaviors, but these information was concealed by the housekeeping company.

Jian Ningxuan then investigated Molly's parents. Unfortunately, they have been abroad for more than half a year, and they have no fixed contact information, so it is difficult to track their location. The other relatives of Molly's family were either abroad or in the countryside, and they couldn't come here in a short time, and Jian Ningxuan didn't know how their relationship was.

Although he has a way to solve this nanny, but after solving her, who will take care of Molly

At night, after Molly fell asleep, Jian Ningxuan and An Bu talked about this issue.

Anbu replied, "I don't know how to raise children, and neither can you."

One of them has a high temperature and high temperature, and the other is very cloudy, neither of them is suitable for raising children. Stay with Molly for two days at most, and send her away after she dies.

"I can't contact her parents for the time being, how do you plan to arrange her?"

"Give it to the school teacher or hire her a new nanny?" Anbu asked Jian Ningxuan for advice, "What do you think?"

"Well, you figure it out, I'll be in charge." Knowing that Anbu didn't intend to take care of it herself, Jian Ningxuan relaxed. If there was such a small thing in the house, he might even have to be careful to breathe. Who knows if she would suffer from heat stroke because of her extra breath.

The next day, An Bu found that Molly's death energy had become stronger, and it was only more than 6 hours before she died.

Jian Ningxuan invited his team to dinner today, and specially called Anbu.

So the two took Molly and went out together to the hotel they had booked.

Jian Ningxuan's team members often travel on business, running around the world, collecting various consultations, and rarely get together. This time, they made a few big orders and made a small profit of hundreds of millions, so they made an appointment to celebrate.

It was also the first time for An Bu to meet Jian Ningxuan's friends. Before that, she always thought that he was too handsome to have any friends.

In the private room, everyone who was chatting saw Jian Ningxuan walk in, they all got up to greet him, and then saw Anbu and Molly behind him, all of them showed shocked expressions.

Fuck, the legendary ten thousand year bachelor not only has a girlfriend, but even a child? !

The eight single dogs looked at their boss in grief: They agreed to form a group together!

"My girlfriend, Anbu." Jian Ningxuan introduced in a flat tone, but the expression on his face filled with love is simply unbearable to look at.

"Hello ma'am, my name is Charm."

"Hello madam, my name is 'Windmill'."

"I am 'Mouse', please give me your advice."

Anbu: "..." What kind of weird nicknames are these? It's completely different from the cold cat master, okay

After they finished introducing them one by one, Anbu asked Jian Ningxuan, "Do you have a nickname?"

Jian Ningxuan: Cat master.

"Of course." Charming raised her hand, "The boss's nickname is 'Boss', 'Boss', 'Mr.J'."

An Bu laughed and said, "Should I also have a nickname?"

Jian Ningxuan nodded, and said seriously: "You can call Mrs.J."

Everyone: "..." The boss's waves are really natural, without any affectation.

"Let's serve." Jian Ningxuan turned to tell the waiter, and the others also took their seats one by one, stopped making noise, and chatted about the latest news.

Anbu helped Molly clean the dishes while listening to their chat. These people are all elites in the industry, quick-witted and well-informed. I really don't know how Jian Ningxuan brought them under his command.

Obviously, these people also have the same doubts.

Fengche asked: "Mrs.J, how did the boss pursue you?"

An Bu replied with two words: "Rely on face."

Jian Ningxuan: "..."

"No way?" Mouse recommended himself, "Mrs.J, look at me, I'm not worse than the boss, do you want to consider me?"

Jian Ningxuan gave him a veiled look of contempt.

Anbu laughed and said, "You're too dark."

too dark! He's the whitest of all, isn't he! Other reasons are acceptable, but he does not recognize this!

The mouse said unconvinced: "I am obviously more white than the boss! Although you are the boss's girlfriend, you can't ignore the facts!"

An Bu: "In my eyes, he will shine, but you won't."

Jian Ningxuan sparkling: (=ω=)☆

Mouse: If you are single, don’t do it right with the love brain, you can’t win...

The food was served, everyone ate and chatted, and the atmosphere was very lively.

At this moment, An Bu's cell phone rang suddenly, and it displayed an unfamiliar number.

She said "sorry" to everyone, got up and went to the side to answer the phone.


"Hello, is this Ms. An Bu?" A strange baritone voice came from the phone.

"Yes, who are you?"

"I am a policeman from the Chengnan Police Station. Someone reported the case just now, saying that you took an 8-year-old girl away privately. To avoid misunderstanding, I hope you can go to the police station to explain the situation."

Anbu subconsciously looked at Molly, and saw that her whole body was shrouded in death, and the fragile fire of life was like a candle in the wind, which might be extinguished at any time.

There was only one hour left before her death.

It's strange, she has kept Molly away from the nanny, why is the dead air in her body still getting worse? Could it be that her death had nothing to do with the nanny