My Corpse is Bohemian

Chapter 88: Creatures Forgotten by Time (1)


Several disappearances occurred in succession this month, and all the nearby fishermen were panicked. In fact, the news reports were not entirely accurate. Only the crew and passengers were missing. Most of the ships had been found, but the people on board disappeared without a trace.

The Maritime Search and Rescue Center dispatched five ships and three helicopters to conduct a blanket search at sea. A total of 31 missing persons were found. So far, only three mutilated bodies and several empty boats have been found. No signs of fighting were found on board. There are no traces of objects at sea, and the search progress is very slow.

An Bu was sitting on a fishing boat bound for Xinhai, accompanied by four volunteers who volunteered to participate in the search and rescue. They had participated in similar search and rescue operations many times in previous years.

When An Bu came to the harbor, he chose this ship at first glance, because the people who boarded the ship were all filled with a strong death breath, and they were only 6 hours away from death. If you want to find out the truth of the disappearance as soon as possible, it is undoubtedly the best choice to follow them to find death.

An Bu leaned against the railing, scanning the sea while listening to other people talking about the search and rescue situation in the past few days and the cause of the accident.

"I have been at sea for nearly 30 years, and this kind of thing has never happened." An old sailor said, "The ship is as important as life to the crew. Even if there is a storm, they will live and die with the ship." , there is no reason at sea for a crew to abandon their ship."

"I'm afraid they didn't do it voluntarily, but encountered an irresistible force." A volunteer said so.

"The rumors circulating among our crew members are that we offended the sea god or encountered a sea monster."

"Haha, how many people still believe in this legend?"

Looking at the sea in the distance, the old crew sighed: "People, you have to believe in something, otherwise you will easily lose your heart."

While everyone was talking, a double-hull yacht suddenly sailed in the distance. There were five or six men and women in swimsuits sitting or standing on the deck. They should come out to play, but they chose this sea area at this time. no intention.

When the yacht approached, the old crew reminded with a wireless device: "Several disappearances have occurred in this sea area, and it is not suitable for sightseeing at the moment. You turn around and go west for dozens of miles. That sea area is safer."

A young man with dyed hair in his twenties on the deck smiled and said, "Hahaha, I came here on purpose because it's more exciting."

The old crew member and several others frowned at the same time, resisting their displeasure and kindly persuaded: "Young man, this sea area is really not safe. Don't make fun of your own lives. Why don't you change places?"

The young man with dyed hair looked disapproving: "Aren't you guys hanging out here too? If it's really dangerous, let's all be unlucky together."

The old crew member was speechless, he had said everything he needed to say, and there was nothing he could do if the other party refused to listen to his persuasion.

An Bu's eyes swept over them one by one. Unfortunately, all eight people in the boat were on the death list.

"Shout!" The young man with dyed hair yelled excitedly, and the yacht flew past the fishing boat where An Bu was on like an arrow, splashing a lot of water. But in a moment, it exceeded hundreds of meters.

Seeing their disappearing figures, Anbu thought of a word: rush to reincarnation.

The people on this boat still have 3 hours to live, while the people on that boat only have 1.5 hours left.

Anbu didn't know what danger was ahead, and he couldn't take any action for the time being, but the place where the accident happened was undoubtedly on this route.

The boat keeps moving at a constant speed and regularly exchanges information with other nearby search and rescue boats.

An hour later, Anbu and the others encountered the twin-hulled yacht again, which was now parked about one nautical mile away from them.

"Hey, why is that sea area so dark?" A crew member looked at the sky, "The weather is clearly clear."

"It's really strange, as if ink has been spilled."

"Come closer, throw an electronic flying fish down to detect it." (electronic flying fish: an underwater camera device)

Anbu's pupils contracted slightly, and what she saw was completely different from others. The sea area was covered with a lot of dead energy, like black flames, hunting and burning on the sea. The twin-hull yacht flickered in the sea of flames, as if it would be burned to ashes at any moment.

This dead air is not the air of the dead, but an omen of death, that is to say, there is a strange creature that is about to die under that sea area. It was the first time An Bu encountered such a substantial omen of death. This creature should have lived for a long time, otherwise it would be impossible to trigger this vision.

"Captain, I don't think you should approach rashly for the time being, and contact the people on that yacht first?" An Bu suggested to the captain.

The captain had no objection to this, picked up the communication device, and called the yacht. As a result, I called several times in a row, but there was only noise and no response. He frowned, and called other nearby ships, all of which received the signal.

"What's going on? Is there something over there that is interfering with the signal?" The captain stared at the observation screen, zoomed in on the picture, and found that there were people walking around on the yacht from time to time, and there seemed to be nothing unusual.

"Could it be that their communication equipment is damaged?" the deputy asked.

"It's unlikely. If the communication equipment is damaged, the intelligent system on board will definitely report an error in time."

Anbu looked at the yacht and said, "Captain, give me a speedboat, I'll go over and see the situation."

The captain waved his hand and said, "I'll just send a crew member over there."

"Bring me one." There were only 20 or 30 minutes left before the group of people died, and Anbu wanted to try to save them. If it can be successful, it will not be difficult to save other people.

This time the captain didn't object, he asked someone to get off a speedboat, and then sent a crew member to drive towards the yacht with An Bu.

The people on the yacht were having a good time, and when they saw the speedboat coming this way, they laughed and said, "Everyone, come and see the clownfish."

The red and white boat that Anbu was riding in really looked a bit like a clownfish.

She ignored the teasing of these people, and shouted loudly: "It's not safe here, leave quickly."

"Why are you here again?" The young man with dyed hair came over and said impatiently, "I decide whether it's safe or not, and you don't have to worry about it."

"Check your communication equipment, are you unable to receive messages?" An Bu stared at them intently, about 10 minutes before death.

The young man with dyed hair frowned suspiciously, looked back at the empty cockpit, and then ordered the people around him to check it out.

7 minutes...

"Young Master Yan," the person who went to check the equipment just now ran back and said nervously, "It's true that I can't communicate with the outside world, the signal seems to be interfered."

"Are you sure it's not a device failure?"

"Probably not, this set of equipment was updated not long ago."

5 minutes…

"Get out of here first." Anbu urged, "We have a repairman on board, you can ask him to come over for repairs then."

"What's the reminder?" The young man with dyed hair gave An Bu an unhappy look, "You have a repairman, don't we?"

3 minutes…

A faint layer of dead air slowly emerged in Anbu's eyes, and a fine ripple suddenly appeared on the originally calm sea, like a regular vibration frequency, expanding outward circle by circle. No sound could be heard in the ears, but the people on the boat seemed to be summoned by some kind of call, their eyes were distracted, and with smiles on their faces, they jumped into the sea one by one, letting the sea drown themselves, without calling for help or struggling , just sank to the bottom of the sea.

After a while, the ripples on the sea gradually disappeared, and everything returned to calm, as if nothing had happened, except that there was no living person on the boat...

An Bu's pupils regained focus, and slowly detached from the image. She turned her head to look towards the sea, and she found some fine ripples.

"Cover your ears!" She loudly reminded the crew around her.

The crew members looked puzzled and did not follow suit.

Without further ado, Anbu slashed his neck with a backhand knife, and sent him to see Duke Zhou.

When the dyed-haired youth and others on the other ship saw this scene, they were all stunned. Why did they knock people out when they didn't agree with each other

At this time, the ripples on the sea became more and more dense, and Anbu was too late to save the people on the yacht. I can only watch them being affected by the sound waves and throwing themselves into the embrace of the sea with a smile on their faces.

Anbu grabbed the lifeline on the boat, jumped down with them, punched one he caught, then tied it around with a rope, hung it on the speedboat like a sausage, tossed back and forth for a long time, and finally killed all eight of them. hung up. It's just that everyone's face was swollen and looked particularly plump.

When the sea surface returned to calm, the death energy on these people gradually dissipated, and they successfully escaped a death calamity.

Anbu ignored them, dived into the sea again, and swam towards the source of death.

But after a while, a continuous and undulating continental slope appeared in front of her, with a slope of about 30 degrees, and the bottom was bottomless, and the dead air came from this.

Anbu was hesitant to go down to investigate. As a corpse, she was the food of many sea creatures. For example, the oil cone liked her very much. It was hard to guarantee that the creature below would not have an appetite for her.

An Bu has never seen this kind of creature before. It can emit special ultrasonic waves and affect people's mind, a bit like the legendary sea monster. If it wasn't for the fact that he was a living corpse and his five senses were different from ordinary people, he would definitely be affected.

Nothing like this happened to Xinhai before, which shows that this creature is usually very gentle. Could it be that he was attacking others because he was about to die

While he was thinking, two lights suddenly flashed in the depths of the dark seabed. The lights were separated by tens of meters. Anbu didn't see what it was at first, but later he discovered that they were a pair of eyes the size of light bulbs.

Anbu turned over and quickly swam towards the sea.

However, her movements were still a step slow, and just after swimming less than three meters, she was pulled into the bottom of the sea by a suction force from behind, and disappeared in an instant.

Anbu: Emma, play off...